siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 12 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I love Apollo therefore Ara is throttling the living hell out of him -Danny Words: 2,563 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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XI: With All Due Respect, Which Is None
"Nemo, trying to lose them is pointless—"
"Do not unbuckle your seatbelt!" He gives a sharp turn to the left.
Apollo yelps. "Is your plan to avoid a fight by dying in a traffic accident?"
"Ha-ha." Percy says through gritted teeth. "I'm getting us to the beach. Ara could get this done anywhere but I fight better near water, and I'd like to better our chances."
"Because Poseidon?" Meg asks in the backseat behind Ara's.
"Yep. That pretty much describes my entire life: Because Poseidon."
Ara hears the younger girl excitedly shuffling in the backseat. "You're gonna be like Aquaman? Get the fish to fight for you?"
Ara laughs. Percy grumbles. "Thanks, I haven't heard enough Aquaman jokes for one lifetime."
"I wasn't joking!"
"He's just cranky," Ara gives him a look. 
 "Ah, I know these spirits!" Apollo exclaims. "They are... um..."
"What?" Percy urges him anxiously. "They are what?"
"I've forgotten!" The boy huffs. "I hate being mortal! Four thousand years of knowledge, the secrets of the universe, a sea of wisdom—lost, because I can't contain it all in this teacup of a head!"
"Hold on!" Percy gives another violent turn making Meg hit the ceiling with her head. The girl bursts into a fit of giggles while Ara scolds her brother. "Just another mile or so to the beach... Plus we're almost to the western edge of camp. We can do it. We can do it."
The moment he says it, a blob flies directly to their windshield, making Percy give an abrupt turn and causing the car to spin. Ara lets out such a strong curse word that Apollo covers Meg's ears and blushes. Paul's blue Prius swerves off the road and breaks through the limits of an orchard, crashing right in between two trees.
Percy unbuckles his seatbelt. "You guys okay?"
"Oh gods, this will take ages to fix..." Ara places a hand on the dashboard and glows orange, assessing all the damage the Prius took in the collision.
Meg fights with the handle. "Won't open. Get me out of here!"
"Back here," Apollo tells them. "Climb over!"
They leave the car with shaky legs and stunned brains, Ara spots the three blobs no longer looking like blobs. She curses and draws out Almighty. "The heck are those?"
"STOP!" Apollo tries to sound powerful, but his voice quivers. "I am the god Apollo!"
He gives a step forward and Ara tenses. "Are you sure...?"
The boy silences her and Ara obeys out of habit, he may not look like a god but she's still aware of who he is. "Leave us or be destroyed! BLOFIS!"
Ara frowns. "Did you just scream my dad's last name as a ward against evil?"
It does nothing to destroy the creatures, if anything, they look more ready to kill. "Oh, dear." Apollo says shakily. "I remember now..." 
"What are they?" Ara asks out of obligation, because she certainly doesn't want to know.
"Nosoi. Plague spirits," he winces. "And they can't be killed." 
"Nosoi?" Percy helps Meg out of the car. "You know, I keep thinking, I have now killed every single thing in Greek mythology. But the list never seems to end."
"You haven't killed me yet," Apollo points out.
"Don't tempt me," he retorts at the same time Ara says Don't tempt him.
"These creatures are not myths," Apollo continues. "Of course, most things in those old myths are not myths. Except for that story about how I flayed the satyr Marsyas alive. That was a total lie."
"You did what?"
"Guys, could we talk about that later?" Meg grabs a random tree branch as her weapon of choice.
"Apollooooo..." speaks one of the creatures. "We have coooome to—"
"Let me stop you right there." Apollo crosses his arms. "You've come to take your revenge on me, eh?" He looks back at the demigods. "You see, nosoi are the spirits of disease. Once I was born, spreading illnesses became part of my job. I use plague arrows to strike down naughty populations with smallpox, athlete's foot, that sort of thing."
"That was actually going to be my next question," Ara says.
"Oh, really?"
"No, you self-centered doofus!" She exclaims. "Why would you antagonize the living hospital waste?"
"Somebody's got to get the job done in a respectful manner! Better a god, regulated by the Council of Olympus and with the proper health permits, than a horde of uncontrolled spirits like these."
Another spirit speaks up. "We're trying to have a moooment here. Stop interrupting! We wish to be free, uncontroooolled—"
"Yes, I know. You'll destroy me. Then you'll spread every known malady across the world. You've been wanting to do that ever since Pandora let you out of that jar. But you can't. I will strike you down!"
"What will you strike us down with? Where is your booow?"
"It appears to be missing. But is it really? What if it's cleverly hidden under this Led Zeppelin T-shirt, and I am about to whip it out and shoot you all?"
The nosoi hesitate a bit. "Yooou lie."
"Why do you speak like that?" Ara blurts out.
"Like what?"
"Elongating the o's," she tilts her head. "Is that supposed to be threatening or...?"
"Are you trying to antagonize the hospital waste too?" Percy mutters. "Listen, Apollo..."
"I know what you're going to say. You, your sister, and Meg have come up with a clever plan to hold off these spirits while I run away to camp. I hate to see you sacrifice yourselves, but—"
"That's not what I was going to say. I was going to ask what happens if I just slice and dice these mouth-breathers with Celestial bronze."
One of the spirits makes a noise that kind of sounds like a laugh. "A sword is such a small weapon. It does not have the pooooetry of a good epidemic."
"Let me give you a real nuclear farewell, then," Ara mumbles, ready to change her sword into a bazooka.
"Stop right there!" Apollo steps in. "You can't claim both my plagues and my poetry!"
"You are right. Enough wooooords."
Apollo lifts his arms with his palms facing the creatures as if to blast them, but nothing happens when he does that. "This is insufferable! How do demigods do it without an auto-win power?" 
Ara turns her sword into a shotgun. "Let's survey after I put these uglies to bed."
Meg stabs one of them with her branch and the wood sizzles like it's sinking in acid. "Let go!" Apollo squeals. "Don't let the nosoi touch you!"
Ara steps back, but Percy charges without a second thought. He rarely gets those anyway, and one of the spirits tries to seize his wrist. Meg throws a frozen peach at the head of the creature, and Ara loads her shotgun, ready to finish him off. She shoots, but the creature's body dissolves and forms again without any damage.
"We gotta run," Meg concludes.
"Yeah." Percy stumbles back. "I like that idea."
Ara grabs Apollo's wrist and drags him through the orchard easily even though he's almost the same height as Percy. "That's the western border of camp!" Her brother points further ahead. "If we can just get there..." 
He explodes a tank near them and with Ara's help, wills the water to swirl around the bodies of the nosoi, the girl glows teal as they run through the field. "That's cool!" Meg runs happily. "We're going to make it!" 
"Can y'all stop saying that!" Ara exclaims irritatedly. The nosoi burst out of the ground ahead and Percy doesn't have time to stop before he runs through one of them. "Nemo!" She gasps.
"Don't breathe!" Apollo squeaks.
Percy presses his lips together and clutches his shirt over his nose, he holds the little breath he can gather. Ara loads her shotgun again while Meg picks up another bruised peach from the ground. Ara runs through a few plans in her mind. "Can I use water?"
"If I use water is my brother going to be okay?"
"I don't know! There is no seawater here!" Apollo screeches when another spirit charges at him and makes him crash into a tree.
"I'll take my chances," Ara summons the skies the moment the last spirit charges at her, and even if he's good at dissolving, there's nothing he can do against the speed and power of lightning. She looks between her brother and the helpless god, not knowing which one to focus on.
"Which fatal illness shall I use to kill the great Apolloooo?" The third spirit hums approvingly as it stalks the god. "Anthrax? Perhaps eboooola..."
"Hangnails," Apollo coughs out. "I live in fear of hangnails." 
Ara reaches for her octopus, fishes out a water bomb, and tosses it at Percy's feet. He closes his eyes tightly when the bomb explodes and Ara contains the detonation, making the water swirl as fast as possible, imagining whatever virus, germ, or bug is in there getting washed away. The girl glows brighter and closes her fist, dragging the water away from her brother's body, and into the plague spirit hovering over Apollo, lifting the being in a seawater ball.
"Percy, help!"
He helps her hold the ball up. Apollo is curled up in the mud, Ara glares at him feeling dizzy. "What now, Lester? We can't keep that thing trapped forever."
Just as she says this, the spirit Percy had previously run through reforms and pounces at them. Meg screams, taking them by surprise. "GET DOWN!" Everyone obeys, watching in shock as a thousand frozen peaches fly up and straight through the spirit, intercepting the one in the water bubble too. It's such an impressive display of strength and skill that they stay down even after the spirits fade.
Percy speaks weakly. "What just happened?"
Apollo clears his throat. "Meg, is it safe?"
"I—I'm not sure."
"How'd you do that?" Percy rubs his nose like he's got an itch that reaches all the way to his brain.
Meg shakes her head. "I didn't! I just knew it would happen."
A plague spirit sits up with difficulty. "But you did doooo it. Yooou are strong, child."
"Not strong enough," said the other. "We will finish you now."
"Are you kidding me?" Ara growls. "What does a girl gotta do for her murders to stick?"
One of the spirits does something that sort of looks like a smile. "Arae Jackson, soooo feisty. The girl's guardian is sooooo disappointed that he didn't find yoooou first." 
Meg kicks the ground, squealing in panic. "NO!" Another large group of peaches flies up and gets together, mixing and molding into a chubby plant-baby that reminds her of a nymph in the worst kind of way.
Ara frowns. "Is that...?"
Percy makes a face. "I hate these things."
"Wh-what is it?" Meg asks.
"It's a grain spirit," Apollo explains, visibly shaking. "I've never seen a peach karpos before, but if it's as vicious as other types..."
Ara lowers her weapon. "Let's not look threatening then... and step back veeery slowly... Meg, command your little friend to attack the nosoi."
"But I don't—"
"Do it," Ara says kindly yet curtly. "It'll listen."
With a shaky finger, she points at the plague spirits. "Eat them."
The next few seconds are a display of peach feral violence, enough to make Ara swear to never eat said fruit for the rest of her life. The baby chomps, munches, rips, inhales, and obliterates every single speck of nosoi in sight. Just as quickly, the grain spirit sits obediently at Meg's feet and burps, his green eyes attentive as he hits his chest proudly in an archaic gesture. "Peaches!"
Percy leans closer to Ara. "Do we kill it?"
"No!" Meg turns to them urgently. "Don't hurt him."
"Not planning to," Ara says. "Thank Peaches for us."
Meg pats the creature's head. "You saved us—Thank you." The creature wraps his chubby hands around Meg's leg, hugging her with such a gentle grip it melts Ara's heart, although she can't forget the way he consumed the plagues as if they were nothing but smoke.
"Peaches," he purrs.
"He likes you," Percy points out the obvious. "Um... Why?"
"I don't know," Meg blinks. "Honestly, I didn't summon him!"
"Meg," Ara starts patiently. "Your godly parent..." Something is not adding up. Ara heard the nosoi mention some guardian being disappointed over the fact that they didn't get Ara first... did they mean Meg's?
"Well, whatever the case," Apollo says dismissively, "we owe the karpos our lives. This brings to mind an expression I coined ages ago: A peach a day keeps the plague spirits away!"
Percy wrinkles his nose. "I thought it was apples and doctors." The creature shows its fangs at him. "Or peaches. Peaches work too."
"Peaches," the grain spirit nods solemnly.
Percy sneezes, perhaps the plague left him with some kind of seasonal allergy. "Not criticizing, but why is he grooting?"
"Grooting?" Meg frowns.
"Yeah, like that character in the movie... only saying one thing over and over. You know the one, Ara, you love the Raccoon."
Ara looks back at Meg. "He's asking why he's communicating using a single word."
Apollo shrugs. "I don't think a karpos tends to have a... targeted vocabulary."
"Maybe Peaches is his name." Meg pats the creature's head amicably. "That's what I'll call him."
"Good idea," Ara nods. "At least he seems to listen to you, so—"
"Whoa, she's not adopting that—" Percy sneezes again, shaking his head. "Ugh. The nosoi did something to me, my nose is all itchy."
"You're lucky," Apollo points out. "Ara's trick with the water diluted the spirit's power. Instead of getting a deadly illness, you got an allergy."
"Let me see," Ara presses a hand between his eyes. She reaches for the watering system of the orchard, willing the water out. "This will be quick, so don't breathe for the next five seconds."
In a swift motion, Ara glows teal and shoots a bit of water into Percy's right nostril and out through the left, giving him an instant nasal wash. He doubles over cursing and coughing. "A little heads up would be nice!"
"I told you not to breathe," she pats his cheek lovingly. "How's it feeling?"
Percy inhales deeply. "Good as new. You're the best, Birdy."
"No problem," Ara kisses his cheek.
"Excuse me?" Apollo speaks in annoyance. "We still need to move!"
Ara's eyes turn cold in an instant. She reaches the boy fast, making him yelp and stumble. "Listen here, you Less-tier god—you took plague spirits to where my pregnant mother lives, you almost got my brother and a twelve-year-old girl—that I still don't know if you kidnapped—killed, and you still don't understand that you're in no position to boss me around. Thank Percy for driving us here."
Apollo cowers a bit, looking back at Percy while blushing. "Thank you."
Her brother doesn't move an inch to pull Ara away from the former god, he seems to enjoy the scene. "No problem."
"Can we go now?" Meg asks like she's getting bored.
"An excellent idea," Apollo says promptly. "Though I'm afraid your father's car is in no condition—"
"I can drive you the rest of the way, if we can get it out from between those trees... Aw, Hades no...." Percy groans. Ara spots the police car stopping near the collision. "Ara, if they tow the Prius, we're dead. Our parents need the car."
"I got this," Ara eases him. "Bit of charmspeak and they'll help you tow the car back to our parking lot. You can explain what happened, and I'll be back before dinner, I'll get the car running by the end of the weekend, it'll be fine."
Percy nods at Apollo and Meg. "So you're seeing them to camp?"
Ara looks briefly over her shoulder. "Wait there, I'll be right back." She looks at Peaches. "You're in charge, bub."
"Peaches," the creature puffs out his chest.
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 12 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Apollo is here and I couldn't be happier I love him -Danny Words: 2,554 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Paul Revere' -by Noah Kahan
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VIII: Dang Bitch, You Live Like This?
