singers-sanctuary · 6 years
The Dazzlings were curious, concerned, and confused about the former rainbooms transformation. They hadn't really ever considered such an event to be possible, let alone rather easily achieved, but there it was happening right in front of them. They would watch as Rarity's appearance changed right in front of them. The three sirens would spread out and sit evenly around the newest sister to their family.
@msraritydeluxe seeks the three fallen sirens.
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There was somethings that would never change to Adagio, whether it be a boon or a detriment. In the current case, a detriment with coping with Sonata’s stupid comments at times.
“Please tell me that our magic wasn’t the only thing you lost when our pendants were destroyed.” Adagio manages to simply state after resting her hand on her face. How can I put up with her stupidity? She thinks to herself before having her side nudged by Aria.
The sight that was presented to her was not an entirely welcomed one, due to the approaching person was one of those that had resulted in her defeat. Even though she does her best to maintain a cool and calm composure as she spoke. “Is there something we can help you with Rarity?”
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singers-sanctuary · 6 years
Knocking on the door Maud brings Adagio some leftover food from the holidays.
Adagio didn't expect much following how people viewed her. Though, she didn't really care at the moment. She still had her sisters and that was enough for her. Sure, they didn't have their magic, but they still stuck by each other despite their differences.
Adagio was the first person up as the Aria and Sonata was still asleep. She gets up and stretches before walking over to the door, still suffering from a mild case of bed head. Opening the door, she notices Maud with the leftovers.
"I'm surprised anyone would give us anything leftover or not. What I'm trying to say is thanks I guess."
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singers-sanctuary · 6 years
Adagio wasn't one to give someone the time of day, especially when they assisted her and her sisters willingly and knowingly. Adagio motions Sonata to pick up Rarity which the bubbly siren did without a moments hesitation.
Adagion then would personally carry Rarity on her back as they walked, heading toward the plain they were previously defeated on. Once the two had been enemies, but now they might as well be friends if not sisters. Adagio considers those that share some portion of her power a sister and considering Rarity was risking the same fate that had previously befallen Sunset before their defeat and was still willing to do it, Adagio was willing to add her to those she deemed her sisters.
@msraritydeluxe seeks the three fallen sirens.
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There was somethings that would never change to Adagio, whether it be a boon or a detriment. In the current case, a detriment with coping with Sonata’s stupid comments at times.
“Please tell me that our magic wasn’t the only thing you lost when our pendants were destroyed.” Adagio manages to simply state after resting her hand on her face. How can I put up with her stupidity? She thinks to herself before having her side nudged by Aria.
The sight that was presented to her was not an entirely welcomed one, due to the approaching person was one of those that had resulted in her defeat. Even though she does her best to maintain a cool and calm composure as she spoke. “Is there something we can help you with Rarity?”
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singers-sanctuary · 6 years
Adagio accepts the necklace and puts it on. She takes a deep breath as she can feel a portion of her power returning. She grins as she takes the cloth that held her necklace. She began a low hum that caused her necklace to glow and vibrate.
On the field where the fragments of the Dazzlings' pendants lay, the fragments belong to Adagio's pendant began to glow and vibrate before they move in the direction of Adagio and Rarity.
As the pendant reformed, she grins and waits for it to finish. Once finished, she hands Rarity her necklace back and puts hers on, this time singing as Aria and Sonata hold out their necklace cloths for theirs to do the same as Adagio's did earlier.
Once the three had their pendants back, they look at Rarity then each other, nodding their heads. "Follow us. We'll help you complete your transformation and use your magic." Aria states simply as the three made their way outside.
@msraritydeluxe seeks the three fallen sirens.
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There was somethings that would never change to Adagio, whether it be a boon or a detriment. In the current case, a detriment with coping with Sonata’s stupid comments at times.
“Please tell me that our magic wasn’t the only thing you lost when our pendants were destroyed.” Adagio manages to simply state after resting her hand on her face. How can I put up with her stupidity? She thinks to herself before having her side nudged by Aria.
