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made an edit of Camila Mendes aka Veronica Lodge! i love her so much AND YES, I SAW THAT I WROTE BLOSSOM INSTEAD OF BOMBSHELL.IM SORRY
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HELLO THERE I’M SO PROUD!! wish cole and lili will be able to see this
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he is staring the HECK out of phil's sock.. or foot..
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can we talk about this for a sec
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If you don't ship them, you don't know what goals means
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I am officially accepting any kind of one shot! If you want a Riverdale one shot, or Stranger Things, or 13 Reasons Why, that's fine with me. Or even YouTubers, Actors and Actresses, Singers and Dancers. Or book characters.. You tell me the details, and I will make it! (hopefully the ones i know though 😊) You're welcome.
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me too. × one shot for @alexxstandall03!.. again
you’re lucky i love u.. welcome to your tape
second one shot, i mean. 😂😘
NOTES: This one shot is pure fiction. Don’t get butthurt.
AGES: Jade - 16 Alex - 17 Justin - 17 (not sure about justin’s but in this story he is seventeen)
Jade is a fictional character. What she is experiencing is not what @alexxstandall03 is experiencing.
Jade’s Point Of View
“You sure you don’t want me to come over or something? You seem like you need some company.” I told Alex on the phone.
Alex Standall is my childhood bestfriend who is living with his father, a policeman. His life is on the low right now, and I fear that I might be the only one keeping him alive. Because of the death of Hannah Baker, Alex has been affected deeply and has been coping with depression.
But the thing is, I also have feelings for him. I love him, but he just doesn’t know yet. And I’m scared that he won’t like me back, and our friendship would be broken because of a single mistake I made.
“No, it’s okay. I’m fine here, Jade. You don’t have to worry about me,” Alex consoles me, his voice as soft as butter. “You sure, okay? Well, I need to do some homework but call me if you need anything.”
I was about to hang up the phone when Alex says something. “Oh, and Jade? Thank you. For everything you have done for me, for being my best friend. And I want you to know that whatever happens, I appreciate you.” Alex was crying. I know by his voice that he was. The way his voice breaks, the way that he talks..
“Alex, what happened? Alex, talk to me. Are you okay-” Then, by that moment, he hangs up.
I have never felt that scared for him my entire life.
I sent dozens of messages, calling him multiple times, but he never answered. The dread became stronger than ever, so I decided to sleep it off. I had nightmares that night. They were about me and Alex.
I was crying, and I was telling Alex that I loved him, and that I would do anything for him and be there whenever he needed me. Then he said, “Why didn’t you say this to me when I was alive?”
I woke up with a jolt. And, with my phone ringing. I thought it was Alex, but it wasn’t. It was actually the principal of our school. Why? Why is he calling me?
“Hello. Is this Jade Foley, Alex Standall’s friend?“ My eyes widened. If he is talking about me in this way, does it mean that something bad happened to Alex? Oh god, no.
“Yes it is, sir. What happened? Is everything alright? Is Alex okay?” I held onto my favorite blanket. Please, I hope that nothing’s wrong.
I heard him take a deep breath before answering me.
“Alex Standall.. shot himself in the head last night.”
I immediately hung up. Then I felt everything.. everything went black. I felt like I couldn’t hear anyone, and that I couldn’t see anyone. The wave of tears overcame me, one by one, leading me ecstatic. I couldn’t breathe.
“Jade, are you ready yet? We need to go-” Justin, my brother, stopped in his tracks. “Jade?! Fuck, Jade! What happened? Jade, tell me!” Justin dropped his bag, ran to my side and rubbed my back, like he does whenever I have a panic attack.
I try to speak, but I only mumble words. “Alex.. shot himself.. last night..” By doing this, I cried even more. I couldn’t feel anything.
“Shit. Who told you that?! Jade, just breathe. In and out. Inhale and exhale. Oh god, do I need to call mom?” I shake my head aggressively, sending a roar of pain in my head.
“Fucking hell, I’ll give you water. Okay? I want you to calm down, and don’t you dare do anything stupid. Just remember that I love you, and I’m here for you. Alright? I’ll be back real quick,” He says, and runs down the stairway, to give me water.
Whenever I have panic attacks, I just focus on my breathing. I lie down, and follow what Justin told me to do. Soon, I felt my heart beat slower and I could breathe again.
I hear Justin come back up, coming to my side, holding a glass of water. I drink the water. “There. You look better now. So, can you explain to me what happened?”
I sigh. “The principal called up and told me that.. that Alex.. that Alex shot himself, in the head, last night.” Justin fell silent. I knew that he and Alex were close friends.