Ara stares at him in shock. "Come again?"
"He's the god Apollo." The little girl replies, eyeing her sword with massive interest.
"If you really are Apollo, tell me something only he would know." It's no secret that Ara's looking for the sun god, so asking for proof makes sense.
The boy cleans his bloody nose and thinks hard, looking rather pathetic. "Your boyfriend gave me a Valdezinator that sounds exactly like the piece Michael wrote to heal people."
The demigod lowers her sword immediately and urges them forward. "Go in."
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Ara opens the door to her apartment and speaks over her shoulder. "Stay here. Do not leave." She rushes to the kitchen where Sally and Percy are laughing. Ara clears her throat and Percy smiles at her. 
"Apollo's at the door," she announces quickly. "I think he's mortal."
Percy stops smiling. "What?"
"I can't leave him outside, so they're coming in," Ara walks back to the entrance. "He's got a little girl with him, Percy, so don't be scary!"
He follows her to the door. Ara opens it and curtsies. "Come in, my lord."
"Appreciated," the boy drags himself into the apartment, the young girl following close.
"Who's your friend?" Percy stares at the girl.
"This is Meg McCaffrey, a demigod who must be taken to Camp Half-Blood. She rescued me from street thugs."
"Rescued..." Percy glances at his sister. "You mean the 'beat-up teenager' look isn't just a disguise? Dude, what happened to you?"
"I may have mentioned the street thugs."
"But you're a god."
"About that... I was a god."
"Prove it," Ara demands. The boy pulls out an ID with his picture and the name Lester Papadopoulos. "Zeus is really angry at you, huh?"
Apollo scoffs but he doesn't argue. "Oh! Before I forget, my dear muse," he flashes her a weak smile. "I'm fairly certain we're being followed by malicious spirits."
"What?" Ara locks the door a second time. "Why didn't you say that before I brought you up to my mother's apartment?!"
"Well, you must ensure my safety, and you will take care of this, won't you?" Apollo questions off-handedly.
Percy inches closer and whispers. "Can't believe he came looking for you..."
"I'm a hero now, of course he would look for me," she grumbles.
"Yeah, but—"
"Sacred Sibyl!" Apollo—Lester—gasps when their mother comes out of the kitchen. "Madam, there is something wrong with your midsection!"
"Well, I'm seven months pregnant," Sally stops in her tracks.
"How can you bear it?" The god moans in despair. "My mother, Leto, suffered through a long pregnancy, but only because Hera cursed her. Are you cursed?"
"Um, Apollo? She's not cursed," Percy steps in. "And can you not mention Hera?"
"You poor woman." Apollo sighs. "A goddess would never allow herself to be so encumbered. She would give birth as soon as she felt like it."
"Let's focus on your issues, my lord." So we can get rid of you faster.
Percy clears his throat. "Mom, this is Apollo and his friend Meg. Guys, this is our mom."
"Call me Sally." She examines Apollo's injured face. "Dear, that looks painful. What happened? I tell you what—Percy can help you get bandaged and cleaned up." 
"I can?" Percy asks with annoyance. 
Ara elbows him before gesturing at Apollo. "This way, lord..."
"Ara, you give Meg your old clothes, pre-growth spurt," Sally says bemusedly.
The girl nods. "Sure. Come along, Meg."
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"What are we gonna do?"
"I'll take care of it."
"Before you say anything, remember I'm turning sixteen this year," she glares at him. "You fought your prophecy when you were my age."
"Yeah, I..." Percy blinks as if just realizing that she's right. "Gods, you're turning sixteen already?"
"This is Mike's father we're talking about," Ara brushes that aside. "The song I use to heal people? Michael wrote it. I do this for him, Percy, I have to help."
He pauses, some kind of understanding that isn't helping him feel better dawns upon him, and causes his shoulders to slump. The door to their bathroom opens and Apollo comes out of it, sheepish but clean. "What happened to you, man?" Percy grimaces. "The war ended in August. It's January."
"It is?"
Ara and Percy share a look. "I knew this would happen," she sighs. "I saw how Zeus treated you, I knew he was going to punish you."
"I—I don't know where I've been," Apollo fidgets with his shirt. "I have some memory gaps."
Percy wrinkles his nose. "I hate memory gaps. Last year I lost an entire semester thanks to Hera."
"It's normal," Ara tries to ease the god. "Either your consciousness is trying to adjust to a mortal brain, or Zeus took it on purpose so it's harder for you to return."
"Well, that's why I've come to you!" Apollo smiles. "I can't do it, but surely the daughter of Olympus can fix this! It's your job!"
Ara frowns. "I'd rather not test the King of the gods by helping his currently hormonal teenage son that he's trying to punish, besides, I have never turned anyone into a god."
"We can drive you and Meg to camp if that's what you want," Percy offers. "We never turn away a demigod who needs help—"
"Wonderful! Do you have something besides the Prius? A Maserati, perhaps? I'd settle for a Lamborghini."
Percy ignores that. "Apollo, I can't get involved in another Big Prophecy or whatever. I've made promises."
"I lost most of my junior year because of the war with Gaea. I've spent this entire fall playing catch-up with my classes. If I want to go to college with Annabeth next fall, I have to stay out of trouble and get my diploma."
"Annabeth." Apollo squints. "She's the blond scary one?"
"That's her. I promised her specifically that I wouldn't get myself killed while she's gone." 
"She's in Boston for a few weeks. Some family emergency. The point is—"
"You're saying you cannot offer me your undivided service to restore me to my throne?" 
"Yeah." He pointed at the bedroom doorway. "Besides, my mom's pregnant. We're going to have a baby sister. I'd like to be around to get to know her."
"Well, I understand that. I remember when Artemis was born—"
"Aren't you twins?"
"I've always regarded her as my little sister."
Percy glances at his sister. I need this guy out of here. "Anyway, my mom's got that going on, and her first novel is going to be published this spring as well, so I'd like to stay alive long enough to—"
"Wonderful! Remind her to burn the proper sacrifices. Calliope is quite touchy when novelists forget to thank her."
"Okay. But what I'm saying... I can't go off on another world-stomping quest. I can't do that to my family. I've already given my mom enough heart attacks for one lifetime. She's just about forgiven me for disappearing last year, but I swore to her and Paul that I wouldn't do anything like that again."
Percy and Apollo turn to her. Ara shrugs. "Yeah well, no parents are freaking out about me. They know I have to obey, and I'm a triple-R: Resilient radioactive roach."
"Do you think he counts, though?" Percy squints.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, look at him."
"You do understand that I must find a way to return to Olympus," Apollo sounds slightly offended. "This will probably involve many harrowing trials with a high chance of death. Can you turn down such glory?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can," Percy replies impatiently. "And Ara should too, if you're not a god anymore, that means she doesn't work for you."
"What? It's the truth. Your second semester is only getting started, this guy shouldn't be distracting you."
The thing is, she wants a distraction. Ara can't stand another week of normalcy while her demigod life crumbles and gets more and more confusing. She has to fix things, and now she has a path to follow in the shape of a weak-looking deity.
"It wouldn't be wise to give him an advantage Zeus might not want for him," she leans on the wall. "But I can't say no just to be punished later. I won't decide anything until I figure it out."
"You will at least escort us to Camp Half-Blood?" Apollo asks sorely.
"That we can do." Percy gets up and pats Ara's shoulder. "Let's see if Meg's ready for a field trip." 
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"Percy, your mom is so normal."
"Thanks, I guess." 
"I see you like to study," Apollo looks at the manuals on the coffee table. "Well done."
"I hate to study," Percy snorts. "I've been guaranteed admission with a full scholarship to New Rome University, but they're still requiring me to pass all my high school courses and score well on the SAT. Can you believe that? Not to mention I have to pass the DSTOMP."
"The what?" Meg wrinkles her nose.
"An exam for Roman demigods. The Demigod Standard Test of Mad Powers," Apollo explains.
"That's what it stands for?" Percy raises a brow.
"I should know. I wrote the music and poetry analysis sections."
"I will never forgive you for that," Her brother scoffs. "Ara's doing her best to help me out, but the truth is—"
"We're both equally dumb and painfully dyslexic," Ara grabs a cookie.
"So you're really demigods? Like me?" Meg asks, shifting around the couch with barely controlled energy.
"Afraid so. My dad is the godly one—Poseidon. Ara was born an Aphrodite but now she's the daughter of the gods, which means they all get to mistreat her as much as they please."
"Gee, you really know how to sell it," Ara mutters.
"What about your parents?" Percy asks the little girl.
Meg stares at her hands. "Never knew them... much."
Percy tilts his head. "Foster home? Stepparents?" Meg turns away from him. "Sorry. Didn't mean to pry. I'm just asking 'cause Ara's adopted, and most demigods got similar stories."
"I'm adopted?!" Ara gasps. Percy punches her arm lightly.
Meg looks up at the girl with the same amazed gaze as before. "You are?"
"You're twelve, aren't you?" Ara smiles. "I was your age when I got adopted. If you've been alone all this time, you must be tough." Meg blushes, looking away from her. She glows a bright leaf green that pulls Ara's air out of her lungs. It's identical to Mike's.
"So how did you guys meet?" Percy asks Apollo.
Apollo breaks it down for them: he landed on a dumpster, got jumped on an alleyway, and Meg saved him. While they talk, Sally brings more and more food and Ara watches Apollo and Meg shove fistful after fistful into their mouths. "Percy," Apollo moans as he finishes his plate. "Your mom is awesome."
"I know, right?" Percy cleans his mouth messily. "So back to your story... you have to be Meg's servant now? You guys barely know each other."
"Barely is generous. Nevertheless, yes. My fate is now linked with young McCaffrey." 
"We are cooperating," Meg says with satisfaction.
Ara rubs her forehead, nursing a headache while she listens. She's not really in pain, headaches aren't really aches but a strange pulsing behind her eyes, like a light that she keeps trying to put into focus, not painful, but dizzying. It usually happens when she spends too much time remembering things—and it gets stronger whenever she tries to recall her regressions. They're getting blurrier as time goes on.
"So, just to recap," Percy repeats. "You have to be Meg's servant for...?"
"Some unknown amount of time. Probably a year. Possibly more."
"And during that time—"
"I will undoubtedly face many trials and hardships."
"Like getting me my cows," Meg pipes in.
Apollo's jaw clenches. "What those trials will be, I do not yet know. But if I suffer through them and prove I am worthy, Zeus will forgive me and allow me to become a god again. I need time to get my bearings. Once we get to Camp Half-Blood, I can consult with Chiron. I can figure out which of my godly powers remain with me in this mortal form—and if the daughter of Olympus is allowed to serve me."
Percy runs a hand through his hair. "Any idea what kind of spirits are following you?"
"Shiny blobs," Meg responds. "They were shiny and sort of... blobby."
"Those are the worst kind." Percy nods solemnly.
"I've no idea what that could be," Ara mumbles.
"It hardly matters," Apollo brushes it off. "Whatever they are, we have to flee. Once we reach camp, the magical borders will protect me."
"You and Meg, you mean," Ara raises a brow. "I'm not fully certain you didn't kidnap her so we would take pity on you."
Percy realizes something. "Apollo, if you're really mortal, like, one hundred percent mortal, can you even get in to Camp Half-Blood?"
"Please don't say that," Apollo whines. "Of course I'll get in. I have to."
"But you could get hurt in battle now... Then again, maybe monsters would ignore you because you're not important?"
"Maybe he won't taste good in the state he is," Ara examines his looks. "Barely any meat..."
"Stop! I'm sure I've retained some powers, I'm still gorgeous, for instance, if I could just get rid of this acne and lose some flab. I must have other abilities!"
Ara and Percy share a look again, then they turn to Meg. "What about you?" Percy asks. "I hear you throw a mean garbage bag. Any other skills we should know about? Summoning lightning? Making toilets explode?"
Meg grins. "That's not a power."
"Sure it is," Percy replies sweetly. "Some of the best demigods have gotten their start by blowing up toilets." Meg's soul light comes back again as she giggles. Ara smiles too, Percy has that effect on... well, pretty much everyone. Even her, though her affection has always been molded to be platonic.
"How soon can we leave?" Apollo presses, not liking how he's not the center of attention.
Percy shrugs. "Right now, I guess. If you're being followed, I'd rather have monsters on our trail than sniffing around the apartment—I just have to be back tonight, and I'm taking Ara. Got a lot of studying. The first two times I took the SAT—ugh. If it wasn't for Annabeth and Birdy helping me out—"
"Who's that?"
"Annabeth's my girlfriend and Birdy's what I call Ara." Meg's soul light dies instantly. That is probably the fastest falling out Ara's seen when it comes to Percy, even faster than Lily's.
"So take a break!" Apollo claps. "Your brain will be refreshed after an easy drive to Long Island."
"Huh," Percy squints. "There's a lazy kind of logic to that. Okay. Let's do it." Sally comes in with a badge of cookies and the boy raises his hands as if about to calm a dangerous creature. "Mom, don't freak..."
Sally's expression drops. "I hate it when you say that."
"We're just going to take these two to camp. That's all. We'll be right back."
"I think I've heard that before."
"I promise," Percy seizes Ara's hand and squeezes. "We'll be back."
"At least one of us will," Ara replies sarcastically, earning a harsh elbow on the ribs.
"All right. Be careful. It was lovely meeting you both. Please try not to die." Percy kisses his mother's cheek and tries to get a cookie. "Oh, no! Apollo and Meg can have one, but I'm keeping the rest hostage until you're back safely. And hurry, it would be a shame if Paul ate them all when he gets home."
"You hear that, guys? A batch of cookies is depending on us," Percy scowls. "If you get any of us killed on the way to camp, I am going be ticked off."
Ara hums, trying not to look too pleased about having a quest. "I'll get my Octopus."
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 12 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: My partners in Christ now we're officially in the beginning of the end -Danny Words: 2,403 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Pompeii' -by Bastille
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VII: I Can't Dance, I Can't Jive, I'm Not Having the Time of My Life
It takes a whole minute to get Ara out of her shocked state after they inform her the labyrinth has come back alive.
"That's impossible," she says weakly. "PasiphaĂŤ's dead, so is Daedalus..."
