simplespacecowboy · 1 year
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i’m old, i’m satisfied, and you were my purpose. THE LAST OF US, 1x03: LONG, LONG TIME.
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simplespacecowboy · 1 year
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simplespacecowboy · 1 year
I cant believe they turned "he was my partner" and a letter from Frank about how much he hates Bill into a 10k major character death oneshot fanfic
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simplespacecowboy · 1 year
I am floored I am flabbergasted I cannot believe it
In the game, Bill and Frank were almost nothing. Bill was a joke character, he shows up, he’s a doomsday prepper, he helps you fight zombies, gives you a truck battery, and you leave. Ellie steals some comics and a gay porno magazine from him, and he’s never seen again.
Frank WAS nothing. You never see him. You find his BODY, he got bit and hung himself, and he got bit trying to escape Bill because he hated him so much and the note says he’s happier dead than living another day with Bill 
And then the show. The show took that shallow, mean storyline, and made it beautiful. 
Now Bill and Frank are real characters. We know them. Really KNOW them. And they don’t hate each other. In fact they’re in love. They’re really IN LOVE. And yes they argue and disagree sometimes but they’re a real couple who really love each other while still being two people so sometimes they fight. That doesn’t change that they’re in love 
And they GET TO BE IN LOVE, the whole time, they’re doing things for each other. They’re living in their little gated paradise and it’s beautiful. They make it pretty. They grow food. They’re eating gourmet meals. They’re not just surviving. They’re thriving. They’re living
They took that mean spirited game story, and they made it the point, the heart, the example of what people are still fighting for. The proof that yes, even in the middle of the apocalypse, you can still live a good life. Not an easy life, you will still have bad days, you’ll have bad days with the ones you love, but you will still love them, and they will still love you. And then, with all these grizzly, horrific deaths we see two deaths that are peaceful. Painless. Two men who die old, satisfied, and in the arms of their purpose. 
Don’t you see? It’s about hope 
Bill and Frank are hope  
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simplespacecowboy · 1 year
Close to 900 words of the start to the Buckingham A League Of Their Own AU I talked about the other day; Chrissy’s POV
(I’m hoping to start posting some bits and pieces from this AU here under this tag #buckinghamaloto - there will be some Steddie and gen stuff, too, but I’ll just use that tag as a catchall)
There are two letters sitting on the table in front of Chrissy. One is from Jason, half of it blacked out, but there’s enough visible telling her he'll be home soon, and they can finally get married. It's creased, the paper soft from being opened up and folded again, over and over. It should have been the best letter she's ever received and, while she's happy that Jason is safe, all she thought when she read the letter is that when he comes back they'll get married and have children, and she'll probably never leave this town, and that's all she'll ever do. All she'll ever be.
The other letter is in her own hand, written to her parents, explaining how she's gone to Chicago to try out for the new women's professional baseball league, and she's sorry she didn't tell them, but she didn't think they'd understand.
Well, she hasn't gone yet. She just... Maybe this is a terrible idea. Maybe she'd be ruining her life if she goes. The scout seemed confident she has what it takes, but what if she doesn't make it? What if she's burning all her bridges?
And what if this is what she's been waiting for her whole life?
She twists the engagement ring on her finger, biting her lip, then slips it off, setting it down by her letter, but she still doesn't move. Her mom will be so mad. And that's the thing that makes her stand. She can't spend another minute here. She won't. She looks at the clock and her heart leaps.
The train leaves in fifteen minutes and it's a twenty minute walk to the station. She grabs the suitcase by her feet and heads for the door. She's going to do this. It's going to be okay.
At the last moment, she goes back for the ring and stuffs it in her pocket.
Chrissy's feet pound the dirt, the impact juddering up her shins into her knees as she runs faster and harder than she ever has. She nearly trips when the lace of one of her saddle shoes comes undone, and she curses the seconds it takes to do it back up. But she's up and on her feet as soon as it's tied, the suitcase clutched in one hand banging against her leg, her hat flapping, barely held on by the pin threaded through her hair, her heart pounding harder than her feet. She has to make it. She has to.
