sinphonias-blog · 8 years
He sighs, surrending to his childhood friend’s stubborness, and hoping for death not to come too fast- winter isn’t biting that much anymore, but still it’s not like he can go around the city without proper wearing and hope not to get sick. He’s almost tempted to let him go and enter his room to take at least his slippers, and he feels a monster, when getting to the doorway he sees a pair of abandoned slippers and decides that well, he needs them than anybody else at the moment. Bunny slippers. Ugh.
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“Yes I will, because you deserve it. Especially after this.” He shrugs, opening the door even before his friend, his nose wrinkling at the cold air. “It’s a few roads away from here, not too far from the shelter. I’ve been there a few times already so I know where it is.” He says, shrugging his shoulders, and he knows he’ll regret his own words as soon as he’ll pronounces it. “… unless you want to find it yourself.”
Finding it himself is rather pointless, but he knows the regret is drooling from Keito's mouth at this point, a mistake on his part, because Tenshouin Eichi has as much of a chance at finding the library as he does ending up out of the city.
Not that such a thing is possible. Which further highlights said point.
"You can lead the way." The Emperor provides some relief, glancing down to expected toes and instead being met with the ears of a small, furry animal turned cotton. His will to say anything snarky as a compliment to his previous retort is drowned out by a sudden flurry of air flowing into his throat, laughter building and building and Eichi doing all that he can to swallow each chuckle that threatens him. He's learned from their brawl that seeing his beloved childhood friend in things that don't suit him puts him in hospital from the sheer hilarity, so he bites his tongue and whispers;
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"They suit you."
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
“My glasses are on another level, don’t you even start with it. They are partners of a lifetime; I would definitely be lost without them.” He wishes he wasn’t serious but well, it is pretty hard indeed to take even a step when his glasses are on his nose to show him a world that otherwise would be a mystery for him. “The more I have, the more I am safe.” And though he really wishes to get to his room and get his shoes, he has a vague idea that Eichi isn’t joking at all about rushing on the street with him like that. This world his full of sheeps and he can’t even wear his shoes? Madness. “I swear to God that if I get sick because of this I’ll lecture you no stop for the rest of your life.”
"Well, obviously." He flatly replies, given Keito is as blind as a bat and cannot even make him out at all without those little aiders in vision. He's most certain that if he took them right now, his childhood friend would walk into every single wall thinking that he's punching Eichi, or something... not that Keito would daaare touch him given his glass bones and paper skin or whatever he seems to think he has.
But it is true that the heir has no intention to stop, or slow down for that matter, already turning the stairwell. Curiosity nibbles at him, preparing for the bite that is his right hand's wrath when he catches up and has to storm the streets with his little piggies all out in the open. "Fufu, you already lecture me and will for the rest of my life.”
(Keito will lecture his grave, too. ‘What are you doing, being dead?’ He’ll ask. ‘Get back up here so I can blame you for something else.’)
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“... I really don't have that much to lose, you know? Now, more importantly, which way is the library?"
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
“I’m not interested, my wrinkles are my best friends” is his quick answer, and Eichi’s words make his frown be even deeper, disappointment lingering on his face as he steps outside the door and tries to get rid off that redness that surely has invaded his cheeks without his permission. Why does it always feel like he was constantly on the edge of a cliff with just a rope to save him from smashing into pieces, when he talks to him? The power to get himself embarrassed in front of Eichi is annoyingly amazing. 
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“Aaah? No way! I can’t go out barefoot, Eichi, this is” And oh, he’s getting to wear his shoes, he is. Surely he is glad Eichi is enjoying the moment - that was the main reason why he decided to share the news with him to begin with - but this is “ absolute nonsense.” 
"I thought your glasses were your best friends." Eichi says as a matter of fact, but with a questioning lilt at the end, tailored by the slight flick of a mischievous smile on his lips. Teasing Keito can be such fun, after all, and the material that he's working with seems to be endless as of now, so how can he possibly pass up on allowing the train to pass through the continuously opening tracks. "Are you cheating on them with your wrinkles now? Although come to think of it, you spawn spectacles--" A low chuckle at his alliteration. "-- like a wizard. One would almost think you have many mistresses at it is."