"We've found two active entrances so far," Rachel says pitifully. "They don't feel like the others, though. I went in with a few campers, and just a few steps in I realize it's sort of... dormant."
"What do we do?" Ara turns to Chiron anxiously. "Do we seal the entrances?"
"That would only force the labyrinth to make new ones. Better to just keep an eye on the one we've found," Chiron places a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Piper and Jason step into the room holding their travel bags. Today they catch a flight to California to start their school year, after a whole month of searching Leo across the country.
"Came to say goodbye," Piper hugs her tightly. "Give us a call if you catch any new about Leo, yeah?"
"You got it," Ara moves over to hug Jason. "You guys look after each other."
"That's a given," Piper glows teal as she laces her fingers with Jason's. 
"Look after camp," Jason tells her, offering a somewhat encouraging smile. "I'll keep working at home, you don't have to worry about me neglecting my duties."
That pulls a genuine laugh from Ara. "When it comes to you, Ken, that's never one of my worries." The boy glows dark blue as he smiles back. Ara's smile freezes, but she quickly turns away, forcing herself to forget what she just noticed.
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"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? Hecate's pets are—"
"Birdy, if I find out you left the party, I'll melt Almighty. I'm so not kidding right now."
Ara rolls her eyes, pushing the door open. "Good luck with the farting rat, she's a biter."
Percy, Grover, and Annabeth shout at her from the car, trying to embarrass her, but unfortunately for them, she loves them too much to feel shame. Ara waves and blows kisses as she goes, and then Percy starts the car and drives away.
"Happy thought, happy thoughts..." she hums as she walks towards the house.
"Ara!" One of the girls from the cheer squad greets her by the door. "Cool costume!"
"Thanks, I always wanted to be Spider-Man."
"Spider-Gwen? That's the girl one, right?"
Ara sighs. "I already had this conversation with my brother. I don't want to be Gwen, I want to be Peter. I'm not blonde."
"But you're a girl."
"Why does that matter, it's Halloween," Ara huffs, walking past her. "Are you a cat in real life?"
"Good point," the girl laughs. Ara likes her because she never takes anything to heart. "Come in!"
First mortal party ever and she's excited, honest. Except that she keeps looking at things and thinking 'Oh, Nico would love this!' or 'Lily would hate this'—'Jason and Hazel would be so confused about this'— 'Piper would be having so much fun judging these people', and of course: 'I wish Leo were here'.
Trying to belong in a world where she used to be constantly ostracized is at best questionable, but Ara used to be overlooked in camp as well, and things got better there! Camp Half-Blood can't offer what she craves, ancient Greek culture was made for old men in robes, and girls like her were background characters most of the time. The outer world is exactly what she needs, the parties, the cheering uniforms, the mortals... 
"You okay?"
Ara gives a start, thinking she's getting in the way. "Sorry..." 
The person stops her placing a hand on her arm. "That's not what I meant," the boy laughs good-naturedly. "You need air or something?"
"Sorry, no. I'm fine," Ara blinks. "I'm looking for my friends."
"What's your name?" He asks, eyeing her with amusement. 
"I'm Bill," he shakes her hand. "From Goode's?"
The girl nods. "You too?"
"Nah, my cousin goes there, he brought me," he smiles, his soul light orange. "Kinda glad he did."
"Yeah, well, this is my first party ever, I'm not sure I'm glad to be here." Come to think of it, she could be working on the Beacon, Harley's expecting an update next week and she's got nothing.
"Ah, really? Well, we can look for your friends, maybe you'll feel better once you find them," Bill offers politely.
He's acting quite harmless so far. Yes, he's attracted to her, but he's not being annoying... yet. She won't do anything, of course, she's not an asshole and she loves Leo so badly that she's going insane, but Percy asked her to try, so she'll try to have a good time and keep her mind busy with something other than demigod crap.
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"Are we celebrating your birthday earlier?" Ara stops dead in her tracks when she finds the Pavilion adorned with all kinds of flowers.
Lily looks up. "What the..."
"What's this about?" Nico walks up to them.
"I don't know, I didn't do this," Ara replies just as confused.
"There you are!" Juniper seizes Nico and pulls him forward. "Here!" She hands him a crown of holly.
Nico pales. "Shit."
The girls walk over to the table where he's seated. "What's going on, Nico? Your birthday isn't until next month." Lily frowns.
"I messed up. Kill me. Please, Ara, I know you've been wanting to do it."
"Okay," Ara agrees. "I wanna know why I'll be killing you before time, though."
Nico talks in a hurried, shaky whisper. "I asked the nymphs to set up a picnic for me and Will so I... you know, so I could..."
Ara's mouth falls open in shock. "You're asking him out?"
Lily squeals briefly. "I'm so proud of you, Neeks!"
"You don't get it," Nico presses with dread. "This is the picnic!"
Silence. Then Ara and Lily pale too. "Oh."
"I can call it off," Ara says promptly. "Let me get Juniper..."
"Too late," Lily looks at the sea of campers entering the pavilion. "But we can lie, Nico. Ara can say it's a solstice celebration..."
Nico's face shifts once he spots Will, determination, and anger both blending on his face. "No."
"I've had enough," Nico looks at them, his dark irate eyes looking certain. "I'm not a kid anymore, I don't need any of you to clean up my messes. I can do it."
Ara raises a brow. "But uh... are you sure you want this to be how you...?"
"Eros said I would have to face him sooner or later," Nico makes a face. "Let's go with sooner."
Lily squeezes his shoulder. "Whatever happens, we're here for you." He nods. Lily goes to her table and Ara circles the one where Nico is and sits next to him. "Are you sure?" She insists anxiously.
"I've gone through a lot, this is nothing," he says in a dry voice.
"No, Nico," she holds his hand, absorbing some of his stress. "It is a big deal, it's who you are, if this is not how you wish to do it—"
"Today is a special day!" Juniper speaks to the crowd. "Nico di Angelo has a very important announcement."
Ara wishes to protect Nico, she wants to hide him away and call it off as a bad joke, to apologize for the inconvenience, but then Nico drops her hand and stands up, shaky and scowling, but sure of his decision. He clears his throat, but it takes him a few seconds to get something out. 
"I... I know I haven't been around enough, and I know everyone talks about me because of it. You don't like me much, and that's fine. I don't care. I'm done with it. I'm sick of hiding myself for your comfort," he looks around defiantly. "I'm gay. I like Will Solace, and I want to go out with him. There. Now you have something else to talk about."
A few seconds of stunned silence pass by before Will's voice comes from Apollo's table. "Gods, Nico, you didn't have to throw a party!" He says, so flushed he looks sunburned. "I would have said yes if you'd just asked me!"
Nico's soul is just like Will's, two little morning lights looking at each other like they're made of the purest sunshine. Ara doesn't realize she's crying until the teardrops pour out so heavily that they blur her vision. Kayla and Austin whoop and cheer, and soon after almost everyone in camp does too, because they never turn their backs on making a fuss out of anything. 
Ara laughs, then covers her mouth to not sob like an idiot, and it's only when people start chanting 'LAKE! LAKE!'  that she realizes they're talking to her, waiting for her permission. "Alright! Sorry, Ghost King, you know the rules."
He turns to her, eyes are bright and slightly out of focus but—dare she say it—happy. "You and Lily."
The girl nods, understanding what he means. "Who else, if not us?"
Will gets lifted by his siblings while Nico is carried out by his two friends, keeping him at a short distance from Will so they can hold hands. Once at the lake, Ara counts to three, and then both boys are tossed into the water. They all go crazy, Ara hugs Lily, and Lily cries on her shoulder. Life feels so right for just one moment.
She misses Leo all the same.
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Ara can deal with a defective Oracle. She can deal with their travel and communications devices malfunctioning and the Beacon coming to a still point, she can even accept having the labyrinth back, but she draws the line at missing campers.
"What do you mean Cecil's gone?" She scowls at Malcolm. "He would've never left his cabin unannounced—"
"He didn't leave!" Malcolm insists impatiently. "His stuff is in the cabins, no weapons or food was stolen, something else is going on!"
Ara takes a deep breath, staring down at the ping pong table feeling like she's about to break. "Alright. No one leaves camp, then." Several counselors protest and she silences them at once.
"What about Cecil?" Malcolm demands.
Ara hates being the bad guy, but she has a whole camp to keep safe. "We don't know what we're facing. I'll ask for a meeting with the gods and—"
"Ara, we need a quest—"
"Malcolm, do you think I don't know it?" She looks at him with frustration. "I'm not gonna send search parties out there to fight gods' know what without a prophecy! I have to protect those that remain—"
"Don't talk as if he's dead!"
"Malcolm!" She exclaims, losing her patience. "You're freaking out."
Malcolm pauses, breathing heavily, and then replies in a desperate voice. "He's my friend."
"He's not dead," Nico says at last. "I would've felt it. If he got taken, he's still out there."
She understands how Malcolm's feeling, but it's not enough to make her cave. She's their caretaker, and she can't be rash. Granted, she's not looking after a big amount of campers at the moment, but each life is precious.
"I'll ask the nymphs and satyrs to search the forest, Chiron and I will go too. Mr. D hasn't returned since the war with Gaea, and I think it's time we accept he won't come back," she looks up resentfully. "We're on our own, so please, be patient with me."
The meeting ends and she sits down, rubbing her forehead. Lily and Nico sit on each side of her. "This is bad," Nico says gravely. "But you did the right thing."
"I haven't told anyone yet, but..." she squeezes her hands, pressing her thumbs over the knuckles. "Zeus cut me off. We've been ditched."
Lily sits up rigidly. "What?"
"Zeus closed Olympus again, something's going on," Ara confesses. "They ignore my offerings, and Almighty isn't working in compass mode. Harley's project was coming along and suddenly it stopped functioning with no explanation."
Nico stares at her. "When was the last time you heard from the gods?"
"Last solstice," she makes a face. "Apollo was nowhere to be seen, and they kicked me out as soon as I said I had nothing to report. A day after that... I hadn't even noticed I had a connection to Olympus until it was gone. No more dreams, no regressions, no nothing. They blocked every entrance."
"So what do we do? We have no oracle either—"
"I don't know," she says full of concern. "I'll search, but if it's just Chiron and I..."
"We can help you—"
"You'll stay right here where I can protect you. You have to make sure the rest obeys my orders. Understood?" She asks sternly.
Her friend tries to argue. "But—"
"Lily, I can't lose more people," she begs. "Please."
The girl glares at her. "General, if we're alone in this, the wise thing to do would be to work as a team."
"A team doesn't need to go everywhere together," Ara retorts. 
"Where you go I go," Lily presses, sounding slightly desperate. "You promised."
Ara holds her gaze as she speaks. "Nico?"
"I'll make sure she stays in camp," he states without skipping a beat.
"Malcolm needs you," Ara reminds her. "He's restless, and rightfully so, but he's a counselor. I need your brother safe, and I need him steady. Can you do that?"
Lily makes a face. "Yes, I can. But only because he needs me as a sister."
"Thank you," Ara says, satisfied, but not pleased.
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When Ara spots the suspicious-looking vagabond trying to sneak into her building, she considers climbing up the fire escape ladders, but then she notices how badly beaten he is and the little girl beside him, the way her eyes jump from one place to another like she's ready to kill or run.
Ara draws out Almighty and calls out to them. "Hey!"
The boy slips on the steps and falls on his butt, he immediately starts whining while the little girl looks at him with annoyance, but Ara doesn't pay attention to him as she walks closer with the sword firmly in hand.
"Don't get up," she says, her breath coming out in puffs of white air. "Who are you?"
"You're the daughter of Olympus," the girl says with a glossy look in her eyes. "You're real..."
Ara glances at the boy, she shouldn't trust these strangers, they could be here to kill her and Percy. Considering how things are going, it wouldn't surprise her... but they look dirty and tired, and the boy's nose is broken—she could fix him in a second, and if they are demigods, she should take care of them. 
"Who are you?" She insists.
The boy stands up holding his ribcage. "My muse! It's so good to see you—"
She lifts the sword to his throat. "I asked for your name and you haven't answered. So unless you want me to cut off your head..."
The boy's eyes fill with unshed tears and he speaks in a miserable voice. "I'm Apollo!"
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2 notes ¡ View notes
siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 12 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I would kill for this family -Danny Words: 2,176 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Lifeline' -by Joshua Bassett
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VI: God Gave Us ADHD Because He Knew We'd Overthrow Him
"Dollface! You're back!" Leo comes down from the catwalk and straight to my arms, where I welcome him with a hug. He kisses my face effusively. "Come see the ship!"
"I doubt it's changed much since last—holy shit! Are those the ballista?"
Leo smirks proudly. "Tyson's top-tier work paid off. Take a closer look."
He gives me a tour of the almost-finished ship. I'm excited about sailing in this thing, but at the same time, it makes me nervous in a panic-attack kind of way. Leo rambles about the updates with a big smile, his hair sticking to his forehead and his face smeared with an unidentified dark stain. He notices my staring and a smug, crooked grin appears on his face. "Can't deal with how hot I am, sunshine?"
I kiss his cheek. "I'm so proud of you..."
Leo wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer. "Well, that's cool, because I'm mostly doing this for you, so you being proud of me it's all that matters."
"I thought you were doing this to save the world?" I tease him. "Since there is a big prophecy with your name on it and everything..."
"Well, that's a tiny part of it," Leo grins. "But it's mostly for you. The sooner I'm done with this, the sooner you can reunite with your brother, and I'll finally see you being all smiles and zero pouting."
It's scary, how he cares more about my feelings and interests than the overall goal of the trip, which is to ally with the Romans. I brush his curls back lovingly. "It's not your job to make sure I'm happy."
Leo rolls his eyes dramatically. "Doll, that is literally my main job. You're my girl, shut up and let me pamper you." He leans down and peppers my face with kisses, making me laugh.
"Fine, fine!" I exclaim. "I yield!"
He holds my face, planting an effusive kiss on my lips. His gaze softens as he scans my expression like he can't believe we're dating. "Whatever happens once we sail," he says, his tone sober enough to sound serious. "I feel so much better knowing you'll come with us."
I rub his arms affectionately. "You might get sick of me after a week," I warn him playfully.
