“Yeah.” Nat noted the tense way Siri seemed lost in her own thoughts. It was so hard to see her this way. Nat longed for the day when Siri would find peace with this side of herself. “You are beautiful to me too, every part of you.” she brushed her fingertips along her cheek as she walked toward the corner of the room and started stripping away her clothes. Shifting was second nature. In the next second she was on all fours looking up at Siri. Her wolf was light gray, almost white with darker ticking throuought.
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Originally posted by rimmystims
Her own skin crawled as she watched Nat shift. If she had blinked, she would have missed it entirely. She shouldn’t close her eyes. She fought against the urge to run from the house. She took a step backwards and then steeled herself. She kicked off her shoes. Her head swam with dark thoughts as she pulled off her jeans and shirt. The wind was beginning to howl outside and Siri felt the pull of moonlight threatening to reshape her bones before she was ready. She grit her teeth against the call. She wasn’t ready.
Too late. 
Her vision blurred as she inadvertently fought against the change. She was standing one moment and the next her hands were braced against the wooden floors. She convulsed on her knees and curled up into a ball as she began to scream. Bones and sinew snapped and unraveled as her fur began to grown. She clenched her teeth and looked up at Nat through pleading eyes. Her human legs twisted and contorted and a howl of pain ripped from deep within her chest as she rolled and thrashed. 
She gained her footing and she lunged in the same heartbeat. Fully wolf. Fully feral. Her eyes shut tight against the chaos. Her teeth sank deep and she adjusted her grip as she ripped into Nat’s shoulder. The warmth that filled her mouth sent her into a flurry as she sank her teeth into Nat’s thickly furred throat.
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“She’s part of you, Siri.” Nat didn’t want to chastise, but it was hard to hear a fellow pack mate and girlfriend despise the very parts of herself that made her so special. “Do you despise my wolf too?” Natalie frowned as she took her girlfriend by the hand and led her inside. “No one is going to punish a werewolf for running on the full moon. It’s what we are and what we do.” She could feel the pull of the moon on her wolf. Ever minute it seemed it came closer to the surface.
“Keep calling her a scrawny bitch and she won’t like it.” The mood turned playful as Nat pushed Siri into closed door and kissed her, “sorry. I got a wolf raging under my skin too, but she wants you.” Natalie shot her a mischievous grin. “I believe in you, you know that right?”
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The house swallowed the sound of their footsteps as they crossed the threshold. There was a chill in the air that set Siri’s teeth on edge. The house was empty of furniture except for one ragged couch with a dusty sheet strewn over it. The scent of old beer bottles and mildew clung to every breath.
“I don’t hate your wolf.” Siri spoke softly as she reached to brush her knuckles against Nat’s jaw. She attempted a comforting smile but it felt forced. “You’re beautiful to me no matter the form you choose.” 
Siri pulled away, too distracted by Nat’s playfully seductive gaze to focus. She chewed her lip as she crossed her arms as she became lost in thought. Her anxious mind whirled with chaos. 
This place is safe. It’s far away from any people.
What if you stumble upon some campers. Nat should have brought chains to keep others safe. To keep herself safe.
Nat said I need to practice without chains to be able to learn to control it.
You’ll never be able to control it. You are too weak. 
Siri shook herself of the doubt and her voice barely quivered, “Do you think you could shift first?” Her eyes were pleading.
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“So we don’t destroy shit and get busted for curfew and maybe I like having alone time with you, Babe.” Nat grinned at the dilapidated building, “it’s charming in its own sorta way.” She threw her arm around Siri and squeezed her shoulder.
“This is a safe place for tonight. You feel it now, let it out. Don’t be afraid of it. Fear of the wolf means your wolf will be fearful. Ever hear the saying about a caged animal?”
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“What even actually happens if we are found after curfew. Everyone talks about how its against the rules now but I don’t understand why.” She chewed the inside of her cheek and shoved her hands deep in her pockets.
She felt her skin crawl at the mention of feeling her wolf. She always felt her wolf. At night when she struggled to fall asleep, she would toss and turn as she tried to ignore it’s whining. Her eyes darkened. 