“I-I can’t believe it. Why would he? Did Hannah’s fucking tapes affect him that much?” I started to cry again, silently.
Justin held my hand. “Are you alright? Do you want to be absent?” I nod my head. I couldn’t face everyone at school; I wouldn’t focus.
“Well I’ll be absent with you then. If you want, later this afternoon we can visit him at the hospital. You down?” I smile. My brother really knows how to make me happy.
“We would like to visit Alex Standall? He got shot in the head and was submitted here for critical condition.” I say to the nurse at the front desk, Justin right beside me. “Alright. Immediate family? Girlfriend? Or friends?” Justin spoke up. “We’re Alex’s best friends.”
The nurse sighed. “Mr. Standall is in very critical condition and his family wants only immediate family to visit him right now. We will inform you for any updates but I have to follow directions.” I looked down. That was too bad. I was really looking forward to seeing him, which may be the last time.
I was about to leave when Justin said, “No, wait! Is there any exception for a girlfriend, perhaps? Jade is Alex’s girlfriend and well, it would crush Alex’s heart if he couldn’t be able to hear her voice one last time, even if it is in the unconsciousness.” I widened my eyes. What is Justin doing?
“Well, I guess I could make an exception for a girlfriend. But only the girlfriend. The other one needs to stay in the waiting area.” The nurse said, with a very stern look. Justin held my hands. “Don’t worry about me. I"ll just wait here. You go and see Alex before it’s too late.” I smiled. I probably have the best brother ever.
Justin sat down on one of the chairs, while I was being led by the nurse. We went to the third floor, and walked onto a white long hallway. I felt like I was being tortured by the amount of white I was seeing. Finally, we stopped in front of a white door with the number 312. “Mr. Standall is here. He is currently unconscious, so I highly suggest you do nothing that will wake him.” She reprimands me, then walks away.
I take a deep breath, and open the door. Inside was a room with an equal amount of color as the hallway, with a particularly white bed. This hospital seriously has issues.
I see Alex, lying down on the bed, with a series of wires and cables hooked up to him like a machine. There was a white gauze wrapped around his forehead, from where the bullet was shot. Seeing him in this vulnerable and near-death state made me feel horrible. It reminded me that I wasn’t there to save him, that I tried, but it wasn’t enough. The tears started flowing like a waterfall.
I sat down right beside him on the small spot of the bed, and made a mess of his hair. Usually he hated it when I do this, but I felt like this would be the last time so I did it anyway.
“Oh, Alex.. Why would you do such a thing? Have I failed to save you?” I mutter. “You know Alex, I love you,“ I chuckle as I say this. I can’t believe I’m doing this right now but hey, he won’t be hearing me anyway.
“Yeah, I do. Not love as a friend way, or platonically. But like, as a girlfriend loves a boyfriend. The type of love that’s clićhe as fuck, where I dream of a future with you and I want to kiss you and all that. I love you in that way.”
“When did it start? I think it started when we were young, and we were playing in this playground together and for some reason I fell off the swing and hit my hands on some metal, and it started bleeding. You wiped my hands with your shirt and you kissed them, and I knew that I started to feel something for you, even though we were only ten and I didn’t know what that feeling was. I knew that you were special.”
I started crying again. “But I think you don’t feel the same way, because I tried, Alex. I knew there was something wrong with you, how whenever I tell you my stupid and lame jokes you don’t laugh at them like you used to. So I tried to be there for you, but I didn’t try enough. and now here you are, and I.. I was too scared to love you. I was scared of rejection, that you wouldn’t love me back, and that was wrong. I shouldn’t have been afraid. Because I may have been the last person to make you alive again, but I.. I didn’t tell you that I loved you.” A single tear dropped onto Alex’s cheek and went to his lip. I wiped his lip, and it was so soft.
I had no idea what happened to me, because then I started leaning down, and I kissed him. I kissed him with all of the sadness I felt for him, how he might be dead or alive tomorrow. I didn’t care. I kissed him with all the love I had for him, and all the regret of not telling him sooner.
I was walking to the door, wiping my face. When I heard him.
My mouth opened wide. What the hell? I faced to my back, and there he was, eyes opened, staring at me. I haven’t smiled that much at that moment. I practically ran to his side and hugged him, and he hugged me back.
Then he pulled my face and kissed me, and I felt wonderful. We kissed for what seemed like days. I have always dreamt of kissing him, and now that it’s happening, I’m so happy.
“Jade. You’re so beautiful. And I love you, too. It’s not your fault that I tried to kill myself, nor is it that you didn’t do enough. At that moment, I forgot about all the people who cared for me, and focused on the negative. I’m so lucky that I’m alive today, because I can see your beautiful face again.” He says, kissing my forehead.
