singerkillerjaetch · 16 days
Oh yeah, he would definitely notice.
But the thing is, I think that he wouldn't do or say anything out of respect, for what everyone —he— owes Ichigo, for the partnership? Friendship? they had, he would just observe quietly for some time while they just... Lived their lives quietly and slowly withdrawing from everyone elses'.
So when the day came and the Ichigos decided to finally dissapear from Karakura, a simple bag with some of Their precious things on Their shoulder, Kisuke would just... Look at Ichigo's Shadow silently for a moment. And then ask in a murmur.
"... Are you happy?"
And the Shadow They would simply nod imperceptibly.
And Kisuke would quietly nod, and step aside.
And if the time came, and someone else finally noticed Ichigo was missing, and everyone then came to the Shoten, Kisuke would say nothing to them either.
I've been having too many fandom thoughts in my mind (which is honestly not a good moment for, I have first exams next week lol) but I have been in a Bleach binge for the last two weeks, and also I've been watching the Mandela Catalogue (which, if you like analog horror, you should definitwly see it bc it is spectacular) and I have many hc for the series.
Basically, the videos include a type of supernatural beings called "Doppelgangers", which are able to imitate humans, invade their homes and kill them.
There are a couple of types of doppelgangers depending of how alike a human they are, but honestly I see them as eldritch shape-shifters.
One of the things I've noticed in a couple of videos and that I hc now is that they don't attack unless attacked first (but what they do... Well, it's pretty horrible), sooo... I mixed things and got a Plot Idea:
After the war with Aizen, Ichigo lost everything he was and everything he cared for, leaving him entirely on his own.
Everybody moved on without him, leaving him stranded in a turbulent storm he is starting to believe he can't survive without help. But nobody is left to lend him a guiding hand anymore. Without two thirds of his soul, he's slowly starting to wither; losing himself bit by bit one day, one betrayal at a time.
One night, Ichigo lay in his bed trying futilely to sleep and just managing a bare doze, house empty because his sisters are either in the Shoten or staying at a friends house and Goat-Face who-cares-where, he's all alone.
Except, when he opens his eyes, he's staring directly at a face.
His own face, in fact.
His apparent twin just stares at him, a weird grin a hair too big for his face, saying nothing.
Ichigo has heard about the doppelgangers before, of course he has, with every little town on alert because of the disturbing murders that are happening because of these monstrous creatures.
But he's just tired. He's just a human, and all strength he had left, his supposed friends and family had taken it away.
He doesn't want to fight. Not anymore.
He scoots over to the side of the bed, and mumbles something along the lines of "close the window, go to bed, wanna sleep".
The last thing he feels is the warmth of his room and breathing on the back of his neck.
Or where Ichigo is adopted by an Otherworldly shape-shifter, gives him a something to fill his void-like soul, making him a one of Them too, and when he learns how to change shape, the first form he takes becomes his default state: a shadow.
Because Ichigo has become a shell of his former being, a shadow of himself.
He finds no better irony.
(Sorry for the long ask! What do you think?)
Obviously this is super duper late but fuck i love this and i want to read it
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singerkillerjaetch · 24 days
Goddamnit I'm reblogging this because a girl has to have some sort of hope, right? So I'll wait, whatever it takes to finally see more of this wonderful universe and definitely more of the fandom that fights for the same hope, the same dream as me. It's been seven years. I can wait a bit longer.
Don't loose hope.
I think we're all so devastated at the news of IceAdo's cancelation. It was an incredible anime not only because it was groundbreaking for the queer community in terms of quality, but also in terms of how intimately the relationship was depicted without being vulgar or explicit, which many other such anime depend on to gain an audience. The profound devotion Yuuri and Victor had towards each other and figure skating was palatable and it just sucked you in. A lot of times, it even felt like you were intruding on a private moment between them, especially as Yuuri got more comfortable around Victor and started being more open about his anxiety, which was also a focal point of the show, also masterfully depicted.
It was such a beautiful experience, that we wanted more of it, which is what we thought we were going to get. But for 8 years, we were strung along, our hope exploited, until finally, the cancelation, which we all realized, after a certain point, was coming.
The pain of not being able to sink in to the world of Yuuri!!! On Ice once more is very deep, because that kind of magic is something you just crave once it has entered your life, BUT!!!!
What I need us all to do is to keep reblogging, reposting, retweeting, signing petitions and just keep being loud about the impact Ice Adolescence could have had, as well as how YOI has affected us. As long as we don't loose speed, the relevant people WILL see that this fandom is very much still alive, still active AND STILL GROWING!
I know the movie has been scrapped, BUT I still think that the rights CAN be bought off MAPPA. If not for another attempt at Ice Adolescence, then a second season, which would also be incredible!
I don't know if this is even possible or if it's been done before in Japan, but I've seen it happen with the TV show "Lucifer", and I hope it can be accomplished here too. If not, LET'S SET A PRECEDENT TOGETHER! We have nothing to lose, but we could gain something beautiful!
So, please, everyone, don't stop liking, engaging with and reposting YOI-related content! We have to show that we are still dedicated and interested in this anime, and therefore PROFITABLE so they can potentially invest!
