sinlessdesire · 1 year
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Silly warm ups for my silly blœg
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
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HHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhow ‘bout that hourglass figure? Emojis suggested by: @sinlessdesire
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
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A better look at “Princess” the bonded pilot of MK-8 “Dragon”
This cantankerous knight is highly volatile on the field AND off
Approach with caution and high caloric food snacks
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
i need to get WEIRDER.
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
HOLY SHI-!!!!! This is really impressive! I'm honestly speechless with how it looks!
Hopefully I can reach this level of creativity with my art, thank you for taking the suggestion and doing such a marvelous job!!!!! ♡♡♡♡
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HHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhow ‘bout that hourglass figure? Emojis suggested by: @sinlessdesire
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
The Orcas’ Tale
Not me saying I am almost caught up and then taking another break LOL Anyhow, Mermay 2023 teaser anyone? If you enjoyed this years Mermay, this might be for you (;
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Merman x GN!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Reader is stuck in the middle of the ocean/gets pulled into the ocean by the creatures, Non-Con Touches/Kissing, Manipulation, Orca Behavior, Death Mention
Prompt: @sintember Lost and ‘Alone’ - You could die out here if you can’t find humans soon. Maybe that would be better.
»»———————— ♡ ————————««    
This was… not good.
No, actually, telling yourself it wasn’t good was just lying into your own face—this wouldn’t end well for you. It was cold, wet, and the emergency raft you managed to climb into wouldn’t withstand the dangers of the ocean forever. Being a marine biologist had been the one dream you always had, even though you knew the risks of the sea. And yet, somehow, perhaps naively so, you never thought you’d find yourself in a situation that could end deadly.
Somehow you ended up like this, your team already having departed and leaving you in this miserable condition. You were sure they were going to turn back the moment they noticed you were missing. But when that would be, was a question of endurance. The endurance to wait it out until they’d see the bright, orange emergency vessel drifting on the sea. They’d be able to find you… right?
Oh, come on. You weren’t that foolish. How were they supposed to find you like this, somewhere out on the ocean with not even a tracker left behind? You knew better than to believe the water beneath you wasn’t moving you farther out on sea either, despite feeling like it was standing still. And the cold, well… If frostbite was the only thing you had to suffer before being rescued and living a long and happy life, that would have been fine.
Shivering, you let out a deep breath. This was definitely not a good day. You didn’t even make any prominent findings on this mission, let alone in all of your career. There would be nothing left behind of your passion and love for the water once you had your last breath. Nothing at all. But it would be fitting for you to die here, on the sea you loved so much, you had to admit.
The splashing of water didn’t rouse you. How could it, in the middle of the ocean? But when your boat shifted, the front with the entrance of the roofed disk pushed slightly beneath the surface, filling the object with water through the small gap in the zipper you didn’t secure, you sprung into the action. The sea wasn’t turbulent at the moment, and you refused to capsize!
“Hey!” you shouted, hoping that if it was just a curious little sea creature wanting to see what was going on, it would be deterred by your voice.
You… didn’t expect it to answer.
“Oh?” it hummed. A pleasant voice, and despite its surprise, not a bit startled or bewildered by what it found. “A human.”
Keep reading
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
The Orcas' Tale - Chapter I
Excited to finally start! I haven't written in a while so I felt a little rusty, but I still hope I was able to convey the conflicting feelings that come with meeting these creatures ♥ Enjoy! (Please remember that the polls are only active for a day!)
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Mermen x GN!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Monsters, Violence & Accidental self-harm, Non-consensual touches, Animalistic behavior, Mention of blood/claws/sharp teeth, Hinting at death/non-con/killing of animals/near drowning, Long post
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"In fact, you don't want them to think about you at all! Otherwise —ey w—t l— —u ——!"
Straining yourself, you tried to hear what the voice was telling you. A sudden waft of nausea overcame you as you concentrated hard on making out those last, vital words. Your eyes snapped open as pressure squeezed your brain inside your skull, and you barely had time to gasp as your body instinctively threw itself to the side, choking and spitting out water from your lungs and stomach.
Through your blurry vision, you could only see gray. Feeling hadn't returned to your hands to notice the little gravel digging into your palm as you clawed at the stone surface, trying to find hold in your disorientation. Slowly, with every cough you made, the pressure on your head subsided, leaving only a pounding headache and your fight or flight instinct in control of your body while you freed yourself of the wretched water inside the spaces it didn't belong. That was until you finally regained the feeling in your body. The pebbles pressing into your skin, threatening to break it.
The hands on your body, holding you steady.
"This was a stupid idea," an eerily familiar voice sighed, the pressure on your stomach and lower back intensifying. Confused and disorientated, you rocked your head from side to side, trying to see. Trying to find the voice that was different from the one you heard before opening your eyes. But your vision was still blurry, and you couldn't make out anything, even with splashes of color passing your view. 
"It's not stupid just because we have never tried it before," someone else, someone you already knew, hissed, and you tried to remember who it was to no avail. A hand on your collarbones, fingers spreading all over your chest, didn't lock your movements but didn't allow you to fall over either, as they kept you slightly elevated. 
"W-Who…" you sputtered, followed by another cough, another spill of water coming from who-knows-where inside you.
"Urgh, well, it's alive, at least…"
Pressure on your ribs made you fall back on your legs, sitting upright. You were swaying back and forth, worse than you ever had on the ship that transported you out on the North Pacific Ocean for your studies… Right… You'd been working out on the ocean, and then something happened. You couldn't get back to the boat, and they didn't do a headcount before leaving. You'd been left there. For how long? Gulping down spit or water—not sure what was in your mouth at that point—you tried to remember, but your memory was as blurred as your vision. 
Did your crew come back? Were they the ones helping you back to your feet? You should thank them. Had they left you at the mercy of the ocean, who knows if you could have made it long. As much as you loved the deep, blue waters, they were just as risky and unpredictable as any other nature-related job. Accidents happened, and you weren't mad you were left behind, but you were still thankful they came back and saved you. 
Slowly, taking the time to adjust yourself, you turned around, the hands allowing you the room to move as you pleased while they stayed ready on standby if you fell. Focusing your eyes was still hard. The space you were in dimly lit and unfamiliar. But when you lifted your head, squinting your eyes as hard as possible, you could finally concentrate on what was ahead of you. 
Instantly, a cold shiver ran down your spine. 
Your fight or flight mode was still intact as you jumped back from your position, your body slamming into a cold and hard wall of something, your headache briefly making space for other pain before returning full force. You didn't know what to expect, but you expected the familiarity of your kind. Human faces, human bodies, humans.
These were not humans.
It needed the extra blow to your head to jump-start your memories. Memories of the little orange boat you had been stranded on, of unknown voices speaking to you, promising the help you desperately needed. Uncanny figures that intrigued you and eventually lured you to the edge, claws that dug into your clothes as they pulled you where the light couldn't reach. A tongue down your throat that helped you breathe and then… darkness. 
That's right, at the cusp between life and death, you had simply passed out, completely at the mercy of these creatures that now reared out of the water, hands and claws reaching for you from all sides. There was no escaping them, no way out, their black skin glistening in the blue light coming from the walls being the only thing discerning them from the shadows around you. All you could do was close your eyes and wish to wake up. Realize this was a bad dream on a dreadful night. Wake up from it, realizing you left the TV on when you fell asleep, subconsciously listening to horror movies. None of this was real. 
But when the hands wrapped around your ankles, wrists, and shoulders, claws too close to your throat to not fear them slicing it open, webbed fingers both sticky and slick, you realized this was not a dream you could wake up from. Not a nightmare to banish once you opened your eyes again. This was reality. 