“Wait.. you heard me? I thought you were unconscious?” He laughed, which brought butterflies to my stomach. “I was actually awake. I awoke just before you came, actually. And you came in and I wanted to see what you’ll do if I was asleep, and I don’t regret what I did.”
I laugh. I love this boy so much. “Oh, before you call the doctor. Will you be my girlfriend?”
I kiss him again, closing my eyes. “Yes, Alex. I will be your girlfriend.”
Ten Years Later
I started brushing the hair of my daughter, Jordan Standall, for it was her first day of school at Grade 1. “Ow, mom! Careful!” I chuckle. Jordan is so cute when she’s mad.
“Mom, when did you and Dad get married?” “Me and your father got married four years after we started dating, when I was twenty and your father was twenty one. Why, darling?” Jordan smiled at me with this big, toothy smile. “I was just curious.”
After I took care of Jordan, we went down where my husband, Alex, was reading a newspaper. He saw us and stood up to kiss us in the cheek. “Jordan! Are you excited?” She smiled. “Yes, Dad! Very much! I’ll go to the school bus now. Bye Mom, bye Dad!” We wave her a goodbye. When the door closes, Alex sighs.
“I’m so happy I’m alive today. Or I wouldn’t be able to witness the future of having a family with you, Jade.” Alex says, holding my hand. “Me too, Alex.
Me too.”
I hope this makes up for the long wait! It turned out better than I expected! 😊
TO OTHER READERS: If you have a 13 reasons why or a riverdale oneshot request, just dm me the details. who are the people you want, what is the story, and is it fluff or angst and how much fluff/angst? accepting smut. go on, my message box is open!
TO OTHER READERS: i also accept edits! any character in any series or books or movies! or even real people. just tell me what the name is the character is, and what kind of edit you want (examples in my profile). then i’ll provide you the other needed information.
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i suck
i hate it whenever i'm about to finish my one shot then i don't save like YOU IDIOT
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The Zodiac Signs’ Hogwarts Houses
Gryffindor: Aries, Sagittarius
Ravenclaw: Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius
Hufflepuff: Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Pisces
Slytherin: Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn
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happy birthday to the amazing Ross Butler! I love him so much so I made two edits for him!! :)
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maybe everything will be okay, after all × one shot for @ranieeee17!
first off, i would like to apologize for the long wait. i have been very busy and i am currently having issues with this one shot. i was supposed to post it yesterday but i forgot to save and everything got deleted. so i apologize. i hope u and @alexxstandall03 like it !!
second off, AYE THERE’S A NAME
NOTE: this is pure fiction. don’t get butthurt. (it’s my thing now, woo!)
Lianne’s Point Of View
“Hey Lianne, are you ready yet? We’re about to leave.” I fix my bag and nod to Jade. “Yep. Let’s go.”
Jade is my cousin who is currently staying at our house for a few weeks, which I completely have nothing against because she is my friend. We share all of our problems to each other, even talks about boys. Which is hard, because we both love the same guy.
We have three other best friends. Hannah, Jessica, and Alex. The guy we both like is Alex Standall.
When we enter the school doors, we were greeted by the three. “Lianne! Jade! Hello!” Hannah greets us as we hug and say hello to Jessica and Alex. “My dad is seriously considering moving to Europe for my next school year. And like, that would be awesome and all, but I won’t be able to see you guys. FML.”
I got bummed out. So Alex has a high chance of moving to a new place, which means we might not see him again. Well, that sucks. I looked at Jade, and she was frowning, too.
After a while, the first period bell rang, and Hannah and Alex waved goodbye as they went to their classrooms. Me and Jade were about to go to our class when Jessica called our names.
“Wait, Lianne, Jade. I want to talk to you two. Is that okay?” We nodded. I wonder what Jessica wants to talk about? “So. When will you both tell Alex?” Jessica asks us, which led us surprised. Does Jessica know? How? Was our feelings that obvious?
Does Alex know?
“W-What do you mean? Tell Alex what?” Jade stutters. Jessica leaves out a chuckle. “It’s obvious how you two like Alex. You both stare at him so much and you both talk to him more than you talk to me and Hannah. He’s my ex-boyfriend, of course I know whenever someone has a crush on him.”
I start to plead. “Please, please don’t tell Alex anything.” Jessica holds both of our hands. “Lianne, Jade, I won’t. I promise. But you both have to soon. Remember, Alex will be leaving soon and the school year is about to end. He has to make a decision on who he loves, and he can’t make that when he doesn’t know you both love him as well.” And just like that, Jessica walks away for the first class, leaving us both stunned.
Two weeks have passed, and we are ready to tell Alex how we feel for him. We asked him to meet us here in Monét’s, and he’s about to arrive.