"As if!" He rubs my cheeks with his thumbs, leaning down to brush his lips on mine. "I'm not going anywhere..."
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"What happened on Olympus?" Annabeth asks. "I didn't get to hear about it."
"Oh, you didn't go either?"
"No, because you two love to see me struggle," Percy quibbles.
"And I had classes," Annabeth gives him a look.
"It wasn't too bad," he responds, trying to play it down. "I got Ganymede the chalice just in time. He gave me my letter." The girls wait to hear more, but Percy glances at them with a brief smile that they've learned means 'Let's talk later'.
"So..." Paul continues. "What does a godly recommendation letter look like?"
"I'll show you after dinner," her brother sighs. "Probably best if we don't get spaghetti sauce on it."
"And how was cheer practice, Birdy?" Annabeth grins.
"I'm popular now," Ara says like she can't believe it. "Especially with boys, but then I tell them my dad's our English teacher and they back up fast."
Paul smiles. "My work is done."
Ara lowers her voice and talks to her mother. "He thinks they're intimidated, but I think they don't want the guy with the crazy ties as father-in-law."
Sally chuckles. "Well, Leo will be grateful either way, hm?"
Ara can't help but think Leo would like nothing more than to make fun of those boys at lunch with her parents. She holds back a sigh and focuses on finishing her meal, not noticing Percy's knowing look.
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"It's blank."
"Lovely paper, though," Paul scans the material carefully.
"If you got an essay on this paper," Percy questions, "would you just give it an A-plus without reading it?"
"I would probably write 'Nice try with the lovely paper, but you still need to provide examples that prove your thesis.'" Paul grins.
"Well, there goes that idea," her brother mutters grumpily.
"Is it written in some sort of invisible ink?" Sally picks it up to examine it.
"I have to do it myself. Ganymede said I can put whatever I can come up with and in the end his signature will appear."
Paul hesitates. "That seems a bit..." 
"Too trusting?" Annabeth offers.
"I was going to say lazy on Ganymede's part. Though I hope that doesn't get me zapped with a lightning bolt."
"Nah. The gods would take that as a compliment. They raise lazy to an art form," Percy says nonchalantly.
"Nice work if you can get it," Paul hums.
"How does it know when to start writing?" Sally places the paper down.
"Dunno. Maybe I just say 'Dear Admissions Office—" He yelps when the words appear on the paper. "Well, crap—No! Delete!" Ara laughs. "This isn't funny," Percy scowls at her and Annabeth. "Delete, delete. I didn't know it would start. Delete, delete."
"That is amazing paper," Sally says in awe. "What's it made out of?"
"Maybe we should help Percy get it written now," Paul suggests kindly, "so he doesn't have to worry about it."
"Spoken like a true English teacher," Annabeth hums. "It can't be that hard, right? How about, 'I highly recommend Percy Jackson for New Rome University. He is adorable and has nice eyes.'"
"I am not saying that. Delete, delete," he huffs, but the first line stays.
"'And his mother is very proud of him,'" Sally continues humorously, "'though college would be a wonderful experience, as it might teach him to do his own laundry.'"
"'Make sure he sleeps in a dorm with cement walls'," Ara adds tauntingly. "'He has a tendency to slam skateboards against them and wake his sister up from her afternoon nap'."
"You're all terrible people," Percy groans. "Delete, delete."
Paul is the only one who is a bit helpful. "'I, Ganymede, cupbearer to the gods, have found Percy Jackson to be an excellent hero—brave, kind, and fantastic at chopping vegetables.'"
Ara laughs louder. Percy's family continues to tease him, only adding a few useful sentences here and there, until her brother's face is flushed, and the girls have both fallen from their seats laughing too hard.
"Let's see how the letter came out..." Sally says, reading the whole thing to the group.
"How do you get his signature to appear, though?" Annabeth stands up with Ara's help.
 "'Thank you for your time. Yours sincerely, Ganymede.'" Percy concludes. "You think it's done?" He waits to see if the letter keeps writing things, but it doesn't happen. "Thank gods."
"You have to get two more recommendation letters?" Their mother smiles. "Sounds like fun!"
"Yeah, and if those are do-it-yourself letters, too, I think I'll do them by myself."
"But you're never alone, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth kisses his cheek. "We'll always be here to help you."
"Yeah, Nemo, don't be such a buzzkill," Ara smirks.
"To Percy!" Paul toasts. "Our eldest family hero!"
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Percy enters the room and plops down on her bed. The girl pulls her Spanish book from under his butt and lightly hits his hip. "What happened in Olympus?"
Percy takes a moment before replying. "Ganymede... is he always treated like that?"
Ara knows what he means, she's seen it in every solstice. "Not a nice view, right? The way Thunder Boy treats him, like an accessory of sorts—To think he was kidnapped!" Ara shakes her head. "Things like that make it hard for me to love my job."
Percy sits up. "You meant what you said, when Gary threatened to hide the chalice forever?"
"A little bit. It would help me sleep at night, knowing I won't ever take orders from new gods thirty years from now." Ara frowns. "And also knowing that I could never be turned into an immortal. A daughter of Olympus is as high as I'll be climbing."
She sits down facing Percy. He turns to close the door before matching her posture, this conversation is about to get real. "Here is what I don't get," Percy scratches above his eyebrow. "You keep saying you weren't expecting things to turn out like this. What were you expecting, then?"
Ara shrugs. "Two, perhaps three blessings throughout my life, and go down in history as the first daughter of Olympus."
"But your fatal flaw—"
"Ambition, yes. But not that way," Percy tends to freak out about everything when it comes to her, but she thinks it's time they have it out. "When you went missing, my title started to matter to others outside myself, and that's when..." The girl fidgets with the hair tie Leo made for her, and Percy watches her intently. "I wanted to be someone who meant safety and unity, but the day I spoke to Heracles... he said children of Olympus are killers."
"That's not—"
"He's right," she admits. "I helped Frank kill those creatures in Venice, and I didn't hesitate to kick that son of Poseidon off a cliff when he threatened to take our stuff... gods, I smashed a giant's skull over and over until he died—with a freaking club! And that's not the worst part, I..." her voice quivers. "I killed Octavian."
"What are you talking about?" Percy frowns. "Nico said it was his own fault, that the jewelry he was wearing got pulled and—"
"No," she shakes her head, too ashamed to meet his eyes. "That happened, yes, but I stuck his cloak inside the mechanism. I made sure it would take his life if he decided to use it."
"Gods, Ara," Percy stares at her like he can't quite recognize her. "But Nico said you tried to negotiate..."
"I asked him to back down, I warned him... that doesn't mean I wanted him to listen. We both know I could've used charmspeak," she laughs bitterly. "And I'm not even sorry."
He rubs the back of his neck, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "When people ask me about you, I have this mental image of you as our little Birdy. That chatty kiddo you used to be, loud and clumsy. I don't think of you as serious and broody even though that's the way you are most days now... Can't help but feel like I pushed you to prove your worth like this. I'm sorry."
"Don't be," her voice quivers. "I'm the one who should say sorry, and that's just the thing, that's where my fatal flaw comes in. I'm incapable of feeling sorry for getting the things I want, even when I know it's damaging others... and myself. But I owe you everything, Percy. The adventures, my home... my name! I'm difficult and argumentative, I like proving you wrong, and I have little regard for your concerns... I'll never be what you want, and I'm sorry."
Percy's gaze softens. "I knew who you were since day one, Ara. You had just exploded a washing machine when we first met, remember?" He lets out a small, boyish laughter. "There were no expectations when we adopted you. Just a lot of love to give. You're one in a million. No matter what I ask of you, the answer is always yes. You're a giver, and my mom and I just had this impulse to protect you so the world wouldn't run you dry. I'm sorry if that sounds condescending..."
"No. The fates handed me to you because I needed you, that much is clear," Ara sniffs. "I wanted to meet my father, to be loved by him—I thought he would grow to like me... but when I met you and you welcomed me in, it was as easy as breathing. I couldn't wrap my head around it, but you guys have done everything to make me believe it. And I feel so unworthy of it, but Hestia forgive me, I'm so glad you stuck around."
She hugs her brother fiercely, and Percy wraps his arms around her, rubbing her back with soothing, although trembling hands. He's too affected to speak.
"Eros said love was hard work," she buries her face on his shoulder. "I thought that meant it hurt, but hard work can be satisfying, like callouses from climbing the lava wall, it makes me feel alive and capable..."
Percy's voice comes out a little shaky when he responds. "Every time you think about how things don't go as planned, remember that. Don't let the doubt in. You have us, and we love you. Leo will come back, and he'll tell you the same."
"I know," she cries softly. "Olympus is my responsibility, but you guys... you're home. I'm sorry I doubted it."
"S'alright," he eases her, still rubbing her back in gentle circles. "The gods kept you busy and away because they know we're dangerous together."
She laughs weakly. "We're their boogeyman—'Now kids, don't make me call the Jacksons!', Maybe I should bring you along to all of my quests."
"You can always count on me, Birdy. No matter what, I'll always be your brother. Just make sure you help a poor guy out by reviewing his Algebra homework."
Ara sniffs and giggles, moving away to clean her nose. "Deal."
"And one more thing," he holds her by the shoulders. "I know you love him, but I'm totally punching Leo once I see him for making you worry."
"Just avoid the face, please."
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 12 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'm going off with the Percy x Ara dynamic you better enjoy it -Danny Words: 2,423 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'More Like You' -by Orla Gartland
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V: Girl Help, the Backpain Is Winning
"My brother in Christ, I'm not stuffing my nose with Vaporub."
Percy shoves the menthol rub into Ara's hands along with two Kleenex. "You've gone into enough commas for a year, put the damn thing on."
"But I hate how it feels!" She whines, wrinkling her nose. "It's so gross, dude. Why the Tartarus does it sting like that? My nose feels extra wet and cold when I use it, I feel like a pig..."
"Isn't this what cops do before they examine dead bodies?" Grover pushes balls of Kleenex up his nose.
"Let's not make that comparison," Annabeth says in a stuffy voice. "No dead bodies today, okay?"
"Oh-tay," Percy winces as he inhales the scent. Ara groans as she shoves the wads of Kleenex up her nose.
"Here we go," Annabeth opens the vial and tilts it, four drops of nectar come out, each starting to move in different directions. "That's not helpful... Should we split up?"
"Always a derrible idea," Percy grumbles.
They part anyway, but after one or two minutes, Ara feels watched. The girl scans the area with reticence. "Peth—Pethsy! Ugh, dis is dum..." Ara abandons her droplet and yanks Percy's arm to get his attention, the boy jumps and curses but it sounds dorkier with those wads up his nose. "Weeb bin wadch."
"Wut?" He frowns. 
Ara pulls the wads out of her nostrils and whispers. "Something's watching us!"
The moment she says it, time stops. Percy's droplet bursts in little flames and Ara gets a whiff of it, tensing immediately and expecting to pass out... but she remains conscious. "Grover and Annabeth," Percy squeezes her shoulder and points ahead. "Something's wrong."
Grover and Annabeth are frozen in place. Ara tries to move towards them, but Percy tightens his grip on her. "Don't go anywhere," he pulls the wads out of his nose. "I don't like this. It feels like..."
"It is similar, yes," answers a third voice. Ara screams when she sees the man. He's so crinkled and old, that she can smell him from where she's standing. He looks like her very own sleep-paralysis demon. "Take a picture," he snarls. "It'll last longer."
"What do you mean?" Percy asks hoarsely.
"I mean pictures last longer than—" 
"Not that. What did you mean by It is similar?"
"My power. It's similar to the way Kronos stretches time." 
"You were expecting us," her brother claims.
The old man snorts. "Sonny boyo, when you get to be my age, nothing surprises. Besides, I know who you are, Jacksons. I've been watching you."
Ara and Percy share a 'we're-gonna-die' look. "I'm guessing you're Gary?"
"Or Geras, if you prefer. And, yes, I'm a god. I'll give you a hint what I'm the god of. From my name, you get the word geriatric."
"You mean you look like that on purpose?" Percy elbows her hard. If they'd known they'd be facing a god that represents such a horrifying concept for Aphrodites, Ara would've stayed home.
"You are just like Ganymede," Gary hisses, which looks really gross since he has no teeth. "Obsessed with holding onto your most fleeting forms—the most volatile and unpractical of existences."
Ara raises a brow. "Sorry, but I missed the part where being blind and toothless is a win."
Percy clamps a hand over her mouth and yanks her back. "Okay, she's in time-out. So, Gary, you took Ganymede's chalice, didn't you?"
Gary raises his palm, and in it, a vessel hovers looking pretty mundane and ancient, so that can only mean it's the real deal.
"The chalice of the gods," Percy sighs in relief. "So... since you're already immortal, would the cup make you younger? Or has it been your lifelong dream to serve drinks?" Ara glances at Percy with exasperation but can't say anything because he keeps a hand over her mouth.
"Oh, that's disappointing..." Gary vanishes the chalice again. "Perhaps I should have started with Annabeth Chase. I understand she's smart."
"Wait a minute—you separated us with the nectar drops. What are you doing to us? Picking us off one by one? Afraid to take us all at once?"
"I could turn all three of you into grave dust with a snap of my fingers," the god scoffs. "Normally I would, because you're trying to spoil my fun. But since Ganymede sent Percy Jackson after me... well, I thought I would give you a chance. I hoped you of all demigods might understand why I took the chalice. If you don't, though, I can just disintegrate you now and move on to your friends. Perhaps they'll do better."
Ara yanks Percy's hand away and talks before he can shut her up. "You don't like Gani because he's young and vain. And that chalice can turn anyone immortal. That's not good for business."
"I hate that," Gary hisses again. Ara is thankful he's standing so far, otherwise he'd be showering them in spit.
"Right," Percy continues. "Because people are supposed to get old. Not get promoted to godhood like... You want to humiliate Ganymede to make an example. You figured I would understand, because I once turned down immortality."
"Perhaps you are not a total fool after all," Gary hums, giving her brother a polite bow. 
"Thanks. My goal for the week was not to be a total fool."
Gary turns to her and sneers. "You, on the other hand..."
"Hey!" Ara huffs. "I'll have you know, everyone is always saying I'm maturing too quickly! I'm like, the tallest in my class! I'm eating up years like no one's business, man, you should love me!"
