Reminder, I have moved here!
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Reminder, I have moved here!
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Ok, I’ve decided to make a main rp blog instead of this side one so that I can interact better.
The new blog is here (still under construction)
I’ll respond to threads there from now on, I know I’ve got open ones with @triadfaes, @galacticdemon, @wildmountainkid (I know you’re on vacation) and @nonavalon
If I’m missing any, poke me.  I’m tryin’ to get everything nice and organized.
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Ever Have I? Never.
Several someones told me to write NnT fic, so I went ahead and wrote some NnT fic. There is a significant shortage of pre-exile Holy Knight Seven Deadly Sins (a.k.a. pre-pie era) in canon and in fandom; here’s my minor contribution toward fixing that.
“Uh-huh, like you’ve ever done anything valuable.”
“And which one of you two has any incredible accomplishments to their name? Don’t tell me the old fart over there is king of the fairy tale clubhouse or something ♪.”
“Don’t aim your underhanded snark at Diane just because she’s right, Ban.”
“Hey Kiiing, I’ve told you where to stuff it before, haaven’t I?”
Meliodas sighed internally. And externally, too.
Keep reading
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This is not just an rp blog.
This is an ask blog, as well. As in, come into my askbox, anon or not, and talk to my character. I am always open for conversation.
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My muse is sleeping in an odd place. Send “There are better places...” and I’ll randomize a number to see where they find them sleeping and my muse’s reaction to your muse finding them there.
Against a brothel
Under a bridge
On a rooftop
In a barrel
On a cliff
In a tree
Among graves
In a trashcan
Along a riverbed
Half buried in sand
In the middle of a road
Upside down and hanging out of a window
In a statue’s arms
Under your muse’s bed
On a hillside
In a flower field
In a barn beside an animal
In a ditch
Under a fallen tree
In a pile of horse poop
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If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple “Thank You” will suffice. None of this “How did you get in my house” business. So rude
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My muse is sleeping in an odd place. Send “There are better places...” and I’ll randomize a number to see where they find them sleeping and my muse’s reaction to your muse finding them there.
Against a brothel
Under a bridge
On a rooftop
In a barrel
On a cliff
In a tree
Among graves
In a trashcan
Along a riverbed
Half buried in sand
In the middle of a road
Upside down and hanging out of a window
In a statue’s arms
Under your muse’s bed
On a hillside
In a flower field
In a barn beside an animal
In a ditch
Under a fallen tree
In a pile of horse poop
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king of the forest
“Even taller? That sounds, like….. Impossible!”
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Listening attentively and furrowing his brow a little in thought, Arthur nodded. A werefox? That term was a new one. Did that mean that Mister Ban was a fox, not a wolf? He’d never seen a fox before. He couldn’t imagine something even taller. A giant would squish him like a bug!
Thinking over the man’s words, Arthur suddenly jumped and looked back up. He had made a mistake! He had to tell him! He couldn’t have his new friend thinking he was a baby…!
“Um, um! But I’m not small, though. I’m a big kid.” Gesturing to his shoes, he bounced in place. “My feet were hurting the other day, and then I told Merlin because Merlin knows everything because she’s really smart! And then Merlin told me that my shoes were getting too little because my feet were growing real big!  So that’s why I’m actually not small, Mister Ban.” Matter-of-factly putting his hands on his hips, the boy nodded to himself. “And also, are all beastmans friends with fairies, then? And are you all foxy? Or are there bunnies and wolves and sharks?”
“All right, all right, I geeet it. Would ye believe that I was a wee thing like you once?  Then I jus’ kept growin’ an’ growin’.  Now I look like this. ♪ ”
He rose back to his full height.
    “Maybe one day ye’ll be as tall as me.  Kakaka, we’ll jus’ have tae wait and seeeee.  Well, come on Arthur, I’ll take ye tae th’ Great Tree at the center of th’ Forest. 
               I’m sure ye saw it when ye came in, it’s a bit hard tae miss! ♫ ”
Ban ushered the small human down the forest path, leaves of every shape and shade of green surrounding them.  Occasionally there were faces in the leaves, ones that swiftly vanished if they noticed they were seen: the Forest’s inhabitants gazing curiously at the stranger. 
     “I canna say they are.  There’s not that many o’ us, and what few there are tend tae hide away.  Humans...”  He glanced down at the child.  “Well, let’s jus’ say they don’t always like folks like my kind around.  And tae tell ye th’ truth, I haven’t met that many others.  I dinna really know what kinds there are, but I’m sure there’s all sorts. ♪ “
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Send ☸ and I’ll generate a number between 1-20 to see where our muses meet.
At the bus station
In a supermarket
In a disco
At a gas station 
In a car park
At the cinema
At a concert
At work
In a restaurant/diner
In the hospital
At the police station
On the street
In a train/bus
At the airport
On a cruise ship
At the beach
At a public swimming pool
At a friends party
At the zoo
In a museum
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For the sake of character development, feel free to ask me anything you would like to know or are unsure of about my muse.
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✦ ————– Oliver & Company Sentence Starters.