It took you a moment to regain this clarity of mind, the hands lifting you away from the hard surface you had slammed into and setting you down on something soft, the fabric almost slippery. They wouldn't let go until you opened your eyes, staring at your left hand as you let it slide through the fur beneath you, knowing the feeling well enough to discern it. "Seal…" you muttered, the softness of it astonishing you at that moment. All the horrors your mind could imagine disappeared with the gentleness and warmth you felt around you, sitting on such precious fur. It soothed some of the shock and weariness that kept you tense and on alert.
"The human likes it," someone cooed, the voice giddy as you heard water splashing alongside it. That finally snapped you back to reality and the situation you were in. Gulping once again, at least there was no more water clogging your throat and airways. Realizing that helped to gain the courage to look up, straight ahead at curious eyes watching you, leaning on the ledge you were seated on, giant bodies hidden halfway inside a pool of water. Every jolt of their muscles caused a small wave to splash against the others next to them, but they didn't mind. Why would they? 
You remembered it now all too clearly—their voices, faces, actions. Knowing folklore tales as much as any other human but always denying them to your scientifically driven mind, it was almost laughable you fell for their lures, their promises of help. It was true your options were limited, but it felt like you betrayed yourself by still believing them. Then again, that was the whole thing about mermaids, wasn't it? They were able to lure in even the most experienced and resistant of humans at their whim, to kill and eat them. However, dwelling on your idiocy and not concentrating on the situation at hand wasn't going to help you now, either. 
Watching them for a few seconds, you jumped from their faces one after the other. Orcas, they called themselves, and strangely enough, they looked like it. Like a weird mix of a human and an orca, but you could still see both parts in them and discern either part at a glance. The markings in black and white of an orca, the face and body like a human. Muscles just like a professional athlete, but a tail hidden from sight that you were sure would be exactly like that of an orca. They were decorated in adornments that allowed one to believe they had the same aesthetic needs as humans. Still, their sharp teeth lurked behind their lips, and their fingers ended in claws that reminded you there was just as much animal in this mix. 
Looking away was dangerous but necessary, and luckily, as your gaze panned around the room, they only ever seemed to lean further over the edge, trying to see what you saw, before sinking deeper into the cool water again, wary of your gaze falling on them. Either way, you appreciated their discretion, despite hearing their little clicks and whistles at each other echoing through the space. It wasn't a small room, cave-like and branching off into more carved-out areas filled to the brim with things. But if you remembered the size of these creatures right, they'd have to squeeze together if they all wanted to come sit on the same ledge as you. You found the room to be made of hard, solid stone, a blue, bioluminescent shine of a climbing plant with little bulbous blooms on it, illuminating the cave sparsely as it spread on the cave walls. Part of you would have loved to study this growth, but it wasn't the right time. 
Beneath you was the seal fur, and you tried to ignore the gruesome acts you knew orcas did to these creatures, thanking it silently for softening the spot you sat on. But now that you had time to look at the splashes of color from before, you noticed they were fabrics hung from the walls. Sails and flags mingled with more furs. Crates, both wood and metal, some more decayed than others, stood off to the side, but you also spotted some out-of-place items like golden goblets and jewels strewn about. 
"Where… Where are we?" you asked warily, feeling a sense of dread as you couldn't find a discernable exit or connection to the outside, like a window or door. You had a bad feeling about this, but at this point, it came as no surprise that this situation didn't seem to get better even after you accepted this as reality. 
"In our–"
"This is our cave!"
It was a desynchronized answer, but it did the trick. Though that didn't explain where exactly you were, just their connection to this place. Still, scanning the ledge you sat on, you found three sections laid out with fabrics and furs, the stone ground creating gaps between them. Considering the size of these creatures, it might be a squeeze for all of them to fit, but it did look like the three had their beds laid out.
The sound of excessive splashing made your head whip forward, the merman in the middle lifting himself out of the water and on top of the ledge. It was the first good look you got at any of their bodies, and you had been correct with all your assumptions about them. He had to crawl on his hands to get the massive part of his upper tail over the edge, but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, it looked almost like a natural movement as he put himself in a seated position. You were already cowering backwards, not needing to accommodate the creature, but feeling less safe now that it was out of the water. 
But before you knew it, his hand reached for your ankle. 
The feeling of having to cave in to someone else's demands was terrifying, choking you with fear of the unknown especially considering it was a monster you were dealing with. But even without you trying to scoot away, your leg was painfully stretched as the merman began pulling you back closer toward him. "Are you feeling better now?" he asked. You were surprised about the concern he voiced, thinking about how contradictory it was to be given kind thoughts while you felt like prey in their eyes. 
"Yeah…" you mumbled, twisting your ankle carefully, inconspicuously, hoping he might be enticed to let go. Instead, this seemed to have been the magic word, the orca on the right jumping out of the water with much more force and less elegance than the one in the middle, landing belly down on the ledge and immediately reaching for your arm. "Finally!" he rejoiced, squeezing and pulling at your underarm, both actions reckless and painful. Now you had two limbs of yours being yanked, and the gaze you shot the last merman of the three was almost panicked as he sat up on the ledge as well, back facing you, but his eyes on your free left leg. With a careful hand, he let his fingers graze over your skin, jolting away as goosebumps spread in the wake of his touch. 
Their hands were a horror in themselves. Webbed fingers sticking to you and yet sliding up and down your skin, unable to find hold unless pressure was applied. These creatures had no sense of gentleness, probably used to very different forms of touches and holding than a soft, easily breakable human like you needed. Their curiosity was their drive, but it made you feel sick the longer their touch remained. Occasionally, they'd coo or chortle in awe while all you could concentrate on was trying to soothe the sore muscles inside you by adjusting and twisting your body to accommodate their hands.
Even though you were intimidated by just looking at them, fear clawing at you almost as much as their hands did, you decided enough was enough. While they were stronger than you, you had the advantage of knowledge. If they were any bit as much orca as they said they were, they probably had the attitude of their animal counterpart, making them believe they were above everything. But they weren't above the element of surprise. 
So when you were sure they were mesmerized by your meager body compared to theirs—the third merman even back to prodding at your leg after being startled by the goosebumps—you took a deep breath and then pulled. Pulled as hard and fast as you could, very much aware that if they weren't sufficiently distracted, their reflexes would probably have dismembered you. Luckily, you were able to get away even as their claws snapped after you, your eyes meeting that of the middle merman briefly as you scrambled to your feet, backing away until you found a wall to steady you. Your knees were shaking, but after a few milliseconds, the merman suddenly gripped a shoulder of each of the ones next to him, his claws visibly digging into their bodies. The others snapped out of their reflex just barely after the middle one, looking at him instead. 
"No fun," the one on the right groaned, sinking back into the pool of water. "What good is it if we can't play with it?"
His eyes appraised you briefly, a displeased expression weaved onto his face, turning into a snarl when you met his gaze. "I thought you found us interesting, no?"
Lifting his tail fin out of the water, he waved it back and forth, but contrary to what you remembered, no tracker was punched into it; only a gaping hole remained. And yet, you immediately understood what he was trying to say. This was way worse than you thought, as you realized they used their leverage of maybe being able to tell you how to get back to land to make you do what they wanted, no matter what that meant for you. 
"Don't you want to go home?" the merman teased, a smug grin revealing the rows of sharp teeth behind his lips and confirming your realization. It was terrifying but even more so frustrating. Swallowing hard, you tried to find some reasons with the other two, but while one had now fully turned his back to you, the other seemed just as displeased as the one in the water.
"Maybe we should just eat them," the one in the middle pouted. Your mouth almost fell open seeing this creature actively avoiding your eyes, crossing his arms, and pursing his lips in a pout. All just because you refused whatever they were trying to do? How could they not understand that their actions might be wrong? You had never seen a grown man pout in your life, but you couldn't decide if it was worse on this creature or on a man of your own kind. 
"What do you think, Nerrocan?" 