Also, because it's been 8 years, there are bound to be people who haven't heard of YOI, but would watch it, support it and talk about it if they knew about it's existence. Let's give this our all and do our best to get Victor, Yuuri and everyone else back on our screens!!! DON'T LOSE HOPE!
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singerkillerjaetch · 25 days
I’ve seen this happening recently now that I’m reading fics again: readers want to read for a specific pairing, but the tag gets clogged up with miscellaneous fics that feature a particular pairing, but is not focused on it.
Filtering the search with “otp:true” helps a lot. Not all the way, but it shaves down quite a bit, especially in a very large, very active fandom.
Just thought about it and wanted to spread the word just in case. Happy reads, xoxo.
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singerkillerjaetch · 25 days
Ao3 Tips and Tricks
So I thought I would make a post about some cool stuff you can do with Ao3 and userscripts, and some tips I’ve learned from setting them up for myself! I promise it's not hard, though this is a lot of info. I'm happy to help if I can.
What You’ll Need:
First, you will need the Tampermonkey extension for your browser (depending on what browser you use, Greasemonkey is the equivalent). On Android, you can even run Chrome extensions on mobile with Kiwi Browser! It is easiest to configure the scripts on your desktop and then sync to mobile with Tampermonkey’s cloud sync feature or by exporting the configured scripts and importing in your mobile browser (I will explain how to do this later in the post). If you use any of the tweaks I outline below, be sure to backup your scripts in case your settings are lost.
Once you have Tampermonkey installed, you can get scripts from GreasyFork. The inimitable @flamebyrd also has some great scripts and bookmarklets and has been incredibly helpful while I figured all this out.
Find a script that looks interesting, click on it, and then click “install this script.” Pretty straightforward. Once you have it installed, you can go to Tampermonkey to configure it (only necessary for some scripts) by clicking on the Tampermonkey extension icon in your browser (under the three dot menu in Kiwi) and clicking “dashboard”, then clicking the edit icon next to the script you want to configure. When you’re done, click File->Save.
Scripts and instructions under the cut
Some of my favorites:
Flamebyrd’s Incomplete Works script - fades out WIPs on works listings, and displays the work stats (wordcount, chapters, etc) in red on single works to make it more obvious that they’re WIPs as you’re browsing:
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Flamebyrd’s Ao3 to Pinboard bookmarklet/script - if you click the bookmarklet while on a work’s page, it opens the Pinboard save screen and prefills the title, tags, description, word count, etc, and adds ?view_full_work=true&view_adult=true to the URL so Pinboard’s archiver will archive the complete work and not the adult content warning screen (note that Pinboard still cannot correctly archive works locked to Ao3 users, so you may want to download them as a backup. I’ve asked him about fixing that.), based on your selections when configuring the bookmarklet on the linked page. If you use the userscript, it adds a button to the works listings page so you don’t even have to open the work to save it:
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I tweaked this script so that it only grabs the first pairing tag, since I don’t typically care about secondary pairings and they were clogging up my Pinboard tags. It’s a simple fix (though I know nothing about coding so I had to do some googling and inspect-sourcing; kinda proud of myself tbh):
Just change this part of the script
if ( options.relationship_include ) {
- $(".relationships a.tag", $work).each(function () {
To this
if ( options.relationship_include ) {
- $(".relationships a.tag:first", $work).each(function () {
I also found this cool mobile-optimized Pinboard bookmarklet called Pincushion and combined it with Flamebyrd’s script. Everything works except the auto-tagging, but I’ve reached out on GitHub to see if he can help (according to Flamebyrd, there’s no tag field ID attribute to map to). However, this bookmarklet has tagging autocomplete features that make it easy to tag manually. For example, if you type “steve 21st” it will suggest “steverogersvsthe21stcentury” rather than having to type out “steverogersvs…” in order for it to autocomplete like it does on the regular Pinboard bookmarklet. I actually have two buttons set up (which you can see in the next screenshot) - Flamebyrd's to quickly grab the tags and close without me having to do anything, and then the Pincushion one to quickly edit the tags. If anyone's interested, I can explain how to do that.
To combine Pincushion with Flamebyrd’s script (so it works from the Ao3 works listings page as mentioned above), simply change this part of Flamebyrd’s script:
t = t.split(" ").join( options.space_replacement );
var pb_url = "https://pinboard.in/add?url=" + encodeURIComponent(q) + "&description=" + encodeURIComponent(d) + "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(p) + "&tags=" + encodeURIComponent(t);
void(open(pb_url, "Pinboard", "toolbar=no,width=700,height=350"));
To this
t = t.split(" ").join( options.space_replacement );
var pb_url = "https://rossshannon.github.io/pincushion/?user=YOURUSERNAME&token=YOURAPITOKEN&url=" + encodeURIComponent(q) + "&description=" + encodeURIComponent(d) + "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(p) + "&tags=" + encodeURIComponent(t);
void(open(pb_url, "Pinboard", "toolbar=yes,width=600,height=700,left=50,top=50"));
You’ll need to get your API Token from your Pinboard account and plug it in where it says YOURUSERNAME and YOURAPITOKEN (number part only) above.