The sight that was presented to her was not an entirely welcomed one, due to the approaching person was one of those that had resulted in her defeat. Even though she does her best to maintain a cool and calm composure as she spoke. “Is there something we can help you with Rarity?”
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singers-sanctuary · 6 years
The sirens look between each other before giving Rarity a suspicious look. "Could've fooled us, you being a part siren." Aria answers giving Rarity a skeptical look in addition to a suspicious one.
"If there is any reason why you can't use your magic, it might be cause your necklace doesn't have a focal source. While we had ours, Adagio's was ours." Sonata answers as she shrugs her shoulders.
"If anything, I can try to use your necklace to try and restore that which is truly mine. Then I can restore my sisters' then I can actually add yours in to receive our power, but that's up to you." Adagio states simply.
@msraritydeluxe seeks the three fallen sirens.
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There was somethings that would never change to Adagio, whether it be a boon or a detriment. In the current case, a detriment with coping with Sonata’s stupid comments at times.
“Please tell me that our magic wasn’t the only thing you lost when our pendants were destroyed.” Adagio manages to simply state after resting her hand on her face. How can I put up with her stupidity? She thinks to herself before having her side nudged by Aria.
The sight that was presented to her was not an entirely welcomed one, due to the approaching person was one of those that had resulted in her defeat. Even though she does her best to maintain a cool and calm composure as she spoke. “Is there something we can help you with Rarity?”
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singers-sanctuary · 6 years
@msraritydeluxe seeks the three fallen sirens.
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There was somethings that would never change to Adagio, whether it be a boon or a detriment. In the current case, a detriment with coping with Sonata's stupid comments at times.
"Please tell me that our magic wasn't the only thing you lost when our pendants were destroyed." Adagio manages to simply state after resting her hand on her face. How can I put up with her stupidity? She thinks to herself before having her side nudged by Aria.
The sight that was presented to her was not an entirely welcomed one, due to the approaching person was one of those that had resulted in her defeat. Even though she does her best to maintain a cool and calm composure as she spoke. "Is there something we can help you with Rarity?"
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
There was a time and a place for everything. The Dazzlings had disbanded, but it was only a delay. They just had to wait for the perfect moment to strike. A moment the Rainbooms were not going to be expecting them. Until that moment arrived, they would play the part of trying to earn the respect and trust of the other students in the school.
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As part of their plan, the sisters kept their distance for the most part. Sonata had gym class on her own, her mannerisms not changing as she waited atop the bleachers, in her own little world that she didn't notice her name being called out for several seconds before she started to look around.
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
Starter Call
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"It's your favorite people, the Dazzlings have returned. Like this for a performance (RP)."
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
Despite how many times she had done the action herself, she still burst into a near ceaseless fit of laughter. While not as far as Trixie's fit was, it was still a long fit of laughter. Hers died down quicker that her friend's due to more excessive experience with Lunar's reaction.
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Upon hearing the other's comments between her laughter, Adagio didn't take all that long to formulate a response, but was still thrown into a slight moment of thought. "That wouldn't make it any fun though. Besides, it's the fact that it isn't always occurring makes her rather wary, but that edginess in her room only makes her reaction better." Adagio responds, helping her friend out of the soundproof room while her fit of laughter continued, just in diminished extent. She hid the air horn so Lunar wouldn't find it before closing the door.
"We should really record that next time."
“They will, it’s just a matter of willing to or they are afraid of the consequences.” Adagio answers with a sincere yet smug look simultaneously. She watches as Trixie pretends the pressing was accidental, but since she was right there, she knew it was intentional.
As soon as the button was pressed, the air horn sent a loud blast of sound through the pipe, up into Lunar’s room. Several seconds later, a louder scream resonated through the room, actually shaking the ceiling above the two of them visibly until it subsides shortly after Lunar was done screaming. Adagio chuckles and puts the pipe back away so Lunar doesn’t see it when she looks for it. 
For the few seconds that the sound traveled, Trixie was anxious with anticipation. The result did not disappoint.