For the first time ever since you met them, you heard one of them being addressed directly. The merman in the middle looked at the one who sat with his back to you, and you took a moment to appraise his form. Broad shoulders, coated with black hairs that reached below the shoulder blades but did nothing to hide the monstrous amount of muscles weaving under his skin. A dorsal fin stuck out from where his human spine must have transitioned to the fish one, and you caught yourself almost reaching out to touch it, confirming the strangeness of this lifeform. It was curiosity more than a reflex, but both were dangerous down here, locked with these strange creatures.  
"Nerrocan…" you whispered, the word slipping out before you could stop. Their white ears perked up, glances snapping to you from the corners of their eyes and over their shoulders. They seemed less alert than surprised, but you clasped your hand over your mouth anyway, feeling as if you were the rude one for speaking so casually to someone you didn't know. Slightly embarrassed, you caught Nerrocan's gaze, looking away before he could, but you scolded yourself for the mishap, missing the shine he had in his eyes as you called out to him. 
You expected some reaction. Cruelty packed into words by Nerrocan that would give the other two the 'go' to do what they planned with you. Or maybe a verbal lashing for daring to speak to him. Perhaps even some hope as he held the other's back, making the unknown threat you felt from them disappear. From the looks of it, he was just as fearsome as the others but showed less interest in you than his fellow mermen. It was hard to understand how different lifeforms thought, but you had still hoped to be able to communicate with them on the same level as with any other sane human being, even just for the sake of the similarities between you two. But you were wrong.
Nerrocan said nothing. He merely shrugged his shoulders slightly, barely visible in the dark. More than half of his body was coated black, so it was no surprise you couldn't see it move much, only when the blue light shone on it. However, you did catch the glance he threw back over his shoulder at you, and you wondered if he understood the devastation you felt visibly on your face. All hope shattered. 
"Nerrocan, you're so fucking boring. Can't you go along with what we want to do just once?" the merman on the right complained, his words a sharp sound, somewhere between hissing and lilting. 
"Shut up, Lyr," the one in the middle ordered, and for a moment, you could see the merman named Lyr snap his teeth at him like a beast warning another. However, when the middle one lifted his hand—presumably to hit the one on the right— Lyr scooted away and out of reach. Before you knew it, Nerrocan vanished in the water, and you watched as Lyr scanned the pool below him before hissing and slipping out of sight. You had a feeling that something must have been going on that you couldn't see, but you knew better as to go and look where they had gone. 
Especially with one still remaining. 
The merman took a deep breath, breathing out before giving you a—what you could assume was meant as a mood-lifting but came out as a terrifying, mocking—smile. "Look, we don't want to eat you. But we hoped you were a bit more… fun."
"I don't even know what that is supposed to mean…" you mumbled, pressing yourself more to the wall as the merman sighed, scooting a bit higher on the ledge and closer to you. 
"Look around you," he directed your attention, gesturing around the cave. "We brought you into our home and made sure you'd survive the dive. Don't you think you owe us something?"
"I didn't ask you–"
"Well, you would have died up there, you know that, right?" His interruption felt like a cold splash of water to your face, but his words hit you even harder. They sat in your stomach like a big stone. One that would sink you if you were left alone in the ocean rather than help you swim. Being demotivated was one thing. But at this point, you were pretty much helpless. You would have died without them but with them… there was no guarantee you would survive these guys, either. 
Raising his hands, the merman tried to ease your fear of him—in vain. With a small hopping motion, he elevated himself further towards you, and you, with no place to back up anymore, held your breath. 
"We know humans. You guys are curious and want to know more about us. All of you are. You are always prodding in our territories, trying to find us, and when you do… well. You do this."
Lifting his tail fin out of the water, he waved it back and forth, curling it enough so you could see the red blinking light coming from it. The tracker. You definitely didn't just imagine its existence, and slowly, you let out the breath you were holding, looking him in the eyes. This was more of a conversation than you ever had with any of these guys, and you decided to face it. 
"Humans aren't even that tasty," he noted, assuming your weariness was rooted there. He wasn't entirely wrong. 
"Then what do you want from me."
His grin spread a bit wider at your questions, his eyes sparkling with the knowledge he got you, like a fish drawn to a hook. Inching closer, you barely had time to shift your attention to the two heads that popped out of the water behind him, exchanging glances before directing their focus on you. "You see, we saw humans before. Cute ones—like you! But none would let us explore them a bit. We are oh-so curious about those things you stand on. About your tiny parts and soft body. You're so…"
"Human," you finished his sentence, goosebumps spreading all over your body as you exposed yourself, unwillingly aware of your weakness being your very existence. The merman scanned you with his eyes, almost undressing you with how intensely his gaze burned on your skin. It was an unnerving feeling, one of mutual understanding of how different you were. Weak. Vulnerable. Powerless. Them even communicating their plans was their form of showing mercy. Because if they wanted, they could have easily forced you into it as well.
"Yes," he chortled, seemingly content with you understanding their desire. You couldn't imagine that this was all they'd ask of you, a memory of the voice you heard before waking up in this cave returning to you. 
It hasn't been that long since another tribe—who was it? The sharks?—had been… blessed with an unusual mate.
You wanted to suppress the implications echoing in these words, hoping and wishing this wasn't what these orcas intended to do with you. You couldn't fear something that hadn't happened yet, or else you might lose the last bit of rationality in you that would get you out of this situation, no matter how much anxiety tried to paint the gruesome pictures of possibilities. But you needed to know. Needed to hear it from them, even if the promise was empty. If you wanted to build any kind of trust, this would be necessary, even if the betrayal would hurt twice as much.
"If I agree will you take me back? Back to this place you know, where I can return to my kind? Promise you won't kill me?"
Nerrocan was the first to return to the ledge after disappearing so abruptly. You hadn't noticed it at first, but when he looked at you, his gaze shifting to your legs for a few seconds before looking back up at you, you noticed the split lip he now had, blood trickling from it as the blue light grazed him. "Promise," he answered for the three of them, gaining a sharp glare from the other two. Lyr, too, came back up on the ledge, merely resting his upper body on the stone and propping himself up with his arm. 
"Aren't you gonna say something when he's undermining you, Krill?" he asked the merman in the middle, and now, finally, you had names for all three of their faces. 
"He won't do it again. Right, Nerrocan?" 
The spoken to let out a huff, but when Krill took a deep breath, Nerrocan opened his mouth, submitting as told, "Of course, Krill."
"Well, now that this is out of the way, shall we begin?" Krill asked, his gaze sticking to Nerrocan for just a moment longer before returning to you. Putting on a calculated smile for you—as if he was trying to imitate human behavior—all you felt was another shiver running down your spine. You braced yourself, getting a grip on your shaking hands by curling them into fists. The faster this was over, the quicker you'd find out if they'd keep their promise. The faster you'd be able to get home and sort out this mess your life was in. 
"Okay…" you whispered. Once again, your word seemed to be the one they had waited for, all of them leaping forward, closing in as you let out a surprised squeak. "Stop!" you yelled, shielding your face with your arms and trying to hide behind them out of fear of the approaching predators. To your surprise, the sound of splashing water and bodies moving ceased. When you pried your eyes open, the mermen had stilled, their muscles barely flinching under the intense tension running through them. Their expression was grim, worse than before, seemingly unimpressed with your reluctance after you gave them the go. It seemed their patience was running thin, but what else were you supposed to do?
"Not all at once… please?" you tried to explain yourself, their bodies remaining still for a moment. Lyr was the first to break the silence, groaning loudly in annoyance as he slipped back. Nerrocan said nothing, merely pulling his hands back to his side. He had come the closest to you—especially your legs—and even Krill put some distance between you two, sighing loudly before driving his hands through his short hair. 
