sirfaggot-blog · 7 years
Damn, I never knew it wasn't supposed to be "real". Now my fanfics don't make any sense anymore :')
As much as I adore Michael Kunze’s work, and as much as I enjoy the thoughts he has when writing the lyrics to a certain scene, I will NEVER understand why he had to give Krolock a song in the show that is meant in a way that a normal audience member (aka someone who just watches the show and is happy with that) can’t possibly understand.
Die unstillbare Gier was written in order to give Steve Barton a great solo part, and putting the song into the show like that would have been totally fine, if Kunze wasn’t of the opinion that Krolock doesn’t mean a single word of what he’s singing. I understand that Krolock is supposed to be a character who’s both an actor and a liar, but I honestly don’t see how it could be considered a good idea to write a song that doesn’t make any sense as the act it’s supposed to be.
Because Krolock doesn’t have an audience. Tanz der Vampire doesn’t break the fourth wall like Elisabeth does, it really just tells a story and that’s it. Krolock sings Die unstillbare Gier when he’s entirely alone, and I don’t see why he would put up an act when no one is watching.
I mean, I don’t know, maybe I’m just incredibly stupid and someone can explain it to me, but it really doesn’t make any sense to me.
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sirfaggot-blog · 7 years
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Overdramatic much? (Also, those hands)
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sirfaggot-blog · 7 years
No no, Rostik is supposed to be Ludwig, this is wrong...
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‘HELLO’ magazine. Graf von Krolock (Ivan Ozhogin), Herbert (Kirill Gardeev), the vampire (Konstantin Baryshnikov)
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
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Charles Dance: The most sassiest Phantom/Erik ever
The Phantom of The Opera (1990)
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
Damn dude, he still gots it!
Kevin Tarte - Die unstillbare Gier (Tanz der Vampire) - St Petersburg, Russia 04.03.2017
(fight me but this was Kevin’s strongest “Gier” performance EVER!)
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
If they made a true-to-story movie about this, people would think it's way too far-fetched to be real... :D But I so want a proper movie about this.
My bros I have been doing a lot of reading about Wacky WWII Hijinks lately and I want to tell you a story because I love it okay
once upon a time there was a dude in Spain named Juan Pujol Garcia. Pujol was a chicken farmer. Pujol hated him some goddamn fascists.
See Spain had recently ended its civil war, with the fascists taking power. So when WWII broke out in Europe, Spain technically remained neutral but in practice was buddy buddy with the Nazis. Juan Pujol Garcia thought this was pretty bullshit
so soon after war breaks out Pujol travels to his local British embassy and goes “hey I wanna spy on the Nazis for you”
“who the fuck are you?” say the British, and kick him out
but Pujol is not deterred! He still wants to dunk on some fascists, so now he goes to his local German embassy instead. “hey” he says, “I wanna spy on the British for you, I sure do hate them”
“yeah okay” say the Germans “that seems pretty legit”
and just like that Pujol now officially works for the Abwehr, the German intelligence agency. They hand him some spy gear (invisible ink and such) and instruct him to travel to Lisbon, and from there make his way into the UK. So Pujol heads to Lisbon, and a little while later writes to his German handlers telling them he’s made it to England
Pujol had not made it to England. He had, in fact, made it to the Lisbon public library, where he checked out a number of English guide books and set about just wholesale making shit up
this is slightly complicated by the fact that, for example, he completely did not understand British currency and all his expense reports were basically gibberish. He also reported things like bribing Scotsmen, because the people of Glasgow would “do anything for a litre of wine” (an actual quote) because, hey, people in Spain like wine so that’s probably the same right?
Here is where it starts to get really crazy, because the Abwehr loves this. “wow this dude is a great spy” they say, because apparently none of them had ever been the England either. In fact, they are so pumped about this new awesome spy that the British start to get worried
you see, by this time the British had cracked German’s supposedly unbreakable Enigma code and were totally dunking on the Nazis by reading basically all of their ~super top secret~ radio transmissions. And, crucially, they’d become so good at breaking and reading traffic that there were literally no German spies in England. The Germans would set up a spy drop (usually dropping dudes in by parachute in the middle of the night), the British would intercept the message and then just scoop the dudes up as soon as they landed in a move that must have been SUPER embarrassing to the spies
so there are no German spies in the UK because they’re all sitting in a prison run by MI5 (although some are being run under supervision as double agents, feeding Germany bullshit). But suddenly MI5 is picking up all this traffic from the Germans talking about their super great spy- a spy the British do not have in their jail
“oh shit” says MI5, and starts rereading all the transmissions they have to and from this mysterious super spy.
