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After many discussions Ella decided that now just wasn't the right time to quit her job, although she'd love to be at home every day making her house a home the family still had a lot to pay for. Whilst paying off the house it still needed work to bring it up to date, they only had one car and they had just turned their garage into a flat for Grandad, money, whilst not tight, it disappears very fast right now. Instead of quitting her job Ella applied for a position on the Salmon Woods Education Board, a position that would still pay well but she'd be working much less and have much more time for what matters to her most right now, her family.
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New school, new responsibilities and a heck of a lot taller, Eleanor is now a teenager and she has her sights set on one thing and one thing only, SCIENCE!
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Where have the years gone? It doesn't feel long ago since Grayson was reaching his teen years, now it's his own daughters turn. Happy Birthday Eleanor, with you head so aligned you have such a bright future as a scientist.
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Leaving Grandad at home with Edward the rest of the family took a trip to the arcade after school. Both Eleanor and Elijah had done so well the previous week their parents wanted to spend the evening spoiling them rotten.
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With the new year rolling in Elodie had finalised the back and fourth in her mind. Bundling Jeffrey's belongings and she was DONE! Done with Jeffery Dean, once a cheater always a cheater, which was ironic based on her choices in college, but we'll look past.... She had much better endeavours to focus on like her career or the party to celebrate her new found single-hood she had just planned ten minutes ago.....
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sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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After spending time with Edward teaching him to walk Ella had a realisation as she began to feel heavy regret for working so much during a time when her children were so little, she knew they had been in excellent hands since Grayson had become a stay-at-home dad for most of their toddler years but Ella hadn't, instead she had put so much time into her career getting to where she is and finally saving enough money to buy their new family home that she felt she had missed on some of the biggest moments in a parents life.
Having this realisation she had a chat with Grayson, she wanted to quit her job for a few years at least, she knew that since taking a loan out for the house even with Grayson back working full time money had become tighter than it once was but Edward was her last baby, she didn't want anymore children but she wanted to spend as much time with the ones she had before they grow up.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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After a long day of being a principle Ella's work wasn't over, crawling everywhere Edward's clothes all had knew unfashionable holes. It was time tog et him on his own two feet walking around the house.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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A new home, fall right round the corner, Grayson is kicking the season off making the first meal in the new family kitchen. Stu suprise anyone? No..?
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sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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Edward loves his new room, his own room
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sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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December 25th, 2:43pm. In a shocking turn of events whilst the family were outside playing with the animals in the snow Marlo Calvin, husband and father would sadly reach then end of his timeline. After living an amazing life, succeeding at nectar making, proving himself as the best family guy and being recognised as one of the best fishermen in Pleasant Isle history, all good things have to come to an end and it was time for Marlo to leave his physical self behind.
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Sensing something was terrible wrong Jenette came charging into the living room and to her horror her eyes were immediately greeted with the ghost of her now late husband peacefully floating in front of the flickering fire. devastated the only thing she could do was scream his name as loud as she could, she knew this day would be coming but she never expected it on this day, after so much good news too. Her heart was in pieces, a part of her was about to leave.
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Within seconds of hearing the cries from, Jenette the rest of the household came rushing to see what was going on.
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However... there was one family member who really wasn't ready to say goodbye. The moment Death too Marlo little Rori was after him, he wasn't going to let this thing enter his home and take his best friend away.
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Through some force of nature, the power of friendship was enough to change the mind of fates and Death resurrected Marlo granting him a bit more time before it was time to say goodbye for good.
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Stressed, confused, frightened Jenette was feeling every possible emotion and then some, she had just seen the love of her life taken from her and now he's back with her head on his shoulder. What was going on? Was it a Christmas miracle?
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A Christmas miracle it really was, changing the mind of Death is not something that happens often, Marlo had gotten lucky this time but it came with a cost. As Marlo resurrected from the ground he looked different, he was worn down, it seemed that in the short time he had his interaction with Death had added a number of years onto his clock. So many that Emerson was worried he wouldn't survive the following night.
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