"Choose then," he ordered, and there was no hint of teasing or playfulness left in his voice. His eyes remained wide open, staring as he waited for your answer, his body so tense you were scared he might pop a vein. Krill seemed to be the least amused about all of this, but the dirty looks of the other two were just as chilling and pressuring. "Choose who you want to "play" with first, then."
It was an amicable choice that seemed challenging for the three, but they made it your choice nonetheless. Your eyes dragged over all their faces. Nerrocan, the quiet one of them, who seemed very interested in your legs and not much else. Lyr, who was already back to grinning, his casualness paired with the intensity of his gaze drilling into you, making him seem a little unhinged. And Krill, whose word seemed to stand above the others, but whose words could never make him trustworthy to you. 
You had to choose one before their patience with you would finally run out. 
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
Werefox (Harcourt) x human female reader ~ part 1
You're twelve when you hear your mother yelling outside.
"Get out!"
You scamper into the backyard to see her shooing the scrawniest werefox you've ever seen away from the chicken coop. He's got egg yolk clinging to his chin. His sunset orange ears are pinned to his head as he deftly dodges your mother's flailing dishcloth and leaps over the fence, disappearing into the brush.
"But Ma!" You wail, "he's cute and hungry!"
"Such creatures are a pestilence. Besides, dear, you can't keep him as a pet. He'll grow just as big as you, and he's no true animal."
You pout for the rest of the week, but she doesn't budge, like any sensible mother. The little werefox had a den nearby, you figure, so you set out to find it, taking two eggs from the coop. His den isn't hard to find. You've seen fox dens before he looks like he hasn't learned how to create a proper and safe den. As you step on the crunchy leaves surrounding his home, his head pops out of his den like a jack-in-the-box and he stares at you.
"Hello," you say, tromping forward without much thought to your safety. "I brought you eggs!"
He cocks his head to the side. You put the eggs on a leaf close to him and watch him snap them up, crunching on the shells and licking his lips.
"Can you speak?" You ask him next.
He watched you silently, ears swiveling. You glimpse a worn, scruffy collar around his neck and reach out to hold the tag. He squirms and shivers, but lets you have a look.
"Harcourt? That's such a fancy name," you laugh.
"I was a circus pet," he blurts out, eyes widening like he can't believe he just spoke. "I-I ran away!"
"Well, nice to meet you," you say and give him a big hug, breathing in the dusty scent of his fur. "We're going to be best friends!"
So, that's how you made your unlikely friend. Nine years later, he's still runty and lanky, although he's almost as tall as you if he stands. You're still very good friends, even if he is a stubborn little shit and refuses to leave his den most of the time.
"I'm going to stop bringing you food," you tease one hazy afternoon as you watch him scarf down the ham and cheese sandwich you brought him.
"Then I'll steal your eggs," he says, licking his muzzle and then licking the taste of ham from your fingers, his sharp teeth nipping lightly at your skin.
"You already do that. You're lucky the hens are laying a surplus, otherwise, my mother would notice."
"I trade for the eggs though," he protests.
"The baskets of fruit that appear on our doorstep? I'm pretty sure you steal from the neighbor's orchard," you snicker.
He narrows his golden eyes at you and huffs.
"Never mind me, stolen fruit tastes sweeter." You tuck up your skirts and get on your hands and knees and crawl into his den uninvited, because you know he won't mind. "Oh, you enlarged it! And you took my advice and got some bedding- is that my spare quilt?!"
"Stop fussing already," he grumbles, squeezing in after you. "You don't need it. It gets cold out here."
"But you could have asked. Wait a second... No wonder I couldn't find these panties. You took these two!"
You burst into laughter and nudge him playfully with your foot. "You didn't even try to hide them. Shameless."
"You're not mad?" Harcourt curls up in a ball and tucks his nose into his tail, peering at you.
"No, but why did you take them?"
"They smelled good and they make me feel funny."
You slap a hand over your face. "Oh my god, it's almost like you grew up in the wild by yourself... Oh right, you did."
"What? Did I say something wrong?" He asks, perking his head up.
"Er, so what do you do with my panties? Just drape them over your nose and go to sleep?"
"First I chew on them."
"So I can see," you raise your eyebrows at the holes in your undergarments and drop them on the ground.
"I think there's something you're not telling me," Harcourt says.
"Definitely. You'll figure it out when your first mating season comes around," you reply and lie back against the quilt, staring up at the dirt ceiling.
A couple of roots are bared to the gaze. You learned long ago that it was best to keep your eyes closed in his den, otherwise, you'd get dirt in your eyes. You close your eyes now and Harcourt scoots closer, plopping his head on your stomach. You run your fingers through his fur, which is always silky now thanks to the brush you gifted him.
"Do humans have a mating season too?" He asks.
"Not really. But we are expected to pair off with another human and have babies. My mom has been talking about it since I turned eighteen. She's worried that I'm getting too old."
"Are you?" Harcourt sniffs. "You smell young to me."
"I have no idea what you mean, silly. I'm only twenty-one and I think there's plenty of time yet. I don't fancy any of the men in town because they're forceful with what they want. At this point, I need a stick to beat them off with."
"I can guard you," Harcourt offers.
"Oh no, don't do that. If you think my mother is bad, then you're not prepared for the men in town. Some of them might try to shoot you."
"Hmmm, it's why I stay away from humans," Harcourt murmurs sleepily. "They all want to shoot me or cage me up."
"A pity," you murmur back.
You end up dozing off with your hand still in his fur. Harcourt sleeps like he's still a kit, draping his body over you, then curling up at your side, and then nuzzling into his tail, constantly moving. You think nothing of it until you're completely woken up by his tongue rasping over your skin.
"Oi, I took a bath this week. I don't need another one," you grumble sleepily.
He purrs deep in his throat and licks your arm again, his body caged around you like he's a motherly cat.
"Hey," you cry in proper protest as he moves on to your hair. "Stop it."
"You always smell so nice," he purrs. "You smell nicer than your panties."
You huff out a laugh. "You're clueless, you overgrown fox-child. Release me, if I don't head home now, my mother will send someone to find me."
"Fine," he grumbles. "Don't take so long to visit next time."
"I won't," you promise as you scramble out of his den, shaking leaves and dirt out of your hair and clothes.
You look frightfully dirty and sneak back to your house and up the stairs to change before your mother catches you. For the next few days, you're incredibly busy. The harvest is in and all your time is spent preserving, canning, salting, drying, and pickling. You leave a few gifts tucked in a secret corner of the coop for Harcourt. The nights are becoming warm and the crickets sing. You wonder when the mating season begins for foxes, and when you'll see any more of them.
You know they're there, but they just don't live so close to human towns. In that way, Harcourt is a bit of an anomaly.
The next morning, you're taking in the morning eggs when you notice something strange. The chickens are milling around their coop, staring at something underneath. You crouch down to have a look and come face to face with a slender female werefox. She's crammed into the tiny space, which doesn't look very comfortable.
"Hi," you say. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you."
"I know," she replies, and with a grunt of effort, she crawls out. "I was hiding from a male. I did not want to mate with him and he chased me all the way here. He did not dare to come close to the house so I have been hiding here until he goes away."
She lifts her muzzle and sniffs the air. "He is gone now," she says in satisfaction.
Her golden eyes fall on you and she says,
"I do not scare you, human?"
"No, I have a werefox friend who lives nearby."
"Yes, the lonely one. I have scented him around your house," she says. "He must like you to guard your property like this."
"I guess," you smile and glance back at your house. "I can't promise my mother will be happy to see you here, though."
"I need a place to sleep and a reliable male to den with. This fox friend of yours, he is good?" She asks.
"I would say so, yes."
"Then take me to him," she says, placing the soft pads of her paws against your arm and squeezing. "I would rather choose a male than be forced to pick one."