FanFictionNavigator - mark fics as Like/Dislike/Mark/InLibrary, highlight with colors based on which option you select, hide/show based on category, like/dislike author and highlight with color. Only you will see how you've marked things.
You can tweak the colors for the highlighting by configuring the script (I find the default colors make the text hard to read because I use the Reversi skin on Ao3 for white-ish text on a gray background). I also changed it so that when I click “hide likes” it only hides liked fics and not liked authors (i.e. hides fics I’ve read, but not unread fics by authors I like), changed the color of the like/dislike/etc links to match the highlighting color and to show up better, and changed the way it highlights authors (I think the default is bold/strikethrough which doesn't really catch my eye. I changed it to highlight the author name in red/green):
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Here are my configured scripts if you’d like to use them instead of tweaking yourself (you need to install both):
FanFictionNavigator - Colors
Note: Your settings for this script will sync via Tampermonkey but not your data (i.e. fics you’ve liked/marked/etc). If you ever switch between browsers, you’ll need to go to your Ao3 Dashboard and click FFNOptions, export your data, then go through the same process to import it into the new browser.
AO3: Kudosed and seen history - highlight or hide works you kudosed/bookmarked/marked as seen. If you want to use this with FanFictionNavigator, you’ll need to turn off “highlight bookmarks” from the settings under the “Seen Works” dropdown that gets added to your Ao3 navbar or FFN’s colors won’t show. Again, data doesn’t sync between browsers but you can copy it from the dropdown settings. However, it pulls your kudosed and bookmarked fics from Ao3 itself, so that will always show. It's just seen/skipped that doesn't sync:
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Ao3 download buttons - adds a download button to the works listings page so you don’t have to open the fic to download it. However, it also doesn’t play nicely with FFN’s colors, so I’m using AO3 Review + Last Chapter Shortcut + Kudos-sortable Bookmarks script which also has a download button that works with FFN (a small down arrow next to the author name). The download button doesn’t work as-is from that link, so here’s my tweaked version based off of this comment. You can configure what format you want it to download by default in the script. There’s also a tweak in the comments to fix kudos-sorting, but it overloads Ao3 and you get a “retry later” error for a few minutes when you try to open Ao3, so I don’t recommend it. I don’t know if any of the other functionalities of the script work because I don’t use them, but it looks like there are tweak suggestions in other comments you can try:
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I was using Ao3 Replace Words to replace words in fics that bug me but I realized it wasn’t working on mobile, so I’m using zensurf instead which is not Ao3-specific but works basically the same way. If you want to limit it to just Ao3 (so it doesn’t change words on non-fic sites), just add this
// @include http://archiveofourown.org/*
// @include https://archiveofourown.org/*
Above this line
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
You can // @include other fic sites like ffnet that way too.
AO3: Links to Last Chapter and Entire Works does what it says on the tin, but the creator was kind enough to give me a code snippet to add that makes the “E” (for Entire Work) appear next to all works and add ?view_full_work=true&view_adult=true to the work URL so that I can easily right-click and share to Instapaper and have it be saved correctly (not just the first chapter but the whole work + not the content warning screen for NR/M/E works). Here is the script with this tweak applied:
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I think those are the only ones that I’ve done special tweaks for. Here are some others that I find useful that either don’t require any configuration, or should be pretty straightforward to configure and are explained on the script page.
AO3 author+tags quick-search - doesn’t require configuration
Generates quick links from AO3 fics to more by the same author in the same fandom (or character/pairing/any other tag):
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Remove leading spaces in AO3 - doesn’t require config
Removes the leading indents for paragraphs in AO3 works.
Ao3 Only Show Primary Pairing - you have to enter the pairings you want in the script, and you can change how early in the sequence they must appear before the work is hidden. Also works with character tags.
Hides works where specified pairing isn't the first listed. Hidden works show a placeholder that you can click to unhide:
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AO3: highlight tags - have to enter the tags you want highlighted, as well as the color you want. It matches case so you may have to enter both “Dog” and “dog”, for example.
Configure tags to be highlighted with different colors. This makes a tag more obvious to your eye when browsing. I use it to highlight things I’m wary of in red so I don’t miss them and start reading a fic I might not want.
AO3: Tag Hider - configure how many tags you want to see before it hides them
Hide tags automatically when there are too many tags. Add hide/show tags button to browsing page and reading page.
AO3 Remove Double-Spacing - no config
Removes awkward double spaces between paragraphs on AO3. Doesn’t smush together paragraphs that have a single line break - it leaves those alone.
ao3 series collapser - no config
Collapse works that are later than part 1 of a series. Leaves a placeholder so you can uncollapse if you want to see it.
AO3 Blocker - no config, but you enter what you want to block from the added navbar dropdown in Ao3
Fork of ao3 savior; blocks works based on certain conditions. I find this simpler to use than Ao3 savior.