The god growls. "Maturing and aging are not the same thing, girl. You're not doing it right."
"I haven't done anything," she mutters through gritted teeth. "How can I be doing it wrong if I don't do anything?"
"Ganymede and you have no business being what you are!" Gary exclaims in anger. "Any object that grants humans immortality is odious and wrong. You are all meant to wither and die and return to dust. That is your purpose!"
"I'm just a daughter of Olympus, dude! That doesn't make me immortal!"
"You were the first demigod in millennia to turn down immortality," Gary points at Percy with a crooked finger. "I respect that. You get me."
"This has been a nice bonding experience," Percy says, pulling Ara back. "I think you've proven your point. Can I have the cup back now?"
"I will not help the heathen," Gary glares at her. "Why would you complete this foolish quest, boy? Walk away! Let Ganymede be punished! Let the gods lose their precious chalice so they have one less way to pass on the curse of immortality to others!"
Ara pauses. "Wait, he's onto something..."
"Seriously, shut up," Percy growls in frustration, looking like he wants to shove multiple wads of Kleenex into her mouth. "Listen, Gary, I need a letter of recommendation for college. And I promised Ganymede. Besides, do you really think he is the one to punish? He didn't ask to get kidnapped by Zeus, right?"
"Oh, please! You think eternal youth and immortality make him the victim here?"
"I think having Lightning Mcqueen's eye on him is what makes him the victim, actually..." Ara mumbles, scratching her nose. "That guy sucks..."
"Yeah, have you seen the guy lately?" Percy adds. "Gani's a nervous wreck."
"I'm disappointed, Percy Jackson," Gary crosses his arms. "If you insist on helping Ganymede, I suppose I was wrong about you. Grave dust it is."
"Hold on!" Percy squeaks. "Look, I get why you're angry. But seeing as we have common ground with the whole mortals shouldn't be gods thing, isn't there some way we can reach a deal?"
Percy nudges her arm and she speaks promptly. "Yeah! Whatever you think of me, Gary, I do not want to be immortal. Being human is the best! Yay, wrinkles!"
Gary sneers again. "In all your lifetimes, you've never lived long enough to meet me, you're the biggest failure in my book."
Ara's jaw clenches. "Still. I'd like to live 'til old age this time, so why don't you help me out a little?"
Gary snorts. "How about I give your brother one chance to win the cup? You should feel honored, Percy Jackson. In the history of humankind, I have only made this offer to one other hero."
"Hercules," Percy glances at her with annoyance. "Man, she's the child of Olympus, why aren't you fighting Ara?"
"You want to fight him!" 
"Well, yeah, but—!"
"You said this is your quest," Gary interrupts them. "You must defeat me in wrestling. If you win, I will give you the chalice. If I win... you will fulfill your purpose sooner than expected, and I will turn you into a pile of powdered bone. Do we have an agreement?" 
"I have conditions."
"Medical conditions?"
"No. Conditions for fighting you. First, if I lose, you only kill me. You leave my friends and my sister alone."
"Old Age never leaves anyone alone."
"You know what I mean. You don't dust them now. You let them go." 
"Next... When you say I have to defeat you, what would that look like? You're a god. I can't kill you."
"Obviously, young fool! If you can bend even one of my knees to the ground, I will consider that sufficient. I, on the other hand, will win when I flatten your face against the pavement. That is more than fair."
"That was the first word that came to my mind. Fair." 
"Anything else?"
"Yes. Let my friends go."
"You already asked that."
"No, I mean let them go from whatever you're doing to them right now."
"I just slowed them down," Gary shrugs. "Old Age does that to everyone." 
"I want them here. To say good-bye, if nothing else. Whatever happens to me, I want them to see it."
"This is not a spectator sport," the god complains.
"Just say yes, dude," Ara groans, a bit of charmspeak slipping.
The old man must like the idea of having spectators, because he doesn't fight her command. "Fine."
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Percy blows up a pipe again. 
It's hard to impress Ara after all she's gone through, but watching Percy fight always leaves her speechless. That guy is a beast. She's still jealous of him, it's only natural, but as she watches him, Ara thinks of how even Geras seems to respect Percy.
She can be the daughter of Olympus, and win all the prizes there are, but her brother will always have that something that makes people stop and stare. Percy's special, there is no denying that. That's why she befriended him in the first place, the solutions he comes up with are crazy yet super effective, and if that isn't enough to think he's good, he's the reason Ara has a last name and a home outside of camp. He's not only good at being a demigod, he's a great dude overall.
When Gary crawls on top of Percy's back and starts to force him to bend, Ara's stomach twists in fear. The possibility of watching her brother die turns more real than it's been in months, and she feels a tug in her lower belly that's begging her to intervene in the fight and take his place, her skin starts itching. "Hang on," Annabeth grabs her wrist. "He's... dear gods, he's hugging him?"
"Is Gary crying?" Ara asks in disbelief.
The trio approaches when Gary steps away from Percy. They can hear the last parts of their conversation when the chalice shows up before them. "Take it. I suppose it should stay on Mount Olympus, among those fools who have already turned their backs on Old Age. You give me hope, Percy Jackson, that not everyone is like them." He cleans his nose messily. "Crossword puzzles..."
The god looks at her one last time, and seeing him in such a state softens her. "I'm sorry for what I said," she says bashfully. "I wanna live a full life, and you're part of it... but I'm an Aphrodite at heart, and wrinkles are a scary concept to me..."
"Hmph," he scrunches up his already wrinkled nose. "I'm not the worst outcome you could get, daughter of Olympus. Keep that in mind when Janus comes back to haunt you." And with that beautiful thought, the god vanishes. 
The chalice falls but Percy catches it before it breaks. "Ow," he winces.
"You did it!" Grover whoops. "Hugging him? That was really risky!"
"It was perfect," Annabeth lifts Percy's face and pecks his lips. "You know what? I think you'll make a handsome old man. I hope one day we'll get the chance to find out. But I'm glad that isn't today."
"Yeah, and let's hope he doesn't stink like Gary either," Ara replies tauntingly, but the truth is she can't shrug off the discomfort Geras left.
"So, you think we can send Ganymede an Iris message?" Percy lifts the chalice and hugs it. "I don't want to keep this in my locker until Sunday."
A hula-hoop falls on Ara's head and she yelps, rubbing the spot. "The hell?" They follow the toy as it bounces off. "Ganymede," Ara informs them.
"The Hula-Hoop is Ganymede's?" Grover frowns. "How do you know?"
"Well... the hoop. It's been a kids' toy for thousands of years," Annabeth explains. "It's a symbol of his eternal youth."
"Yeah, that doesn't make Zeus's abduction of him one bit less creepy," Percy cringes. "And you think what, Ganymede tossed the hoop off Mount Olympus?"
"I should be thankful it was plastic and not wood, then," Ara huffs, still rubbing her head. "I could've died... would've been embarrassing after I apologized to Gary."
Annabeth approaches the toy. "Hold on—It's a distress call," she pulls out a scroll of paper wrapped around the hoop. "Ganymede says he's stuck on Olympus, and he needs the cup immediately. He says... Oh, gods. Zeus isn't waiting for Sunday to have a feast."
"So... what, he's having one tonight?" Percy asks anxiously.
"Worse than that—Zeus is having his mom over for a family get-together right now. They're having brunch."
"I don't suppose we can send this Hermes Express?"
"Don't they have one-hour delivery in Manhattan?" 
"Ganymede needs it now. And you have to bring it. It's—"
"My job." Percy makes a face. "Fine. Any suggestions on how I can sneak into Olympus and infiltrate a godly brunch?"
"Um, actually?" Grover says with a guilty expression. "I might have an idea." 
"Cool! I gotta go, though," Ara glances at her compass pretending to see the time. "School, you know, I love being on time. Cheerleading practice and everything." She leans forward and kisses everyone's cheek. "Aphrodite's blessing—love will keep you safe, yadda yadda—see you at dinner! Don't die!"
"You hate school," Percy scowls. "You don't wanna come."
"No, I don't." Spending another hour watching her brother be perfect and cool? No thanks! "But if you succeed, next himbo juices are on me!"
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 12 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I always wanted to be part of a cheering squad, I'll yearn for those uniforms my whole life -Danny Words: 2,136 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Time Machine' -by Mia Giovina
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IV: Kawabummer
"I have an idea," Grover says. "It's terrible, but it might work."
"I love it already," Percy says sarcastically.
They are currently going through another side quest Iris gave them to obtain more information on the lost chalice. They're supposed to clean her staff in some magical water that of course, it's packed with monsters and super hard to access.
"You guys head for the cliffs. I'll keep watch from here," Grover pulls out his panpipes. "If you make it, great. But if the snakes start heading in your direction, I should be able to see them moving through the grass. Then I'll distract them with my pipes. I know some pretty good snake songs."
"As soon as you start playing, they'll come for you," Annabeth mentions. "Which I guess is the terrible part."
"It'll be even worse than the chickens at Hebe Jeebies," Percy agrees.
"Yeah, I don't love it. But like Annabeth said before, I can run the fastest. Maybe I can buy you some time. If you hear the pipes, know that the clock is ticking, and it would be great for you to hurry. Get Iris's staff washed. I'll meet you back at the exit."
"Wait," Ara steps into the conversation. "I'm not allowed to kill anything here because they're just minding their business, which is fair—but what do I do, then? I could look after Grover?"
"You go with Percy," Grover says promptly.
The girl frowns. "Now I feel like you're trying to get rid of me."
"I'm not! But if Percy upsets another god, you can make them a favor or something so they don't kill him—maybe use charmspeak?"
"Yeah, that could totally happen," Annabeth agrees.
"Hey!" Percy scoffs. "...Yeah, it could."
Ara snorts and pat his shoulder. "Okay, let's go anger another god!
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They make their way to the cliff and look down at the pool of clear water beneath them. "You could jump in with the staff," Annabeth suggests.
"Sure. The problem is climbing back up when I'm done." Percy raises a brow. Annabeth draws out a rope from her backpack. "You think of everything," he grumbles with a scowl. "Maybe we should plan this out a little bit first. That's your thing right, planning?"
Grover starts playing the panpipes, and the girls fall to the same conclusion. Ara nods once and Annabeth steps forward.  "Time's up," she pushes Percy off the cliff. "Bon voyage!" 
The girls watch him plummet and sink with a loud splash. "We should probably get closer to the shore," Ara points out casually.
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Going to quests with her brother isn't all bad, sometimes gods can be coerced into cooperating. They have settled on an agreement with Elisson, the river god, to let demigods come here and wash their sacred objects—no pun intended—every Saturday. Ara writes it down on the little notepad she carries to mention it during the next meeting. 
After Percy traumatizes another minor god, they save Grover from the noddle snakes through the honorable task of running around the field drawing rainbows. Percy does not so honorably and faceplants the grass.
"Nemo!" Ara calls out with concern.
"I'm alright!" He coughs out a bit of grass. "But we're lost..."
Ara looks around. "What now?"
The snakes close in around them. "Hey," Percy sits up and stares at the little beasts tiredly. "Can we talk about this?"
"Stay back!" Ara uses charmspeak. "Don't attack us!"
It works, but just because they agreed not to attack doesn't mean they will let them leave. Percy lifts the staff higher to try and light up a path, and all the tiny heads follow the light. Her brother moves it around a few more times to test their obedience, and Ara locks eyes with him, having a fit of giggles.
"Is this how we die?" Ara asks bemusedly. "The mighty Jackson siblings... did we have a good run, brother?"
"Absolutely not," Percy snorts. "But it checks out with our luck."
"Remember when you flashed your boxers to the city hanging from that sign in Fifth Avenue?"
"Or when you almost choked to death on those gummy sharks because I farted too loud?"
They start laughing hysterically, the kind you get when everything in your life is so damn absurd you can't even feel bad about it. "Any last words, Perseus?" Ara says between chortles.
"I'd like to tell Annabeth I love her, and I'd also like to tell the gods to..." He looks down. "Am I floating?"
Ara watches as the staff pulls Percy up, glowing even brighter. "What did you do?"
"Why are you assuming it's my fault?" Percy frowns, still holding onto the staff.
"That wasn't pulling you off the ground five minutes ago," Ara's mind runs through the possibilities. "Perhaps humiliating memories activate it?"
"It's a messenger's staff!" Percy exclaims after some thinking. "You asked if I had anything to say and I told you I wanted to tell Annabeth I love her!"
"You also wanted to tell the gods to—"
"Shut up and grab me!" The girl wraps her arms around his waist and Percy grabs the staff with both hands. "Take us to Annabeth!" The siblings get lifted higher into the air. Ara wraps her legs around his for good measure. "Farewell, my friends," Percy tells the snakes. "Be good to one another."
Ara looks at her brother. "I don't understand why people think I'm the weird sibling."
They fly up, and then they become part of the rainbow. It turns out pretty damn disgusting and makes Ara realize something: her skin constantly shines just like this under the sun, she just hadn't noticed it until now. She's freaking Edward Cullen, skin of a killer and all...
They land behind their friends. "Greetings, earthlings," Percy says. 
"I'm having such a weird time with these quests..." Ara mumbles and hops off.
"What?" Annabeth's eyes widen. "How?"
"I have a message for Annabeth Chase," Percy grins. "I love you."
He leans in for a kiss but Annabeth's face lights up with understanding and she laughs, moving away from him. "Okay, I get it. Messenger's staff. Nice work!"
"Yeah, I totally planned it."
"You totally had no idea."
"Just because you're right doesn't mean I don't resent it."
Annabeth kisses him. "I love you, too, Seaweed Brain."
Grover groans. "I'm fine. Thanks."
"Love you too, G-man," Percy smiles. "That was some fine panpiping." 
"Hmph." He wrinkles his nose. "Let's just get back to Manhattan before things get weird. I mean even weirder."
Ara glances at her palm, scowling at it. "I concur."
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Out of all the things Ara wanted to experience as a regular mortal outside of camp, being a cheerleader was in the top three. She's lost interest in a lot, but the girl still dreams about wearing one of those cute flowy skirts. There are a lot of kids at the tryouts, but she stands out thanks to her height, which makes her extremely self-conscious. It's ironic, she's the mighty general of Olympus and these girls could destroy her with a sneer anyway.
