simply-ra · 11 years
Posted all Door Dec and Bulletin Board ideas!
Programs will be up soon :)
I hope you guys like them and get some inspiration!
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simply-ra · 11 years
Bulletin Board ideas "Master List"
I found a bunch of my old ideas for Door Decs, Bulletin Boards, AND Programs. Unfortunately won't have time to complete the ideas that are listed here, but I hope that you all can find some inspiration from them! I'll add on to this as I think of more and inform you all when I do!
This post is designated for BULLETIN BOARDS! There are separate posts for Door Decs and Programs. I left out common ideas that you see pretty often.
NOTE: I'm not including things that I plan on completing this semester, as I will make separate posts for these when they're completed :)
Here you go! (It's super long)
Bulletin Board Ideas to date: -What rapists/theives look for in potential victims (there's infographics with crazy facts out there). -What kind of learner are you? (Flow chart. Have study tips based on each kind of learner type) -History of slang/swears (twerk, ratchet, swag…where did they even come from or originally mean?) -All about boobs (Maybe for an all-girl floor? Breast Cancer awareness month?) -Slacking (Habits that are ruining your life, prioritizing tips, becoming proactive). -Tools for tolerance (tolerance VS acceptance?) -Things that happen in 1 minute (1 hour, 1 day…whatever) -What a hangover really is (your body is screaming for help, tips for how to “cure” it) -Let’s talk about stress (Commonly done, but tips about how stress can F up your life and to not freak about small stuff) -“Bad valentines” (Yes, the ones all over Tumblr and Twitter) -Gifts of smoking (Thought of this title for the Holidays and to be sarcastic but it can obviously be changed) -Deck the Halls, not your roommate (Again, title created for the holidays. Tips on how to handle roommate issues) -Perks of being single -How to spot a liar (body language, phrases..there's a lot of infographics and info out there on this). -Where should you study? (List of places to study other than their room. Cater this to your specific building and campus) -Drinking your way to Freshmen 15 (obviously perfect for all-freshmen community. Fact about the calories/carbs./etc in alcohol) -How to keep a healthy relationship (maybe long distance tips too) -Bored Board (Things to do in your area/in room/on campus/etc when bored other than naps, drinking, and video games. OR have puzzles, optical illusions, etc on there to do when they're bored) -How to become a morning person (and why it’s important) -Get out of your bubble (how to grow as a person and try new things) -Choose your poison (Different drugs, how they affect the body, addiction level, etc) -How social media can HELP you get a job -Interactive: Bucketlist for the year/semester/general OR a reverse bucketlist so they can write things they've done/accomlished. -How to give/ask for consent -Real life things you need to know, but won’t learn in the classroom (wtf is a mortgage, how to budget, insurance stuff, balancing a check book, managing a credit card, etc). -Why you’re an STD risk -*Your town/area*’s hidden treasures (places to go that are cheap/free to eat, shop, or that are just cool. For example, my school’s town has a free dinosaur museum and I have had no idea…wtf) -History of the bra -*Your institutions* problems. (Like College Problems, only specified to your school. Let them add some?) -How to take better selfies -50 things to do before you’re done with your freshmen year/graduate (cater this to your community) -What are you wearing? (Condom types) -Interactive board: “What’s something you believed as a child?” -How to properly break up with someone -Date ideas for your area -Life Hacks (Cater some of them to your institution) -No but really, that’s called binge drinking (Chances are, if a college student is drinking socially, they’re binge drinking so give stats, facts, definitions, consequences, etc) -Things you didn’t know about video games (Tons of crazy facts out there) -Your brain on alcohol VS your brain on coffee -How to help people (So important, and yet, I feel like people don’t always know. Have situations and how to help each one, or just general stuff) -Mental Health awareness -How to be productive (To-do lists, to-don’t lists, create a routine, consistency, etc) -All about *pick a human body part* (Eyes, skin, feet, bones, blood, saliva, brain, all, etc) -Mosquitoes (Why they’re attracted to you, general facts, how to avoid them, how to deal with bites, etc) -Sexual assault-it’s not always rape (Real