sinister-loving · 4 years
The Only One Who Matters
yandere! soul sidestory
"Ugh.. why do they always portray all ghosts like that..?" Julian mumbled beneath his breath, glancing at the TV show they were watching.
The two had decided to stay in for the night, after an.. incident that neither party really wanted to talk about right now.
"Hm?" A soft voice questioned, not bothering to actually use words. Hell, Soul was tired. That was very obvious even from an outside party's opinion, as the ghost was spread out on the giant bed, his head resting comfortably in Julian's lap as the demon ran his hands through the spirit's almost transparent hair.
"They make all the ghosts in this show look so.. weird. I mean, you look pretty weird, but not that weird." Julian joked, but his little comment earned him a playful smack in the face with the back of Soul's hand.
"Not all ghosts are lucky enough to keep their human forms. Those who die more.. intense deaths like dismemberment or arson have a choice to keep their mangled up bodies or devolve into something more.." Soul waved a hand towards the TV as the ghost's head turned a full 360 degrees, mutated into a spider and then fell off.
"Did you choose to keep your form?"
"Eh. I struck a deal with the Elders. They agreed to let me alter my form however I see fit as long as I continued my studies."
"Did you look similar to this when you died?"
"... No. Not really. I was much younger. I only use my body altering abilities to give myself the appearance of aging. Plus, if I still looked like a small child, you'd big in big trouble with the human cops." Soul grinned, managing to get up and stretch as he looked at the clock.
"Hm? Where are you off to, love? Don't you wanna stay here with me?" Julian whined, hugging a pillow.
"... I have to go feed the animals."
Both parties fell silent because both of them knew what that meant.
Soul slid off of the bed, adjusting his clothes before sticking his hand in his pockets. Julian glanced up, watching his boyfriend leave the room, before the spirit glanced back, holding up two fingers with a soft smile.
"Don't worry, love. It'll only take two seconds. I'll be back before the commercials are over."
The door closed too fast for both of their likings, but Soul was already gone on his mission. He bit the inside of his lip in thought as he grabbed the trays he usually fed the animals with. There were only two now, which was understandable, because the third one was gone.
The third one.
Soul felt himself biting harder on the inside of his lip to keep from punching something. If he were alive and still had blood, he would've drawn it by now.
He had tried to let it go, for Julian's sake. The demon didn't want to be reminded of that bitch, and neither did Soul, but every little thing about her infuriated the spirit down to his very core.
How dare she say say such awful things to Julian?! She had better be grateful that Soul wasn't there, or she would've gone through much more pain and then even that wouldn't be enough. Oh, how he would've loved to carve that sharp little tongue out, or maybe even force it down her throat, or-
No, now was not the time for that. He couldn't bear it if he came back to Julian, mad who wasn't even alive anymore.
With a deep breath, Soul placed the small dinners on the tray. They weren't much, simply some fruit and a small bowl of salad. Julian always said that humans that took care of themselves were the most filling, and Soul really didn't want to have his boyfriend dealing with anymore of those disgusting creatures than he absolutely had to. If they wouldn't take care of themselves, he would make them.
What gives them the right to be anywhere near Julian, let alone be fed by the two of you?!
Damnit, his inner thoughts won again.
Carrying one on his head and one in his other hand, Soul carefully toted the trays through the living room, careful not to spill anything. Even if Josephine was away on holiday, she would probably teleport back here in a frenzy if anything were to get on the rooms she cleaned so carefully.
A swift kick to the door handle and entrance into the basement was granted. Not a second passed before a voice began screaming out for help.
How annoying.
"Shut up!" Soul snarled, slamming the door shut with his knee.
The screaming stopped, and was replaced with mutters of fear as the last two survivors cowered in fear. Pathetic.
"I'm here to deliver your food." Soul announced as he walked down the stairs, jumping down the last step just in time to set the trays down on a small table.
The basement room was almost eerily similar to Julian's room, aside from the reinforced metal plates attached to the wall, each with three feet of chains coiled up beside them. At the ends were handcuffs, used to imprison the humans like the animals they are.
"Soul? Soul, please, listen to me, you don't have to do this." One of the cowering humans begged, the chains making an all-too-familiar clinking noise as they shuffled backwards towards the wall.
"Eat your food." The spirit replied blandly.
"Please, we'll help you!"
"I don't need your help, human."
"Does he hurt you too?"