"I understand how you feel. Let me put the eggs away, then I'll join you."
Together you take the secluded path through the forest. Your new werefox acquaintance flits around you like a butterfly, listening for danger and cocking her head to the sound of rabbits or squirrels. You've never seen a female werefox before and you can't help looking at her breasts. The six of them are much more obvious than they would be on a male werefox, with rosy pronounced nipples like she's already had a litter or two.
When you get close to Harcourt's den, she bumps into you and stops you with a paw on your arm.
"Be aware he is in a rut," she says. "He may bite us and chase us."
"This is his first one," you say. "Does that make it any better?"
"No," she said. "He might not even realize who you are. He will want to mate with you."
"But that's what you're here for," you say quickly. "Let me look at him."
"I will wait." She grabs your cheeks and holds your face still, rubbing her muzzle against your neck and giving you a little lick. "I cannot promise what he will do to you when he scents me on your skin," she says. "Be cautious."
You trudge towards the den and stop a few feet away from the entrance.
"Harcourt?" You call out.
The growl you receive in response is immediate and none too friendly.
"Someone is in a mood," you mumble.
You crouch and crawl into the den, praying he doesn't bite your face off. Harcourt is curled up in an aggravated ball, his nose pushed into his fluffy tail for comfort. He glares at you.
"Are you okay?" You ask, looking him over.
He looks scrawnier than usual like he hasn't been hunting.
"No," he growls. "You didn't come and visit me."
"I'm sorry, there's been so much work to do in the house that I couldn't find any time to steal away," you sigh. "You didn't come for any of the gifts I left you."
"I can't. I'm miserable," Harcourt huffs. "I'm hot all over and I'm leaking everywhere and I've wanted to bite you and do things I cannot fathom. I was afraid I'd hurt you."
"Oh," you smile. "You're precious."
"I don't know what is happening to me!" He snaps, his ears pinning back. "And I ask that you leave me be until I am myself again."
"I can't do that," you say. "If you don't get any help you're going to be like this for a long time."
Harcourt blinks and uncurls his slender body, tail whisking against the quilt.
"You mean, it's never going away?"
He looks mournfully down at himself, at his pink cock that has poked out of its sheath and rubs against his belly, plastering the fur there with precum.
"No," he whispers. "But I can't stay like this! I can't sleep, I can't hunt, I can't even groom myself properly because it hurts."
He turns to look at you with dilated pupils. "You have to help me," he whimpers.
Before you can answer, the female werefox crawls into the den, and Harcourt freaks out, hissing and ducking behind you.
"Woah, calm down, she's with me," you say.
"I come in peace, little one," she says. "You're much younger than I thought you would be. Inexperienced. My name is Nitaki."
She looks around the den and wrinkles her muzzle.
"Get out of my den," Harcourt huffs. "Leave me alone."
She crawls forward, brushing her muzzle against your cheek. "The human is a friend to you?" She hums.
"She's mine," he snaps.
"Um," you begin, but neither of them pays attention to you as they face each other with wrinkled noses and bared teeth.
Nitaki stares him down imperiously until he gives up and looks away with a whimper. Whining your name, he attempts to scoot back to your side, but she blocks him off.
"I want only one thing from you. To end this cycle of heat."
"I-I don't know how," Harcourt says anxiously, nostrils flaring as he takes in the cacophony of scents from both females, so different and yet so alike.
It makes him disoriented and dizzy.
"I will teach you," she says, prowling closer.
He leans away, even snapping when she gets too close. Frustrated at his rejection, she spins around and locks her eyes on you.
"It is your human female you truly want, is it not?"
Harcourt's pupils widen more than you had thought they could. His tongue lolls out of his mouth and his sides heave.
"Yes..." He says.
"Um, that's not-" You begin, but Nitaki flicks her ears and holds out a paw to you.
"Join us," she urges. "And we can all get what we want."
"But I..."
"Please?" Harcourt says, his claws digging into the quilt as his cock throbs against his belly. "I want you."
You're still hesitating when Nitaki pounces on Harcourt, knocking him onto his back. He growls and tries to push her off. But the Nitaki is stronger than him, a true alpha female. She keeps him down and ignores his squirming, leaning down and placing her teeth around his neck. He goes still immediately and his eyes roll wildly as he whimpers.
"What are you doing?" You ask.
"I want him to submit to me," she mumbles against his fur. "I do not have patience for teaching."
Once she's satisfied that Harcourt is subdued, she rolls off of him and gets on her hands and knees, displaying herself for him. Perhaps her pheromones finally penetrate his dumb skull or he finally realizes what he's meant to do. Either way, he crawls up to her, sniffing the air. He growls and bares his teeth, fumbling at her hips. She flicks her tail out of the way and shuffles her knees open wider, waiting.
You can see how wet she is.
"Human, help him," Nitaki commands. "Are we shall be here for the rest of the day."
Silently, you move over. Harcourt jumps a mile when you take his cock in your hand. It's different from a man's, pink and slippery and with a slightly flared head. It looks huge, throbbing menacingly in your palm. Harcourt whimpers, and his body trembles. You guide him to the female werewolf and feel her lubrication wet your fingers as you press him in.
It doesn't go exactly as you had imagined. Nitaki is content to drive her hips against him and does most of the work while he shivers and clutches her hips. When he cums, it startles him most of all. He tries to pull out, but she grabs his paws and pulls him against her back, unrelenting. He gives up and leans heavily against her, panting.
Finally, she pulls away and shakes herself off. Harcourt slumps onto the quilt, dazed. His cock is still throbbing and leaking cum lazily.
"Good luck with your little runt," Nitaki says to you. "I have what I needed."
With that, she scrambles out of the den and leaves the two of you to your own devices.
"Harcourt? Are you okay?" You lean over him.
His eyes open and he grunts. "I want to do it again," he says. "But with you this time."
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So stressed right now, ngl. Reblog/like if you want me to write part two of this crazy shit!
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
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Seafood pt1 - it came from the swampland
An encroaching swamp comes and goes, leaving strange creatures behind that quickly become known as swampfish. Their taste for human flesh soon makes them a thing to be feared. However, when you bite the one that feeds you, the story changes. Who's the real predator here?
──── ⋆⋅𓆝 𓆟 𓆞⋅⋆ ────
Take a deep breath 
because it won't get better from here
Trust me I am taking you far 
under the surface of the swamp
you will find evil looking at you
it is a mirror of what
hides within your soul
──── ⋆⋅𓆝 𓆟 𓆞⋅⋆ ────
Author's Note:
Hello! I hesitated to start posting this story, but whatever. Life waits for no one. Don't ask me what I'm doing, because I don't know. I'm just writing something... That said, this story is going to be very dark, with gore, violence, and sexual content along with surreal things that (hopefully) don't make much sense, all because I can. You should be over 18 to read this, thank you. I will update this page if anything else needs mentioning.  ♡
All rights reserved for the swampfish.
"Coffee for you, sir?" Wilson asked as he led the Inspector into his log cabin.
"I'm good, but thank you for the offer," Calbert replied, removing his hat as he watched Wilson pour himself a cup, his thick farmer's hands dwarfing the pot.
"So, how long have you been experiencing the affliction?" Calbert asked.
"Eh?" Wilson peered at him.
"This creature you speak of. It has been destroying fishing nets, so I've heard." Calbert prompted.
Wilson's shaggy eyebrows rose, revealing shiny blue bead eyes. "Ah, yes. Up the river from Mr. Redmund's land to Old Kristy's. Whatever it is, it likes the hunting grounds. I should say it only destroys the nets on bad fishing days. Or when it gets peckish."
"Peckish," Calbert grunted. "That's not what the medical team reported. A man lost half a leg. Would we call that peckish?"
Wilson shrugged his burly shoulders and took a long sip of his coffee.