She gets to the station moments before the train is scheduled to leave, sweating and out of breath, her hat askew. Someone she knows calls out to her, but she ignores them, jumping up onto the train and handing over her ticket.
A few eyebrows are raised her way as she moves through the car to her seat, but she doesn't care. She's here. She made it.
Out the window, the scenery blurs past, dizzying; Chrissy's blood tingles as the train carries her away toward whatever awaits.
Baker Field is teeming with other women, all in baseball uniforms, talking in groups, throwing balls or practicing their swing. There's a nervous energy in the air, but it's tinged with excitement. Exactly how Chrissy feels.
She tugs on her uniform and wonders if she should have styled her hair differently. Maybe the poodle bangs are too much? She doesn't usually bother when she plays ball, but sometimes she feels better when she does herself up a bit. The hair, the makeup, it’s all another layer between her and the world.
She looks around. Some of the other women are dolled up, and plenty aren't. Maybe she fits in fine after all. And she's not the only one alone, at least. She wanders around, while she's waiting, smiling at the other women, getting some smiles back, and a few dark looks too.
She shrugs them off, feeling a little lost. And then a ball comes whizzing toward her and she catches it in her bare hand. “Wow.” She shakes her hand out, wincing at the sting at the same time she relishes it.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry," someone says, "I usually have better aim than that, honest," and then there's another woman standing in front of her. She's got mousy hair, worn straight, cropped short, and freckles all over her face. "I mean, I'm actually a catcher, but I pitch okay. I mean I have to. Usually." She twirls her hair around her finger. "Sorry. Again."
"That's okay," Chrissy says. She hands the ball over. "No harm done."
"No." The woman—she's wearing a green and orange uniform emblazoned with Hawkins Tigers—shifts her weight. "Um..."
"I'm Chrissy," Chrissy says, thrusting out her hand. "Cunningham."
"I— I'm Robin," the other woman says, taking Chrissy's hand and shaking it. "Buckley." She bites her lip. “I should, um…”
“Do you want to practice a bit before the tryouts start?” Chrissy asks.
“Oh, sure… If you want. I mean, I'm here alone, and I guess you are, too, so... Uh, yeah. If you want to.”
"I want to,” Chrissy says. She smiles and, when Robin smiles back, her pulse does this funny little skip. Their hands are still clasped, so Chrissy slowly withdraws hers, a strange warmth flowing through her. It's pretty warm out. That would explain it. Only...
"Are you ready?" Robin asks. "If you still want to..."
"Yeah," Chrissy says, "of course," and slips her hand into her mitt. “I’m ready.”
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simplespacecowboy · 1 year
i think being ciriced would singlehandedly eliminate my mental illness
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
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Call out in the middle of the night
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
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reblogged a post that reminded me that im collecting these
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
Etsy is somehow being even worse, do not click etsy ads
Etsy is now forcing shop owners to be part of their ads. We can not opt out.
To anyone who buys from etsy: DO NOT EVER CLICK THEIR ADS
They are rolling out a program where if you get a sale from an ad they put out, they’re taking 12-15% of the profit(probably on top of the like, 5%ish+ they already take). Even worse, if you have clicked an Etsy ad in the last 30 days ANYONE YOU BUY FROM ON ETSY IN THAT PERIOD WILL BE BILLED THAT FEE. 
So please, if you see an ad for something you like off etsy, do not click it. Just go on etsy and search for it.
This is somehow worse than what storenvy used to pull. 
Please go directly through an artist or see if they have their own storefront (I use bigcartel) instead of purchasing off etsy. And if you must, just please, please, never click an etsy ad.
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
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✨ Aether ✨
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
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🔥 sodo 🔥
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
Next chapter when Copia finally puts his martial art skills to good use:
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
Also I'm going to laugh so hard if Copia just. Retires. Like everyone fucking expected him to die or be murdered by the ghouls but what if on his 150th concert he's just like "I have been under tremendous stress lately and I love you all but for my mental health I am abdicating the papacy" and just fucking walks off stage and a newass Papa walks up to the mic like "what's up I'm Papa V" and the ghouls just shrug and roll with it
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
Swiss' little smile has me in tears
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simplespacecowboy · 2 years
Me trying to finish my last week of school like
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