"Ar—" The cheer captain squints and whispers to the girl beside her. "Arai Jackson?"
"Arae Jackson," she steps forward and waves. "That's me."
"Oh, okay," the black girl flashes her a smile. "You can start now."
Ara does her best. By that, she means, she cheats to get a spot. Ara's not Spider-Man, and with great power comes an absolutely perfect opportunity to make her childhood dreams come true. The girls in the squad let her know as soon as the tryouts are over that she's in. 
They were delighted with her performance and made sure to tell her she just had this contagious "aura", her voice infected them with the giddy belief that their team would be the winner with no room for doubt. She's just that charming.
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"Are you guys ready?" A choir of voices answers excitedly and Ara steps into the living room wearing her cheerleading uniform. She twirls in front of them spreading her arms proudly. "How do I look?"
"Oh, gods!" Annabeth beams. "You're so adorable!"
"Oh, thank gods," Percy sighs in a different tone. "It's not Kelli's..."
Ara suddenly remembers the ugly encounter they'd had with an empousa at Goode's about three years ago, and then all the times after when she was still wearing her uniform. Ara stares down at the fabric with a frown. "I'd forgotten about that..."
Percy makes a face. "Not gonna lie, I was worried you'd be wearing that. Not good memories at all."
"Goode changes the design every few years," Paul scans Ara's appearance with pride. "You look very nice, darling."
Ara grins. "Thanks, Dad. I always wanted to wear one of these! The captain thinks I have a great voice."
Percy smirks knowingly. "So you cheated?"
"It's not cheating, seaweed brain, it's making use of her skills," Annabeth defends her. "Besides, cheering's a wholesome way to use charmspeak, she'll be giving the school's team really good vibes."
Ara sticks out her tongue and her brother tosses a cushion at her. Sally scolds him briefly but then she stands and gives them a weird look. "Well, since we're sharing good news tonight..." she gestures at Paul to come closer. "We have an announcement."
Ara sees their soul lights glow bright teal and her stomach twists in anticipation.
"But first, I want to be clear that this should not affect your plans, kids. I don't want it to distract you from everything you've got going on... especially getting into New Rome University, Percy."
"Mom, I—I live in distracted," Percy stammers and sits up looking worried. "It's my zip code. Whatever is wrong, I want to help."
"Oh, sweetheart," Sally blushes. "Nothing's wrong. I'm pregnant."
"Pregnant?" Ara and Percy repeat in the same stringy voice. "Like..." Percy wavers. "You and Paul."
"Yes, me and Paul."
The people in the room are looking at him and Ara with the same uncertainty, like they're expecting the plumbing to explode and lightning to shoot directly into the TV. Ara's throat closes and she tears up.
"That is awesome," Percy smiles big and leaves his seat to hug their parents.
Sally cries tears of joy. "I'm really glad you're happy."
"Of course I'm happy!" He glances at his mom's belly. "Hold up. When?"
"The due date is March fifteenth."
"The Ides of March?"
"That's just a best guess." Sally grins. "Percy came much later than expected."
"I was stubborn," he jokes. "So this means I'll be here when the baby comes. That's awesome. I'll have a few months before..." Then, realizing Ara is deadly quiet, he looks at her, concerned etched on his face. "Birdy?"
She tries to sound enthusiastic but her voice comes out all wrong. "I'm gonna have another sibling?"
"That is the idea," Paul continues carefully. "Does not mean we'll stop caring for you, sweetheart. You're still our little girl—though not so little now, I guess..." he eyes her wistfully, they're almost the same height.
Ara bursts into tears. "You don't need me anymore!"
Percy, Sally, and Paul pull her into a group hug to try and control the broken dam that she's turned into. What everyone back in camp has been fearing finally happens, but luckily for all of them, she's miles away and with her parents, who are pretty much the only ones who could possibly know what to do in this situation.
"Don't be stupid, Ara," Percy chastises her. "They're gonna love us the same... right?"
Sally chuckles. "Of course we will! You were our first son and daughter! You're both special!"
Ara hiccups. "But that baby will be the real deal! Not adopted!"
"If that mattered, I'd always get the first cookie," Percy scoffs. "Birdy, it'll be fun! You'll get to be here for all of the baby's firsts, that's a lot more than I'll get..."
"Hey," Sally pats his head noticing his downcasted expression, "you will be here for the delivery. And you can come home from California as often as you want. But you also need to stick to your plans. They are excellent plans!"
"Yeah, of course," Percy gives her a brief smile, then he squeezes Ara's shoulders. "You'll get to tease our little sibling—you'll understand why I love doing that to you!"
"You won't be as lonely once Percy leaves, 'cause we'll be using his side of the room for the baby," Sally discloses with a smirk.
Ara had been dreading Percy's departure for that exact reason—she did not want to sleep alone at home. A little baby means she'll have someone to love and to keep her company, more importantly, that kid will need her, she would be an older sister like Silena. That gets her bawling again, but at least this time it's happy tears.
"Thank you for adopting me," Ara hugs Percy and Sally tighter against her. "I love you."
Percy pats her head. "It'll be fun." He insists.
Despite the lively feeling of the room, Ara's stomach still tightens with unease. She looks at her brother, happy and ready to fully grow into a man, and Ara knows she's supposed to walk down the same road eventually. Yet... something tugs on her spine, a deep-rooted fear that maybe, just maybe, Percy won't be the one who misses all of the baby's firsts.
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3 notes ¡ View notes
siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 12 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Almost posted the wrong chapter lmao -Danny Words: 2,207 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Fix Me Up' -by Fin Argus & Sabrina Carpenter
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III: I Have a Resting Bitch Face but I'm Far From Rested
When Annabeth and Percy aren't cuddly on the fire escape, Ara goes there to think. And that's what she does the moment they come back from the quest, she doesn't overwhelm herself with plans or ideas for the next part of the mission, this is Percy's quest, after all, she's just making sure he survives it.
Percy climbs into the fire escape and sits down, handing her a blue cookie—a peace offering. Ara eats half of it in one huge bite. "I was terrible."
Percy sighs. "You were eight, Birdy. I don't hold it against you."
"Bet you hadn't missed that, huh?" She says with bitter humor.
"What do you mean?"
"The way I acted today," she explains. "That's how I used to be when we were kids. You, dragging me through every crisis, and me crying nonstop. I couldn't keep it together."
He shrugs. "I didn't hate having her back, she's adorable."
Ara looks away in annoyance. "I'm cranky, Nemo. Don't talk to me."
"Well, when can I?" He asks in an exasperation. "You're always cranky. You know you can't fool me, right? I know you're not okay."
She shakes her head. "Listen... Hebe's place messed me up. I don't wanna talk about it, can we please just..."
He crosses his arms. "Look, you're crazy strong and that will take you to great places in life, there's no doubt about it. I'll be there, backing you up... But right now, you gotta get in the right mindset. This isn't camp, here you're just my sister."
She sulks. "I'm trying my best, Percy. I go on missions, I work on bettering the camp, and it doesn't work... It's not about not knowing the difference between home and camp, I... I miss him no matter where I'm standing." At her admittance, Ara stuffs her mouth with the last half of the cookie. 
Percy leans against the brick wall and sighs. "I know. It stings that no one can help with that when you do so much for all of us, but overworking when you're awake and then sleeping the rest of your time won't fix anything. Is this how you've always made things work?"
"No," she responds hoarsely. "But all this time I thought I'd built my own path, without knowing that I was destined to it since I was born. What kind of merit is in that?"
"None of that," he frowns. "You're in a bad mood because of Leo, fine. That's understandable. But you won't question your power. You always come through. You're the hero of our time, Birdy."
"Well, that's exactly the problem," Ara insists. "I—"
"Hey," their mother's voice cuts through their conversation.
"You need a hand?" Percy asks promptly when Sally starts to climb in.
"I'm fine," she sits between them. "It just looked like you two could use some motherly company." Her adoptive mother pulls her in gently, running her fingers through Ara's choppy hair. 
Sally Jackson isn't Ara's real mother, but Aphrodite isn't Sally Jackson. Every time Ara interacts with the goddess, it feels like the lady thinks Ara's fine simply because she's young, pretty, and in love. Sally knows Ara is far from okay because she's young, pretty, in love, and isolated.
Percy eases his mother into the conversation. "What was I like when I was little?"
"Why do you ask?"
"We turned eight years old today." 
Percy explains their quest at Heebie Jeebies. They don't tend to be explicit when telling their mother about their adventures, but this time, he is. "You got through it," Sally says, sounding surprisingly calm. "You always do."
"I guess..." Percy replies with a tense voice. "But it was like all our progress, all those years of getting older and learning how to survive... Hebe took it away with a snap of her fingers. I was a helpless little kid again."
Ara nods while still holding onto her mother. "You two are a lot of things, but helpless isn't one of them," she holds the boy's shoulder. "When you were little... whenever you got scared, you might back away for a second, but then you would march right up to whatever was scaring you. You'd stare it down until it went away, or until you understood it. Thinking about you as a toddler makes me feel..."
"Sick to your stomach?"
"It makes me feel hopeful," Sally chuckles. "You're still moving forward. You've grown into a fine young man—and young lady. I'm proud of you two. It's also okay to doubt yourself," their mom continues, patting the girl's head. "That's completely normal."
"Even for demigods?"
"Especially for them." Sally hugs Percy with her free arm, kissing his temple. "Also, you need to wash the dishes."
Percy laughs. "All that buttering up just so we'll do our chores?"
"Not just. Now give me a hand, would you? Sitting down is easy. Getting up, not so much."
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Ara talks before Percy can leave the room. "You got Algebra homework, right?"
He looks at her intrigued. "Yeah, what about it?"
"I want to join Goode's cheer squad."
Percy raises his brows in surprise. "That's cool. What's it got to do with my homework, though?"
"I'll help you with Algebra if you help me practice."
"Do I have to dance? I already humiliated myself enough for a day."
"No, just check I don't skip parts of the routine. I've got a video you can watch, so you can see the difference. Just twenty minutes every day for the rest of the week. Please?"
Percy grins. "You'll do my Algebra homework in exchange? Since when you're good at maths?"
"I said help—and Leo forced me to be better so I could help him on the ship, and he was a great teacher," She smiles a bit. "I can't promise I'll be okay in a week, or a month... Maybe only Leo can fix me, but I can try to enjoy my time here with all of you while I wait for him. I always wanted to be a cheerleader, the uniforms are cute."
Percy grins and shakes her hand. "Alright, deal."
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"I'm here!" Ara rushes into the meeting. "Sorry, Mom was supposed to drive me here but she started to feel ill and then Dad didn't want to leave her alone so Percy drove me but he had to go to the farmer's market first—long story—Let's start this up! Jason!" The girl grabs her clipboard and reads through it.
The boy's not actually there but in Piper's house in California. Both of them lean closer to the iris message. "Er—all good, General?"
"Let's not go there," she dismisses his question. "Talk shrines."
Jason and Piper share a look. Piper's is clearly 'I told you so' and Jason's is a 'Shut up'. The boy sighs. "I keep having different gods telling me not to sit them next to deities they hate—if you could make a survey next solstice so the minor gods get their schist together..."
"Got it," Ara writes it down. "Piper?"
"No sign of Leo or Apollo anywhere," she says. 
"Same here," responds the girl, she and Frank are in a different Iris Message. "The Amazons are helping us scout the country, but we still haven't found them."
Ara does a pretty good job of hiding the despair in her voice. "Thank you for trying. Thalia?"
"Nothing," the girl replies. "But don't lose hope, Birdy. Leo's a smart guy, if there's anyone who can survive out there with no help, it's gotta be him."
Ara bites her tongue to stop herself from making a snarky comment about Leo having a very helpful goddess with him. "Thanks, Thalia. Moving on..."
They talk of some repairs needed around camp, and some conflicts between campers, none of it is good news, but Ara doesn't dwell on it. Handy work means not simmering in her unhappiness, and it's definitely better than preparing for war. When the meeting ends, Lily and Ara exit the Big House together. 
"Hey, you didn't write this," Ara scowls at her clipboard. "What's this about?"
"Forges, 2 PM—but it's misspelled and looks like a..." she pauses, her heart dropping to her stomach. "A child wrote it."
"Is that a question, or...?"
Ara feels a wave of remorse. "I gotta handle this alone, Lils."
The girl senses her apprehension. "You sure?"
"Harley wrote this."
Lily's face matches Ara's. "I see. Meet you in thirty?"
"Make it forty."
"Ara..." Her friend seems at a loss for words. Everyone nowadays tries so hard to come up with something, anything that will make Ara's load lighter, but they always come out empty-handed. 
Only Leo would've known the right thing to say, the right type of hug to give her, and to try and fail would most certainly just hurt her deeper. It's like standing on thin ice. They can't fix her because they're missing the right tool.
"I'm fine," Ara says kindly, reaching for Lily's hand, thankful that she doesn't have empath's touch. "As fine as I can be, you know me." 
Lily hesitates, almost as if she wants to ask Do I? but settles for a brief nod.
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When she enters the forges, there is steam coming from different points and the clamoring of metal hitting metal, sparks flying everywhere, and everyone's yelling. It's not quite like feeling at home, but Ara still feels rather cozy.
Nyssa announces her arrival. "Ara's here!" Then she lowers her voice with sympathy. "Try to go easy on our kiddo, will you?"
Harley arrives and clings to her camp shirt, tugging her forward. "I have an idea I need you to greenlight!"
Ara smiles down at the boy. "Hi, boss. Just a question—how did you manage to grab a hold of my clipboard without Lily noticing?"
"Lily leaves it on the porch's swing when she goes to the rec room to kiss Connor Stoll."
"Yikes." Ara smirks. "You're nosy."
"She's not careful," he grins back.
Harley is a well-loved son of Hephaestus, and it's obviously connected to the fact that he's the youngest, with only eight years of age, and the cutest smile. Ara's heart squeezes remembering how Leo himself was eight when he lost his mother. Heck, she was eight herself just a few days ago, and she was nowhere near as strong as this kid is! Harley isn't like they were, but she can't help looking at him and thinking of Leo, she has the biggest soft spot for this boy.
"I call this the Home-Beacon," the boy drags her to his workbench.