“My wolf is a little bitch.” She huffed a laugh angrily. “A scrawny, whiny bitch. She’s nothing to be afraid of.” 
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The wolf’s heart sank as Siri’s trajectory took her to the roads and off the wooded paths.  Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.  The risk of an innocent getting hurt just raised exponentially.  There was one saving grace, Siri may be faster, but Ray had decades of experience chasing after perps to know how to out maneuver them.  He took a few shortcuts to gain ground on his daughter.
While the alley was tight to move around, Ray managed to tackle the hybrid with a rumbling growl.  One paw pinning her shoulder, the other pushed her muzzle into the asphalt, his teeth dug into her scruff.  Calm down Siri.  Remember who you are.  
He could smell the poor bastard running away, satisfied when he heard a door slam shut in panic.  If Siri lashed out on him, Ray would rather that than some guy caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. 
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Siri yelped as her father slammed into her from the side. She tried to turn her head to snap at him but he was much stronger than she was. He crushed her muzzle into the asphalt with ease. His familiar scent washed over her and settled her racing mind a bit.
How did he get here so fast? She kicked out with her back legs, connecting with his stomach over and over again as she tried to wrench herself away from his demanding jaws. A guttural sound ripped from deep within her chest as she writhes and snarled. Another sharp kick and she felt her skin tear as she broke free.
She quickly rolled out from under him and spun to face him head on. Her muzzle was barely inches from his. They stood facing each other in stark contrast. Light and dark. Her dark fur melded with the darkness of the alley. 
As the adrenaline pumping heat through her veins chased away the bloodlust the edges of her vision blurred. Her leg muscles quivered and she widened her stance to keep from losing her balance.
Her lungs heaved from the effort and she raised her lips in protest. She would not be pinned again. She would not be contained.
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(( continued from here ))
Kai wiped off the cue ball before tossing it back and forth in his hands absently. “Hey Siri, I’m Kai. It’s cool to meet you. You could say I got a kid. More like thirty of them.” He laughed, putting the baby wipes back in his backpack. “I work in child care. It’s always good to have wipes nearby when you’re working with a bunch of toddlers.” He stepped over to set the ball back on the pool table. “I’m down to play. I should warn you though, I’m … very bad.” He laughed again.
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“Kids. Huh didn’t know they had a Ghoul School here.” Siri arched an eyebrow playfully. 
“Well as you are well aware. I have some killer moves.” Siri flourished the pool stick as she walked back to the pool table, the end of the stick tapped one of the lights overhead and it swung rapidly. She winced and shrugged. 
Siri began to gather the pool balls to place them meticulously into the triangle. She drained the rest of her drink and checked her phone. The screen glared 10:30pm at her and she smirked. Plenty of time for another game. 
“Do you wanna make a wager since we’re both pretty garbage? Makes it more fun if there’s a prize at the end.” She took a small cube of chalk and began to dust the end of the pool stick.
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The sound of the car door echoed in the stillness. An abandoned house loomed in disrepair as she looked around. 
“I get we have to do this away from people but do the locations always have to be so spooky, babe? Dad and I usually just practice in the woods outside of the park.” 
She pushed her hair back from her face as the wind kicked up. The air felt heavy and even in her human form she could smell a storm brewing.
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But that was the thing, Ray was proud of her, no matter what.  She was smart, talented, hell of a silver tongue.  Siri was everything he could have ever wanted in a daughter and some.  
His heart went out to Siri, knowing she was in a lot of pain.  It takes years for the transformation to not hurt like a bitch, and she’d been suppressing it for so long.  “Take deep breathes, kiddo.  Focus on that insteada the pain.”   
Ray could smell the panic coming off of Siri in waves.  “Cut back Siri!  Stop!”  But it seemed she was too far into the process, unable to stop in her inexperience. The bloodlust in her eyes were unmistakable, as well as her fear.  As the hybrid took off, Ray cursed under his breath before yelling at her to come back.