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And so, the blond begins on his journey down the stairs, a certain hop in his step that accents the very playfulness in his tune right now. Boredom's chain and ball have been slashed and discarded and now their prisoner runs free, his mind racing while his composure remains refined sans his merry little skips. "Oh, but I have no intention of stopping, Keito. We must make haste, in case there is a time limit."
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
@calmnic !!
Not fearing his internet history being checked every hour has made him bolder. For the past week or so, the restaurant in the hotel has aided him well in escaping starvation, but he has decided that any normal commoner would have gone grocery shopping by now, and so here he is, clad with his credit card and most importantly:
His very own shopping cart!
Of course, he has no idea what it is actually called, but most people around him seem to be using them, and he feels very empowered holding one. The only issue is that he isn't sure where to go from here on out. Quaint tea shops usually have assistants who guide him politely through the process of purchasing his valuables, which is... about the only place Eichi actually buys things outside of school, but everything here seems to be very much free roam, and he hasn't a clue of where to begin, or where to end. People seem to be lining up in areas where clerks are handling their items (this, he is used to) and a self-checkout where they are doing the work themselves (this, he is not).
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The scion stares for a long time, perplexed, anxious, and excited all at once, before he pipes up to the first passer-byer. "Sorry to bother you, but... ah, is there a specific one I should use?"
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
@shizutary​ !!
The Emperor has very little experience in self-navigation. While he's always insisted on going places by himself, the largest area he'd successfully dominated was the school back home, and sometimes downtown to the tea shops, but that specific route was often all he would be capable of following. Anything else, and he'd find himself lost, so when he finally makes it to the City Council's building (he hopes), he's just a little exhausted.
Today isn't a good health day, huh. Appropriate.
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"... Excuse me." He politely speaks up, even though he has to look down when he reaches the front desk, locking eyes with a small dog who seems much too cute to fit your stereotypical ice cold barrier between the officials and the citizens. "I'd like to make an inquiry."
Eichi has talked to sheep, and so speaking with another animal isn't too shocking. Sort of.
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
“I told you, old habits are hard to die - and if I hadn’t all that paperwork to think about maybe I would spare myself premature wrinkles,” he wrinkles his nose, leaning on the wall as he waits for Eichi to get ready, arms crossed on his chest. “I don’t have to worry about that here, but-” and he just interrupts, when Eichi keeps going with his words. 
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“I-…” and for a moment he is at loss of words, feeling like he was caught with his hands on the cookie jar. Ok, maybe he was a bit too enthusiastic to think about his shoes the very moment he stepped outside his room (now that he thinks about it, he doesn’t even remember if he closed the door before running to Eichi’s room); but being put in front of that moment of childish excitement is, huh, embarassing. “I just didn’t think there might be the chance to go outside. I wouldn’t say I am excited, not at all.” Uugh.
"You are going to be old and wrinkly," Eichi points out. "Unattractively so. I'll have to drag you on blind dates when we are young adults." Of course, Keito is reasonably handsome in his own right, but he doesn't doubt that all the frowning will be doing some damage on his skin. One will have to make him laugh more as a prevention method, and he supposes that's his job as his oh so loving (read: antagonizing) childhood friend, although he very much doubts he has the ability to make him laugh as much as he has the skills to provoke yelling.
Both make him open his mouth as opposed to scowling, so it's a win either way, even if the scion doesn't particularly enjoy being a target of endless lecturing.
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There is also the question of Eichi even living to that age, and the joke sits on his tongue, but there's enough humour in the air at that lovely shade of red on irritatedly puffed cheeks. A stifled laugh later, the blond is shrugging his shoulders like it doesn't really matter -- it does -- and shuts his door behind him; locking it with the singular key that he pockets with a jingle. "Well, it won't kill you to head out now, would it? ♪ I'm excited, my heart is racing as we speak, so I'd like to hurry."