FYI there are also style scripts for Pinboard on greasyfork and userstyles.org (this site is slow af for some reason, so be patient while it loads). I use show unread bookmarks more clearly and Modern Pinboard Style (basically a dark mode). Neither require config unless you just want to tweak the settings to your liking. To install to Tampermonkey from userstyles, scroll down to “Install style as userscript”.
I also use these extensions in Kiwi:
Ao3rdr - Adds a star rating system (pictured in some of the screenshots above) to Ao3 works that only you can see. This one will sync your data between devices if you use the cloud sync option, which I recommend so you don’t lose your data if something happens to your device or browser.
Dark Reader - not really necessary for Ao3 if you use Reversi skin, but does make all browser pages dark mode if you want it on sites other than Ao3.
Speaking of Ao3 skins, I have another one set up in conjunction with Reversi that shows all the fandoms on a user’s profile, rather than having to click “expand”:
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Unfortunately, I can’t remember where I found this. To set it up yourself, go to your Ao3 -> Dashboard -> Skins -> Create Site Skin, fill in the Title (has to be unique), and paste the code below in the CSS box:
#user-fandoms ol.index {
padding-bottom: 0;
text-align: center;
#user-fandoms ol.index li {
display: inline;
margin-right: .5em;
line-height: 2.15em;
#user-fandoms ol#fandom_full_list {
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 1.5em;
display: block !important;
#user-fandoms p.actions {
display: none;
Then hit Submit -> Use. There are ways to hide or highlight various elements (ships, characters, blurbs, work stats, etc) on a works listing page using skins on Ao3. This is getting long so I’m not going to go into that, but I’m happy to help if you want to try it. It’s very easy.
Once you have everything configured on Tampermonkey on your desktop, you can migrate it to your mobile device in one of two ways:
Option 1: Go to Tampermonkey settings and change Config Mode to Advanced
Go down to Script Sync and select your preferred cloud service and save
It will ask you to log in to said cloud service
Install Tampermonkey in Kiwi and do the same thing
Wait for it to sync (this can be slow)
It should sync any changes you make moving forward, but again, it’s slow
Option 2: go to Utilities and check all 3 checkboxes under general (include script storage, include Tampermonkey settings, include external script resources)
Either export to your preferred cloud service or
Export as a zip file, move it to your mobile device, go to this same screen and import
I would recommend exporting as a zip for a backup even if you don’t use it to migrate your scripts
You can unzip and upload individual script files (.js) on this page if you ever need to reinstall a single script with your settings instead of all of them
Let me know if you run into any issues and I can try to help! The script writers are also super nice and helpful if you reach out to them. Yay fandom!
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singerkillerjaetch · 1 month
how to grow the fuck up
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singerkillerjaetch · 2 months
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This is absolutely AMAZING, gonna be thinking so much about this plot 🥹🥹🥹👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This a a Prompt from my Disney Song Prompt List.
I'm technically stretching the rules here, but I guess since Disney owns Fox now, I can count on a technicality.
Song: Once Upon a December (Anastasia)
Requested by @singerkillerjaetch
The winter’s cold stabbed through straight to Silver’s bones, turning pink flesh blue and causing teeth to clatter.
‘I’ll have to find shelter soon,’ he thought. He searched the area, but his vision was hazy due to the thick mist his breath made.
Silver had no idea how long he had been in these icy woods, lost and alone. What he did know was that if he didn’t find warmth soon, Silver would never find it again.
Silver stumbled against a tree, his fingers so numb that he couldn’t even feel the scratchy bark of the tree.
‘I can’t… I can’t…’
“Stand up.” Ah, it was that voice again. “It doesn’t matter what you have to do. As long as you live.”
Silver closed his eyes against the sound. That voice always appeared at times like this, when he was lost.
He just wished he could remember who that voice belonged to.
‘Then again, if I could recall anything, I wouldn’t be here.’ With a shudder, Silver stood and continued to trudge through the thick snow, ripping his leg as the white gripped his knees.
A time ago, the boy had been found wandering with no memory of his past or even who he was. He only had his name due to his hair, and he hated the name “Gray.”
Silver began to worry that he would never find his true identity when fate, or perhaps luck, intervened. 
Silver met a pixie after he rescued her from a band of thieves who were going to sell her in a bottle. 
After the human shared his plight with her, she mysteriously told Silver that he should go to Briar Valley. There, he should seek out “Lilia Vanrouge.” Before Silver could question why, the other vanished.
Having no other leads, the teen made his journey to Briar Valley. 
Once he arrived, he was surprised to find the entire valley coated in snow.
Travelers had told him that this winter had been going on for some time, caused by the sorrow of the Dragon Prince, who had lost something dear to him. Silver, whose heart already twinged at the mention of him, went out to the prince. Whatever he lost must have been precious to create such a storm for so long--
Koff, koff!
Silver’s throat ached and nearly choked him. Silver came to these woods to find his past, but if he didn’t hurry and find protection from the cold, Silver wouldn’t have a future either.
There were many times Silver’s body nearly gave out and fell to the storm, but each time he did, the same voice would appear in his head, begging him to live.
‘I wish I knew... if only I could recall...’ Who that person was.