"Ah..." Ara examines the blueprints with curiosity. "What does it do?"
"Can't you tell?"
The girl glances at him and then back at the blueprints, something heavy crawling up her ribcage. "Is this meant for Leo?"
Harley bounces in place. "See those switches? You flick them and it'll start sending all kinds of signals—they're supposed to be strong enough to cover the whole country!"
The girl thinks her next words carefully. "Yes, but what does it do? How can it help him? Or us?"
Harley rolls his eyes. "Leo has Festus, right? You said Festus is permanently activated now, so as soon as Festus flies close enough to the country, he should pick up on the signal and follow it like breadcrumbs!"
"And what do you want from me?"
Harley pouts. "You don't sound excited about this. You don't think it'll work?"
Ara quickly puts on a big smile. "Oh, I'm in business mode, that's all! I'm taking this very seriously 'cause I wanna know how to help you!"
The boy beams, convinced by her act. "I want your permission! Nyssa says she'll let me try this if you say yes."
Nyssa doesn't think the Home-Beacon will work, then. Probably because they don't know if Leo is even alive after a whole month of silence. The counselor wants Ara to say no, to stop Harley... but hope is the one thing she still keeps close to her heart.
"Has the theory been perfected to a T?" She asks.
Harley frowns. "You don't do theory. You hate it."
Ara smirks. "Well, as a matter of fact, Leo taught me to love it. So we should follow his advice, don't you think? He'd be happy to know we did it right, step by step."
Harley ponders. "But that will take ages..."
"It's worth it. I promised your brother I'd wait for him, he can wait for us too."
The little boy pouts again. "So you're not giving me permission?"
Ara taps the blueprints. "Make a copy for me and I'll help you get it right. Once the theory works, then we can make some prototypes."
Harley hugs her with impressive strength for an eight-year-old. "You got it, General!"
Ara pats his curly hair with a soft smile on her face. "No problem, boss..." Harley hops onto his tall bench and immediately starts making copies of everything. Ara walks back to Nyssa's workspot and her smile drops. "I caved so fast..."
Her friend groans. "What did you tell him?"
"That I'll review his blueprints to make prototypes," she says sheepishly.
"Ara!" Nyssa whispers with concern. "That's bad!"
"It's better than to assume Leo is dead!" She exclaims. "Harley loves him so much, and he looks so much like Leo and I love Leo—"
"I don't want him to be dead either," Nyssa interrupts her. "But Harley is a kid, his ideas aren't all that logical yet—nor doable."
"This one is," Ara presses. "Sometimes thinking like a kid when our adult perspectives are running dry goes a long way, trust me," she holds the girl's shoulder. "I'm still your right-hand girl, aren't I?"
"We've told you already," Nyssa sighs. "You're way more than that, Birdy. You're family."
"I'll help," Ara's eyes shine with determination. "I won't let you down."
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Next Chapter –>
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 29 days
i hate jk rowling, that’s it that’s the blog
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 1 month
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Happy anniversary of The Daughter of Olympus! -Danny Words: 2,255 Series' Masterlist Book II // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Talking To Myself' -by Gatlin
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I: Born to Say 'Fuck Off' Forced to Say 'Yes, Sir'
Ara can think of ten different things she could be doing outside of this musty old place that would make a difference in the world instead of this. I'm the daughter of Olympus, she sulks, giants fear me, monsters want me, but I can't get rid of Marcus from Spanish class.
First day of High School. She's looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, hyping herself up to survive the last three hours of the day. It would be less aggravating if Percy had qualified to attend his last year at Goode's, but apparently, disappearing in the middle of the school year gets you expelled, go figure.
Arae Jackson.
The girl gives a start and looks over her shoulder at the stools, where none other than Poseidon meets her eye. "My lord," Ara's voice trembles. "This is a girl's bathroom."
The god raises a brow as if silently asking if that's truly her main concern. "I'll be brief with this visit. My son needs you."
"Which one? Tyson?" That sentence immediately puts her on edge. "Percy? What happened?"
"Oh, nothing yet," the god sighs. "Percy must do a series of tasks and Zeus has forbidden me from aiding him, yet he never mentioned I couldn't bestow upon you the duty to ensure Percy's triumph."
She stares at him. "You mean a quest, sir?"
"As daughter of Olympus, you must do what the gods ask of you, I hope you haven't forgotten?" He crosses his arms.
"Of course not, my lord, but I'm a little lost," she raises a brow. "Why are you drafting Percy into this if I could do the tasks myself?"
Poseidon smiles but seems tense. "My son will explain everything to you. Goodbye, I expect good results."
The god leaves, and Ara turns to the mirror. "This is what you get for bitching."
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When Ara gets home, she finds Grover at the door. "Hey, man," she musters a tired smile. "Came for dinner?"
"It's your first day of High School and Percy's senior year, of course I'd come," he grins. "How are you?"
Percy opens the door and welcomes them in. "Hey! I was wondering where you two were..."
"I brought strawberries." Grover shoves the basket in the boy's hands. "Is that tofu stir-fry?"
"Hello to you, too," Percy answers, throwing a bemused glance at Ara.
"I love tofu stir-fry!"
"Ara and Grover are here!" Her brother announces over his shoulder. "They brought strawberries!"
Sally comes out of the kitchen and takes the basket. "They smell wonderful! Perfect dessert!"
"Last crop of the summer," Grover informs them. "Now we have to get ready for gourd season. Don't get me wrong. I love decorative gourds, but they're not as tasty."
Sally pats his shoulder as she walks past. "We'll make sure these berries don't go to waste."
Ara stares at them. Everyone thought Leo would be back by the last week of August... She keeps smiling like his absence does not bug her much, partly because she doesn't want to be like those girls who whine about their boyfriends, and also because a General being sad about a boy is plain stupid, but it's more than that. Now that their curse is—presumably—broken, nothing assures her that he'll love her still, he didn't address her in the scroll he sent, after all.
He has a whole life ahead of him, and he might decide that even if they share soul lights, his calling is somewhere else, somewhere she doesn't fit in. He's free, but nothing has changed for Ara. Hercules warned her, and she didn't take it seriously at first, thinking she'd die before she could get a chance to see how that would play.
"Who's hungry?" Paul enters the room, and Ara feels slightly better.
While the family catches up, Percy shares his conundrum: He's been asked to get three recommendation letters from the gods by doing three separate quests. "Well then, we'll do these quests together!" Grover speaks before Percy can even finish.
Percy's shoulders relax. "Grover, you don't have to—"
"Are you kidding? A chance to do quests, just the four of us? Like old times? The Fantastic Four!"
"The Beatles," Annabeth smirks.
"The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," Percy adds.
"The Golden Girls," Ara finishes.
"I wanna be Betty White."
The teens laugh, and Paul raises his drink. "The monsters will never know what hit them. Just be careful, you four."
"Oh, it'll be fine," Grover brushes it off, but he's anxiously nibbling a napkin. "Besides, it always takes a while for word to get around among the gods. We've probably got weeks before the first request comes in!"
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It did not take weeks.
The next day, Ara notices a guy seated next to Percy at their favorite smoothie bar, one that she knows. "Ganymede." Her smile is one of intrigue. "The hell are you doing here?"
Usually, she doesn't speak to godlings like that, but Ganymede's like the cousin you see once a year and with whom you sneak out of the family reunion to talk shit about your aunts and uncles, and heck, he talks. She met him during the winter and summer solstices that she attended as the daughter of Olympus.
"Oh, is my disguise worth nothing?" He huffs. "It doesn't matter. Dear Arae, I require aid. I would've come to you, but..." he makes a face. "Well, if I use you, the gods might find out about my problem."
"What problem?" Ara sits next to Percy, taking a sip from his smoothie.
"I have to be sure this is completely discreet," he leans forward. "You cannot tell anyone else. Is that understood?"
"Discreet is what we do," Grover says.
"How much do you know about my responsibilities on Mount Olympus?" Ganymede questions.
"You're the cupbearer of the gods," Annabeth replies.
"Must be a sweet job," Grover sighs. "Immortality, godly power, and you just have to serve drinks?"
"It's a horrible job."
"Permanent waiter position with no chances of promotion," Ara nods in understanding.
"When it was just at feasts," Ganymede continues, "that was one thing. But now ninety percent of my orders are deliveries. Ares wants his nectar delivered on the battlefield. Aphrodite wants her usual with extra crushed ice and two maraschino cherries delivered to a sauna in Helsinki in fifteen minutes or less. Hephaestus... Don't get me started on Hephaestus. This gig economy is killing me."
"Okay," Percy shrugs. "How can we help?"
"My most important symbol of office... Can you guess what it is?"
"Since you're cupbearer of the gods, I'm going to guess... a cup?"
"Not just any cup!" Ganymede hisses. "The chalice of the gods! The goblet of ultimate flavor! The only cup worthy of Zeus himself! And now..."
"Oh, it's missing, isn't it?" Annabeth guesses.
"Not missing. My cup has been stolen." He bursts into tears.
Percy looks at Ara, she gestures at him vaguely and he reacts stiffly. "There, there."
The waiter hands Ara her usual drink, then he notices the crying boy. "Is the smoothie not okay, sir? I can make you something else."
"No." Ganymede sniffs. "It's just... I can't stand seeing so many cups. It's too soon. Too soon."
Ara looks at the waiter and flashes him a smile. "Thank you, Steve. I'll make sure to tip fifteen percent." The guy seems satisfied with that and leaves them alone. 
Grover turns to the god. "You know, the kids at Camp Half-Blood make some great arts-and-crafts projects. They could probably fashion you a new goblet."
"It wouldn't be the same," Ganymede whines.
"Or you could look into single-serving cups made from recyclable material."
"Grover," Annabeth intervenes. "He wants his special cup."
"I'm just saying, single servings might be more hygienic. All those gods sipping from the same goblet—?"
"You said it was stolen," Percy moves on. "Do you know who took it?"
"I have some ideas," he glares at the table. "But first, you have to promise that this remains confidential. The goblet makes drinks taste good to the gods. But if a mortal got hold of it... one sip from it would grant them immortality." 
Ara and Percy make the same face. "If it's so powerful, why would you trust us to get it back?"
"I couldn't trust anyone else! You've already turned down immortality once, Percy Jackson."
"Yeah, what a weirdo." Ara retorts sarcastically.
Percy kicks her foot. "Okay. Totally confidential."
"And these others?" Ganymede looks at her friends. 
"These others know how to keep a secret," Annabeth smiles. "Loose lips are never a good strategy."
"Totally," Grover nods.
"We're all best friends," Percy says. "You can trust them as much as you can trust me."
"Yeah, besides, you and I come from way back," Ara states confidently.
"Fine," he sighs dramatically. "I suspect someone on Olympus is trying to embarrass me, make me look bad in front of Zeus. If he finds out I lost my cup... No. I have to recover it."
"You have enemies?" Percy asks.
"Oh, yes. Hera, for one. She's hated me since the day Zeus snatched me up to Olympus. Zeus was always complimenting me, you see—how handsome I was, how much I brightened up the palace. It's not my fault I have nicer legs than she does."
Ara wants to erase that sentence from her memory. Annabeth shivers. "Let's hope it's not Hera."
"No... Probably not. She would consider it beneath her." Ganymede mumbles. "But there are others—Everyone on Olympus hates me, really, because I'm a newcomer, an upstart kid made immortal. They call me a gold digger! Can you believe that?"
Percy and Ara share a look again, having a tough time not blurting out their silly thoughts. "You suspect anyone else in particular?"
"Before I was the cupbearer," he lowers his voice, "there were two other goddesses who had my job. First Hebe. Then Iris."
"Iris seems kind of chill to be stealing chalices," Grover replies.
"Perhaps." Ganymede pouts. "But Hebe..."
"The goddess of youth," Annabeth hums. "But, Ganymede, you're, like, eternally young and beautiful. Why would she want to embarrass you?"
"Oh, you don't know her," Ganymede scrunches up his nose. "In the early days, every time I would serve drinks at the feast table, she'd mutter Spill it, spill it as I walked past. She's so immature."
"Well, if she's the goddess of youth..." Grover starts.
"That's no excuse! She needs to grow up!" 
"Okay," Percy brushes it aside. "Do you have any proof she took it?"
"Proof? That's what I need you for. Don't you heroes dust for fingerprints, analyze DNA samples, that sort of thing?"
"You might be thinking of CSI. But okay, we'll start with Hebe. Then check Iris."
"Fine." Ganymede takes a sip of his drink. "Hmm. Not bad. Maybe when I get fired and turned back into a mortal, I could work here."
"You'd make a great himbo," Annabeth nods. "So how long has your chalice been missing?"
Ganymede squints. "A century?"
"A century?!" Percy squeaks.
"Or a week? I always get those time periods confused. Not long, anyway. So far, I've been able to fake it with my delivery orders. The other gods kind of expect to-go cups with those. But if I don't get my proper chalice back before the next in-person feast, everyone will notice. I'll be humiliated!"
"When is the next feast?" Grover inquires.
"I don't know! Zeus is unpredictable! He might schedule one in twenty years. Or it could be tomorrow. The point is, I need that goblet back before word gets out! Question those goddesses. See what they know. But don't offend them. And don't say I sent you. And don't give away that my cup was stolen."
"That'll make it hard to question them," Annabeth responds. "Any idea where these goddesses hang out?"
"They stay close to Mount Olympus. I mean Manhattan. They should be around here somewhere. Do this for me, Percy Jackson, and I will write you a letter!"
"This recommendation letter will be positive?" Percy lists. "And you'll actually sign it?"
Ganymede scoffs. "You drive a hard bargain, but very well! Now, away with you, before I am undone!"
The moment Ganymede is gone, Percy turns to Ara. "You're friends with that guy?"
Ara puffs out air through her mouth and leans back tiredly. "Dude, when you work part-time in Olympus, there aren't many options."
"Well..." He looks at the others with a little smile. "This should be fun. Any ideas where to start?"
"Unfortunately, yes," Grover pouts. "But let me finish my drink first. We're going to need our strength."
Compared to what they used to face when they were younger, this is easy, and they also have each other. It surprises her how easily her brain accepts this and moves on. For years she'd been part of this family and felt the same they did about most things, but being a daughter of Olympus was shifting her character in ways she couldn't even notice until it was too late. 
