simsbyali · 1 year
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He's also there to lend an ear to his little sister. He loves hearing about her school day and is very enthusiastic that she wants to share her life with him.
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simsbyali · 1 year
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He absolutely adores his little sister and is so proud of her for finishing her homework. Even if he neglects his own homework, he makes sure she gets good grades by helping her with her homework.
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simsbyali · 1 year
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Meet Buster and Sarah Kidd. Buster's a werewolf, and Sarah is his human kid sister. After Buster's parents died by the same werewolf that bit him, he decided to take in his little sister instead of letting her go into foster care or being adopted.
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simsbyali · 1 year
Disney Villains Legacy Challenge
Although there was already one that someone posted, it wasn't as fleshed out as I would've liked... I've compiled a list of villains in order of appearance.. 10 generations starting with the evil queen, and ending with scar... Optional generations as well such....
Disney Villains Legacy Challenge
This is another one that I’ve wanted to do for a while. However, I am well aware that there is one of these out there, but this one is going to be different. This is a generational legacy challenge with villains from almost every single movie in Disney’s catalog (I say almost every single movie because of the fact that I hand picked the villains and left out any villains from movies that I haven’t seen, or animals that wouldn’t work in human form. If your favorite Disney villain is missing, you’re more than free to add him/her to your game). You can do these in any order, and the legacy rules apply, but with some room for cheats (money cheats only) and pregnancy mods (mainly because I like using them, especially with gender-specific heirs)
Generation 1: The Evil Queen
“Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”
The game starts with the Evil Queen as the founder. You are vain and envious of sims that are prettier than you. Your one main goal is to be the most beautiful in the land.
Must have Mansion Baron aspiration
Must have Jealous, Evil, and Materialistic traits.
Must max out Charisma skill
Marry a rich man, and become a stepmother to his daughter.
Have 1 biological child by your husband. (Daughter preferred for Lady Tremaine, but up to you)
Stepdaughter is responsible for the cooking and the cleaning (Neat and Foodie traits)
Husband must die when the stepdaughter becomes a teen 
Optional Pack: Realm of Magic
Generation 2: Lady Tremaine
“You clumsy little fool. Clean that up then help my daughters dress.”
Being the only child of your family, you were spoiled and given the world. Used to not working hard labor, your main goal is finding a wealthy husband, and making sure your daughters are taken care of for the rest of your life. Your story begins when you reach Young Adult.
Must have Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Must have Jealous and Mean traits.
Must marry twice to rich men. 
Must have 3 biological daughters, and 1 stepdaughter.
The stepdaughter will be responsible for the cooking and cleaning (Foodie and Neat traits)
Must lose husbands once daughters become children
2 of your biological daughters must have the Lazy and Materialistic traits
Optional Pack: Cats & Dogs (Lucifer)
Generation 3: Queen of Hearts
“I warn you child… if I lose my temper, you lose your head! Understand?”
Living with your family, you’ve become a spoiled child and want everything handed to you. If you don’t get what you want, you punish those who you feel have wronged you. Your story begins as a teenager.
Must have Public Enemy aspiration
Must have Childish, Hot-Headed, and Erratic traits
Must meet and marry a man with the opposite traits as you
Must have at least 4 children (this represents the different suits of a pack of cards)
One of the 4 children must be a boy.
Generation 4: Captain James Hook
“Oh, Smee, the way of a man with a maid: taking the best years of her life and then casting her aside like an old glove!”
You were born with a disfigurement, but nonetheless it doesn’t stop you from enjoying your life. Unlike your siblings, you discovered a love for the outdoors and fishing. Your story starts when you’re a young adult.
Must have the Angler Ace aspiration
Optional Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Must live close to water or in a houseboat (IL)
Must have the Loves Outdoors and Ambitious traits
Optional Trait: Child of the Ocean
Never marry
Adopt a child
Child must have a friend that Hook despises (placeholder for Peter Pan) 
Generation 5: Maleficent
“The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. *But*... before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger- on the spindle of a spinning wheel- and DIE!”
Growing up in a small family, you were used to having your parent(s) attention. As a result, you do not like to be ignored, and make people pay for ignoring that you exist. Your story begins as a teen.
Must have Public Enemy aspiration
Must have Jealous, Evil, and Ambitious traits
Never marry
Have at least 1 child
Child must have lazy trait
Optional Pack: Realm of Magic
Generation 6: Cruella De Vil
“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs! After all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn’t?”
You were a spoiled child who always got what you wanted. Now, you never take no for an answer, even if it means breaking the law. You love having a lavish lifestyle, and thrive on having nice things. Your story begins as a teenager.