Silver pressed his lips tight, and his brow furrowed deeply.
It was faint, glowing as dim as an ember, but he could recall someone holding him as a child. In their arms, Silver felt safe and warm. He hadn’t felt that way for a long time.
If the human thought harder, he could hear a faint lullaby being sung. He couldn’t recall the song itself or the words—just the tune.
Silver placed a hand over his chest as the muscle inside it ached. 
It hurt, but it was that pain that kept him going. For his heart to ache and yearn so strongly for something his mind could not recall, Silver must have loved it deeply and dearly. And, surely, those feelings had to have been returned...
Hope could only move a body for so long, and it seemed that it was going to fade when Silver's aurora-colored eyes spotted something.
In the distance, settled between one of the many large trees and a stream, frozen completely by the cold, was a cottage. 
The sight brought tears to the teen’s eyes as warmth slowly spread to his icy bones.
He knew this place better than he knew anything else. This...this was home. His home.
He was home.
The door opened so fast that it was nearly pulled from the house. Light came pooling out. The only light in the dark, icy world. Framed by this heavenly glow was a figure that made Silver’s heart cry out, though his lips remained silent in shock. He held his breath until the other spoke.
“Silver?” That voice—he recognized it! It was the same voice that kept him alive all this time. This person was his...
Lilia stood, shaking not from the cold but from the emotions that filled him upon seeing the sight before him.
“Silver?” Was it a dream? Or perhaps he was seeing a ghost. Could this be his son? The child he had lost what felt like ages ago?
His grip broke the wood of the entryway. He didn’t dare hope. He didn’t dare dream. Not after all this time.
And yet--
“Father?” Lilia’s heart, numb from grief for so long, began to beat once more.
Only to break as the lad fell.
“Silver!” Lilia bolted from the doorway to his son’s side, pulling him from the snow as he called the other’s name again and again. Sadly, there was no response.
“Silver!” Surely fate didn’t deliver his boy to his doorstep just to have him die before the father. Such a thing would be far too cruel.
“Silver, please! Please…”
Once upon a December, Silver vanished from his life.
Lilia would not let that happen again.
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singerkillerjaetch · 2 months
This one is probably my oldest twst WIP. Pretty much I wanted to try my hand at a darker Silver while still keeping to his normal personality, that and my sibling wanted me to try something with Octavinelle and this clip. And just a warning... this was not edited.
‘Place all of your valuables in here, please.’
Posed elegantly behind his polished desk, Azul rubs the space between his eyes with an irritable sigh, praying to the sea witch for even an ounce of patience. What was he thinking, having the silver haired Diasomnian do this to repay his debt, I should have just had him work in the lounge like everyone else.
Alas the fault lies with him, after advising the second year during halloween Azul was ecstatic at having a student from the infamous Diasomnia indebted to him, oh all the tantalising trade negotiations and contracts he could have wormed its inhabitants into! And having thought that a guard of the Malleus Draconia would naturally prove to be a formidable bouncer, perhaps someone who could even match with Floyd when Jade isn’t around, but instead all Azul got was this overly nice, air-headed fool who hadn’t the slightest sense of intimidation at all! Perhaps I struck too low with this one, I may need to raise the stakes to get into a contract with The Draconia prince. 
Incidentally, Silver waited patiently and held out the bag that Jade had so graciously given him towards the confounded fool who thought he could run from his debts. 
Usually it would be Azul who’d personally settle the score with his clients, but in his greediness he foolishly gave the task to Silver to test out the human’s capabilities, which were currently lacking at best. At least he still had Jade around to keep a close eye on things while Azul was forced to watch miserably from the side.
The Diasomnian’s warm auroral gaze peered earnestly into the anxious student’s eyes ‘Since you have failed to repay what you owed in money it is only right that you must pay with something of equal value’ Silver says matter of factly, shaking the bag for emphasis ‘though preferably with whatever valuables you already have on your person or whatever goes in Octavinelle.’ The student stares at him with a tense uncertainty, unsure of what to make of this new “employee” of Azul’s, normally the silver haired beauty was found at Malleus Draconia’s side or walking the hallways with Diasomnia’s vice housewarden, he was certainly less… intimidating than the Leech twins. Speaking of, a little aways from them, Floyd listlessly peels himself from the luminescent aquarium wall which appeared to be slowly crowding with schools of brightly coloured fish and mosied over to drape himself dramatically backwards on the sofa, right next to an unfazed Silver’s head, and lightly flicked the human on the side of his head with a huge voracious grin plastered on his face ‘Ha ha, silly Jellyfish, you're doing it all wrong you have ta’ scare ‘em more’ he cheerfully trills. Then, still upside down, he stares directly at the fidgety student with those piercing mismatched eyes ‘isn’t that right, little fishie?’ the Leech asked, the dull blue light from the aquarium illuminated those razor sharp teeth which grinned at them. When the student suddenly stutters and stammers and doesn’t answer, that shark-like grin fell into something far more vicious, similar to Silver’s wolf friends as they stalk their prey. ‘I asked you a question, fishie’ Floyd growled, fingers twitching.