Soul could feel his nails dig into his palms. Does he hurt me? Does he hurt me?!
How can they talk about him like that?! Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting!
"Shut up." He hissed through his teeth.
"I said shut up!" With a flurry of movement, Soul grabbed the human's hair and slammed their head back against the concrete wall. Had his ears not been pounding with the sound of his blood, the crack he heard might've stopped his frenzy.
"How dare you think you can speak about Julian like that?! Julian loves me and if you weren't needed, I'd kill you right here for thinking you could even utter his name!" Blinded by a blitz of rage, Soul slammed his foot into the human's stomach, causing them to cough up a hefty amount of blood.
"How dare you think you have any sort of opinion on him?! You disgusting little rat!" He snarled, not bothered by the scent of the blood both leaking from the human's mouth and from their skull.
"I couldn't save him the despair the first time. But hear me good when I say that I won't let him go through that again. Would I do that for somebody who hurts me?! Would I? Answer me, you bastard!" Pulling his hair back again, Soul slammed the human's head into the wall once more, the cracking noise significantly louder this time.
"Please- please stop, he's dead!" The other human managed to choke out before scurrying away, becoming physically ill at the sight of her companion with a broken skull.
By the time Soul calmed down, the human was slumped up against the wall, the sticky red liquid coating his hair and the spirit's hand.
"Disgusting," Soul spat, flicking the blood off and splattering it all along the wall, "human blood is repulsive."
He shook his hands one more time before heading back towards the stairs. Sure, he hated to kill one of Julian's precious pets, but he couldn't help himself. Plus, it wasn't like Julian had to know.
He wiped the blood off as he closed the door to the basement, ignoring the sounds of distress coming from the room below. The smell of human blood was disgusting, and now it was all over him.
None of this would happen if you were enough.
"Shut up." He mumbled softly, leaning up against the basement door and staring at the floor, wiping his face with his hands. This only left a giant blood streak across his cheek.
Whatever you think to make yourself feel better at night.
It was no use trying to fight the voice. He pushed himself off of the door and stuck his hands back in his hoodie pocket, walking numbly back to the room.
"That took longer than expected." Julian's cheery voice chimed from the other side of the door as the spirit opened it.
"Sorry. There was.. a fight between the animals. By the time I got it broken up, one was dead." Soul muttered quietly, a small smile creeping across his face as the positivity of his boyfriend got to him.
"Oh. That's terrible. I'm sorry, I should've been the one to go down there. It was my turn to feed them anyways." Julian looked down at the pillow in his lap, but the space wasn't empty for long as the spirit flopped down and placed his head on top of the pillow, grinning.
"Don't worry about it, okay? We're in this together, which means I'll look out for you on days when you can't stand to see those bastards." Soul held up his pinkie, and instinctively Julian locked his own with the spirit's.
"Also, told you I'd be back before the commercials were over."
¥ Even though Bug wrote this, I'm taking the liberty of posting it. After all, it is a glorious piece of artwork. Appreciate it, darlings. There will be ALLOT more coming soon. --Red ¥
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sinister-loving · 5 years
Admin Number two here. I'm Red. I'm gonna try to keep this short for you, Darling. I write about it because It combines Physcological Horror and Romance. Really gets my blood pumping.
I also do some art so if you see any characters posted it's usually me. Usually. And I do take requests, no matter the subject matter.
See you later, Darlings ~Red
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sinister-loving · 5 years
Ethereal (Monster! Yandere! OC X Hunter! Reader)
Never enter the forest alone
That was the latest piece of superstition being spread around your village, mostly by old widows and young children, but you never believed it. For one, you'd been in the forest dozens of times by yourself and nothing happened. No giant snarling monster, no secret portal to the other worlds, no secret murderer waiting to slice you into a million pieces. The only odd thing you saw there was the baker's wife kissing the blacksmith, but after a bribery of fresh bread, you chose to delete that memory.
The forest had long provided your family with food and shelter, and you saw no reason to fear it, unlike the more urban citizens of your village. You were raised in that forest, you knew every branch from every tree like the back of your hand, and it made you a bit upset that people would start spreading such an awful rumor about the place you loved so dearly.
Jumping over a puddle that had formed from the thunderstorm last night, you walked up the main street of the village, your adventure pack resting somewhat heavily on your shoulders. You'd packed to be in the forest for quite a while since it was prime hunting time, but as the rough fabric of the pack suddenly shifted and brushed against your already sore shoulder, you began internally scolding yourself for overcompensating the trip. You glaced up at the giant arch that marked the boundary between the village and the forest, took a deep breath, and entered.
