siph0n-ch · 9 years
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Second random pet is a zombie shaman....I am very happy ;v;
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
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I have an addiction, and a list. I should really stop doing these but I can’t. I’m probably going to change the wings to a different scheme but for now they are alright.
I was going for a royalty them, like they rule space. and i really wanted to draw a space scarf
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
Username/s: Siph0n/DerechoStorm/Inugami (is my ch un) Name or nickname: Siph0n Gender/Pronouns: she/her Age: 15
Favorite color: Blue, like royal blue and other types of blue Favorite season: Summer Favorite animal: Snakes,lizards, cats, and Foxes Birthday: November 28th Hobbies: I play videogames and draw. A fact about yourself: I can’t shade or do line art to save my life also I’ allergic to pretty much spring Pet peeves: People....well most people...
Clan Name: Harbingers of the Ethereal Night, for now I have a few in question. Clan Type: Kitsune Describe it generally (themes, magic/no magic, etc): Well there are differient types of Kitsunes in the clan for ex. Nogitsune, thunder kitsune, celestial kitsune, Shrine Kitsune etc etc. The clan does have magic and some are master illusionists.
One fact about your lore: None yet Alliances/Rivalries:  None yet Favored God: Lune, simply because the alpha said so. It was a joke but everyone took it seriously. Government/Leadership Structure:  Kinda a monarchism Clan Colors: Black to white, cool colors are favored but all are accepted into the clan. RP Clan?: Yes. yes .all the yes. I really want to rp alpha nogitsune.
Name:  Kurogane Gender: Male Appearance (picture or description): This guy
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with some accessories I made myself.
Personality: Mischievous, Sly, Always having a blast with what ever he’s doing, always 10 steps ahead of you,  and that’s all I got for now. Mate/Consort/SO:  Mitsuko How do they lead?:  He leads with a sly grin, but everything he says must be taken seriously due to his really great plans. Are you happy with them? Anything you’d change?: I am very happy with him ;u;
What are you most excited about in CH?: It’s my first strategy petsite so I’m all for the learning. What is a clan you’d like to see in the future?: Snakes or Lizard What is one thing you’re worried about in CH’s future?: How the site is going to blow up like honestly this is going to be such a popular site One thing you’d like to get into in CH? (Art, lore, RP, etc)?: I’d really like to get better at RPing isn’t my strongest so that’s a field I might like to improve on on CH. Will you buy a KS pack/premium account?: If I somehow acquire money that can be used digitally, yes! Do you plan on having more accounts in the future?: I... have two...one wolf and one raptor...I really couldn’t choose...;u;
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
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Here is Kurogane/Kumori/Yukasumi I’m not sure on what his name will be yet but I have those three as options.
He has all of his accessories lined and shaded well I’m not sure on what to do with the fire for now so I’m going to just leave it there. 
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
Clan Lore and Other Stuff
Just posting some lore thoughts to better grasp my thoughts on lore
Clan Name -   I’ve got a few ideas but I’m not sure yet. Duskcairn, Duskguard, Harbingers of the Black Moon, Vision of the Unknown, Harbingers of the Ethereal Shade, Survivors of the Night . 
Religious affiliation - Most of the clan worships Lune. The alpha is vague with his beliefs. 
Alpha - The acting Alpha’s true name is said to be Kurogane, Kumori, or Yukasumi  , but since he will not tell anyone it is just a rumor. The clan has had only one alpha, the Nogitsune Kurogane/Kumori/ Yukasumi . He has been the Alpha ever since he started the clan. No one his quite sure how many tail he has due to his illusions. 
There is a rumor that the Alpha himself loves to play tricks on everyone but the shaman because he know the shaman will kick is butt straight to the afterlife, but no one else is same from his tricks. He takes extra care of his tricks for those who pass by the clan.
The alpha maintains authority over all clan matters, only capable of being overruled by the Shaman or his mate in specific situations.
Shaman - Kaguya is the acting Shaman of the clan. She is a kitsune who has embraced and followed Lune since her birth. Not much is known about Kaguya around the clan, the very few who know anything are the Alpha and his mate.
Shamans are responsible naming of pups in the clan, as well as tending to the sick and wounded. They may also be called upon for fortune telling and for negotiating with other clans.
Shamans are always originally part of the clan. They hear the calling of Lune and follow them to the end of their life.
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
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I think I finally managed to make my main alpha. He’s a Nogitsune who loves to mess with those unlucky enough to be in his line of sight. He is the clan trickster but he makes sure that none of his clanmates knows it’s him, tho the shaman does because the shaman sees all. His beads have kanji  for in order from biggest bead to smallest are Chaos, Fox, Darkness, Shadow, Death, and Moon. Now if these are correct I’m not sure and yes I know I suck at writing Kanji. He is based off a Nogitsune character of mine that I love dearly even tho he doesn’t have a name. I’m not completely finished with his accessories yet so he has some unshaded, unlined quick concept accessories for now.
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
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I’ve added some more effects to the Kitsune dye I’m making as well as fixed somethings that bothered me ;u;  I am quite proud on how they are turning out for my third time drawing anything space like.
I made the Kit brighter then the adult shaman because since the kit is young they have much more energy then the adult as well as the adult is bigger then the kit meaning more space for, well, space.
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
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I’ve been fiddling around with some dye ideas. I’ve had the Kitsune Adult done for a while but the two space-looking ones are new. I was getting used to the space effect on the wolf and caught it on the Kitsune I think. I also had a little Idea about and accessories as well, all the planets in our solar system floating around the spacey looking dyes ;u;
I’m not done with the Kitsunes just yet but far enough I feel comfortable showing others. I know I’m not the best nor somewhat good at this kind of stuff so it’s not super good. Tho I am super proud of how the Space Kitsune turned out. I know I talk alot, but I love feedback ;u;
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
Soo..Uhh...do the gender options work now? Or are they still inverted?
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
Yep, there is. How you change it is go to user panel and on the navy bar with gold/orange/yellow text in the right hand corner should be “Menu” with a little arrow click on the arrow and that will bring down the change clan option. 
Hope this helped ;u; 
Change breed?
Is there a way to change your breed?
ie. wolf to deer?
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
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My Alpha Kaiin and finally My random adult Juipter. WHich i just relized I miss spelled...Great...
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
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My greatest thanks to those who answered my question. Kaiin has the correct gender I wanted for him ;u;
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
Ahh! It finnaly Loaded. Is the gender glitch still here?
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
I really want clanheart to load. It’s still not loading for meeee...
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
I would just love to get Clanheart to load but it’s not...whooo...
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
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I felt it necessary to have a jumping Kitsune
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siph0n-ch · 9 years
siph0n-fr is here but now on Clanheart. let the madness begin :D
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