The student yelped fearfully and nodded so fast Silver worried that they might have hurt their neck. And like a switch being flipped, Floyd instantly returned to his usual lazy grin ‘see? Just like that, now you try Jellyfish,’ he tells Silver with a surprisingly soft slap to his arm. ‘Hmm, well I suppose I could try as my father has said to use similar methods in negotiations’ Silver murmured aimlessly, though hesitation was written all over his features, did he say they were for negotiations or interrogations? Malleus says there's hardly a difference but…
Next to the table Jade gracefully stood from Silver’s right, smiling to himself as he chuckled gleefully ‘why yes Silver, your father certainly sounds like a wise man and if I may contribute. If you see there are no forms of immediate payment, be sure to negotiate other options that may be paid forthwith, in these circumstances it doesn’t matter how arduous your terms may be,’ the elder twin advised, sparing the quivering student an amused glance ‘as per the contract says of course, we are on a timeframe after all.’
Still at his desk, Azul resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands and groan in misery like some uncouth moron. This was utterly ridiculous, how could he have ever thought that entertaining a proposal from those damn eels was a good idea! Those sadistic slimy pool noodles relish in seeing him suffer!
Of all the things Azul could have forgotten it just had to be the twins' odd infatuation with the silver haired human, it was near insulting how the twins were as reeled in by the second year’s knightley charms as the wildlife were (namely those pesky aquarium fish), Silver practically had them wrapped around his pretty little finger! 
To be honest that wasn’t the most comforting thought as Azul remembers how Jade and Floyd sometimes stumble upon their fellow second year whenever they ‘find’ him dozing around campus and think it would be a brilliant idea to snatch him up and drag him back to the Mostro Lounge whenever they pleased (really Azul never had the energy to ask why they preferred to shove the sleeping diasomnian into a giant potato sack and over their shoulders). It always drove the housewarden into near cardiac arrest whenever he’d hear the twins snarling at each other the moment they barge through the Lounge’s mirror, bearing needle like teeth at each other as they all but brawled for the bag, ignorant of their delicate cargo inside which pierced adrenaline through the suave Housewarden’s chest every time a tuft of silver hair so much as peeked out of the bag’s edge, it was just as if the three of them were still living beneath the coral sea and either twin didn’t want to share a certain snack or toy. While the two grappled, it was up to Azul to make sure that not a scratch was left on the human who slumbered peacefully throughout the whole ordeal, not out of any misguided affection mind you, but because that wretched Diasomnia has made it abundantly clear of what their housewardens will do should anything happen to this particular student of theirs, the dealer felt a shiver fall down his spine as he recalled back in his first year the last incident where some foolish Octavinelle students thought to rope Silver into a particularly nasty deal. He could still smell the acrid scent of burnt clothing and hair from that day.
Suddenly, Azul was pulled from his musings as the very air around them felt as if it fell by several degrees. Turning back to the group he raised an eyebrow as the silver guard now read from a small stack of papers Jade must have just given him, judging from the faint signature and beautifully yellowed paper, Azul recognised it as being the client’s contract. Silver leaned back on the sofa, one leg languidly crossed over the other while his head rested against his free hand. The human’s expression remained eerily impassive as he skimmed the contracts elegant handwriting, not a single muscle shifted other than a raised eyebrow ‘hmm, how terrible to have run into such misfortune, well then, first order of business I must commend the effort you have pulled together to avoid this meeting’ Silver hummed after a moment of heavily tense silence. The second year’s lips twitched at the corners upon seeing the client’s seat being the only thing keeping their trembling knees from buckling when those wicked, gleaming eyes fell down upon them ‘though unfortunately now we must abide by the contract, by any means necessary or so I’ve been told’ Little by little in the dim blue lighting of Octavinelle, something cold and piercing slowly began to devour and fill that warm knightley gaze, as if one had melted all the light in the room until nothing but darkness remained. For a moment Azul had to blink and fix his glasses, he was not expecting that. Was it something all of Diasomnia could do? He had to find out, this could be a golden opportunity to finally profit off those damnable drama queens! The brightness had fled the lounge, even the twins had ceased in their awful teasing and only watched the proceedings with hungry eyes.  
‘Thus I must repeat myself; put all your valuables in the bag.’  No protests were made this time as sorry little trinkets and whatnots were haphazardly tossed into the bag. Silver gave it the most unimpressed frown he could manage as the bag jingled mid air, even the sound of its contents were deplorable ‘hmm, I’ve seen better’ he murmured dryly ‘and this is everything?’ another meek nod, pathetic really, even the lowest of palace servants had better offerings ‘what about that watch? That seems very valuable, gold I believe it is, and not the fake kind’ after all Lord Malleus made certain that his guards knew the difference between a fake and the real thing. The client’s hand swiftly clamped over that alluring shine ‘I-I-I can’t, it belonged to my grandpa!’ they whimpered, shrinking even further as Silver was unmoved, he tilted his chin up slightly and glanced down at them ‘that is none of my concern now, is it? You should have thought better than to fall so whimsically into a deal then’ he sighed touching his fingers to his forehead ‘though again, you were one of those foolish three hundred students who thought they could gamble their way through finals so perhaps logic is beyond you. Nevertheless I believe there can be a way we could work around this predicament’ Silver then leaned forward, hands clasped between his knees.