Desperately trying to avoid getting caught in the sticky mud of the main trail, you paid close attention to the ground, stepping on places that you presumed were solid. Your intuition only failed once or twice, and thankfully the mud didn't go any higher up than your heel. It wasn't long before you found yourself at your spot.
You glanced around the small base camp. There were probably dozens scattered around the forest, each belonging to a different brave soul that dared to traverse into the woods, but a quick glance at the trees forming a barrier around the camp was proof enough that this was yours. Each adventurer was given a symbol, and yours was a star, and unsurprisingly, messy stars had been carved into the trees. Hey, you were a hunter, not an artist.
You quickly tossed your survival pack down, taking a break on one of the nearby stumps as you looked for a granola bar. You hadn't eaten breakfast, a choice you quickly began to regret, but the problem was solved as you pulled the snack out of the bag, quickly unwrapping it and shoving the wrapper into the front pocket of the pack, knowing better than to litter in such a sacred place.
Once you finished your small snack that would probably hold you over until you made your first kill, you took a small roll of fabric from the inside of the pack. It was clear that it took up most of the room inside, as the minute it was removed, the dark forest green bag began to withered and sunk in on itself. You placed the fabric on the ground and rolled it out, revealing all manner of parts for a crossbow. Having done this countless times before, it was no problem assembling the weapon, and before long, you found yourself getting ready to leave to hunt.
Throwing your bag inside the small tent you were provided, you grabbed the bright orange scarf from a branch you'd hung it on last time, and wrapped it tightly around your neck. It was a wonder it was still there. Sure, it was taboo for hunters to mess with other's camps, but you would've guessed an animal would've snatched it down or the storm last night would've blown it away, but miraculously, it was as dry as a desert, and hey, you weren't complaining.
You turned around, holding your crossbow close to your chest as you loaded it with a fresh arrow, the snap of the arrow falling into place filling you with a new adrenaline rush which fueled your journey deeper into the forest. You were careful to watch for the sudden sparkle of silver, an indication of a snare, as you proceeded, your attention darting from the slightest noise to the slightest tremor in the leaves. It wasn't your first time hunting, you knew what to look for, but today, you were oddly on edge.
Had the rumors gotten to you? No, no way. You weren't that dumb, it was just a silly kid's tale and besides, it wasn't even a scary rumor. It was just a provision to not go into the forest alone, it wasn't like some giant monster was going to crawl out of the undergrowth and devour you if you take the wrong step. These woods were practically your second home, and no silly rumors were gonna keep you away from them, nor make you fear them.
Attempting to get out of your head and focus on your objective at hand, you took another step forward, completely forgetting to check for snares.
Within seconds, you were upside-down, at the complete mercy of the metal wire that was now digging into your skin like an arrow into a deer's soft flesh. You let out a hiss of pain, and attempted to grab your dropped crossbow. If you could just get the arrow, then it would be no problem for you to slash the wire, but your fingers just barely grazed the smooth wood of the bow. With each swing, a new wave of pain shook your body, the initial adrenaline of fight-or-flight wearing off.
You tried to reach the tree beside you, just to provide some relief from the blood rushing to your head, but as your fingers brushed over the bark, you could feel yourself becoming tired. It wasn't normal, it usually took a few hours upside-down for you to faint, which caused the singular panic alarm in your body to ring at full volume. If you were left here, you would die.
Your survival instincts kicked in, and you desperately thrashed, attempting to grab at anything within your reach, which only resulted in more blood sliding down your leg and dripping onto your face. If you kept going like this, you would have your foot sliced clean off by the wire, and just the thought of that made you feel even more lightheaded. Before you knew what was happening, black fuzz swarmed the outside of your vision and finally filled it to the brim, and you fell unconscious.
When you woke up next, you thought it would be in the afterlife.
You wished it were the afterlife.
Forcing yourself to open you eyes, another rush of adrenaline proved that you weren't dead, but you certainly felt like it. Every muscle in your body screamed, scolding you for the lack of blood and oxygen you provided. You didn't ... feel any different, until you looked down at yourself.