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As soon as the scream reached her ears Trixie completely burst out into a fit of laughs and giggles. It was even more of a reaction than she had expected, and it was completely priceless.
“You think after a while it wouldn’t faze her.” She commented through the gradual decrease of her laughter.
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
"They will, it's just a matter of willing to or they are afraid of the consequences." Adagio answers with a sincere yet smug look simultaneously. She watches as Trixie pretends the pressing was accidental, but since she was right there, she knew it was intentional.
As soon as the button was pressed, the air horn sent a loud blast of sound through the pipe, up into Lunar's room. Several seconds later, a louder scream resonated through the room, actually shaking the ceiling above the two of them visibly until it subsides shortly after Lunar was done screaming. Adagio chuckles and puts the pipe back away so Lunar doesn't see it when she looks for it. 
Adagio was glad to see that her words were serving as some reassurance to Trixie. She didn’t really care how people felt as long as the two of them stayed as close as they are. She was like the sister she always wanted but never got.
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“I am sure that I don’t have to say this. We’re both smart enough to see it, but I’ll say it anyways. Feel free to come to me if anyone means you ill. I’ll see to it personally that they rue that day.” The siren states simply as she sees devious grin on her friend’s face. Yes, the lead singer considered Trixie her friend and she was glad that they had actually managed to see eye to eye after the battle of the bands.
“You are free to press it as you please.” She responds with a calm yet sinister chuckle of her own in near sync with Trixie’s chuckle.
Trixie couldn’t help but still be a little surprised at Adagio’s kind words and how they seemed to have a few things in common - but that was understandable, considering it was all relatively new. Being friends with Adagio. Well, actually, being friends with anyone. 
“Thanks Adagio. I’ll keep the offer in mind - I’m sure I’ll drop by sooner than later. Eventually they’ll learn to knock it off.” 
She walked over with a grin, looking off to the side and holding a finger over the button. Trixie whistled nonchalantly as a joke before pressing it with a very poor, fake look of shock. “Oops.”
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
Adagio was glad to see that her words were serving as some reassurance to Trixie. She didn't really care how people felt as long as the two of them stayed as close as they are. She was like the sister she always wanted but never got.
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"I am sure that I don't have to say this. We're both smart enough to see it, but I'll say it anyways. Feel free to come to me if anyone means you ill. I'll see to it personally that they rue that day." The siren states simply as she sees devious grin on her friend's face. Yes, the lead singer considered Trixie her friend and she was glad that they had actually managed to see eye to eye after the battle of the bands.
"You are free to press it as you please." She responds with a calm yet sinister chuckle of her own in near sync with Trixie's chuckle.
“Lunar is admittedly a remarkable singer, but her voice as she called it herself ‘hypnotizes any not immune to its magical abilities’. I don’t know if she is that conceited or if it’s actually true, but enough about that.” The siren responds wanting to try and get off the topic of talking about Lunar.
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“All in all Trixie, I say we’ll get along just fine at the least. Sure we aren’t the best people in their opinion, but neither of us have any intent on changing who we are. If they aren’t willing to at the least tolerate us, it’s more than enough of a reason to send them a message.” Adagio looks over as she finishes setting up the pipe. She makes sure the door to the soundproof room as well as to her room in general are closed before picking up the air horn a second time.
“Would you do the honors?” She inquires, resting the air horn’s nozzle inside the pipe, having the button to actually activate the air horn in Trixie’s direction.
Trixie nodded slowly, not at all upset about moving off of the topic of Lunar herself, quite honestly. 
She was quick to smile at Adagio’s words that followed after. Someone who got it. The siren was right - if people weren’t going to accept her even when she tried to be more of what they wanted, then why change? Sure she wasn’t as nasty as she was before - but people acted as if she was forced to. That wasn’t right to her. Maybe now in the form of Adagio she had someone who would understand her better.
Her thoughts were interrupted as Adagio spoke again. She looked over at the nozzle, then the button, no doubt grinning a bit deviously.
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“I thought you’d never ask.” Trixie responded, followed by a chuckle.