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
He shakes his head, his fingers running to his glasses to push them on his nose, as his eyes follow his childhood friend moving in the room. Of course, it has taken time to get to the point their relationship is now, so it’s only obvious that the road is still long, there is still so much to work on before things will work… well, at least. Eichi’s scarf reminds him that he should wear something heavier than just shirt and trousers (and surely he won’t go anywhere without shoes on his feet), 
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“I’ll start overthinking if there’s the need to. At the moment I just hope there won’t be need to, even because I still have to find something at least vaguely similar to my energy drinks. I’m not that high functioning to be able to keep going without them, if I have to. For now, the only thing I would like to worry about is wearing shoes and take my coat,” he adds, walking towards the door. “Shall we go?”
"Oh, but you do it all the time." He drones tiredly, sitting down for only a moment to slip his shoes on, tie them up in all their irritatingly wirey material for laces, and stand back up again, before another coat is pulled on. Winter is winter, frosty, and a breeding ground for bacteria in his already weak lungs, susceptible to infection and whatever his doctors have warned him on thousands of times. He begs to differ, that a little frigid weather won't harm him, but his body often has other ideas.
It always does.
"It compliments your personality, I'll admit, but you should allow a more laissez-faire attitude in life sometimes, you know?" Eichi nudges the door open, wide enough to allow his childhood friend out, and giving a small glance (a giggle rests on his tongue) to his lack of footwear. 
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"... Or have you already been adapting to that approach? ♪ Rushing to my apartment without even putting on any shoes... fufu, aren't you being relaxed? Perhaps excited? You even ran up the stairs."
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
The food here reminds him fondly of the cafeteria selection back in Yumenosaki. It certainly isn't of a high standard, but is just above average, enough that you can call it decently well-made yet still plebeian cuisine. The only difference is that the restaurant has much too many meals to choose from in the first place, and despite having been there for a few weeks now, he always has trouble picking.
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Truthfully, being so deep in thought over 'apple pie' or 'madeira lemon cake' cuts him off from the world around him, and when a familiar voice calls out to him, Eichi takes just a little longer to notice.
But when he does, something keen sparks in his eye, like a child pleasantly chuffed with his first (of many) birthday presents. "It's nice to see you too, Mao." He chimes, standing up straight to laugh airily against his knuckles. "Is it all that surprising? I had thought of entering the higher class chateau, but I've always been interested in how commoners live."
 The restaurant on the first floor of the hotel had started serving dinner by the time Mao returned home from his part-time job. When did he sign up for so much extra work. Although he had to say it was nice earning his own living now, even if it tired him out. The plan now was to grab some food then spend the rest of the night reading manga. 
 Choosing from a selection of meals available, a head of blond caught his eye. 
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 “President? Do you live here? I’m actually kinda surprised that you’d be here of all places, you know. I thought you’d choose a higher end living space~”
 Mao grinned, knowing that he was seeing more and more familiar faces in this strange city. First, his neighbour was… well, still his neighbour. Then, there was his (self-proclaimed) rival? Now, it was the president. Or, is it ex-president? He wasn’t sure. Either way, the president was the same as ever and it was definitely great meeting him again. Even if it was in the most unexpected place.
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
Most of the gestures towards Eichi, that ruffling he gave him just a few moments ago, are habits Keito finds hard to get ridden off - it’s affection sealed on the tip of his fingers, more than just a pat given to a child as a treat. But well, maybe they still have to work a bit on their communication skills. Sharing this experience with him should be enough of a proof of how he’s trying his best to be around Eichi without the constant thought of death lingering above their heads accompanying him - it’s hard, it really is, especially when he spent most of his life like that, but he is trying his best, and he hopes his childhood friend can feel it.
