simyoulate-blog · 8 years
❝ It’s only day 2 for this shirt, and these panties are fresh from the dryer. ❞ max obvi
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                        “Hm. How good for you, Max.” That’s a very dry response but the mere mention of it has him conscious about the wrinkles in his button up, the folds of his jeans. Surreptitiously, Gerald hooks a thumb in his collar and takes a sniff.                         “This might be weeks old, to be fairly honest. Are you comfortable?”
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
                                        I AM IN TRIPLICATE.
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
scandal sentence starters aka lots of angst, sex, and murder.
send one for my muses reaction! Feel free to change any gender or anything that needs changing in order for it to make sense to have come from your muse.
❝ It’s only day 2 for this shirt, and these panties are fresh from the dryer. ❞ ❝ I don’t need you to forgive me. I haven’t done anything wrong. ❞ ❝ I’ve always forgiven you until now. ❞ ❝ I can never tell if you’re lying. I can never trust my gut when it comes to you. ❞ ❝ Are you spying on me? You don’t trust me? ❞ ❝ How do I choose the box to bury my friend in? ❞ ❝ If he dies, he can’t talk. Dead men tell no tales. ❞ ❝ When you walk in here, you make me hope. Hoping is bad for me, so do not come back here unless you are back for good. ❞ ❝ When it’s your turn, you can talk, but right now, be quiet. Let yourself be kissed. ❞ ❝ It’s always his turn, despite the fact that I’m the one you like to ride, that I’m the one that makes you moan, that I’m the one who reaches you in places that he can’t begin to touch. ❞ ❝ We can hide in the shadows or we can stand in the light. ❞ ❝ I’m not gonna live in your apartment, waiting to service you. I have things to do. I’m busy. But, I did book a nice hotel suite for booty calls. ❞ ❝ Do you actually think I give a damn what anyone thinks of me anymore? ❞ ❝ A broken heart is a broken heart; to take a measure is cruelty. ❞ ❝ You can’t summon me. You are not in charge of me. ❞ ❝ Did you think I’d want you back? ❞ ❝ I am less than interested in whatever it is you have to offer. ❞ ❝ You thought I would be dragged in here and I’d lay eyes on you and I’d gasp, and I’d rip off all my clothes and crawl on my knees over to you and beg you to take me, that I’d be some kind of sad porn fantasy. ❞ ❝ I could have anything I wanted, and I wanted you. You can laugh at it and make fun of me, but the truth is, nobody else wants you. ❞ ❝ I’ve lost too much. I’ve given up too much. I’m not even a person anymore. ❞ ❝ I’m not like you. I’m sorry you miss me, but I’m not like you. ❞ ❝ Why are you picking a fight with me today? ❞ ❝ You’re thirsty, but you’re not here for a drink.❞ ❝ You’re here because you want what you’ve been fantasizing about ever since you left the other night. ❞ ❝ I can give you what you want just the way you want it. ❞ ❝ You either go home alone and try your own hand at quenching that thirst or go upstairs with me and replace that dry lump in your throat with something much more satisfying. ❞ ❝ Trust me; I will be the one standing over you when you die. ❞ ❝ You keep secrets from me. You make me feel small. ❞ ❝ Burying yourself in work isn’t always the best thing when you lose someone. ❞ ❝ I’ve got enough blood on my hands already. ❞ ❝ Don’t ever leave me like that again. I almost didn’t survive. I almost died without you. ❞ ❝ You have been waiting for this moment from the second I got in bed with her. ❞ ❝ It doesn’t matter what the truth is, does it? The only thing that matters is that I put my hands where you think they don’t belong, and now I’m in chains. ❞ ❝ I am going to have you destroyed. ❞ ❝ He’s a predator, an animal, a killing machine, and just because you’ve decided to turn a blind eye to that doesn’t make it any less true. ❞ ❝ I think you want me to be guilty. Guilty lets you hate me for things you’re not allowed to hate me for. ❞ ❝ If there’s any part of you, any part of you at all, that believes that I’m telling you the truth, you’ll help me. ❞ ❝ You may have never heard what it sounds like when she wakes up screaming from a nightmare, but I have, and it’s awful. ❞ ❝ The truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a while, but it’s not gonna go away. ❞ ❝ Since us bitches have got to get through this dog and pony show, I’m gonna need you to sit down, shut up, and follow my lead. ❞ ❝ Is she right about you having nightmares? ❞ ❝ Don’t let love cloud your judgment. ❞ ❝ We both know in the end you’re not going to choose me. And that’s okay. I want you to know, I need you to know, not choosing me is okay. ❞ ❝ I keep my promises. I will watch the life fade from your eyes. ❞ ❝ I