You were dressed from head to toe in a robe similar to that of the priestesses that roamed the prayer tower. The fabric was an almost blinding white, with a light pink trim around the middle, provided a bit of contrast and color. Your hands, legs, and neck had been wrapped in bandages. Odd, because you only remembered your ankle being injured. Beneath the bandages, you could feel some sort of paste, and from the ones on your arms, you could see it was a thick plant mixture of some sort. Your crossbow was nowhere to be found, and neither was your scarf, which you really needed as the freezing cold air of the room soon became apparent to you.
You glanced down at your surroundings. A tall cave-like room that was eerily similar to a burial tomb you'd seen in a history book. Sliding your feet off of the cold rock and onto the ground, you winced and let out another hiss of pain as you mistakingly put pressure on your injured ankle. However, the only thing you wanted to do was get out of this chamber, it reminded you of death, something you'd so narrowly avoided, and you didn't want to be here anymore.
You hobbled to the door, putting as little pressure on your ankle as possible and peering outside of the chamber. The opening lead to a small hallway, and at the end was a warm yellow light that reminded you of the lanterns at your house. Forcing yourself to move, you went to investigate the light, hoping that whatever was causing it would be the way out of here.
You hopped into the hallway and watched as the almost suffocating walls opened up into a much larger cave, with a large opening to the forest directly infront of you. The sun had set, and the forest looked more terrifying than usual, or at least what you could see from beneath the thick vine covering layering the opening.
"What are you doing up, little rabbit?"
A cheery voice from behind you sent chills down your spine, and your instincts kicked in, causing you to spin on your good foot to face the disembodied voice, swinging your arm to attack.
However, your attack was quickly dismissed as the figure wrapped a surprisingly strong hand around your wrist, stopping it about a few inches from contact. You glared at the figure, taking this moment of weakness to try and analyze what you could.
The figure was actually a male, who had a sickeningly sweet grin on his face as he simply stared at you. Odd pastel pink hair flew everywhere and remained a mess on top of his head, with stands sticking out in random places. His slightly darker rose-colored eyes were locked with your own, and the spiral pattern inside only made you more uncomfortable as you ripped your hand back in one last act of defiance.
"Oh, I'm so glad you have a little spunk left in you, darling." His voice was laced with an affection so sickly sweet it almost made you recoil, but you'd been through worse, you could handle this.
"Don't call me that. I don't even know who the hell you are." You snapped, before your eyes flicked upwards to something you hadn't noticed before.
Resting on top of the stranger's head were two sets of horns. The primary ones were the largest and were directly on top of his head, and curved inward at the tip. Directly beneath those were smaller horns that grew slightly sideways and curved upwards. To confirm your suspicion, you glanced down at the ground. A long, thin, whip-like tail with a fluffy tip was swishing back and forth with an unknown emotion, and kicked up a small cloud of dust around the ground.
"You- you're a-" Your throat felt dry, you couldn't bring yourself to say anything.
"A what? A god in human clothing? An incredibly kind and nice person? Aw, thank you, sweetheart. You're always so nice to me." The boy grinned, revealing a set of long pointed fangs, only confirming your suspicion more.
This boy was a demon.
You didn't think they were real, they couldn't be real. Demons were things in storybooks, not living and breathing creatures. Only a figment of some twisted person's mind, nothing you ever worried about. Yet, as the boy reached out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, your blood turned cold once again.
This was no joke.
You were dealing with a real life demon.
"Don't touch me." You quickly slapped his hand away, remaining eye contact to prove you weren't afraid when deep down, you were terrified. You liked to picture yourself as somebody who had a plan for everything, but you never once had a plan for something like this.
"That's not nice, little rabbit. You wouldn't like it if I did that to you." The boy's expression turned from happy to cold within seconds. He took your temporary petrification as an opportunity to finish what he started, gently pushing a strand of your hair out of your face. Your eyes shot from the hand withdrawing from your face to the one he kept by his side, the one you hadn't seen move yet.
The one tightly wrapped around the handle of a knife.
Another wave of adrenaline and you backed up, and he seemed almost remorseful that you'd do such a thing.
"Little rabbit? Why do you look so scared? It's okay, you're safe now, you have me." The boy took another step closer, becoming more visible in the bright lantern light.
He was thin, and pale, but he was still taller than you by a few inches, a fact only proved when he took another step closer. He was dressed almost as oddly as he acted, with a puffy pastel purple long sleeve shirt adorned with upside-down crosses and a short black and lavender miniskirt. White knee high socks with bright pink bows contrasted from his outfit, but they were covered up mostly by the knee high combat boots that made a very prominent thud when he stepped forwards once more.