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“If I recall well, it’s not too far from here. Libraries are quiet places, I feel I can relax a bit when there’s a book on my lap, but it’s been a while since the last time I indulged in such activities. Council works monopolizes most of my time, after all…”  (monopolized.)
"Hm." He acknowledges weakly, without a real shred of concern for the faltering expression on his childhood friend's face. Eichi can tell, of course, breathe in the transformation that is slowly unfolding before him, but it is slow, and while he may be rightfully patient (wars are not conquered in a day), he still has that petulant need to resolve matters with snippish and clean cuts. Emperors are, of course, just children with more power than anyone else, so it's absolutely fine if he gets huffy every so often when he's treated like a kid, correct?
It sounds correct in his head.
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"I have my moments, too." And the blond moves behind his right hand, giving him a little push on the back before he swerves around and sweeps his scarf off the rack to wrap it around his neck like a Christmas bow. "I do love my books, after all--" There's a vague gesture to the shelves lining the room. "-- But that is hardly important. You're going to begin over thinking again; and don't give me that look, I know you."
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
He notes that change on his friend’s face - even if he doesn’t see it directly, he can recognize the dropping of his shoulders, his head slightly dropping. It’s just natural, to sink his hand on his blond hair, a gesture that was born with Eichi, and probably will die with him as well. He doesn’t indulge on that touch for long, anyway, because he is sure that it would be a mistake, just another reminescence of a life they both are trying to left behind, at least for now. That’s why his hand slips to Eichi’s back again - in any case, this challenge sounds way more interesting that any thing they did in the last days so…
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“Sometimes you find the most unexpected things in the most unexpected place, you know? But I agree. A library sounds a more fitting place for a treasure hunt. I think I I remember where it is, it’s a bit hard not to notice it. It’s one of the largest buildings in the city…” 
A look is thrown for the empathy handed unnecessarily in his direction, but it's gone quicker than he can really comment on it, and he sighs a little before he dismisses the very thought. Plus, Keito patting his head is nice at times, but it's also something he doesn't think he'll ever get used to, because it's condescending in its own way, like dealing with a parent rather than the man he grew up with.
Eichi supposes Keito has always treated him like a child to be babysat, rather than a friend. While a cynical view it may be, their little quarrel last year managed to break some chains, yet not all of them, for he was still scolded often for doing so much as holding a piece of paper. He's surprised, if he's honest, that his right hand man is promoting this rather than shutting it down.
("You need your rest, new environments tend to tire people out." is what he's expected this whole time.)
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"You can lead the way," he perks up. "You're a book worm like that, aren't you? ♪ Even back home, you constantly spent your time in the library, even becoming part of the committee before the student council, didn't you?"
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
“Mhmh. I don’t think I have ever shown you that. But I should still have it somewhere at-” and he stops for a moment, his lungs letting all the air go as his shoulders drop. “At home.” He would add something about showing him those horrible pages one day, but since he doesn’t even know if he’ll ever come back… 
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“Mhh…” Pushing his glasses over his nose must be some kind of ritual to make his brain start to work, apparently, because he does that almost unsconsciously, as he takes the letter from Eichi’s hands and reads it again. His nose wrinkles, and the moment of silence it’s almost inspiring. Almost. “It’s not really helpful. Perhaps we should start looking for a copy of the book? A bookstore… or a library, perhaps?”  
His smile recedes into a much somber copy, looking down to the letter on the table before Keito picks it up. It isn't like he's not regretting things either, and not to mention the drawer of his childhood friend's make-shift mangas by his hospital bed that are going to be missed. Really, he's there more than he is home at this time of year - the sheep or whatever deity that brought him here should have just made his room look like that one instead.
Kidding, but he wouldn't mind having all his necessities here. A mental note to visit the sickhouse (what a disgusting name) to arrange a room before he gets sick is made.
"Well," he begins, holding the scroll up.
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"I say,” And whatever I say usually goes. “We head to the library. A book store is much too public to have a secret hiding spot for the little prince, don't you think? Perhaps it will be like a movie, or one of Sakasaki-kun's hidden rooms within our school."