"Hmmm. Any idea what it is?" Calbert asked, walking around the cabin and examining the meager furnishings.
There were no picture frames and the living room consisted of one heavy-footed single-person armchair. It looked like it hadn't been used in years; the worn pillow had a dog-shaped hollow molded into it.
"I can't rightly say what it is, considering I've never seen it," Wilson replied.
"The victim reported seeing, and I quote, a fish with arms. Do you have anything in the area that could match that description, even vaguely?"
Wilson barked out a belly laugh. "Now ya see, Inspector, no one trusts a word that comes out of ole' Jolly's mouth. Do ya know they say humans are sixty-percent water? That man is sixty-percent Jack Daniels liquor. Sure, maybe he saw something, but I'll bet it was a gator."
"I see," Calbert said. "You have alligators all the way up here."
"I don't see why not," Wilson said, boots thumping as he made a turn around the table, so they were face to face. "I can tell you now, Inspector, whatever you're thinking you're gonna find, we ain't got it."
The two men stared at each other for a moment. Calbert took a breath and nodded.
"Show me to the river, please, I'd like to have a look."
Wilson grunted and lumbered outside. Calbert put his hat back on and strode after him, grimacing as his polished shoes sank an inch into the mushy ground.
God damn this swamp, he thought.
"Watch your step," Wilson called over his shoulder. "Some spots go down deep enough to lose a shoe."
"You call this a river?" Calbert said as he stood on the creaking pier and squinted past the low-hanging sun to observe the horizons of the water. "It's more of a lake."
The small paddle boat moored to the pier and thudded softly close to his feet.
"You have a current running here?" Calbert asked, peering at the water.
Even in the mid-afternoon, the water looked black, reflecting a distorted version of himself.
"Not much. Must have been a fish," Wilson said, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Then it was a big fish," Calbert replied, putting his hands on his hips and squinting up at the sky like it would tell him something.
Perhaps the Inspector was hoping Wilson would break down and confess to something, but the man looked unaffected, most of his face hidden by his cap, full beard, and impressive eyebrows.
"You know, the lake isn't as big as it looks," Wilson said, popping a piece of dried meat he'd unearthed from his pocket in his mouth and gnawing on it. "It's shaped like a gourd, this here is the largest bit."
"And this "largest bit" is yours?" Calbert said, turning to look at the farmer. "You don't even fish."
"This land is mine, plus this section of the river," Wilson said protectively. "It's been in the family for generations."
"I know," Calbert said. "I looked at the papers down in the Townhall."
"Did ya?" Wilson said. His words seemed to hang in the air like a fog for a few moments before they were dispelled.
Calbert scuffed his shoe on the edge of the pier, trying to clean the crust of mud from his shoe. Wilson spat the meat gristle into the water and backed away.
"Hold on, let me get the oars for the boat, I'll take you around a bit," Wilson said, tromping up the hill.
Calbert nodded distractedly. He stomped a couple of times and decided he wasn't going to get his shoes any cleaner than this. He reached into his pocket for a cigarette but the crisp air had made his fingers stiff, and he struggled to get a flame from his lighter. The paddle boat thunked against the pier again, much harder than the first time. Calbert dropped the lighter and lunged, trying to grab it before it fell. He only succeeded in brushing the tips of his fingers against it and sending it hurtling into the water. Cursing, he crouched and peered at the surface, trying to locate the lighter.
He reasoned that the river couldn't be very deep this close to the bank.
His reflection rippled violently, but he was looking past it. He saw a gleam, but it wasn't his lighter. Something lashed out, sending a wave of bracken water onto the pier. Calbert hollered, falling on his ass and holding a hand out to deter the wet, slimy thing that came sliding onto the pier like a dolphin beaching its prey. His hand went first, with a carrot-like crunch between jaws that snapped down like hedge clippers. Calbert howled, yanking what was left of it back. He stared, stunned, at the two fingers remaining. A muscular humanoid torso slammed into him, arms wrapped around his chest, crushing ribs.
A fish with arms, Carson thought dazedly as he was squeezed like a squeaky toy.
"What in god's name is that?!'" Wilson hollered, running and slipping down the bank with the oars.
He was the sort of man who grew up reacting instinctively to threats, and all he saw now was a hideous creature ripping chunks out of the Inspector. He swung the oar like a bat and it splintered against the creature's writhing tail and broke in half. With a war cry, he impaled the rest of it into the creature's side and it made a sound like a dying cat, gurgling and hissing as swiping at him with claws that ripped through his sturdy boots and cut into his shin.
"Son in heaven!" He bellowed in pain and swung blindly with the other oar.
He managed to deter the creature, but the man he was trying to save was a lost cause. The Inspector was rag-doll limp and more meat than human. Wilson backed away, swinging with the oar. The creature, sensing submission, showed its grey spiky teeth and dove into the water, taking the Inspector with it. Wilson slumped in the mud, staring at the blood and the copious slime, and the single cigarette bobbing on the sloshing surface of the river.
"I mean, I'm glad the Inspector is gone," Wilson muttered, picking himself off and brushing at his clothes. "But by god, it is real!"
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next part ►
You can read 2 parts ahead on Patreon.
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
The results of the poll was a tie between "tell the werecat the food is poisoned" and "take the werecat home"
The werecat flicks big green eyes at you, defiantly gulps the rest of the food down, and scampers off. Looks like their subsequent stomachache will be their problem to handle. At least that's what you think, but when you get home after a long day of work, there's six feet of werecat sprawled on your front step, moaning piteously.
"I warned you," you tell them, and they hiss in response, flexing their claws into your doormat.
"Hey, I'm not going to be threatened in front of my own home," you say, "but if you finally want my help, feel free to come inside."
You leave the door open and head to the kitchen, pouring some orange juice into a glass. Moments later the door slams behind you and the werecat is towering over your shoulder, sniffing your hair.
"Drink this," you shove the glass of cold juice into their paws. "You need to throw up and this is guaranteed to do the trick. The bathroom is down the hall to the left. Please try not to make a mess."
The werecat sniffs the contents of the glass and gives an experimental lap at it. Already they're gagging at the taste, scampering into the bathroom. You grimace at the hacking sounds they make.
After a while, they slink into the kitchen, setting the cup in the sink and then rinsing it as an afterthought.
"Why?" They growl.
"What answer do you want to hear, that I have a soft spot for strays or I don't want guilt hovering over my head?"
"Both. You're a kind human, but I can't stay here. Thank you for the bad juice."
With a flick of their tail, they bound to the front door and slip out into the night, ears alert for danger. You lock up for the night, but you feel certain you'll see them again before long.
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
in comes the winde
She had been watching their house, and every night they left their bedroom window open wide to let the cool night air in. It was an invitation to her as well.
So she steals in and watches them cuddle together, burrowed in their blankets and snoring lightly and murmuring subconsciously. The two humans are fast asleep, their legs tangled together in the sheets and bodies close together, dreaming of whatever it is humans dream about. They both smell so good, like sweet, sugary puffs. So edible!
She's hungry, but she's also fascinated.
The female human is not young and yet she wants children; she can smell the stink of fertility medicine on her. The human male reeks of his affection for her and together they scent the room with a spice of wildness. She ignores her rumbling stomach and folds herself between them, purring at their warmth.
In their sleep they hold her and she luxuriates in their embraces, safe with the knowledge that by morning they would think they were holding each other. Morning comes all too soon and she has to leave, whisking away when they start to stir.
The couple is fixing coffee and yawning over their breakfast and the woman looks up at her husband.
"I swear something got on the bed last night. Something small and furry. I was wondering how the cat got in until I remembered..."
"We don't have a cat," her husband finished her sentence. "Do you think it's a stray?"
"I guess so. Or maybe it was just a dream. Either way, we really should close that window."