Must have the Public Enemy aspiration
Must join the Criminal career
Must have Evil, Kleptomaniac, and Erratic traits
Optional Traits: Materialistic, Snob
Marry someone in the criminal career
Have 2 children
Favor one child over the other (this works with either Ursula or Hades, if you’d like to switch them out for one another)
If you’re using the Relationship Pregnancy Overhaul mod, you can set it to where Ursula is an unwanted pregnancy as well
Generation 7: Ursula
“My dear, sweet child… that’s what I do! It’s what I live for, to help unfortunate merfolk, like yourself. Poor souls with no one else to turn to.”
Living under the limelight of your sibling, you’ve grown to resent your mother. You strive now to prove that you are the better child and will stop at nothing to take away the glory that you deserve. Your story starts as a child.
Must have Renaissance Sim aspiration
Must have Ambitious, Evil, and Jealous traits
Optional Traits: Child of the Islands, Self-Assured
Must max out the Charisma skill
Optional Pack: Realm of Magic
Have blue skin and “ugly” features until you meet your husband, then become “beautiful”
Have at least 1 child 
Generation 8: Gaston LeGume
“Belle, it’s about time you got your head out of those books and pay attention to more important things. Like me.”
Growing up, you were constantly told by strangers that you were handsome, and it gave you a big ego. You tend to focus a lot more on being popular than your studies, and your parents don’t correct your behavior. This starts when you’re a child.
Must have Serial Romantic aspiration.
Must have Loves Outdoors, Materialistic, and Self-Assured traits.
Must like Fitness, and spend all his time working out, or doing stereotypical manly things such as fishing or fighting.
Meet a girl and become obsessed, despite her not wanting to have anything to do with you.
Make sure she despises you.
Must have high Charisma skill
Must have a child with a blond woman who is in love with you
Represents one of the 3 Bimbettes
Have a Best Friend who is basically just your yes man
Generation 9: Jafar
“A beautiful desert bloom such as yourself belongs on the arm of the most powerful man in the world.”
Unlike your father, you prefer to outsmart people than physically intimidate them. You spend all your time focusing on your studies, whereas your father is more interested in physical activities. This begins when you’re a young adult.
Must have The Curator aspiration
Must have the Self-Assured, Outgoing, and Evil traits
Must make a habit of doing homework every day
Have no friends
Optional Packs: Realm of Magic
Must not marry until you’re an adult
Have at least 2 children
The youngest child gets treated poorly
Generation 10: Scar
“Life’s not fair, is it? You see I, well I shall never be king. And you? Shall never see the light of another day. Adieu.”
You grew up as the youngest child. Your older sibling was chosen for greatness while you got the bottom of the barrel in everything. You want what your sibling wants, and the only way you can get it is if you get rid of them. This story begins when you’re a teenager.
Must have Mansion Baron aspiration
Must have Ambitious and Self-Assured traits
Not allowed to leave the house for anything other than school
To be extra cruel, build a basement bedroom and keep him in there unless it’s for school or to be fed.
Must have a scar across one eye
Your sibling marries and has a kid
Lose your sibling in a freak accident, and move in with your sibling’s spouse
Kick your sibling’s child out of the house, and don’t take care of the house
Never marry
Never have children
(You can stop with Scar, or continue with other generations. The choice is yours)
Other Optional Generations include:
Shere Khan (The Jungle Book)
Prince John (Robin Hood)
Governor Ratcliffe (Pocahontas)
Claude Frollo (The Humpback of Notre Dame)
Hades (Hercules)
Shan Yu (Mulan)
Clayton (Tarzan)
Yzma (The Emperor’s New Groove)
Michael “Goob” Yagoobian aka “Bowler Hat Guy” (Meet the Robinsons)
Doctor Facilier (Princess and the Frog)
Mother Gother (Tangled) Turbo/King Candy (Wreck-It Ralph)
Prince Hans (Frozen)
Te Ka (Moana)
(I would’ve set out the rules for the optional generations, but my brain hurts from writing the 10 generations I fleshed out…. I’m sorry….)
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simsbyali · 1 year
Sims 4 TV Family Legacy Challenge
My husband and I worked on this together... It's a Legacy Challenge based on TV families from shows... Of course I left out the families with horrible personalities (Such as the Cosby Show (Bill Cosby) and All in the Family (Let's face it, Archie was a racist... But, hey, if you want to add them into your challenge, that is entirely up to you!
TV Family Legacy Challenge: 
Rules are simple: 
Infants have to remain infants for the entire time. 
Toddlers can be aged up if they get level 3 in all skills, or level 5 on one skill. 
Children can be aged up either by completing their aspirations or by becoming an A student 
Teenagers can be leveled up either by completing their aspirations or by becoming an A student 
Adults must finish at least one level of aspiration before they die. 
Can be done in any order, and you are allowed to use cheats. I understand the game gets annoying without cheats. 