love her. Does that matter to you at all? ❞ ❝ It stops you every time, the arrogance, the need to swagger, to show everyone who you are. ❞ ❝ True power hides in plain sight. ❞ ❝ You and I are ruined. We don’t have a chance now. Too much has happened. ❞ ❝ I know you’re trying to be rational, and I understand why, but you can’t pretend this is okay. ❞ ❝ I mean, I figure we have two choices here - we can either pretend this unbearable sexual tension doesn’t exist, or we can address it head-on. ❞ ❝ You are beautiful. The face that launched a thousand ships. ❞ ❝ What is it that is so special about you? You have so much power over him. He revolves around you. ❞ ❝ He needed you. He was in pain. He wanted to die. ❞ ❝ I could protect him from everyone. Except you. ❞ ❝ I wanted to shoot him. I didn’t, but I wanted to. I wanted to kill him. I wanted him dead. ❞ ❝ I’m very powerful, you know. Some women would find that a turn-on. ❞ ❝ Let’s just say I’m in a giving mood tonight. ❞
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
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          His svelte tug of the mouth folds into a neat prelude for a hum. “There are as many tastes as there are palates.” And the bait does not always stay fixed upon the hook. Loki is possessed of steady hands, however —— and patience, as needed. “Consumption does not always woo.” 
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            “In any case: I’ll keep it to myself, in my chest, safe where it belongs,” he concludes, knuckles nudging at the rim of his glasses, keeping them off his nose. His tone is very succinct, leaves little room for anything to be misconstrued. 
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
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     “ cool. c’mon. s’ not far from here. “ it’s astounding even unto himself he’s kept his composure neatly tact for all the battling conflict to crash from rib to rib, to spine to head. it’s everywhere. he’s enveloped. sets his teeth to itch but it’s as mechanized mastery how he swaggers out his long legged steps onward with his new company carrying stony shoulders and an easy brow.      he never looks at him. only ever forward. “ so you from uh, mid west? WEST COAST? don’t sound much like n’ easterner. “ 
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           The screen capture folds down into the depths of J. Heugh’s pocket, presumably never to be seen again. He doesn’t care; he’s got copies. Many with his face and her face in the same frame. They’re (were?) together a lot. He’s uncertain the nature of the relationship or of her name, but he thinks maybe J. Heugh will divulge something.             “Whittier, California. Forty-five minutes either way from Santa Ana and L.A. Cool place. You don’t sound very East Coast, either.”
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
guess who wants to make a fuckin ghost huntin binch
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
     momentarily magnetised to the grainy copy of the past heugh thinks almost impossible to dislodge himself away and out from. he’s there again. he can smell how she smells when she’s steps ahead of him and her selected perfume, day worn and heady, glances him on the new york draft. where were they going? her lips are softly chapped. he wants to kiss her.        she’s rotten six feet down next to bones and worms. a steadying, chest bloated breath fills him, and he rectifies a slouch he’d not noticed weighing on his spine. alright. 
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     heugh refolds the picture, neatly. tucks it into his pocket. he needs to see who’s hands this has passed from aside his, and this BRAZEN stranger.      “ wanna get a coffee? “ 
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                Not the anticipated response, but his hands shake a little in the confines of his coat pockets and he realizes his body is giving him no opportunities to turn J. Heugh away. A job has never been so emotionally turbulent; he’s sure he’s seen just under forty expressions pass his confrontee’s face (far more than he’s used to expressing himself.) He wants to know why. “Yeah. Sure, man.”
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
' i’ve a devil of a habit for being right. '
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             “You said Irish Car Bombs and I said no and now I have the hangover of the century--- that doesn’t have much to do with how right you are. You’re just fucking aggressive.” But tell us how you really feel, Gerald. 
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
nsfw anon hour, go. nothing’s off limits.
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
“I’d like my obituary to hint at a sequel.”
