singingpandazz · 5 years
So it might be nothing, but the creepiest/weirdest thing just happened...
so i come home after a long day of school/work and i walk inside. being tired, i didn’t really notice until i had been sitting in the house for a little bit JUST how quiet it was. and for my house, with 4 other people as well as both a dog and overly vocal cat (who happens to have a bell on her collar, might i add) the house being as quiet as it was is VERY unusual. granted it could be because my dad wasn’t home on the couch watching tv, but even still, this quiet was different. like i could hear a pin drop different. nevertheless, i brushed off the weird feeling as just me letting my mind wander too far after listening to my favorite true-crime podcast (Morbid if you wanna check them out they’re great btw). Anyways, I go into the kitchen to make myself a late dinner. i shit you not the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME i was in the kitchen i felt like someone was watching me. and for those of you who have never seen my kitchen, which i’m assuming is everyone who might be reading this, my kitchen is really just a narrow corridor with a cupboard, appliances, counter space, and a sink. however, it faces towards the backyard and above the kitchen sink, there’s a window that looks out into the backyard. and right next to the doorway on the left side, we have our sliding glass door. now we’ve lived in this house for about 10-12 years and shortly after moving in (i wanna say about 1.5-2 years) the lock on the sliding backdoor broke. to the point where we couldn’t lock the door anymore. and we never bought a stick to put behind the door because we would use it to get back into the house if, for some reason, we got locked out. at first, the not having the backdoor lock was kind of terrifying but something all of us, including myself were able to get used to. however tonight when i felt as though someone was staring at me from my backyard, i began to wish that the door had a working lock. if nothing else but to ease my troubled mind. after i made my food i began to head upstairs; still with an uneasy feeling in my gut. then i got to thinking. my mom never greeted me when i came. home; which she always does. and at this point, it’s only 9PM and she NEVER goes to bed that early. and then, i realized that my cat never came to the top of the stairs; which SHE ALWAYS DOES! whenever i come home my cat is sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for me to escape with her to my room where she can be away from all the chaos that is an average day in my house. i called my cat’s name and after about 3-5 minutes she came to her usual spot and i walked upstairs and we went into my room. when i passed my mom’s room, the door was closed and there were no lights nor sound coming from her room; which would make sense if my mom is really asleep. as i passed my uncle’s room i could hear his TV through the door, so nothing unusual there. so far, everything is like normal minus the house beeing eerily quiet and i still can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong but like i said earlier, my mind tends to wander when given the chance. but at the time of writing this, pretty much everything seems normal. i just know that having my dad here would ease my worries.
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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me 24/7
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singingpandazz · 6 years
Straight men who embrace their femininity, express emotions in a healthy way and help advocate for minority groups without speaking over them? Big dick energy.
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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Jessica Williams, from this photoset.
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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A natural meowdel
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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Never forget
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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singingpandazz · 6 years
Do y'all remember being a kid and trying to read in the car while it was dark outside and your parents wouldn’t let you turn on the light so you would try to grab snatches of sentences when you passed by street lights
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singingpandazz · 6 years
my uterus realizing we aren’t having a baby after building up a lining for three weeks:
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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“the fact that jenna marbles now says “ladies and mens and my nonbinary friends” just makes me so happy it’s just pure and i wish more cis people understood how much tiny acts of allyship can mean.”
- @artbyashton
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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singingpandazz · 6 years
it is a Scientifically Proven Fact that once a group of people become friends, the tendency to make really foolish decisions skyrockets…. and from this chaos…. the Mom Friend™ rises, ready to keep everyone alive, armed with exasperation and common sense in spades
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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singingpandazz · 6 years
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