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
He shrugs his shoulders, smiling as he leans forward to read the message hidden in the scroll, the orange band finding place between his fingers as his eyes meet the first words. “Maybe,” is his answer, the corner of his lips lifting another bit. He recognises the excerpt, of course he does, one of the first foreign books he put his hands on when he was little, precious gift of his brother when he was eight years old and willing to find inspiration for his manga in every book he could read when he was alone. “Mhmh. Le Petit Prince, isn’t it? One of the first stories I have drawn when I was a child was kind of inspired by it.” He says, his free hand finding support on Eichi’s shoulders as he straighten again. “Seems I made a good choice, making you pick up the quest. Is there anything else…?” There are so many implications about that book, that it could take a while before figuring out what is their mission, if he can call it that way…
"You drew that?" He tilts his head, trying to recall such a thing. While true that most of Keito's illustrations were, for a lack of better words, indescribable when they were children, it doesn't surprise him that one of his drawings were something along those lines. What a shame, though, they could have bonded over having read the story together if he had understood what those messy, beginner scribbles had been.
But fate is like that, Eichi supposes, in arranging an opportunity for them to explore it even now as teenagers, as though they were meant to indulge in the story of aliens together.
(... Ppft.)
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"I don't think so. There's a hint at the bottom, but it's simply another quote." He gestures to it, "Implying that whatever we are looking for is hidden away, or a secret."
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
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aaaa i’ve been too shy but i really want to rp with more people so like this post for a starter!! they will be long or short with no real dependency just whatever my poor brain can push out! ♥
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
He takes a moment to look at him as he spreads the scrolls on the table, thin paper embellished by those cute touches of pastel colours, a pleasure for his artist side. He does as he’s asked to, and uh, that cheerful tone in his voice makes him feel like he actually did the right thing. Nothing could possibly go wrong, after all. Maybe. Oh well. “Mh,” he says, the tip of his fingers brushing on the scrolls, making them roll and bounce one against the other, “Let’s go with yours. I am curious to see if your star shines bright today. The letter talks about a reward. Maybe we’ll get a good one.”
"Is that your way of trying to avoid responsibility for it being a bad quest?" He tilts his head at him, but inevitably lifts the orange scroll - a little closer to cream than the blinding yellow. From his desk, he retrieves a small letter opener, slicing the band around the paper gently before setting it aside, and pulling it open to reveal the contents. There are quotes that catch his eye at first, and his eyes light up a little; leaning against his childhood friend's shoulder to let him in on it.
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"It's an excerpt." He softly whispers before speaking up. "They had this book in the hospital often, on the shelves. It was left untouched by most children, but I suppose that was what drew me to it." There was also the issue that the title was in French, which misled a lot of the little boys and girls his age, but Eichi had tore through the small collection within the playroom easily, more often than not taking them back to his own room and consuming. "Do you know it, Keito?"
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
Well, yes, he definitely feels proud, if not to have thrown at Eichi the rope that might help him get out of the boring mess of his castle to explore the unknown. He knows well how boredom spreads on his childhood’s friend like a virus through his blood, so every chance is good enough to break the monotony of everyday life and experience something new. 
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“I am not a doppelganger,” he states, as if there really was the need to (even because he might not be so sure, after all - he still hasn’t understood a lot about this new world they all are living in, as far as he knows he might be a doppelganger, after all), “but if I am bored, I can’t even imagine how bored are you. So, will you help me pick up one of the scrolls and join or you will leave me alone?” 
Eichi has the idea that Keito just expects the worse of him when he gets bored, as if he'd start a war or something, and he supposes he'll allow that assumption to fester. It isn't like he's destructive by nature, or anything, but he'd dangle cheese in front of a mouse if it meant to amuse himself some more, or paint the roses in his garden blue, so perhaps he has the capabilities and all. His childhood friend was often a disruption to that catalyst, therefore he throws him a bone and sets the letter on the table, looking through the scrolls marked by their rainbow individuality.