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             “If this is your subtle way of insinuating immortality is real---” like she did with computer ghosts and a few other Big Nasties “---I want no part of it.” With all the proof he’s been presented since meeting Pashandra Novak, one would think he’d be more open to accepting these concepts. He’s not. 
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
nimueries :
You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast.
You are going to break your promise. I understand.
You’re lonely too.
It will stop your breath, how cruel I can be.
I am a demanding creature. I am selfish and cruel and extremely unreasonable.
I am your servant.
I crawl at your feet; for before your love, your kisses, I am debased.
For you alone I will be weak.
I belong here, and you will not deny me.
I say these things, and the world listens.
I do not tolerate a world emptied of you. I have tried.
In the dark, I have pored over the loss of you like pale gold.
I will not let her speak because I love her, and when you love someone, you do not make them tell war stories.
I moved the earth and the water for you.
You will always run away with her.
You will always lose her.
You will always be a fool.
You will always be dead, in a city of ice, snow falling into your ear.
You have already done all of this and will do it again.
No one should be judged for loving more than they ought, only for loving not enough.
We look terrible to you, and severe, and you see our blood flying.
What we carry between us is hard-won, and we made it just as we wished it to be, just the color, just the shape.
There need never be any rules between us.
Let us be greedy together; let us hoard.
Do not leave me, swear that you will never leave me.
I am selfish. I am cruel. My mate cannot be less than I.
Sleep with fists closed and shoot straight.
I can’t abide a poor liar.
You look like a winter’s night. I could sleep inside the cold of you.
Oh, quit that. Blushing is for virgins and Christians.
Scold me; deny me. Tell me you want what you want and damn me forever. But don’t leave me.
Bad luck relies on absolutely perfect timing.
In his own country, Death can be kind.
What is the world but a boxing ring where fools and devils put up their fists?
Men die. It’s practically what they’re for.
I am no one; I am nothing.
Nothing in me was not made by you.
A revelation is always the end of something. It might even be cause for grief.
Just tell yourself a story that’ll satisfy you and pretend he told it.
Forever isn’t bright; it isn’t like that. Forever is cold and hard and final.
I savor bitterness - it is born of experience. It is the privilege of one who has truly lived.
If you want to kill yourself, do not use us as your knife.
What did I do wrong? Was I boring? Did I ignore you?
Don’t you dare speak to me like that.
I have worn nothing but blood and death for years.
I have fought all your battles for you, just as you asked me.
I have learned not to cry when I strangle a man.
I have learned to watch everything die.
I am not a little girl anymore, dazzled by your magic. It is my magic, now, too.
Are we not devils?
No one is now what they were before the war.
I have not seen you without your skin on.
Close up your head; your brain is getting loose.
We obsess. It’s in our nature.
I’ve a devil of a habit for being right.
In war you must always choose sides.
If you try to be a bridge laid down between them, they will tear you in half.
We are all dead. All equal. Broken and aimless and believing we are alive.
My old bones will follow yours soon enough.
It is better to be strong and cruel than to be fair.
I will see him with his skin off before I agree to fall in love.
After love, no one is what they were before.
I have survived, but I have not been spared.
In the space of one heartbeat to another I loved you and I was lost to you.
Frighten me, make me cry, only come back.
It’s not so bad, my darling. Being dead. It’s like being alive, only colder.
You’ll think it’s love, while he dines on your heart.
You will be so beautiful when you are old.
I cannot keep you and I cannot let you go.
You will live as you live in any world…with difficulty, and grief.
I look at you and it is like my throat being cut.
She said you’d come and I swore to eat your heart.
I still want to kiss you.
My heart is being cut in two. I cannot bear it.
What happens to anything beautiful?
I have to know, I have to or else you will just rule me until the end of everything because you know and I do not.
deathless ♚ sentence meme
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
ironarmored :
“I usually like a little more romancing.”
“Would you put day drinking under ‘Experience’ or ‘Special Skills’?”
“I’m scared for you.”
“I’ve been asking the impossible of you, I see that now.”
“Now, that sounded like flirting to me.”
“Don’t… have feelings, okay?”
“Hey, last night was fun, but that doesn’t mean I want your opinion.”
“Again, I don’t flirt, I just say what I want.”
“Yes, you are a paragon of mental health.”
“I’m tired of missing you.”
“You think you can take your shit and dump it one me? You don’t get to do that. So you take your goddamned pain, and you live with it, asshole!”