‘If you refuse to offer up the watch, you may offer your memories of it instead’
Grinning peculiarly, somehow the silver human’s very presence suddenly enveloped the whole room, the very air became frigidly cold, Azul was no longer there behind his desk with his greedy, expanding grin, ecstatic at the second year’s regal performance. The twins weren’t caging them in from the sides anymore, figuratively licking their teeth at the prospect of playing with a new toy. 
‘Allow me to explain; instead of giving up your precious watch which you say was given to you by your grandfather, I will be gracious enough to allow you to give all your memories of it in its place. Every memory which makes it special to you, that should make a fair exchange.’
Either way you will part with the watch, went unsaid but was clear in their minds, even if the client gave their memories it will turn the watch into that, an ordinary watch with no personal value. And the client somehow figured this out.
‘That’s not fair, it’s just the same result with different methods!’ they yelled all of a sudden, putting on a show of bravery, but that's all it was, a show. 
‘It's not fair?’ The expression on Silver’s face shifted, locking everyone, including Azul and the twins in place. It was an expression that demanded naught less than fear, submission and perhaps even worship. It was a look that told the weak to bow until their heads grazed the dirt, eerily similar to a certain housewarden. ‘You do understand that you are to serve Octavinelle until your graduation, right? And you wanted to modify your terms of the contracts so we must find something of equal exchange. What you have offered is miniscule to what is required and your only saving grace is the value of that watch or your memories, I’m just giving you the less painful option, so make your choice now’ 
The Octavinelle housewarden was ecstatic. Maybe he needn’t look for another potential pawn in Diasomnia after all…
‘After a little more persuasion they finally handed it over and we concluded negotiations’ Silver recounted, shivering in his seat ‘ugh, I’ve never felt so cold blooded before, it felt awful’ across from him, the small fae crooned sympathetically then chuckled with the soft clink of a teacup settling on its saucer ‘oh my dear boy, if it's any consolation I believed you did wonderfully despite your disapproval, truly Malleus has taught you well.’ Lilia jumped in surprise as brightly green thunder suddenly clapped and flashed around the Diasomnia dorm
‘Almost a little too well if you ask me, what in twisted wonderland could have gotten that boy in a tizzy?’
Silver looked out the window a little sheepishly ‘ah, I suppose that’s on me, apparently after negotiations Azul wanted me to work for him full time but I politely declined as it collided with my duties toward Lord Malleus’ he spied a little glint of glass hidden within the bushes ‘and it seems they are still in pursuit to recruit me’ Lilia chuckled good heartedly while covering Silver’s eyes as a flash of lighting hit the bushes directly. Maniacal laughing followed as both Floyd and Jade leapt out with little bits of smouldering ash burning in their hair ‘my they sure are persistent,’
‘Fools! Idiots! You dare try to claim what is already mine, I shall burn you to cinders!’ 
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singerkillerjaetch · 3 months
grabbing you by the collar. hey. hey. you're an orv fan right? you like found family-isms and insane dynamics right? hey you should read return of the mount hua sect. aren't you a reader? don't you want to be like kim dokja or something? come on you want to read this soooo badly. i'm biting you as i say all of this btw.
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singerkillerjaetch · 4 months
Twisting Fates_Index
Chapter 1; Strange feelings *Part 1 *Part 2
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singerkillerjaetch · 4 months
@britishassistant Twisted Wonderland Masterlist (10/10/23)
Credit to @britishassistant and rightful anons and artists
Villainous Paranoiac AU | Supervillain AU Main | Supervillain AU AUs | AU Crossover Posts | Assorted AUs | General Credit List |
Twisted Wonderland Supervillain AU
Tag: supervillain au
Welcome to Twistopolis, where the supervillains of Night Raven Corporation run amok and the superheroes of Royal Sword Association regularly stop them. Between the two groups stands the Prefect, a mysterious third-party vigilante. Reporting on it all is Yuu Radcliffe, a seemingly-ordinary reporter, and their cameraman Yuuken Enma. Oh, and there's also the self-proclaimed-greatest-supervillain Grim.
There are AUs to this AU which you can access through a link above, but it is recommended that you go through the Main Posts first.
General Notes:
Dorm heads are supervillains, other students are minions
Yuu is the Prefect and nobody knows
All the students are now grown adults.
Some heroes and villains have civillian identities, some don't.
Names are meaningful (usually).
Nonhumans exist.
Magic exists.
Quite shippy, generally runs on comedy, has a very friendly au community and a cool lore has been built up.
Characters and Groups
Yuu Radcliffe, Yuuken Enma, Kuroki Yuuya, Hirasaka Yuuka, their bosses
Night Raven Corporation
On the villains of Twistopolis
Royal Sword Association
On the heroes of Twistopolis
Other Civilian Characters and Groups
Grim, the Ghosts, Mrs. Kingscholar, Cheka, Eliza, the Radcliffes, the Great Seven, the Disney Company
Other Hero and Villain Groups
heroes and villain unaffiliated with RSA and NRC
On the relations within and between groups.