Shucking off his boots and clothes in an urgency only years of police experience have instilled in him, Ray transformed and took off after his daughter.  ‘Siri, stop running!  It’s too dangerous!’ At this rate she could find some innocent, and god forbid that happen.
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Siri’s claws scraped against asphalt as the dirt floor of the woods became a road. She was faster than her father and her heart raced as she heard him barreling through the woods some ways behind her. 
She had to get away from him. Far away. 
She couldn’t hurt him like she had hurt Nat. She’d never forgive herself if she laid a paw on him. He was a good father. He didn’t deserve to be eaten alive.
She ducked down an alley and skidded to a stop. Her hackles shivered as the scent of hot trash and something more tantalizing wafted over her. Her jaws clenched and unclenched as she tried to focus. She shook her head and a low growl shook deep within her chest.
A man stood motionless in front of her, his mouth gapping as he took in the massive beast before him. Drool frothed Siri’s lips from running so hard and it dripped as she raised her lips into a snarl. 
“Look I-I don’t want any trouble. Good wolf. Just st-stay there.” His voice shook.
He dropped the trash bag he had been carrying and took a step back. He lifted his hand placatingly in front of him and took a step back and then another. He turned on his heel to run.
Siri lunged.
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“Whoa, whoa, hey, you shouldn’t be down there, my dude. It’s like, a filthy bar floor,” Kai exclaimed, reaching down to help Siri up off the floor. “What do you need? The ball? I got it.” He reached down under the table to grab it and hold it out to her. “It’s kinda gross and sticky now, though. You need a wipe or something? I got a ton in my bag.” He grabbed his backpack, rummaging for a moment before pulling a package of baby wipes from it. He held it out to her. “Sanitation is important.”
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“Yeah I guess I didn’t really think this through.” She moved her hands to wipe them on her jeans but stopped as she realized through her drunken haze that the stranger was offering her a better solution. 
“Odd to just carry baby wipes. Do you have a kid or somethin’?” She huffed a laugh. “I really appreciate it.” 
Siri tugged one of the wipes from the package and began to work on scrubbing the miscellaneous fluids from between her fingers. “I’m Siri. I don’t think we’ve met before. Do you-uh..” Siri motioned towards the pool table. “Would you wanna play?”
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Nat lifted her chin to bring her gaze back up to her. It was hard to watch the woman she loved continually beat herself up, “Siri, look at me now; I love you. I love all of you unconditionally. A little mishap of teeth isn’t gonna bother me.” Nat put her hands on the other’s hips, smiling as she did, “it was kinda hot.” Natalie chuckled, “and I’m not joking.” she crossed her heart, “cross my heart.”
Natalie let an apologetic expression slip onto her face, “I turn to humor and sarcasm to deal with shit. You beat yourself down internally and watching you do that makes my heart hurt. You are doing so good. Give yourself credit, ok?”
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“I guess I’ll just have to take your word for it because it doesn’t feel like it’s gettin’ better.” She chewed on the inside of her cheek. “I’m startin’ to think I might just make a better witch than a wolf.” 
Siri huffed a laugh and reached out to cup Nat’s cheek in her palm. She shook herself of the dread and chaos in her gut. “Let’s go bowlin’. I could do with some throwin’ heavy things around. Do you wanna walk or are you drivin’?”
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“Babe, you spent years drugging your wolf into submission, no one expects you to conquer that shit in a year. You have come so far and I’m proud of you…. Even if you did accidentally bite me that one time.” Natalie winked playfully. “It’s not an it, it’s you. Treat the bitch like a bitch and she will fight you a hundred percent. Trust me.”
Nat’s gaze drifted somewhere to the past, “I couldn’t control it at first. You’ve seen the silver scars. Nash and I have always lived in fight or flight. Our old pack didn’t exactly facilitate a healthy bond with the beast within.”
The comment about bowling left a small smirk tugging at her lips, “now, you see, my thoughts were that I could recall cute and teach you how to bowl, but the arcade is an option too. I could stand way to close and hold you while you play pacmam. Or, better yet, we can do one of those ‘you get what you get’ tattoos. I been dying to let you give me some ink. Whatever we do, as long as it’s together, I’m happy.”