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
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A mermaid sketch I did on a random piece of paper and edited in ibis paint 😅
For some reason most of my favourite drawings are done like this but not in a sketchbook 🥲 I hope it won’t get lost like the previous similar drawing 😭
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
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Even though it’s only the middle of May I already feel the summer ☀️⛱️🌿
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
His Love
Horrortober Day 4: Needle  |  “It’s just a tiny sting. You won’t notice it at all.”
Day 4! Time is passing so fast… but I am glad to do this challenge :3 I think the biggest challenge for me is actually writing for the character’s I predetermined at the beginning. I find myself wanting to switch them around for prompts but no! I will stick to the list and keep challenging myself ^-^
Warnings: Yandere, TW Needle/Syringe, Kidnapping, Gags and being tied up, Sedation Characters: Dazai Osamu x Reader
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It was wrong.
With tears streaming down your face, you had to recognize that everything you thought had been right was actually terribly wrong. You only just met him. Perhaps it had been a month now. But really, you only just met this wonderful stranger named Dazai. He didn’t just catch your eye, he also pulled at your heartstrings. It was the kind of love you always had wanted, just… it wasn’t. Not really. 
Not if that love meant being held captive, gagged and tied, staring into the face of a madman.
Something about the way he held the needle in his hand, clear drops of something collecting at its nozzle, seemed utterly wrong. Not just morally. Morally it was very wrong. No one should fear getting injected with something unknown. But the way he held it was strange enough to ring alarm bells. As if he didn’t know how to properly use it.
As if he didn’t know what he was doing.
“Shh,” Dazai shushed you calmly, holding down your right leg as you began to move and struggle again. Panic rose inside of you, festering in every inch of your body. NO! you wanted to scream at him, your bare feet trying to kick Dazai or at least the syringe out of his hand. Whatever his plan was, you didn’t want to have anything to do with it. 
You’ve tried being calm, tried being patient with him. When he invited you over to his apartment, only to spike the tea he served you with drugs, you were scared, yes. But you tried your best to work with him and his crazy wishes. No useless question fell off your lips anymore after Dazai stared at you crazed when you asked him if you could leave. You’ve been so good. So why did you have to go through this?
“It’s just a tiny sting. You won’t notice it at all,” Dazai assured you, or rather, reassured you. But with your mouth gagged, you couldn’t tell him how little you feared the needle and how much you feared what it would transfer in your body. With the last bit of effort you could come up with, you looked at him, fixating his eyes with yours. As miserable as you could, you pleaded with him silently to please not do it.
And for a moment, it seemed to work. Dazai merely stared back. You weren’t sure what he saw, maybe it was his own reflection that made him hesitant, but it caught him, made him lower his arm. “You know,” he mumbled, slowly painting his fingers over your leg. It gave you goosebumps, but at the same time, it helped to lower your anxiety, seeing how he relaxed. “I don’t like doing this to you, either.”
Even you knew those were empty words. Just like all the other words he always told you. Dazai’ loved you’, ‘adored you’ even. What a joke. ‘Couldn’t imagine a life without you’ and ‘wished to always be with you’. And he could have! Some part of you believed that if he hadn’t done these things to you—kidnapping and mistreating you in every way possible—then perhaps, you two could have become the couple he wanted. He could have proved you wrong. Proved that the love you always wanted did exist!
You two could have found a way to live. With each other or apart, but in love. Beautiful, pure love. But not like this. Not with him still gripping the syringe in his hand, eyes lowering to leer at your body presented to him like a gift. A gift he wrapped himself while you were unconscious like so many of your days now. Because you were his present to enjoy, no matter if you liked it or not. 
A sigh of relief left you, despite getting stuck on the gag, and you dared to look away, only to feel his grip tighten around your ankle again. Alarmed, you opened your eyes again, looking at a man full of disappointment and anger. Back was the tension that left you before and gone the feeling of safety you irresponsibly allowed yourself to have after the threat seemed banned. 
“I don’t like doing it, but I hate it even more to see you’ve been hiding this from me.”
From his trouser’s back pocket, Dazai pulled a black, rectangle object, dangling it in front of your face. Shit, you thought, and you were pretty sure the truth was showing in your expression. You knew exactly what it was: your savior. A phone that the man who came to patch you up after a rough fight with your captor two days ago left you. It had been a risk to have, but you hid it in the cover of your pillow. But without the possibility to use it until now, this random act of kindness had been in vain. You’ve been wanting to dial the emergency contacts, but before you could, Dazai had forced you to rest, leaving you restrained until he came back. But you didn’t think he could find it, even if you never used it. 
“Why must there be secrets between us, my love? You know I hate being deceived, but let’s be honest, did you really think I wouldn’t find it?”
Tugging at your ankle, you yelped, losing the strength in your body to keep yourself up and face him. You’ve been good. All this time, you had been understanding and patient. But who could blame you for clinging to a ray of hope? Shaking your head, you tried to plead with him again, but this time, his expression was merely filled with conceited disappointment. As if he was any better than you. That overprotective, obsessed, and mad asshole. 
“So while I go out and find who dared putting these stupid thoughts in your head, I can’t risk you being as awake and clever as you think you are.”
The syringe came back in sight, and you felt almost defeated, knowing there was nothing you could do against a decision he had already made. There was only hoping for the best and trying to prepare for the awakening by his side later, coddled and suffocating in his chest. 
“Dazai,” you said, but what came out was probably nothing more than blabbering against the gag. If he could say empty words, then so could you. If your survival depended on being sweet and kind to the man who was ruining you with his mere presence, then you would be what he wanted from you. 
His eyes opened wide, his name being such a rare word to hear from you, even if you butchered it with your inability to speak properly. Letting go of your ankle, he climbed on top of you, making it easier to look at him again while you laid down and relaxed. “I love you,” you lied, the feelings never reaching your eyes, but they certainly lifted Dazai’s mood. “Me too!” he sighed, smiling softly. “I love you too.”
It really was just a tiny sting, but against his promise, you felt it painfully in the side of your upper body. Letting out a strained groan, you temporarily tensed before you were sedated, eyes slowly closing as you drifted off to another sleepless night for you. In the cold, dark bunker that Dazai called your home, nothing seemed safe, and nothing was right. You could do everything you dared, but you couldn’t do the things you wanted. 
However, something even Dazai had to realize at some point was that you hadn’t given up yet. You’d never. You had a life before this—one you loved. Even if you had to make yourself small and loveable, endure the hardships of a thousand needles and the love of a psycho who you once thought was the man of your dreams, you wouldn’t give up. You wanted to believe that there was more to life than being here, that there was so much more to see and experience than the trauma you were going through. That there still was true love waiting for you. A love that was stronger than all of this. 
But did you really believe you were stronger than that cunning man who calls you the love of his life?
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
So I thought I’d give a little life-update as there’s a lot going on at the moment and I think it’s visible on my blog as well. Maybe the positives first:
I do really like my new work, I like that I have set hours (even if I do overtime here and there) and though it got incredible stressful the last few weeks, I think the four people that work in my office space are the coolest in the whole company and I love the support I am getting, it’s something I always wanted for my work-life tbh! My dog is also doing very fine, she’s really a total sweetheart and I wouldn’t know what to do without her, and at least I, myself, am doing pretty okay-ish physically, so nothing to complain there.
Now to the negatives.