“Knowing it’s real means you’ve got to make a decision. One, keep denying it. Or two, do something about it.”
“We get it, you’re a real gift to humanity.”
“You still get points for doing good.”
“I want you to know, I forgive you for everything. I’ll say it every day. For as long as you need to hear it.”
“If this is a booty call, I like your chances.”
“God damn you. Just had to be a hero, didn’t you?”
“You are a hard-drinking, short-fused, mess of a person. But you are not a piece of shit.”
“When you wake up, I won’t be around to screw up your life anymore.”
“I don’t get asked on a lot of second dates.”
“I can’t risk you.”
“You’ve been keeping tabs on me?”
“You shoot at me, I’ll pull the bullet out of my ruined jacket and shove it up your ass with my pinky finger, and who do you think that’s going to hurt more?”
“Don’t apologize. I don’t want that from you.”
“I was never the hero that you wanted me to be.”
“You’re exactly the hero I wanted you to be.”
“I don’t give a bag of dicks about what kinky shit you’re into, just be into it quietly.”
“It’s people like you that give people like you a bad name.”
“I let you fight my battles for too long.”
“The way I see it, most people go both good and bad going on. Just depends on which part wins that day.”
“They say that talking about a trauma… that it helps.”
“You help people. That’s who you are.”
“I thought about you. I knew it wouldn’t happen. I couldn’t help it. Picturing us.”
“You’re the first person I ever pictured a future with.”
“They say everyone’s born a hero. But if you let it, life will push you over the line until you’re the villain.”
“I’m life threatening. Steer clear of me. Please.”
“You’ve never loved anyone. You’re not even capable of it.”
“I hate feeling this way, I don’t know how you handle it.”
“Do what you’ve got to do.”
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
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     SHE. it might be her. that shouldn’t frighten him. he hasn’t looked at her photograph since. their son had been enough of a recollection. he has her hair. again, the folded cellophane insists. heugh can note the mild flush steaming hotly under his shirt. why does this frighten him? HASN’T LOOKED AT HER SINCE.       it’s accepted between his fingers. he opens it with a dry palate and a parched tongue. heugh’s lips thin. there she is. her neck is long. she’s still that silly soft tan that refused to burnish. she’s smiling. she’s alive. he knows exactly where this was taken. he knows exactly what made her bare white. she was alive.      and palpably, he’s MERCURIAL.    
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               There’s a sharp and almost immediate decline in his brow that hollows out his eyes and sucks in his cheeks. Jaw muscle pulses as he thinks: why? What’s in the picture? Who is in the picture? That’s him--- though it’s blurry and old and snapped from the live feed of a department security camera--- that is undeniably J. Heugh. The lack of an answer doesn’t necessarily refute that fact.                What sort of contracted man would he be if he didn’t ask: “Hm. What’s up?” What sort of contracted man would he be if he didn’t leave him with that photo (judging by the look on his face, J. Heugh needs it more than he does) and step away, offering some probably warranted space?
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
94% Switch  88% Non-monogamist  88% Experimentalist 83% Voyeur 81% Exhibitionist 65% Rope bunny 61% Vanilla 57% Dominant 52% Masochist 49% Rigger 49% Submissive 37% Brat tamer 34% Daddy 29% Brat 25% Ageplayer 24% Primal (Hunter) 22% Master/Mistress 22% Sadist 15% Primal (Prey) 12% Girl/Boy 9% Degradee 9% Slave 6% Owner 6% Pet 3% Degrader 
take a BDSM test for your muse and post results
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
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McAfee is bad? Tom touched it last, between IT guys and budget cuts, which would explain the old-guy screw-up. But thrice fired is a little excessive, so Michael chooses not to mention him by name. ( He also keeps the McAfee thing to himself for fear of looking like more like a clueless asshole than he already does. )
         “We fired him for a reason, didn’t we?” No, we didn’t. “It’s not, uh  —  it’s not unfixable, is it?”
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             “Um. No, I wouldn’t say that. I’ll have to remove it from each computer individually then install, uh--- Tech14.” Any opportunity he’s presented to install his own software will be taken. He’s already compensated for his job,might as well give back to the community. In a sense. “Also, which one of you watches porn in the office? Your viruses are godawful.” 
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
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simyoulate-blog · 8 years
Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
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