facts, ex: if either or both people have ANY amount of alcohol in their system sex is technically illegal and can also be reported, even if consented at that time. Sleeping with a consenting minor--parents can press charges and ruin your life. Ask your PD for info…pretty interesting and important to know) -Places in your area or online that give student discounts -Ways to say “no” (not other languages, but other phrases) -What to check regularly on your car (tires, oil, temperature gauge, exhaust pipe isn’t blocked, etc) -Microwave creations (use ingredients you can get from school’s salad bar or something) -Quiet workouts for your room -Personal branding/making a name for yourself -How to be extremely organized -ResHall etiquette (Probably a good first board…”unwritten rules” and general manners) -History of the hashtag (pretty cool infographics and stuff out there) -Random acts of kindness (do-able, affordable, easy ones and why they're important) -Tipsto get rid of a general headache -Finding yourself (Questions to help find out personal story, strengths, preferences, etc) -All about pizza (history, general, American VS elsewhere, etc) -Ways to avoid burnout -The real cost of skipping class -How to make people remember you -How to let things go -All about chocolate (kinds, Cacao VS Cocoa, etc)
Pretty long list, but my brain thinks of a ton of crazy ideas. I just feel like doing something different is important and adds to your community's personality :) Hope you can get some ideas from this!
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simply-ra · 11 years
Door Dec ideas "Master List"
I found a bunch of my old ideas for Door Decs, Bulletin Boards, AND Programs. Unfortunately won't have time to complete the ideas that are listed here, but I hope that you all can find some inspiration from them! I'll add on to this as I think of more and inform you all when I do!
This post is designated for DOOR DECS! I left out common ideas that you see pretty often. There are also separate posts for Bulletin Boards and Programs because as you'll see, it's long and some are really weird, I know.
NOTE: I'm not including things that I plan on completing this semester, as I will make separate posts for these when they're completed :)
Ready for this?
Door Dec ideas to date:
-Chalkboard paper speech bubble (can also replace with black foam board. Maybe use white paint/puffy paint or actually chalk) -Nautical Theme (Anchor, sailboat, captain’s wheel, compass, life saver, etc. Do on cute scrapbook paper) -Glow in the dark paint (make name as constellation on black paper, splattered, etc) -Cactuses with faces (Maybe accompany with a board- "Don't be a prick" and talk about why attitude is important or something) -Volcanoes -Conch shells (Magic conch? I’m a Spongebob nerd and I’m not sorry about it) -Those Do-Do birds from Ice Age that freak out about melons -Acorns with faces -The weird Rabbid Rabbits on TV (Nick I think? They're cute) -Etch a Sketch with name “etched” on the screen -Weiner dogs -Pistachios with faces (accompany with a bulletin board- “How do you do it?” or whatever that commercial says) - Rear view mirror & dice -Dream catcher (maybe even a real one if you feel crafty and have a giant budget) -Cupcakes (Or maybe have these pre-made and put them up on resident’s birthdays?) -Poptarts -Suit & Tie (For you fellas) -Tic Tacs case -Dandelion wish things -Tractors (different colors) -Spiderweb -Little ninjas -Colored doors from Monster’s Inc- let them decorate their own? -Fruit and veggies with faces -Comic Book “POW” type thing, only with their name -Giant push-pin/thumb tacks -3D bows, ties, etc -Watercolor popsicles -Eggs with chick feet -Swallows (yes the bird) -Bird in a cage -Lemurs -Name repeated to make a shape (created by this site http://www.tagxedo.com/) -Little farm animals (sheep, goats, horses, pigs, chickens, cows, llamas, etc) -telephone booths -Simpsons donut -Pizza slices -Unicorns (decorate their own to show personality) -“Where am I” slide-able board -Buttons -Jellyfish -Hot peppers -Peace sign (made by hands and fingers, maybe tie-dye or splattered) -Emojis -City skylines -Planets -Rocket from the Pizza Planet logo in Toy Story -Light sabers -Tissue paper DIY flowers -Feathers -Popcorn container things -Monograms -Arrows -Jerseys (room # as the #) -Guitars -Whales (name in water spurting out) -Monopoly game cards (Generator at this site http://monolpoly.game.cards.txt2png.com/) -Hermit crabs -Ugly Sweaters -Reindeer -Polar Bears
This doesn't even include everything that I've pinned for inspiration on Pinterest haha but here's a hefty list. Thoughts? I hope this helps!