Short-form incidents and events resulting from asks, submissions and posts that involve numerous characters or a shared theme. Specific incidents can be found in the respective character posts.
Longer pieces of written work
It isn't a world with superheroes and supervillains without some costumes! Here are the collected costume notes and artist interpretations of certain characters.
Artworks /Memes
Non-costume artworks that still fall under the main Supervillain AU, memes of the Supervillain AU and its AUs, and whatever didn't fit anywhere else
Compiler Note:
I tried to collect everything but I am only human. Please message me if a link leads somewhere it shouldn't or if I missed credit somewhere.
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singerkillerjaetch · 5 months
people NEED to stop gatekeeping making music like ohhhh i don’t have an instrument ohhhhh i don’t know music theory ohhhhh i’m not gonna pay for some program. SHUT UP. take my hand.
you need NONE of that shit!!!!! there’s a website called beepbox.co. literally all you have to do is press things until it sounds a modicum of nice. it’s easy it’s free and it works on anything which has a browser because it’s a website.
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if even ONE person starts making music bc of this post it will be worth it.
making bad music is just as important and okay as it is to write badly or draw badly or sing badly. you AREN’T BEHOLDEN TO MAKE GOOD MUSIC. making music is not utilitarian HAVE FUN. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!
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singerkillerjaetch · 6 months
In the spirit of encouraging people to comment on fanfics while also making it easier to do so, I feel obliged to share a browser extension for ao3 that has quite literally revolutionized the comment game for me.
I present to you: the floating ao3 comment box!
From what I've seen, a big problem for many people is that once you reach the comments at the bottom of a fic, your memory of it miraculously disappears. Anything you wanted to say is stuck ten paragraphs ago, and you barely remember what you thought while reading. This fixes that!
I'll give a little explanation on the features and how it works, but if you want to skip all that, here's the link.
The extension is visible as a small blue box in the upper left corner.
(Side note: The green colouring is not from the extension, that's me.)
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If you click on it, you open a comment box window at the bottom of your screen but not at the bottom of the fic. I opened my own fic for demonstrative purposes.
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The website also gives explanations on how exactly it functions, but I'll summarize regardless.
insert selection -> if you highlight a sentence in the fic it will be added in italics to the comment box
add to comment box -> once you're done writing your comment, you click this button and the entire thing will automatically copied to the ao3 comment box
delete -> self explanatory
on mulitchapter fics, you will be given the option to either add the comment to just the current chapter or the entire fic
The best part? You can simply close the window the same way you opened it and your progress will automatically be saved. So you can open it, comment on a paragraph, and then close it and keep reading without having the box in your face.
Comments are what keep writers going, and as both a writer and a reader, I think it's such an easy way of showing support and enthusiasm.
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singerkillerjaetch · 6 months
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singerkillerjaetch · 7 months
My eternal respect to whoever made the donghua's drawing style because God dAMN HOW DID THEY MADE WWX LOOK SO PRETTY
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Mo Dao Zu Shi → Flirting 101 ft. Wangxian 💕💞
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singerkillerjaetch · 7 months
An encouraging love letter all the fanfic writers and artists-
Don't stop.
I don't care if Canon has gone off the rails or given us lore that directly contradicts your ideas. I want to read it. I want to see it. I want to know where you'd take these characters. I want to know what inspired you to create in the first place and I want to go on that journey with you. I want you to finish.
I want you to make it better. I want you to make it worse. Make it silly and heartbreaking and amazing. Make it everyday life and what ifs and 5&1s.
I'll be there with kudos and likes and ❤️❤️❤️ comments since this is the most articulate I've been in months.
Keep going. You loved an idea so much you've spent who knows how many hours writing and editing and drawing and posting.
I see you. Don't stop.
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singerkillerjaetch · 7 months
People with low spoons, someone just recommended this cookbook to me, so I thought I'd pass it on.
I always look at cookbooks for people who have no energy/time to do elaborate meal preparations, and roll my eyes. Like, you want me to stay on my feet for long enough to prepare 15 different ingredients from scratch, and use 5 different pots and pans, when I have chronic fatigue and no dishwasher?
These people seem to get it, though. It's very simple in places. It's basically the cookbook for people who think, 'I'm really bored of those same five low-spoons meals I eat, but I can't think of anything else to cook that won't exhaust me'. And it's free!
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singerkillerjaetch · 8 months
i am not joking we need to force teach cooking in schools. like. it is an essential thing for survival. do you know how easy it is to make things if you know even the bare bones shit about how cooking works. we need to teach teenagers how far you can take an onion and some other veggies it''s sad that people grow up not knowing how to prepare literally anything. and i'm not talking about oh this home ed class taught me how to make chicken nuggets at home i'm talking about learning the balancing of sweetness and acidity and saltiness and bitterness and shit like that and techniques and oil temperatures and how meats cook. it needs to be taught because it's literally not even that difficult and it matters so much
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