’ Where’s the kid? ’ ’ Oh, that poor little kid. ’ ’ He/she must still be in the car, man! ’ ’ You were supposed to keep an eye on him/her, _____! ’ ’ Well, it’s hard to watch anything when you’re getting barbecued, man! ’ ’ Hey, man, if this is torture, chain me to the wall. ’ ’ Girl/boy, we’ve got work to do. ’ ’ So when are we gonna eat? ’ ’ I hate to break it to ya, but the dynamic duo is now the dynamic uno. ’ ’ What I mean is, our partnership is herewith dissolved. ’ ’ But, wait! Wait. You’re not being fair! ’ ’ Fares are for tourists, kid. ’ ’ Consider it a free lesson in street savoir faire from New York’s coolest quadruped. ’ ’ I know you’re growing attached to the little fellow, but do try to understand. ’ ’ Your parents left me responsible for you. ’ ’ They won’t mind. Really. Don’t worry, kitty. I’ll take care of you. ’ ’ Rise and shine, ______. Your public awaits. ’ ’ You wanna leave? Fine! There’s the door. ’ ’ And do you have any idea whose home this is? ’ ’ Hey, man, you’re ugly! And you’re uglier than him! ’ ’ My days are numbered, and the number is three. ’ ’ What kind of work do we do anyway? ’ ’ Didn’t you read about us in the Wall Street Journal? ’ ’ Three sunrises. Three sunsets. Three days. ’ ’ Three? Oh, you mean, just three days? ’ ’ Oh, my goodness! Oh, I’m having a bad day! ’ ’ Whoa! Chill out, man. I don’t eat cats. It’s too much fur. ’ ’ What you talkin’ about, man? That’s a primo wallet, man. ’ ’ You insulted my pride, and this means death! ’ ’ I have your hearts and you have my pity. ’ ’ The crowd’s hustling. The traffic’s roaring. The hot dogs are sizzling. ’ ’ I love a story with food in it. ’ ’ Now, I lent you some money, and I don’t see it. ’ ’ Do you know what happens when I don’t see my money? ’ ’ People get hurt. People like you get hurt. ’ ’ People get hurt. People like you get hurt. Do I make myself clear? ’ ’ Good show. Now all we need is a net and a tennis court. ’ ’ Do you think this place is big enough? ’ ’ Get away from me, you little bug-eyed creep! ’ ’ And what kind of person would steal an innocent little kitty? ’ ’ He might be up against a stone wall, at the end of his rope. ’ ’ He must have been a poor, desperate man. ’ ’ It’s still wrong. I’m scared. I don’t know what to do. ’ ’ It’s newspaper burritos for breakfast again, man. ’ ’ All right! That does it! You yo-yos clear out and I mean now! ’ ’ I just wanted some of the hot dogs I helped him get. ’ ’ He’s a spy, man! Come on, let’s eat him! ’ ’ Is this us losing our sense of humor? ’ ’ Don’t you come any closer! I knew this would happen someday. ’ ’ Oh, you’ve barking up the wrong tree, sister. It’s not you we’re after. ’ ’ It’s not? Well why not? What’s the problem, Spot? ’ ’ Not good enough for you? I mean, do you even know who I am? ’ ’ Oh, and we’re all very impressed. Right, guys? ’ ’ I don’t have time for long goodbyes, but here’s something to remember me by, baby. ’ ’ Did we bring something green and wrinkly to make ______ happy? ’ ’ It’s sweet and simple, the plan… Let me start over again. ’ ’ If you don’t have my money… ’ ’ Please, stop! Your money’s coming tonight! ’ ’ Well, looks like you’re doing all right for yourself. ’ ’ We’ll keep a spot open in the gang for ya. ’ ’ Hey, keep it down, guys. The game’s on. ’ ’ Isn’t it rather dangerous to use ones entire vocabulary in a single sentence? ’ ’ I don’t think you grasp the severity of the situation. ’ ’ Oh, no, I grasp it. See? This is how I grasp. ’ ’ This city’s got a beat, and you gotta hook into it. ’ ’ Well, it’s nice to see that one of you has some manners. ’ ’ Hey, no way, man! I’ve been barbecued too many times! ’ ’ Heigh ho, heigh ho, it’s off to work we go… ’ ’ Well, there were a few smudges on it, okay! ’ ’ Why should I worry? Why should I care? ’ ’ I may not have a dime, but I’ve got street savoir-faire. ’ ’ It’s just be-bopulation, but I’ve got street savoir-faire. ’ ’ You can own this town and you can wear the crown! ’ ’ But I’m warning you, kid.. ’ ’ One minute I’m in central park, then on down the street. ’ ’ I drew a perfectly good map. ’ ’ I went outside the line with a green crayon, but not much. ’ ’ Good luck, _______. I’ll be waiting. ’ ’ Hey, get off my back woman. I’m driving. ’ ’ And once you get the beat, you can do anything. ’ ’ Come on, let’s see this big, bad kitty fight in action! ’ ’ Yeah, you’re starting to think big. ’ ’ They’re coming with the money I owe you to get their cat back! ’ ’ And why would a cat follow a dog? ’ ’ Pretty is nice, but still it’s just pretty. ’ ’ I want you to keep one thing in mind. Dead men do not buy dog food! ’ ’ Everything from the doorknobs down is mine! ’
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If you steal someone’s cup of coffee did you just mug them?
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In celebration of King’s birthday, the artist of the Seven Days spin off manga posted more artwork on twitter, along with detailed illustration of Elaine dress
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Send ☸ and I’ll generate a number between 1-20 to see where our muses meet.
At the bus station
In a supermarket
In a disco
At a gas station 
In a car park
At the cinema
At a concert
At work
In a restaurant/diner
In the hospital
At the police station
On the street
In a train/bus
At the airport
On a cruise ship
At the beach
At a public swimming pool
At a friends party
At the zoo
In a museum
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you may think i havent changed clothes in a week but actually i just own 7 identical shirts
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