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
"Lunar is admittedly a remarkable singer, but her voice as she called it herself 'hypnotizes any not immune to its magical abilities'. I don't know if she is that conceited or if it's actually true, but enough about that." The siren responds wanting to try and get off the topic of talking about Lunar.
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"All in all Trixie, I say we'll get along just fine at the least. Sure we aren't the best people in their opinion, but neither of us have any intent on changing who we are. If they aren't willing to at the least tolerate us, it's more than enough of a reason to send them a message." Adagio looks over as she finishes setting up the pipe. She makes sure the door to the soundproof room as well as to her room in general are closed before picking up the air horn a second time.
"Would you do the honors?" She inquires, resting the air horn's nozzle inside the pipe, having the button to actually activate the air horn in Trixie's direction.
“When I said her voice damages the building, I don’t mean glass. Her voice is powerful enough to actually blow holes in the wall when she screams. She’s not all talk, but she’s not all that she thinks she is.” Adagio responds having experienced that destructive voice several times and not wanting Trixie to experience up close where it’s probably the worst.
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“Whenever it comes to anything, I never go with the bare minimum. I tend to cover as many bases as I can…..though somethings do come up at the last second. I don’t like surprises unless they are the good kind.” She looks over at the drawing board in the corner before hearing the other’s potential request.
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“Let me think about that….sure. I’ll come up with somethings to help you out with those offenders.” The siren replies, though the delay prior to her answer was meant to be more of a playful kind. She had absolutely nothing to lose. As much as she needs the Rainbooms to redeem her name, she’ll hold a greater sense of comradery with Trixie due to their situations and common interests.
Trixie looked on in mild surprise. She had assumed the girl was probably a disaster when it came to singing - but that bad? Sheesh. And people had the nerve to call her untalented. The students at CHS must all be blind.. and deaf. She was sure of that before, but this only reconfirmed it.
The girl’s eyes followed Adagio’s to the drawing board as she spoke, taking a moment to appreciate how intricate it seemed to be, given what it was for.
She then looked back as Adagio made a pause in her reply to the suggestion. She raised her eyebrows, smiling when she said sure.
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 "That’s great, Adagio! Because between you and me - they deserve a little wake up call. Most of the time I did nothing to provoke them..” She muttered that last part, clearly a bit bitter.
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
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"Like I'm going to tell you. That'd ruin all the fun for me." She answers calmly, ignoring the rest of the response as he could think what he wants and if he tried anything to try and convince people, she'll make sure he regrets it on the spot.
“Oh come on, when is this line going to move?” sighed Christopher at the movie theater, waiting for his turn in line, not knowing that Adagio was there.“One day I get away from training and its waiting behind poofy hair over here…”
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“Then how about you, I don’t know…..leave then you little annoying insect.” Adagio answers, recognizing the voice as Chris’s and it only served to make he tim more enjoyable for her by making him suffer in line as much as possible.
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
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"Please, I said insect, I never said anything that loves garbage you simple minded fool." Adagio answers simply. "Like we'll get kicked out from a line. We'd have to be inside and having you embarrass yourself for anything remotely along that line."
“Oh come on, when is this line going to move?” sighed Christopher at the movie theater, waiting for his turn in line, not knowing that Adagio was there.“One day I get away from training and its waiting behind poofy hair over here…”
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“Then how about you, I don’t know…..leave then you little annoying insect.” Adagio answers, recognizing the voice as Chris’s and it only served to make he tim more enjoyable for her by making him suffer in line as much as possible.
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
"When I said her voice damages the building, I don't mean glass. Her voice is powerful enough to actually blow holes in the wall when she screams. She's not all talk, but she's not all that she thinks she is." Adagio responds having experienced that destructive voice several times and not wanting Trixie to experience up close where it's probably the worst.
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"Whenever it comes to anything, I never go with the bare minimum. I tend to cover as many bases as I can.....though somethings do come up at the last second. I don't like surprises unless they are the good kind." She looks over at the drawing board in the corner before hearing the other's potential request.