“hey wait” says MI5, upon actually reading the shit the spy was sending. “someone is playing silly buggers, pip pip cheerio”
At this point, Pujol, still in Lisbon, had actually been approaching the British embassy again, repeatedly, but apparently “I am literally an Abwehr agent and would like to offer you my services” wasn’t interesting enough, because he was repeatedly turned away, again. It wasn’t until MI5 started asking around that one of the embassy staff was like “oh yeah we know that guy”
so in 1942 the British finally make contact with Pujol and he officially becomes a spy for MI5. They move him to London and assign him a case officer so he can start making up even better bullshit
and he does. Once actually in London, Pujol reports to the Abwehr that he’d recruited a whole slew of informants- from a bunch of Welsh Aryans to disaffected army officers. He ends up with a network of 20+ sub-spies, all feeding him information from around the UK
none of these people actually exist
Pujol just straight up invented like 20 people, keeping careful track of their fake personalities, names, and activities. With the help of MI5, the information he sends becomes even better- a mix of true but ultimately useless facts and actually important intel timed to arrive in Germany just slightly too late to be of any use. He and his “spy network” become the Abwehr’s most trusted agents
Pujol, now codenamed Agent Garbo (for his acting skills), ends up playing a huge role in the run-up to D-Day, where the Allies mounted a huge intelligence campaign to convince Hitler that the planned site of attack was going to be Calais and not Normandy (this was Operation Fortitude and you should absolutely look it up for more Wacky WWII Adventures). Obviously you know how this ended
crazily enough, the Abwehr never figured out that Pujol was a double agent. After the war he received both the Iron Cross Second Class (which require personal authorization from Hitler), and a Member of the Order of the British Empire (from King George VI)
unable to resist being totally fucking ridiculous, Pujol turned down MI5’s post-war offer to continue spying, but this time against the USSR. “no,” he said “just help me fake my own death and then I’m moving to Venezuela”
and that’s exactly what he did. Juan Garcia Pujol died in 1988, at the age of 76
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
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[My drawing - Tanz der vampire - Graf von Krolock]
He, ho people!
 I drew this moment of fury in the cemetery. I used paper, nankim and a little bit of photoshop. Hope you like!  :)
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
I want people to stop attacking nonbinary people who describe their genders in abstract, flowery terms. And I want them to stop dismissing them as “just teenagers who don’t know any better”, too.
You know why? Because cis people do the same thing all the time and nobody bats an eye about it.
Manhood and womanhood are associated with symbols, colors, animals, astronomical objects, mythological figures, a whole list of things that have no inherent gendered properties, and that’s fine. (A lot of those symbols are stereotypical, but some binary people still embrace them, while others have come up with alternate symbols that better reflect what being a man or woman means to them.)
If men and women can describe their genders in abstract, symbolic, poetic terms, so can nonbinary people.
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
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Tanz der Vampire +  The Mincing Mockingbird: Guide to Troubled Birds
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
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“IT’S A SWORD, IT’S NOT MEANT TO BE SAFE.” My favourite scene from The Hogfather.
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
They made my Herbert-costume, y'all, back in 2012 when they were already crazy talented. Now they make even greater stuff!
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Time to reveal the secret project! Introducing: Phantasy Couture, Fantasy Fashion Design by Phantasma Studio :D We are quite proud and excited to announce that we are currently designing and buying products for our own brand of fantasy costumes. We will be creating all kinds of costumes, jewellry, accessories, wigs and more. Of course we will still be available for requests too. In the upcoming months we will be revealing designs and the making of the first costumes, launch a new and improved and the selling of the costumes will for now take place at Etsy.
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
So why would this show appeal to Finns so much, do you think?
What a time to be a J&H fan in Finland, though. Easier than if you, say, became a Les Mis fan after seeing the first Finnish production in 1999 – back then, it was a 10-year-wait before the second one. But with Jekyll, we haven’t had a completely Jekyll-free year since 2012. And now 2017 won’t be one either!
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
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my new art of Steve Barton and Cornelia Zenz in Tanz der Vampire
follow my new art page instagram.com/artbyannaashitkova/
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
Charles Manson is supposed to die soon. Wouldn’t it be great if the shitty, evil celebrities died in 2017?
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
I like how people act like you can’t be racist and sleep with a person of color as if misogynists don’t sleep with women all the time
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sirfaggot-blog · 8 years
The way his little arm bobs upwards after the collier slides off... That's some prime animating.
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#are you kidding me right now?
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