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Siri heard a ringing in her ears as Nat continued to speak. Her teeth sinking into an exposed shoulder flashed across her memory. She lifted her fingers to her lips as she remembered the warmth of Nat’s blood dripping down her chin.
“Can we not joke about that, Nat.” Siri stepped back and shifted her gaze to her shoes. Her lip quivered as her thoughts conjured a thunderstorm of burning chaos in her chest.
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“Hey, don’t do that to yourself. You are doing great.” Natalie took her by the shoulders and held her back so she could look her in the eye. “It’s hard enough when raised by a pack. You didn’t have that until now. And I would not have let you eat that poor dog.” Natalie pulled her into a hug. “I love you and I believe in you.”
Nat hate to see her so unnerved but her situation. She despised that look in her eye that made her heart hurt for her. “Dinner and maybe bowling after? Then we can watch a movie in bed with popcorn when we get home.”
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“It’s just so frustratin’.” She inhaled sharply and rolled her eyes. “You’d think it’d be easier to just let the bitch out because that’s what it wants, I guess, but every time I do there’s just..I dunno..like it goes into it’s own kind of panic attack. The bitch has ptsd or somethin’.”
She sighed reluctantly. “I really wouldn’t have survived this without you. This process.”
“I would kill for some breadsticks right now.” She scrunched her nose. “You know I suck at bowlin’. I almost hit that kid last time when I lost the ball on my back swing.” She laughed lightly at the memory. “That kid must really be good at dodgeball.”
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The older wolf wanted to argue that 30 minutes was a damn good bit of time for someone taking fucking suppressants their entire life, but he could also understand Siri’s frustrations. His expression softened as he placed a supportive hand on her shoulder. “Hey, if ya wanna try the witchy shit go for it. Ya know I’ll support ya no matter what.”
Ray squeezed her shoulder. “We can take a break from lessons if ya want. Lunch? Yer buyin’ though. Ya owe me for makin’ me wait.”
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Siri exhaled deeply as his expression softened. She wanted him to be proud of her. She wished more than anything that she had simply just excelled in her shifting practice. She dreamed of a day where they could run through the woods as a pack. The thrill of hunting a deer together with her girlfriend and her father sent chills down her arms. Their first kill together would be something to cherish.
One day. One day maybe.
She shook herself of the vision. Filled with hope she cracked her knuckles audibly and squared her jaw.
“I wanna give it a go today. I might be a witch but I want to be a wolf. Can’t do that without a little practice. Then I can get you some lunch, Oldman.” 
She smirked as she shrugged off her jacket. She could feel the wolf roiling beneath her skin and the hair on her arms and the back of her neck stood on end as she readied herself. She felt like she was going to be sick. Sometimes the change came like an explosion of skin and fur. Mostly it was a grueling and painful battle to even get her limbs to shift from their human shapes.
Her teeth ground together as she took a deep breath and pushed. She bit back a scream as her skin started to crawl and her bones began to snap and mend. Her bare feet scraped against the earth as her claws pierced her skin. Her muzzle began to elongate and a scream escaped her as a howl.
“Dad. I can’t.” Her words were muddled by a tongue not meant for speech. She pushed herself more and tears ran down the fur that was beginning to cover her face. Her heart beat so fast against her ribs and she began to see stars as the panic sank it’s teeth into her. Her vision tinged with red and memories of blood dripping from her lips made her want to run. She couldn’t breathe. Her eyes were wild as she looked to her father.
Run away. Run. I don’t want to hurt you. 
She imagined ripping into him. The ecstasy she would feel tearing through his skin... Her father’s skin.
She turned on a distorted heel and took off. Her fingers dug into the earth as she lunged through the trees. Half wolf, half human, wholly mad as a hatter in the woods.
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She tapped her fingers against the counter as she considered an answer. This girl seemed like an easy sell, but she also wasn’t screaming money. “Normally they go for 200 notes, but with this whole barting shit in place I’m willing to work with what you have to offer.”