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"Let me think about that....sure. I'll come up with somethings to help you out with those offenders." The siren replies, though the delay prior to her answer was meant to be more of a playful kind. She had absolutely nothing to lose. As much as she needs the Rainbooms to redeem her name, she'll hold a greater sense of comradery with Trixie due to their situations and common interests.
“I don’t view cats in any sort of light myself. As for Lunar, her phobias only matter to me when I get payback on her for her attitude.” She answers calmly, not really minding the slight difference in their taste in pets. No two people have everything in common after all and she preferred fish. If she didn’t prefer fish as pets, then she’d be into having a cat or two, especially with Lunar’s fear of them, though she wasn’t the only person in the house with that unusual fear.
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“She is clever, I’ll give her that, but I use this room so she has a small chance of finding out. She is too lazy to move the bed and find the hole. Even in here, you can still hear her scream in fright. She doesn’t know it’s intentional and she even pays for the damage she does when she does scream. Just have to make sure she doesn’t see the pipe.” She grins mischievously as she grabs the pipe and orientates it so it’s going into Lunar’s room on one end and the other end is hanging several inches from the ceiling of the studio. Ever since discovering this method of revenge, the siren had made sure to keep the pipe clean.
Trixie chuckled as she shook her head. “Absolutely genius.” The girl commented, clearly amused and at the same time intrigued. “Like I said - she deserves it, anyways. It seems she’s all talk with the way she’s so easily frightened.." 
She walked over closer to Adagio and eyed the pipe. "Do you always come up with brilliant revenge plans?” Trixie half joked, looking back over at her with a smile. 
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“Because frankly, Trixie has a few offenders who could seriously use a lesson or two - but if they caught me in the act I’d just receive more slander.” Such was her nature to joke with a light of truth shining through. Maybe they could get a few of those students, after all. All in harmless fun, right?
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
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"You really liked it?" The siren answers joyfully and somewhat embarrassed by the extent of the compliment. Since of how high standards Rainbow has since of her ego, it meant a lot that Rainbow praised her fruit punch to the extent she did. "Hold on. I should have it with me. A lot of people have been wanting it, but you're the first to actually ask for the recipe." Sonata searches through her pockets, trying to locate the recipe that she kept on her.
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Eventually, Sonata find the sheet of paper. Crumpled up but the writing was still legible once the paper was laid out. She offers it to Rainbow Dash. "Here you go Rainbow Dash. Also, thanks for the compliment." The siren thinks through the later offer before nodding her head. "That does sound interesting. Tell Pinkie Pie that I am up for the lessons. It's always a lot of fun talking to her, feels like I'm talking with another me."
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“For the record, you look pretty trashy yourself, Adagio. Aria looks way better; she should’ve been the leader.” Oh, yeah. She went there.
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“Aren’t you cute? Thinking that you can judge someone who is clearly superior to yourself. Now go play with your moles, they have better fashion than you do.” She mockingly retorted.
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singers-sanctuary · 7 years
While the attempt to get to her by calling her a dork might seem like a good move, Adagio didn't even bat an eyelash at the notion. "Please, the only one of us that like that kiss was you." The siren calmly responds.
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"They are here, but not with me. Ever since our pendants were destroyed, we don't stay as close as we used to. We do still keep in contact with our phones. If you want me to tell you where they are. Admit I'm better than you and hold out your hands so I can see them so I know you don't have your fingers crossed." Adagio responds aiming to try and inflict a blow to her ego.
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Sadly, the taco crazy siren had turned the corner. Upon turning the corner, Sonata notices Rainbow Dash and Adagio and walks over in her usual calm mood. "Hi Rainbow Dash. Hi Adagio." Sonata states cheerfully as she wanted to know what the conversation was about.
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“For the record, you look pretty trashy yourself, Adagio. Aria looks way better; she should’ve been the leader.” Oh, yeah. She went there.
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“Aren’t you cute? Thinking that you can judge someone who is clearly superior to yourself. Now go play with your moles, they have better fashion than you do.” She mockingly retorted.
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