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simply-ra · 11 years
Found old notebooks FULL of RA ideas!
I haven't done most of them, so I obviously don't have tutorials, but I can post the ideas and notes about them if you'd be interested! I always jot down weird things that come to mind to do and then forget about 90% of them because I'm just that awesome.
This is my last semester, so I can't do all these ideas, but I'd hate to see them go to waste! It may inspire some ideas for your upcoming semester :)
Yay or nay?
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simply-ra · 11 years
Almost time for Spring semester!
What are you all doing for door decs and bulletin boards??
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simply-ra · 11 years
My life is a constant battle of wanting to be an RA forever and wanting to quit tonight.
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simply-ra · 11 years
those signs you made are SO CUTE and so smart!! do you still offer making them if we request them??
Yep :) especially since I'm on break so I have more free time now. Just let me know what info you want on there and I will have it ready in a few days!
For those of you who have no idea what we're talking about, I made this post with the signs I have on my door at all times for residents ("Where's your RA?" "What should I do if my RA isn't here and I need him/her?" etc).
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simply-ra · 11 years
Breast Cancer Awareness Bulletin Board with ribbons to take!
Ok, I know Breast Cancer Awareness month is October, but that doesn't mean this board can't be used any time of the year.
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SUPPLIES: -White butcher block paper -Pink streamer roll -Printer to print facts (or use hand writing. I got lazy ok) -Pink ribbon roll (I had 2 different kinds--hot pink with some sparkle and baby/light pink) and hot glue gun (to make individual ribbons) -Sticky tabs -Staples, glue, scissors...the usual stuff
TO MAKE: -Put up butcher block, then use the pink streamer ribbon as the boarder. Make the boarder as thick as you want. -Use the same streamer to make the giant ribbon in the center. It took a few times as you can tell. Staple as you go, cut the ribbon after--makes it easier. -Put up your facts. -Use the thin pink ribbon rolls to make individual ribbons (I did this a few days ahead of time). I cut sticky tabs in half to stick them on my board so that they were easily removed and not damaged.
TIPS: -Make the ribbons ahead of time so the hot glue is completely dry and the strings aren't all over the place. -Have a place for people to write names of who they know that had/have breast cancer. -Make sure you add in a section (if you have male residents especially) about how males can be affected. A friend of mines brother died from breast cancer...men aren't immune to it and it's important they know that.
I hope you guys enjoy this! Probably one of my favorite boards from last year, I'm so glad I randomly found a photo of it :)
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simply-ra · 11 years
Winter ideas!
I know many RAs will be heading home soon for break, but I have been getting a ton of questions about Winter ideas. Since winter will probably be here until Spring break (well, it is here in the good-old Midwest) I figured this is definitely something worth posting :)
Bulletin Boards:
-Winter Car Tips (Have cheap kitty litter in trunk if you get stuck, if you're stuck check that exhaust pipe isn't covered/blocked, keep gas at over 1/4 full so it doesn't freeze, etc) -Drinking risks in winter (hypothermia, passing out in the snow, driving, etc). -Warm up the Grinch (Have a cut-out of the Grinch with a bunch of small hearts around him. Residents can write what their favorite thing about winter is on the hearts). -History of the snowball fight/snowman -Polar Bear facts -Snowology (snow facts) -Hibernation: The Importance of Sleep -Winter around the world -____ things to do with snow. -____ things to do in the winter.