Ophelia dragged herself out of her chair, leading the way to the nail section. There were actually a few coffin nails mixed into the selection. If the medium saw graves not yet filled when she visited her mother she would grab a couple to add to the shop’s supply. But most of what was being sold were just random nails she pried out of various places. “All your coffin nail needs,” she said with a wide flourish of her arms.
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“Oh yeah. I’ve been um-” She cleared her throat. “Well I’m a tattoo artist so I’ve been kind of tradin’ tattoos for stuff recently. I could book a session for you that’s equal to the amount I owe you here.”
“If that’s not somethin’ you’d be interested in I’m also kind of still searchin’ for a job so maybe I could trade my time..? If that’s even a thing. Help out around the shop.”
Siri pulled two rusted nails out of the bin and eyed them absently. “I also need four or five small candles. I think everything else I can scrounge in the woods. Feathers. Sand. The works, I guess.”
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Roxie looked down when she heard a voice, it taking a moment to realize which direction it had come from. “huh?” She asked confused before she noticed the ball. “oh sure” she moved her foot. “I have some hand wipes in my purse if you need some” she offered, knowing how gross the bar floor could be.
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Siri eyed the unreasonably long line to the female’s restroom and realized that washing her hands would be a difficult endeavor.  
“Shit. Yeah. That would be awesome. You’re my savior, really.” She inspected her sticky, discolored hands and gagged visibly. 
“I dont think that’s just spilled beer.” She grimaced. The smell was rancid like dirty mop water had been used to just smear around old vomit. 
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“If I’m with you, I’m going to have a blast, period.” Nat nuzzled into Siri. The love she felt for her was without words. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that Ray knew what they shared was special. “I would be mad at myself if you got hurt because of me. He promised me that I would regret it if I ever hurt you and I think he meant it.” Natalie chuckled, “what do you want to start with first? I was kinda in the mind to go out for a date night, but if you want pizza and beer with movies on the couch I am ok with that.” Nat knew the full moon was approaching quickly. “It’s almost here you know.”
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Her heart stalled. She groaned and shook herself of the gnarled knots of anxiety that were pulsating in her gut. “Don’t remind me. I’m not sure I’m ready for another one. I almost ate that dog last time. The forced changes are always so much worse for me than the little practice sessions. Makes me feel like I’m losing my mind and I’m not sure struggling to not give myself over entirely to the wolf is normal...” She trailed off and ran her hand through her hair. 
“Date night out on the town sounds great. Just what the doctor ordered. I got some cash today. I can cover dinner.”
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The medium raised a brow at the other woman. That was a new one. “You mean, like, how to use spirit boards or which reiki oil works best for what?”
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Siri chewed her lip. “Hm spirit board sounds right. How much do those go for?” 
She pulled a crumpled slip of paper from her jacket pocket and glowered at her own handwriting. “Do you guys carry...coffin pails?” She squinted. “Nails. Coffin nails.” She cleared her throat awkwardly as she looked around the shop.
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“Ray is going to kill me. He’s literally gonna kill me.” Natalie shook her head at the thought of Ray realizing how much of a bad influence she was on Siri. “It will heal quick, but damn, I’m not sure I want you on a bike now.” Natalie teased her with a wink. In reality she couldn’t wait to ride with her, even if all they could do was cruise around the city in a loop.
“Your old man already knows how much trouble I have been in. It’s a wonder he allows us to be this close.” She laughed again, but this time she wrapped her arm around Siris waist and pulled her into her side. “Don’t feel bad, I have had plenty of road rash. It won’t scar, silver is the only thing that leaves a lasting impression.” Nat was littered with scars from her old packs relentless punishments.
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“You know we will have a blast running circles around town.” She smiled gleefully at the thought of scattering the army of geese at the lake. 
“He wouldn’t kill you. He’s just a big ole softy underneath all the scruff.” She curled herself closer to Nat. “He knows you mean a lot to me right now. Despite your rough edges, he’s happy that I’m happy. Also, I’ve been around much shadier people in the past. It’s been nice just to coast and take things slow for once.”
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