sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
Superheroes being 197% done with wii music playing
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
I’m about to have a fun afternoon.
So my trainer’s bf cheated on her. She broke up with him. He’s holding her stuff hostage until she agrees to talk with him. Which she refuses.
She trains; for free mind you; three college linebackers, a college wrestler, two martial artists, a body builder, and… wait for it…. a Navy seal. We’re gonna go get her shit for her.
This should make for an interesting story.
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
Rick Riordan finally snapped and released emails he sent to The Lightning Thief movie makers….
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I can’t stop laughing
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
Does anyone else have that one friend whose sleep schedule is like an ever-evolving mystery? One day they’ll appear to be asleep for the entire 16 hours that you’re awake, but the next three they won’t appear to actually sleep at all. Sometimes they appear to be on Australian time, other times their schedule has adjusted to somewhere in the middle of the Pacific ocean. (I call this Cthulhu time.) You go a week without seeing them and you have no idea if they’re just really busy, dead, or if their sleep has simply synced up to the exact hours you’re awake and online. The only indication that they’re still in this mortal coil is vague posts about grocery shopping that pop up on their blogs at 4:12AM. 
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
why are drummers so attractive science side of tumblr pls explain
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
Vine references: Harry Potter Characters
Harry: Well I’m doing just fine…I lied I’m dying inside
Ron: i don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets
Hermione: that is not correct. Because according to the encyclopaedia of pl-pl-pl-pl-pl-
Neville: Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane tortilla
Luna: he needs some milk
Ginny: Go back to sleep, and starve.
Draco: hey loser, say kid backwards! [dik?] Ha ha, that’s gay…
Dumbledore: [HoW dO yOu kNoW wHaT’s gOoD fOr mE?] THAT’S MY OPINIONNN!!!..
Snape: *to the ghostbusters theme song* I’m an adult virgin
Lily: oh my god why can’t you just take the freaking compliMEEEENTT
James: People constantly ask me what’s it like to be a sexy-
Sirius: All I wanna tell you is school’s not important… Be whatever you wanna be. If you wanna be a dog…RUFF. You know?
Remus: [dad, look! it’s the good kush…] This is the dollar store how good can it be?
Peter: I brought you Myrrh [thank you] Mur-dur! [huh…Judas..no]
McGonagall: smack that bitch
Flitwick: I said whoever threw that paper, your moms a hoe!
Hagrid: look at all those chickens
Arthur: road work ahead? Yeah I sure hope it does
Molly: every time you don’t yell at your kids, put a quarter in your sock and soon you’ll have a weapon to beat-
Bill: wOw
Charlie: So no head?
Percy: Hey everybody, today my brother pushed me, so I’m starting a kickstarter to put him down. The benefits of killing him would be: I would get pushed way less.
Fred: can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?
George: I’m John Cena!
Tonks: This bitch empty, YEET!
Moody: I wanna be a cowboy baby
Colin: That was legitness
Cho: Chris is that a weed?
Cedric: Oh my god they were roommates
Fleur: hi, I’m Renata Bliss and I’m your freestyle dance teacher
Victor: *slides in* Good evening
Dudley: Whaddup my name is Jared, I’m 19, and I never fucking learnt how to read
Petunia: I saw you hanging out with caitlin yesterday!! [r-rebecca, it’s not what you think!] i won’t hesitate, bitch! * pew pew *
Vernon: the cheese of truth *puts cheese on newspaper* immigrants cause cancer
Dobby: Hi welcome to chilli’s
Hedwig: Bitch I hope the fuck you do! You’ll be a dead son of a bitch I tell you
Narcissa: two shots of vodka *pours in half a bottle of vodka*
Bellatrix: I love you bitch. I ain’t never gonna stop loving you….bitch.
Voldemort: I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
The lord giveth and the lord taketh it back now y’all. Two hops this time.
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
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@nevillesplant i found a plant for u 🌱🤗
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
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feeling like molly weasley
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
o heck — also i just learned what the “activity” tab here does sorry i never answered this ??????
Nothing annoys me more than when someone expects you to be okay with something that they wouldn’t be okay with if you did it.
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
Dominos with playing cards. (1Italianlurker)
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
the crab in the little mermaid was right, the human world is a mess
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
What happens if Harry was raised by Sirius
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sirenitariel-blog · 6 years
I love Enneagram 3s
you never have to look for them
and if they are nowhere to be seen, pull out a selfie stick and they´ll come running 
they like attention in a good way?? they just deserve it
because they are kind (3w2)
or very gifted (3w4)
I don´t think they are annoying. They bring the action and it doesn´t get boring
New impulses! All! The! Time!
I really want to steal their hugs 
Sunshine babies
So much mischief!! I like that
I always liked Loki (3w4) more than Thor (8w7). Thor rhymes with bore
“Life is super dull and sad, why not make it exciting, I´ll dance for you, look!!” - This is a cool attitude. They dance effortlessly btw
Extraverted 3s smile and laugh so much >3< The introverted ones beam cutely as well. What goes around, comes around - I could smile back until the end of time
everyone likes them?? They have an army of fans. You know that there is a lot of sacrifice behind their reputation
care about self-image to the point that it hurts them and conceils their real feelings. The fact that they try hard shows that they care :/ But they lose themselves, they forget what they truly want. All these voices in their heads make them forget their own. They deserve a second chance every time - please show us what you truly want to express. Only then are you the happy 3 we want to see. Scratch that, the happy 3 /you/ want to see. 
They have a lot to give; they take expectations and duty almost too seriously
Their lifestyle is really one of a kind. They´re everywhere
I think that they have been told to achieve things from early on. Hence, they have tons of will power and energy 
Tough Cookies
I could watch them all day
Their mannerisms (so charming)
The way they talk 
and gesture
4w3s are basically incarnations of Shakespeare´s plays
Enneagram 3s are the cutest, I find it impossible to hate them - that´s a miracle because I´m an enneagram 5 and us fives declaredly hate everyone
These people just don´t give up even if they are dead inside
Show must go on! They want to be perfect. 
I´d come to their worst performance and still clap because they always amazle me (I invented this verb just for them) 
Very admirable ambition and stamina. 
Behind the facade is a small, anxious person with an umbrella to protect themselves from all the bad in the world that keeps pouring down on them. They are afraid because every raindrop seems to murmur “You´re not good enough”
But threes are amazing without trying. They don´t have to prove anything. 
They need to know that
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