Generation 1: The Addamses 
“They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky, they’re all together ooky, the Addams Family” 
Starts with a patriarchal household (Gomez Addams) 
Must have either Successful Lineage or Famously Wealthy Aspiration 
Must have Romantic and Gloomy traits 
Must have a partner with the same traits, but Soulmate Aspiration 
Inherited money, so you or your partner don’t have to work a day in your life (feel free to use the Motherlode cheat to become filthy stinking rich) 
Feel free to add Fester and Grandmama, if you’d like. 
Must have at least 3 children, and at least 1 of those children must be a boy. The youngest child will be the heir. 
Generation 2: The Munsters 
“The lesson I want you to learn is: It doesn't matter what you look like. You can be tall or short or fat or thin, or ugly or handsome, like your father, or you can be black or yellow or white. It doesn't matter. But what does matter is the size of your heart and the strength of your character.” 
After growing up in a family who was wealthy, you didn’t need to work. You had all the money you could ever need. Now you can focus on raising your family. Your story begins as a young adult. 
Patriarchal head (Grandpa Munster) 
Optional Pack: Sims 4 Vampires/Werewolves 
Must have Successful Lineage aspiration 
Must have Gloomy and genius traits 
Must have at least 1 daughter, and the daughter must marry a green man (who has the personality trait Childish) and live with you. 
Have 1 grandson, who will be the heir for the next generation. 
Generation 3: The Bradys 
“Here’s a story, of a lovely lady, who was bringing up 3 very lovely girls. All of them had hair of gold, like their mother, the youngest one in curls.” 
Growing up, you were sheltered and didn’t get to talk to people all that much. When you finally meet someone, it’s love at first sight. You settle down in a nice house and raise your family together. Your story begins as a young adult. 
Patriarchal Head (Mike Brady) 
Must have Big Happy Family aspiration 
Must have Romantic and Family-Oriented traits 
Must have 6 children, 3 girls and 3 boys. The youngest girl or boy will be the heir. 
Must have a maid. 
Optional Pack: Sims 4 Cats & Dogs  
Generation 4: The Partridges 
“We had a dream, we'd go travelin' together, We'd spread a little lovin' then we'd keep movin' on.  Somethin' always happens whenever we're together We get a happy feelin' when we're singing a song.” 
Growing up in a large family, you were used to being invisible, after all, you were the youngest girl. You meet a guy, have some kids. You then become the lead singer for your kids’ band, although at first you’re too shy to be in front of people. Your story begins as a young adult. 
Matriarchal Head (Shirley Partridge) 
Must have Musical Genius aspiration 
Must follow and max out the Singer occupation 
Must have Family Oriented and Outgoing traits 
Must have 5 kids: 2 girls, 3 boys (make sure the heir is a boy to continue onto the Full House generation, unless you want to skip to one of the optional families) 
Marry your soulmate and then lose him once the oldest son becomes a teenager. 
Optional Pack: Sims 4 Cats & Dogs 
Generation 4: The Ricardos 
“Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do!” 
Growing up in a large family, you were used to being invisible, after all, you were the youngest boy. You meet the love of your life and together you move into a small house, and you follow your dream of becoming a lounge singer. Your story begins as a young adult. 
Patriarchal Head (RIcky Ricardo) 
Must have Musical Genius aspiration 
Must follow and max out the Singer career path 
Must have Hot-headed and Music Lover traits 
Must have at least 1 son 
Must have a wife that has red hair, and has the traits of Family-Oriented and Jealous traits 
Optional Pack: Sims 4 Dine Out- Open your own restaurant and become successful.   
Generation 5: The Tanners 
“Whatever happened to predictablity? The paperboy, milkman, evening TV? You miss your old familiar friends waiting just around the bend.” 
With your family being successful in music, you move into a big house and meet your partner. You get married and get a job working in Journalism. Your story begins as a young adult. 
Patriarchal Head (Danny Tanner) 
Must have the Best-Selling author aspiration 
Must follow the Journalist career path 
Must have Neat and Family-Oriented traits 
Must have at least 3 daughters 
Lose wife in a tragic accident 
(Optional: Add Joey and Uncle Jesse to your household) 
Optional Pack: Sims 4 Cats & Dogs 
Generation 6: The Winslows 
“It’s a rare condition, this day and age, to read any good news on the newspaper page. And love and tradition of the grand design, some people say it’s even harder to find. Well, there must be some magic clue inside these gentle walls cause all I see is a tower of dreams, real love bursting out of every seam.” 
After a long successful line of entertainers, you decide to take a different approach. After you move out, you fall in love with a non-entertainer, get married, and move into a house big enough for 8 people. Your story begins as a young adult. 
Matriarchal Head (Estelle Winslow) 
Must have Big Happy Family aspiration 
Must have Family-Oriented and Cheerful traits 
Must marry a policeman 
Must have a son who becomes a police officer 
Son (Hot-Headed and Family-Oriented traits) and wife must live with you after your husband dies. 