Unfortunately, my mom’s cancer returned but is quite hard to pinpoint. She went back to an even more aggressive chemotherapy and we’re hoping for the best. Honestly, I don’t wish cancer on anyone, it’s such a tough battle and even just as the primary caretaker it’s been really hard to deal with for me, luckily I have grandparents and a brother who all deal with it and help and support, so that’s good! My mental health though is suffering. It’s biting my own butt now, but I cancelled therapy to focus on work at the beginning of this year and now my therapist is fully booked, so I will have to sit out this month probably. I am telling that because that’s the reason I am struggling with concentrating on one thing for a long time, which includes writing, which explains the fluctuation of posts you are seeing, since I try to get requests and drafts done on the weekend when there’s less stress. Sadly only works like 30% of the time…
Going forward I have decided to indefinitely pause commissions. I have noticed that they put too much pressure with the deadline and expectancy on me when I am already struggling and sometimes need a day to myself. I can’t say when they’ll come back, but thank you all so much for your interest and support, it’s always a pleasure to write your ideas and I never had a bad experience with commission ♥
Good news for Mermay: it’s still happening! … buuuut I am shortening the story I came up with. I think I was too ambitious with the three routes I teased, so I am trying to figure out how to ensure that it won’t drag out as much as Atreo’s story last year. Unfortunately, the start will be delayed some more, but we were going to celebrate Mer-June anyway, so at this point it probably doesn’t make as much difference (’:
Because the question arose a few times already, I will not be playing Honkai Star Rail. It has a few reasons, but the main one is I don’t have the time. Sorry to everyone who asked about it, but it’s just not the right time for me at the moment! ): I’ll probably be miserable again later when everyone has moved on to it and I am stuck behind but I have to make cuts somewhere ;;
I actually have some commissions and requests that I haven’t released yet, so I will try to schedule some of these in the meantime while I work out how to go about stuff. If you’ve been around for a while you probably know I like routines that’s why it’s always important for me to build them and keep them up. Other than that, I’ll probably focus on Mermay and my own writing projects which will happen rather irregularly. No guarantees on posting, sadly ):
I do realize tho that it just isn’t always possible to keep up frequency of posts and interactions I had when I started this blog, as much as it saddens me. I have to prioritze my real life before my internet presence (and I really need to not feel guilty about taking breaks from everything ever so often ;;), so if you see me vanishing for a few days, it’s just that really.
Thank you everyone who stuck around and supports this blog ♥ There’s another big milestone coming up veeery soon and I am always in awe that so many people would stay to read my silly little stories!! If you have some time and don’t mind waiting for a response, I’m always happy to chat and answer questions, so please don’t hesitate to hit me up!
Thanks everyone ♥
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
Just an idea in light of recent discussions on this blog but how about a yandere who is shorter than you? He's babyfaced and short but don't mistake it, he's still a man underneath it all and he'll make sure you know just how manly he really is. Short dom x Tall sub vibes ☺️ (reader doesn't even need to be tall, the yandere is just shorter than them lol)
I am a huge fan of the phrase "I will climb you like a tree" and I think a yandere with that energy is so powerful, like yes absolutely sir, feel free to build a fucking treehouse while you're at it.
Jokes aside, I always believe that a yandere will find a way no matter the differences or "obstacles" between them and their darling. There's also something so creepy about someone who looks harmless and yet is the biggest psycho in the room. They'll tell you everything is fine while standing in a puddle of blood and you believe them. They'd make great car dealers, let me tell you.
You let your guard down, follow them to where they want you to be, and when they pounce you, you're just confused why their actions hurt you rather than why they are doing it. They have you manipulated into submission long before your panties even drop to the ground. Suddenly it's all about proving themselves and you taking them for full, and you have no idea what's going on so they fuck you into a drooling, sobbing mess until you scream their name over and over after they ask who you belong to.
You might have underestimated their ferocity but you're still far from understanding what's going on while they take care of you, assure you everything is okay and they'll protect you from now on. You'll sleep in their lap and let them feed you breakfast, but once it comes down to proving how much you understood from the lesson they gave you the night before, it'll be you who gets shortened really quickly, on your knees, submitting to everything the yan wants to do with you with theirs in your eyes and your body tingling from pleasure.
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sinlessdesire · 1 year
Haii hope ur well!! I love ur ghost and könig stuff so I wanted to ask if u could do some quick hcs for captain price maybe? Totally ok if not, have a nice day!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Abso-fucking-lutely, thank you for requesting ♥
»»———————— ♡ ————————««      
♡ Price's ownership over you starts way before he even gets close enough to touch you. You think you're just imagining the constant smell of cigars all around you, but it's almost as if the stench is glued to you. As if someone purposefully went to your closet while smoking, stealing a shirt or underwear while blowing the smell on the rest of it, so you'd always be surrounded by it. And if that's not enough, you sometimes catch a draft in the air as you walk somewhere, as if Captain Price had just been there moments before. It's an odd mark to wear, but even others have asked if you smoke cigars, some recoiling at the smell more than others.
♡ However, it's not enough for him. You'll find him quite insatiable once he makes his move on you, from the silent stares across the room as he puffs his cigar smoke to the "accidental" brush of your shoulders in base, his fingers pinching you as he tells you to get a move on. He's testing the waters and having little tastes of you that are enough to satisfy his greed that demands you are with him—especially at night—when he's not yet ready to commit fully. You have no idea what he's doing, thinking he's just a very involved squad captain. You know you should be honored to work under him, and from what you know, he isn't that bad. The problem is: you don't really know him.
♡ No one can deny the attention you're getting. The glances from the corners of his eyes as John makes sure you're by his side. How he always sends others ahead first before you and him. You have the privilege of staying very close and observe him in action when no one else gets that chance, and he has you board any vehicle first before following right after you, squeezing on the tight backseat even if his rank would allow him the more comfortable passenger seat. With his closeness, more accidental touches are prone to happen, and you accept them as unintentional, even when his hand resting on your thigh squeezes you a bit too tight.
♡ When Price makes you his darling, there's little resistance from anyone else in the squad. Some even congratulate you, but no one offers a helping hand. You think you saw Ghost grin through his mask once, watching as you argued with Price over whether it was appropriate to sit in his lap like he demanded or not. Spoiler: He won. He always wins. If he doesn't pull you on top of him, there are quite a few 'helpful' soldiers to pick you up and do the honors of placing you in their captain's lap to gain favor with him. Life's tough when you're so loved and add to the overall good mood of Captain Price.
♡ There's no more individuality anymore. When you want to shower, John joins your cabin. He's absolutely unashamed, standing behind you naked, getting the dirt off him while whistling. If he notices you hesitating and hiding, he gladly helps you get squeaky clean as well. He's quick and efficient, but his hands get lost on your body more than once. Your small bed becomes even more crowded with another body, and Price spoons you from behind all night long, refusing to let you go to the toilet on your own while he needs a few seconds to wake up and unwrap from being nestled against you. You don't even get to hold a spoon by yourself. One bite goes to Price, the other one goes to you, and if the plate is empty, he asks if you want a kiss as dessert.
♡ You don't really realize it in the first few weeks of being caught up with Price, but he's terrified of losing you. At first, you both are still in a very playful stage of a relationship where he lets you have your tantrums and arguments with him. Still, you'll not escape his authority, especially not when there's the possibility that you can get hurt. Like the others, he has seen so many die and vanish from the face of the earth, so anything that could harm you becomes an enemy to him. You don't even get to think about stabbing him with a knife you stole because he'll slap it out of your hand without you even noticing he's standing behind you. Your attempts to escape him while he's asleep end up with you struggling to breathe as he pins you face-down into the pillow, nails scraping at the back of your head as he yells at you to never fucking do that again. To fucking stop resisting. You might hate to admit it, but there's more than one punishment that made you sob and beg him to stop, everyone at the base turning a blind eye to your bruises and cuts. However, he doesn't hold back from putting you at the brink of your life to teach you a lesson. John still knows the good, old torture methods new recruits were put through back in the days. After being stripped to your underwear and tied to a log outside in the cold, people staring at you, indifferent to your suffering, you will recognize that it's so much better to just let him wrap you in his arms and bundle up against him, allowing him to hold you and shield you from the outside world instead of fighting against what John wants.
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