“Of course,Rhys.” Micah answered he knew if the man was wanting to speak to him it was important. “Though I must ask what’s so important we had to meet?” He questioned biting at the inside of his lip. He knew he had to watch his steps carefully with Rhys.
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Rhys let out a soft chuckle. He could tell the other man was somewhat nervous about their meeting; and the thought amused him. “Strictly business.” He stated, his tone casual. “I thought I could pick your brain in preparation for Sunday.” That was the scheduled date for the next meeting of the MSA, Port Silver chapter. 
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“I must thank you for meeting with me for coffee, Micah. I know you’ve quite the busy schedule; but I do appreciate you making the time.” Rhys smiled at his associate. In actuality, he did not like the other man; but the two had business to discuss for the MSA. And for the sake of mutantkind, he’d at least be civil and pretend to enjoy the other’s company. 
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