Another step closer.
What disturbed you the most, however, was the pale pink choker wrapped tightly around his neck, with a heart charm directly in the middle. In the center of the heart was only one thing, and it made your blood turn cold again.
He had your name carved into his choker.
"-won't ever have to worry about going back to that dangerous place ever again, I promise."
You zoned back in to find him practically on top of you, and you felt terrified. You felt helpless.
You felt like a prey animal.
"Get away from me!" In an act of self preservation, you used almost all of your force to shove him away. He landed against the wall with a thud, and you backed up, the pain in your ankle bringing tears to your eyes, but you quickly wiped them away to focus on the task at hand: getting away from this lunatic.
"Ow. You sure are feisty, aren't you? But I get it, it's gonna take a while for you to adjust to your new life."
"Shut up! You're speaking nonsense!"
"You should've thought about that before you started courting me."
You fell silent, appalled by what this creature was suggesting. You, a human, court a demon? The very thought of it made you sick to your stomach.
"Leaving out all those teeth, bones and feathers just for me. You're so precious, you know that? It's a wonder another demon didn't answer your call." Before you knew it, the boy was back on his feet, rubbing the back of his neck with that same sickeningly sweet grin of his.
"That was trash, I never meant to court any demon!"
"Silly, silly, silly little (Y/N), your innocent facade is so cute! That's one of the reasons I fell for you so hard. And you fell for me too! You wouldn't have left that 'trash' out if you didn't love me right back." The boy purred, getting closer to you once again. You thought about running, but you would never make it. And plus, you didn't have the upper hand here, you didn't have a knife.
"Oh dear! I get it now! You must be so embarrassed that I answered your call! It's not every day your crush returns your feelings. Well, darling, you couldn't just be my secret admirer forever, I had to admit my feelings for you too one day. But, I am a demon after all. I can't just waltz into your civilization."
"So, I waited. I attacked any adventurers who weren't you. I know how attracted to danger you are, my little rabbit. It just happened to be my luck that you fell into my trap! Had it been anybody else, they would've died instantly from the curse I put on the wire, but imagine my delight when I see my cute little darling waiting for me!" The boy finished his monologue, and once you recovered from the initial shock, you couldn't stop yourself from crying. All because you left out some hunt remains, you'd almost gotten your ankle ripped off and now some demon was instant that you were now in a relationship with them. All over some trash. Not to mention, the adrenaline was wearing off and your ankle hurt like a bitch. Everything hit you at once and you felt the tears streaming out of your eyes.
"Oh, come now, little rabbit, don't cry. I hate seeing that pretty face like that. Besides, there's nothing to cry over! I love you back! I love you so much! And now we can live without any disturbances, because I'll take care of you for eternity." You felt yourself being pulled into an unwanted hug and no matter how much that voice inside your head told you that this was wrong, that you needed to get away, you finally ended up melting into an emotional puddle while your captor silently whispered reassuring words, a little comfort in a time like this, especially from the one it was coming from.
"It's okay now, (Y/N), you've got me here now, like it was always meant to be."
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see faint lettering on the collar. You already knew that your name was engraved on the heart in the front, but the faded letterering on the leather made you curious. Between sobs, you were able to focus your eyes enough to read the name on the side of the choker.
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sinister-loving · 5 years
Admin Introduction!
hello! it's a pleasure to meet you, my name's bug! i'm the other admin of this blog. i love writing about yanderes and the like because it allows me to hone my writing skills and combines my two favorite genres of literature: psychological horror and romance, even if it's not other people's cup of tea.
i go by they/them pronouns, and i'm a panromantic asexual! my favorite colors are grey, green, pastel yellow, pastel pink and lavender! i adore cryptids and monsters of any kind, but my favorites have to be forest spirits and ghosts. i love paranormal stuff, as well as forensics, so please feel free to drop me an ask if you enjoy those things as well!
i will mostly just be writing the more "fluffy" side of yandere romances. i do occasionally write horror-ish scenarios when i feel in a spooky mood, but i can't guarantee they'll be amazing as i'm still learning that field of writing!
anyways, i'm glad you decided to stop by! please enjoy your stay, and don't forget to check out my other admin!
- admin bug ♡
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