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"Thank you for your consideration," The Emperor sing songs, spreading them out and nudging his shoulder a tad to indicate that his right hand man should close in. "I'd be a fool to say no, so which one shall we go for? The element of surprise is upon us, therefore I don't feel like reading and then deciding. Shall we go for your favourite colour, or the closest to mine?"
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
He bends his head a bit as the door opens, looking at this face and catching that glimpse of boredom that oh, let’s be honest, it was kind of haunting him as well - it’s not like things are too lively around Stella City, so… He shrugs his shoulders, looking at the box under his left arm, and then back at his friend, his lips bent in a smile barely visible.
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“I might have find a distraction for today. Oh well, it’s more the contrary, to be honest, but you might want to take a look at this letter.” And he hands him in the envelope, taking a few steps inside Eichi’s room as he drums his fingers over the box. “It looks like a treasure hunt, or something like that. I have nothing better to do, and I thought you could join me, if you want.”
As Keito just... lets himself in, Eichi skims down the letter, remembering that there was some sort of large event centered around these a week or two ago, but he had never bothered to participate due to the romantic implications of it all. It wasn't like the teen really needed any incentive to find a partner in this city, when his interest was already piqued by someone who had come from his own school, and had conveniently ended up here too. Thus, he'd barely looked into the matter, but if the 'quests' were like this, then he somewhat regrets not making the effort.
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"You want to do this?" Baby blues peek up from the words littering the paper to the slightly smug look on his childhood friend's complexion. He must be proud of himself to entertain him, when it's very obvious by the slight mess in his room that he's been rolling around in aggravation, irritated by his own abundance of free time. "I'm surprised," his smile lopsides. "Keito doing something fun of his own obligation? I haven't run into a doppelganger after all, have I?"
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sinphonias-blog · 8 years
School here is boring, and thus Eichi is more bored than ever, which is an extremely horrible disease he would gladly sacrifice maybe a limb for. Really, he'd just like to zap it ‘begone’, should magic be allowed in such a place, but if sheep can talk, how can he not have some sort of power in his possession, anyhow? Upon arrival, he had deemed this place a mystery, yet here he is, being forced to live the life of a mundane high school student whose studies are akin to the normal courses back home.
Eichi has half a mind to buy the school and renovate. He wonders if that is a possibility.
But his visions of taking over from the past are thrown off course by the knock at his door, to which he ignores for a few seconds, just to let his thoughts ebb away at their own pace, and then bemusedly slides off the bed to go and answer it. Visitors are basically a hopeful disappointment, and it certainly isn't Wataru, because the magician is more likely to blast the wall open and declare his presence than politely announce it with a booooring little chap. This:
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"Keito," he answers before he even fully gets the door open. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
He doesn’t expect it, not at all, the soft knocking on the door that interrupts his thoughts - well, it just interrupts his staring at the ceiling as if it could clear any doubt invading his mind (of course, and sadly, he finds out way too soon that it can’t). He rolls on his side, his feet meeting the warm floor as he gets up and walk toward the door - and he opens his mouth to ask who has decided to pay him a visit when, opening it, he finds a box at his feet, and nothing else. He takes a look on the hallway, but nobody is there - no humans, and surely no sheeps, but he surely hasn’t dreamt it, that knock knock that filled the air of his room just for a second. Getting on his knees to take the box from the floor seems the only right thing to do, and so he does it, and oh, he feels brave enough to open it, but the content is quite a mystery for him. 
“What the hell.”
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The letter he finds on the top of the seven scrolls inside the box is literally begging to be read, but even after he reads it a few times, it still isn’t saying nothing new. A quest? What in the world. Well, at least he can actually read the text written on it, which is a great conquest anyway. Maybe he should share the news with someone. And that’s exactly what he will do, so he just gets inside his room to take a hoodie, before his feet drive him to Eichi’s room. It just seems that kind of stuff that he would love.
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