Door Decs:
-Snowglobes -Mugs -Ugly Sweaters -Reindeer -Polar Bears -Squirrels -Sleds -Snowmen -Mittens-color your own
-Hot chocolate bar (Bring your own mug, have sides of marshmallows or the fluff stuff and different flavor stuff to put in there, candy canes for stirring) -Apple Cider bar (Same concept as ^) -Tea or coffee bar (Again, same as ^) -Chocolate-covered candy cane party/giveaway -Winter cookie decorating exchange/party -2014 floor/apartment/suite bucket list (can also do individual) -Rice & Sock microwavable warmer thing (Pinterest has a ton of how-to ideas for them). -Scarf making (get a bunch of cute fleece on clearance. Cute the ends to make them fringy. Again, look on Pinterest for ideas). -Tie-blanket/pillow making (Expensive, but could be cute). -Snowball fight -Snowman making/contest -Snow painting (have old dish-soap bottles full of water and food coloring. Residents can write and color in the snow).
Other than the driving hazards and feeling like I'm going to fall on my way to class, I love winter. I really want to help my residents take advantage of winter this year, especially through programs. Hopefully this post helps you all :) Let me know if you have suggestions to add!
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simply-ra · 11 years
& the "Worst Admin Ever Award" goes to...
Sigh..if y'all only knew what I've gone through this semester...smh. I'm just glad that it's time for break and Holiday fun!!!
Anyways, I'm so sorry about the lack of posts and responses. I will get on top of that right away :) I will have a lot more time next semester to dedicate to you lovely people before I graduate in May :)
Basically, I'm officially back!
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simply-ra · 11 years
October Ideas!
Happy Fall!
I've been trying really hard to think of unique October ideas. Here's a list of what all I've come up with and/or seen out there!
Bulletin Boards: -Is your roommate scaring you? (How to solve roommate conflicts) -Choose your poison. (Drug and/or alcohol awareness). -The Truth about "boo-ze" (Alcohol awareness and policy stuff. Did this last year, residents really liked it). -Don't let yourself Fall behind (Study tips and such) -The scary truth about ________ (Smoking, drugs, alcohol, ResLife policies, etc). -Don't let _______ scare you (Policies, Midterms, Flu Season, Flu shot, etc).
Door Decs -Monsters shaped as letters -Melted crayon art in Fall colors -Ripped white paper/toilet paper/paper towel strips on card stock with googley eyes to look like mummies (I might make these for RAs. If so I'll post!) -Acorns with eyes/faces -Cauldrons -Candy corn with googley eyes
Programs -Hot Apple Cider night -Trip to a pumpkin patch -Melted crayon on mini pumpkins/ other decorating ideas -Passive trick or treating (give each resident a bag of candy with tips on staying safe on Halloween or something) -Horror movie nights (Maybe one movie per weekend in October leading up to Halloween)
So far this is all I have. I'm still not sure what I'm doing. I have some rowdy residents, so I'll probably make one board policy related and the other about alcohol or something.
I will definitely be posting what I decide to do :) And I'll probably add to this list a few times before October hits.
What all are you doing for October?
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simply-ra · 11 years
Responses :)
artschoolra answered: Training is going amazingly! Our 3 newbies are rockin it. And I’m doing matching floors with another RA. She’s doing the Lewis Carroll version of Alice in Wonderland, I’m doing the Disney cartoon version. And for a program we’re having a huge unbirthday tea party where they can make their own tea!
Omg I love this idea for a program, that's so creative of you guys! I think residents will really enjoy it :) 
  nicolethera answered: Up is my theme! I have grape soda “bottlecaps” as door decs!
This is ADORABLE! I love that it's different than the classic balloons or something but people will still get it.
beinganra answered: Coral and mint is my theme!
Super cute :) I wanted my room to be mint and coral haha it's the perfect combination.