Have at least 3 grandchildren 
(Optional: Add Aunt Rachel and Ritchie to household) 
(Also Optional: Make Steve Urkel) 
Generation 7: The Banks 
“I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie ‘Yo holmes, smell ya later’ Looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.” 
Inspired by your father, you decided to follow in his footsteps and join a criminal justice career. You worked from the ground up and became a successful judge, married a beautiful woman, and settled down in a mansion in the fanciest part of town. Your story begins as a young adult. 
Patriarchal Head (Phillip Banks) 
Must have either the Successful Lineage or Fabulously Wealthy aspiration 
Must have a career in Secret Agent (Base Game) 
Must have Foodie and Hot-Headed traits 
Must have a maid or butler 
Must have at least 4 children (2 girls, 2 boys) 
Nephew comes to live with you (Nephew’s traits should be Romantic and Ambitious) 
(Optional: Add Jeff as Will’s best friend) 
Optional Packs: Get to Work for Detective career or DIscover University for Judge career 
Generation 8: The Spellmans 
“What’s the matter? I have to be a witch, I have to be a mortal, I have to be a teenager, and I have to be a girl, all at the same time. That’s what’s the matter.” 
You have a good life, you’re living with your sister, and you have a good relationship with your brothers. You’re not too fond of the fact that one of your brothers married a woman who is so unlike the family, but, you love him all the same. You’ve offered to take your brother’s daughter should he end up dying. Your story starts when you reach young adult. 
Matriarchal Head (Zelda or HIlda Spellman) 
Must have the Big Happy Family aspiration 
Must have the Neat and Ambitious traits (Zelda) or Childish and Slob traits (Hilda) 
Must work in some sort of Science field (Zelda) 
Must be good friends with both of your brothers. 
Take in your niece when she’s a child and raise her after her parents’ early demise. 
Optional Packs: Realm of Magic and/or Cats & Dogs 
Generation 9: The Gilmores 
“If you’re out on the road, feeling lonely and so cold, all you have to do is call my name and I’ll be there on the next train. If you need me, I will follow, anywhere that you tell me to.” 
Losing your parents at a young age and being sent to live with your aunts wasn’t exactly something that you were thrilled about. Which is why you become a wild child. Your story starts when you reach teenager.  
Matriarchal Head (Lorelai Gilmore) 
Must have Successful Lineage aspiration 
Must have Cheerful and Ambitious traits 
Must be in the Management branch of the Business career path 
Get pregnant as a teen 
Have at least 1 daughter 
Must not date until your heir is a teenager 
Generation 10: The Prouds 
“You and me will always be tight. Family every single day and night, even when you start acting like a fool, you know I’m loving every single thing you do. I know that I can always be myself around you more than anybody else.” 
As a young adult, you begin to resent your mother for having you way too young and you begin to put a rift between you and your mom so you move out and get married to a swinger. Your story begins when you turn into a young adult. 
Matriarchal Head (Suga Mama) 
Must have the Successful Lineage aspiration 
Must have Family-Oriented and Lazy traits 
Must have 1 son with the Master Chef aspiration; Foodie and Ambitious traits 
Your son gets married and has 3 children 
After your husband dies, you move in with your son and his family 
Optional Pack: Cats & Dogs 
(You can either end it with the Prouds or you can continue with other generations) 
Optional Generations 
The Stephens (Bewitched) 
Patriarchal Head (Darrin Stephens) 
Must have Soulmate aspiration 
Must join the Management path of the Business career 
Realm of Magic: Must be married to a Spellcaster (Optional) 
Have 2 children 
The Bundys (Married... with Children) 
Patriarchal Head (Al Bundy) 
Must have Party Animal aspiration 
Must have Slob and Mean traits 
Must have 2 children (1st child when you’re a teenager) 
Get to Work: Own your own retail store (Optional) 
Marry the mother of your child 
Wife must have Materialistic and Lazy traits 
The Taylors (The Andy Griffith Show) 
Patriarchal Head (Andy Taylor) 
Must have Angling Ace aspiration 
Must join a career that involves Law Enforcement (Special Agent – Base Game, Detective – Get to Work, Judge – DIscovering University 
Marry and have 1 son 
Lose your wife 
The Arnolds (The Wonder Years) 
Patriarchal Head (Jack Arnold) 
Must have the Big Happy Family aspiration 
Must have Hot-Headed trait 
Must join the Management branch of the Business career 
Must have 3 children 
The Taylors (Home Improvement) 
Patriarchal Head (Tim Taylor) 
Must have Nerd Brain aspiration 
Must max out Handiness level 
Must have 3 children 
Must have Outgoing and Family-Oriented traits 
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