“So. Here we are, about to tell Alex what we feel. He has to pick one over the other.” Jade sighs. “Lianne, don’t think like that. Whoever he chooses, let’s be happy. Whether it be me or you, or maybe even neither, let’s be happy about it. Okay, Lianne?”
I scoff. Why is she talking like she knows? Is she that full of herself? “You’re acting as if you know. You haven’t been honest with me, Jade.” She widens in her eyes in fake surprise, “What do you mean? Of course I don’t know who he loves! I wouldn’t lie to you, you know he doesn’t like me as much as he doesn’t like you!”
What did she say? What a bitch! “You didn’t just say that.” I muttered out to her, watching the fear in her eyes because of my aggressive tone. “I’m sorry Lianne, I didn’t mean to-” I cut her off, anger rushing through my veins. I love Jade, I really do. But I won’t let her get Alex away from me. No matter what.
“You didn’t mean to what? Fall in love with the man I have loved first? You were new to my school, Jade. I was nice to you. I introduced all of my friends to you, so you wouldn’t be alone. But you know what you did? You stole everything from me. You stole Hannah, Jessica, and now Alex from me. You knew I loved him from the start. Why didn’t you stop yourself from loving him? But I know one thing is for sure. I love him, even more than you. Every day, every waking moment that I live in my being, it is only Alex I think about. I love how his blue eyes has the power to.. To stare into your soul, but in a good way. Whenever I talk to him, I feel calm, and that whatever bad in this world doesn’t matter, because he is there. He has the power to make you feel that way. He has the power to make you feel loved. I have loved him for a year now and every passing day, my feelings for him grow and grow and grow, and now it’s stronger than ever. I love Alex Standall so much, Jade. You don’t know it, but I do. And I know it sucks that he will never feel the same way, because I felt that for so long. But I’m ready. I’m ready to tell him everything, and so god knows how much this will ruin whatever friendship I have with Alex, but I am ready. I am ready to face the consequences, because I love him.” I shout out, my face wet with the tears drizzling from my eyes, not giving a damn if the whole fucking Monét’s are staring at me, wondering what is wrong with me. I don’t care.
Well, maybe I would have cared, if I knew that Alex Standall was listening, right behind me. “Lianne.” He just says, walking right in front of me and wiping my tears, with Jade watching us.
“I have two things I want to say to you. One, you were literally screaming.” Which brought out a laugh in me, making me crazy.
“And two.. I love you, Lianne. I always have. When I saw you on the first day of class, I thought.. She’s so fucking beautiful. I never would have believed we would be this close to each other as we are now. You always have been my bestfriend.. But Lianne, would you be my girlfriend?” I smile. I can’t believe it. Alex loves me.
“Yes, Alex. I will be yours.” I say, while Alex kisses me in the lips, and I kiss him back.
Maybe everything will be okay, after all.
Jade’s Point Of View
I can’t believe it. Why? What does Alex see in her that I don’t have? Why does he love her, and not me? I couldn’t take it anymore. I started crying so much, I ran out of Monét’s. I kept on running, and running. I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I bumped into something. We both fell on the ground and hit our heads.
When I look up, It’s Jeff Atkins from school. I don’t really know him, and I don’t want to talk to anyone right now. “Hey, watch where you’re- Jade? Is that you, the girl from school?” I can’t stop crying. I try to run away from him, but he keeps blocking my way. Finally, I give up and cry on his shirt. Poor Jeff Atkins and his shirt.
“Hey. If you want to talk about it, I’m here.” So I do. I spill out everything, about Alex and Lianne. He just listens. He doesn’t interrupt, but he listens. And I found this extremely attractive.
“Don’t waste your time on that dick. I swear, there are other guys that deserve your time and attention.” He says, and I look at him, and he looks at me, but I look away and blush.
“If you want to talk some more, we can uh.. we can hang out? I mean, if you want.” I giggle and for some reason, I found the guts to kiss him, then and there. He was shocked, but he started kissing me back and everything seemed perfect.
Maybe everything will be okay, after all.
YAAAAAYYYYYY IT WAS CUTE. I hope y'all liked it!
TO OTHER READERS: If you have a 13 reasons why oneshot request, just dm me the details. who are the people you want, what is the story, and is it fluff or angst and how much fluff/angst? accepting smut. go on, my message box is open!
TO OTHER READERS: i also accept edits! any character in any series or books or movies! just tell me what the name is the character is, and what kind of edit you want (examples in my profile). then i’ll provide you the other needed information.
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daddy miles heizer dancing on instagram.
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man crush everyday
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Me waiting for Miles to get the screen time he deserves
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