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simply-ra · 11 years
I finally figured out my theme after changing it 4756 times! Too many ideas can be a good and bad thing...
What themes have you guys decided on?What are your door decs and bulletins boards?!
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simply-ra · 11 years
Flyer: Where to get condoms
Now nobody can have an excuse :)
Basically it’s just places where you can get condoms on or near campus and the price for them. I don’t have it all filled in because I need to ask for up to date providers and prices during training.
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I made something similar for a bulletin board about STDs last year and residents always commented on it, so now I’m making a few copies to randomly have on my floor and door during the year. I print it on colored paper, maybe draw a border of squiggly lines or polka dots with markers, and wa-la.
If you want me to make you a personalized one, feel free to message me with specific places and prices—I’d be glad to! Also, if you’d rather have a different saying, I can do that too, just keep it short please :)
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simply-ra · 11 years
Moved in yesterday! I thought I'd have all day to make my room perfect..but no. I woke up with pink eye and had to go home..training starts tomorrow and I'm really hoping I feel better.
I get sick every year withing the first couple weeks, but pink eye is a whole new level of misery. No contacts, no make up, being super contagious and people being creeped out, uuuuuhhhhhhggggg.
Anyways, posts may be slow between training, unpacking, and me being sick, BUT I promise I'll do some when I have a chance!! I have a ton of signs/fliers I think you guys will appreciate :)
Enough about me--tell me about you guys! How are you all doing in training? What themes/door decs/bulletin boards did you decide on??
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simply-ra · 11 years
Q&A: Themes
Q: Can you post themes you know of that are different than the usual or unique in some way and list stuff you can do for each theme? I'm lost and only see the same things over and over. What are some themes you're doing?
A: Sure! I have no idea what themes I'm doing or anything..it changes daily haha. But here's some ideas I've considered or just seen in general and liked.
-Monsters Inc Doors -Candy Crush -Candy Land . -Space (Moon, stars, sun, galaxies, etc) -Rave (Neon, glow in the dark, splatters) -Circus -Safari/Jungle -Monster -Old school Disney -90s -Farm/farm animal -Camping -Beach -Mythical creatures (Sasquatch, unicorns, aliens, etc) -Old School video games (Dig Dug, Asteroids, etc) -Chalk board -Science (Chemical compounds, flasks, etc). -Pixar movies/ lamp in intro -Name spelled in different languages
I'm sure I can think of/find more if you need them, just let me know!
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simply-ra · 11 years
This year, I want to have a permanent interactive question board. Do you have any suggestions for questions or activities for the board? And how to encourage my residents to use it?
I did something similar my first year as a RA—we had large beams (probably 2 ft width) randomly in the mail and office room (apartment style living). We wrapped butcher block around the beams and had interactive stuff on there and changed it each month.
Some ideas you could do are:-What would you like to see as a RA program-What’s your favorite _________-Best pick up lines (Maybe around Valentines day?)-Things you’ve learned in college, but not in class.-Random rants/ Venting board-Have a map on the board and 2 different colored push pins. Have one color be “Places you want to go” and the other be “Places you’d never go.” -Bucketlist board (I did a summer bucketlist for one of my last boards).-Have a bunch of random shapes cut out and glue them to the board. Have a sign that says to put faces on them or make them into other things (hopefully this makes sense). -This VS That, have different topics each month/week. Place one topic on one side, the other topic on the other side with thumb tacks or something in the center. Have them move the thumb tack based on which they’d rather. (Ex: Coffee VS Tea, Sandals VS Flip Flops, Cats VS Dogs etc..get creative and specific to your school).
As far as encouragement, just make sure it’s fun and inviting. Do things that make their creative side come out—people love that. If you’re having troubles, say that if you catch someone writing on the board, you’ll give that person candy or something. Have a few “sample” posts on there so that they don’t feel like they’re the only one writing on it.
Hope this helps!! Let me know if you need more ideas :)
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