singletcollective · 3 years
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Traumagenic multiplicity is a form of multiplicity that was caused entirely or largely by trauma. It is an origin label, stemming from the combination of the word "trauma" and the prefix "-genic", meaning "produced or caused by".
[ credit: The Lunastus Collective ]
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singletcollective · 3 years
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Side System
A sidesystem is a separate group of headmates that exist, usually parallel/next to other systems within one larger plural body.
There may be a "main system" that most of the common fronters come from, or all sidesystems may function equally.
[ credit: Wandering Worlds ]
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singletcollective · 3 years
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Demi-plural is the state of being stuck between plural and singlet and not fully relating to either. May be more common among median systems, but is not exclusive to them. Can be described as a sort of purgatory.
[ credit: Taliesin (spectre system), Frost System, Rosethorn System ]
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singletcollective · 3 years
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A system where members leave and live in Paracosm Bubbles inside the system, and feel like they could fluctuate between a Para/Parame and a System Member. The main person in a Paracosmic system can fluctuate and change at random times.
[ credit: @/plurgai ]
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singletcollective · 3 years
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Gateway (System)
1) systems where system members have their own physical or spirit bodies from another world (including the inner world)
2) systems that have a gateway/connection to another universe in their system, that members can enter and exit through.
[ credit: @/greys-dawn ]
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