Ease up, sunshine—She can hear Leo's voice in her head, twisting the perspective so it looks like something fun instead of dangerous. Before meeting him, that voice was her own, but now... all things joyful are him—this will be such a cool story at parties.
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Ara makes a beeline to her room and stops only when Percy calls after her. "Yes?"
"Wanna play?" He's showing her the PlayStation remote with a strange look in his eyes, almost holding his breath while waiting for an answer.
Ara replies awkwardly. "Ah—I've got camp stuff to review. Bunker, cabins..." Her feet are already moving forward. "Sorry..."
The girl enters their shared room and closes the door. On her side of the room, right above her bed, she spots the Polaroids Leo gifted her a few months ago, and her smile drops. Gods, she's dead worried. Ara presses her back against the door and steadies herself. You got this. Her hand dives into her pocket and closes around Almighty with a tight grip. She takes a few steps forward and collapses onto her bed, falling asleep almost immediately.
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicksh @ebony-reine-vibes
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 1 month
"wolfstar is canon" I say into the microphone. the crowd boos. I sigh and begin to walk off stage. "she's right" a voice says, I turn and there he is. David Thewlis.
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 1 month
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talk ur shit
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 1 month
Mary: Did they ever explain why Clifford was so big? Lily: Emily loved him so and "And her love made Clifford grow so big that the Howards had to leave their home". Didn't you listen to the song? Marlene: So being love makes pets grow. What does it say about your dog, James? James: I don't have a dog Marlene: Yes, you do James: James: Wait the minute Sirius in the background:
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 1 month
prompt idea where bad guys kidnap Captain Marvel and put him under a truth serum live on television. JL are desperately searching for Marvel's location while watching, fearing Marvel's livelyhood will be put at stake! but then...
Villain approaches Marvel with a smirk, "Tell me big red cheese, where do you live!"
Captain Marvel, "Oh dude im homeless!"
And literally like the interogation ends as quickly as it started because WHAT
villain: "wait so you... where do you sleep...?"
billy: "Outside, nice ol' comfy concrete."
villain: "Dont you have like.. a job?"
billy: "Does heroism count?"
villain: "....No."
the villain doesn't even continue cause he feels bad like damn end of broadcast dude.
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 1 month
James: Did you two shag?
Remus and Sirius: No.
James: That’s a double negative, which means positive.
Sirius: Remus, why did you teach him maths?
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 1 month
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 1 month
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A/N: Chapter fifteen is finally here! What do you think of the moodboard? Leave a like :) also a quick note, I won't tag anyone who doesn't like the series - I think that's only fair...
Masterlist Series Masterlist Introduction Your First Year Letter
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Chapter Fifteen ~ Yuletide Shenanigans
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Deputy Headmistress McGonagall’s office was smaller than she’d expected, but no less grand. The heavy curtains that framed the window were a proud Gryffindor red, the walls were lined with a tidy display of shelves, and the table was organised and neat. (Y/N) had been sat in a chair beside the desk for almost fifteen minutes, waiting for her escort. She was beginning to get a little impatient.
She had taken to reading the spines on the shelf when the woman in question finally re-entered, followed by Albus Dumbledore himself.
It was the first time she had ever directly met the Headmaster of Hogwarts, and she would remember it well. He looked older up close, and shorter; perhaps the illusion of his height was simply due to the fact that she had only ever seen him standing on the elevated platform in the Great Hall, making speeches and what-not. His robes were dark blues paired with white, and his hands were crossed in front of him, a bone-coloured wand peaking from behind them. But his eyes were what struck her; sharp and keen despite his age, eyes that had seen so much of the world, and looked at her with a practiced gentleness that hid something deeper.
“Thank you for waiting, Miss Addams.” McGonagall said with a kind smile, and (Y/N) could finally pull her eyes away from the headmaster. “Headmaster Dumbledore has come to see that our travel goes smoothly.”
“It would be irresponsible,” Began the headmaster with a smile as (Y/N) grabbed her coat, “to allow you to travel to Hogsmeade unsupervised.” Dumbledore made his way towards the great fireplace, and brought out a small, black cauldron from its mantle.
“Now, grab your things, dear.” Said McGonagall with a gesture as she approached the unlit fire.
(Y/N) did as she was asked, taking her travel-sized case in one hand and the bat cage that contained a disgruntled young cat in the other, her long black coat draped over her arm. When she followed the woman, she’d expected her to head towards the door, but it seemed the professor had another exit in mind.
“You may be unfamiliar with Floo travel, I presume?” McGonagall asked as she took a handful of grey-green ash from the small cauldron in the headmaster’s hand. (Y/N) nodded and the deputy-headmistress gave her a reassuring smile. “Not to worry, just repeat after me.” She bid a short farewell to Dumbledore, took (Y/N)'s bat cage in hand, and then stepped into the blackened hearth, the top of her hat bending against the entrance. “The Hog’s Head Inn.” She articulated, and with a drop of ash and a flash of green smoke, (Y/N) was awed to see no sign of her Transfiguration teacher at all.
“Now you, Miss Addams.” Dumbledore encouraged and held out a hand for her to shake, then held out the cauldron. “Simply say where you’d like to go and throw the Floo powder at your feet.”
Stepping into the heath with her things in one hand and a fistful of green ash in the other, (Y/N) took a breath and followed the instructions. And in a flash of green smoke, she felt the floor disappear.
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When the smoke cleared, the first thing she noticed was the warm light that filled the room. The second, and most welcome, was the scent of harsh sulphur being replaced with cigar smoke. There was only one person she knew that carried cigars with them at all times.
“Cucarachita!” Within seconds, (Y/N) was pulled into the enthusiastic embrace of her father, hugging her so tightly that she almost couldn’t breathe. “Oh, you have been missed.”
“I missed you too, Papa.” She replied, though her voice was muffled through the fabric of his blazer.
After nearly a whole ten seconds, her father finally pulled back to look at her, holding her at arms length to take her in. (Y/N) looked him over, too; his hair was combed back with his potent black cream, his moustache freshly trimmed, and he was wearing a new vest – brown, red, and black (of course) knitted wool, to keep him warm in the freezing Scottish winter. “(Y/N),” he said after a moment, with a gleam in his eye, “what are they feeding you? You’re taller already!”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and pushed him away, tugging on the hem of her turtle-kneck. “You’re exaggerating, Father.”
Gomez only laughed and patted her head (much to her disapproval), but was soon distracted by a hand snaking up his arm. “Don’t go keeping her all to yourself now, mon cher.” Her mother interrupted, now standing beside him and getting a good look at her eldest daughter.
“Oh, of course not, cara mia.” Her father replied as he took his wife’s elegant hand into his hold and began pressing kisses into her pale skin.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes – she’d only been there for a minute and already they were all over each other. “Father, please.” She groaned, seeing McGonagall standing to the side with wide eyes. “Can’t you keep your hands off each other for five minutes?”
“If history is any indication – no.” The drab voice of her little sister came from behind, almost startling her (she must have been practising her lurking).
The sisters shared a look, an agreement that they had much to discuss later – in private. “Wednesday,” (Y/N) nodded, receiving a nod back; they hadn’t the most affectionate relationship.
It seemed the greetings just kept coming; Pugsley slammed himself into her for a quick (but extremely tight) hug, Grandmama pinched her cheeks, Lurch smiled and groaned warmly, and even Thing seemed to have missed her with how he ran up to squeeze her shoulder (conveniently, while McGonagall wasn’t looking).
“Well, now that we’re all settled,” Said the deputy headmistress kindly as they all gathered on the couches in the guest sitting room, “I presume that (Y/N) will be spending the holiday here with you?”
“Of course, if she’d like to.” Morticia replied from her seat beside the older woman. “Though, she did mention how she wanted to stay at Hogwarts to keep her friend company.”
“Oh, I see,” McGonagall replied with a hint of confusion, “and who would that be--?”
“—Speaking of Hogwarts!” (Y/N) interrupted quickly, hoping she hadn’t sounded too obviously suspicious. “Wednesday was just telling me how much she wishes she could see it. Right, Wednesday?” She emphasised with a hard look and a subtle nudge.
Wednesday cleared her throat and put down the teacup from her lips, taking the hint. “Right, yes. I said that.” She nodded along, looking to the adults with as much sincerity as she could. “We’d all like to visit.”
“Oh! Can we?” Pugsley enthusiastically asked with a wide grin, sitting up straighter on the floor and staring excitedly at the woman.
“A superb idea!” Their father agreed, leaning forward as well. “What do you say, Professor?
“Yes,” Morticia smiled softly, “it would be so wonderful to see where our daughter stays. Would that be possible, Professor McGonagall?”
McGonagall seemed awfully put on the spot, placing her teacup back on the table to fold her hands in her lap. “Well, it’s perfectly reasonable, I suppose.” She began. “But I would have to discuss it with Headmaster Dumbledore first…”
“I thought you were the deputy headmistress.” Wednesday said slyly. “You need his permission to let us see (Y/N)’s new home?”
McGonagall pursed her lips, not easily fooled, it seemed. “He is the headmaster, Miss Addams. He must be notified on all things that go on in his school.”
“Well then, you can tell him all about it when we get there.” Said Granmama as she rose from her chair by the fire to grab her shawl. “Now, show us that disappearing trick, will you?” She demanded as she walked over to the empty hearth from which they entered. Crazy or not, Grandmama was good at getting her way.
With a composed sigh, McGonagall stood and accepted the insistence. “No need, Ms Addams, I will arrange for a carriage.” She relented, and swiftly left the room to find the owner.
Wednesday and (Y/N) exchanged small smirks as their family discussed among themselves, satisfied with the outcome. So far, everything was going according to plan.
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From the moment they stepped out of the carriage, the whole Addams family had hardly stopped gasping, pointing, complimenting, and displaying all other signs of awe – even Wednesday could hardly stop looking at every exquisite feature of the castle. (Y/N) was much reminded of her first day, which already seemed so long ago; she too had been so entranced by Hogwart’s beauty, just the same. From the entrance courtyard covered in snow, all the way to the Headmaster’s office, and down again to the Great Hall, every Addams had enjoyed the tour greatly.
A few students lingered at the dining tables, playing games and talking and what-not, but had quickly been distracted by the entrance of the infamous Addams clan. (Y/N) could already smell the reek of growing gossip and rumours.
“This is Hagrid, Hogwart’s groundskeeper,” McGonagall introduced as they came to a halt at the staff table, where a giant of a man was sat talking with Flitwick, who looked all the more short beside him, “and Professor Flitwick, our Charms teacher.”
“Very nice to meet you,” her father smiled as he shook each of their hands, “Gomez Addams.”
“What a surprise,” Said Professor Flitwick as Morticia gave him her hand next, followed by Grandmama.
“An intriguing subject.” Her mother complimented sweetly. “Tell me, Professor, how is our daughter doing in your class?”
“Well, yes, very well.” He replied, nodding at (Y/N). “Always finishes her work, hands her homework in on time. And a fast learner – much potential.”
The approval warmed her cold heart.
“So, Mr Hagrid,” her father began, “groundskeeper, eh? Good job.”
The large man agreed and smiled, and (Y/N) thought it much a shame that they had never really met. “That it is, Mr Addams. An ‘ard job, but a goodun. Always summin’ to be done.”
Now that a sufficient amount of small talk had been had, Professor McGonagall drew attention back to their reason for coming. “Hagrid, I was hoping that you might give our guests a tour of the school.”
“Oh aye, o’course I would.” Hagrid agreed and made his way around the table, startled for a second to find himself only a foot taller than Lurch.
“Marvelous.” Said McGonagall. “I have much to be getting on with, it was very nice to meet you.” She shook their hands and bid them farewell, leaving them in the safe care of the groundskeeper.
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“And ‘ere we ‘ave the library.” Hagrid announced as they entered the grand room, yet again stunning the family with its sheer enormity.
“Impressive.” Gomez nodded as he looked up at the tall ceiling, and greeted the librarian at her desk.
Grandmama shrugged. “I’ve seen bigger.”
“You have not.” Pugsley insisted, only to be shushed.
The group walked further in, talking with the groundskeeper pleasantly. When they had seen enough, they turned to leave for the long walk to the Gallery. It was then that the two sisters seized the opportunity to fall behind.
“This way.” (Y/N) whispered after their family left, guiding the younger girl further into the library. They hurried quietly, unsure of how long it would be before their family noticed their absence – or worse, they were caught by Pince.
Soon they came to the back of the library, where they stood before the dimly lit windows that hid more books from their reach. “What’s this?” Wednesday asked.
“The Restricted Section.” (Y/N) replied, walking along further until she found the locked entrance. “I heard Hermione talking about it, she said it’s kept locked at all times. But I figured, even if there’s magic to get in the way, it’s nothing you can’t get through. You’re the best lock-pick I know.”
“That almost sounded like a compliment,” Wednesday said as she took a few tools from her coat pocket and knelt down to the lock.
Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) turned to keep look-out from the shadow of a bookcase. “It wont happen again.”
Without a moment to spare, Wednesday inserted her tools into the keyhole and got to work, carefully picking away at the inside mechanics. With any regular lock, she would have had it open in less than a minute, but it seemed this one was proving stubborn.
“The stupid thing is cheating.” She grumbled as she inserted a third pin and tried to work them all at once.
(Y/N) glanced from around the corner, seeing no movement for some minutes now. “How so?”
“Every time I make some progress, it goes and reverses it again.” Wednesday explained through gritted teeth.
(Y/N) might have replied with something helpful, if she hadn’t spotted Pince pushing the return cart in their direction, stopping every so often to place some books away. “Hurry up, Pince is coming.” She stressed, hoping to Hell that the librarian had no need to travel so far, and that the rumours of her superhuman hearing were simply rumours.
“I’m trying.”
“Well try faster.”
“Would you like to take over? Because I’ll stop if you want.” Wednesday sassed, and (Y/N) bit her tongue before she made true on her word.
With every step closer Pince took, (Y/N) could feel her heart pacing faster – if she got caught, would she be expelled? Because she didn’t think she could handle the shame.
Pince was just two cases away when (Y/N) heard a quiet mechanical click and a sigh from her sister. “It’s open.”
“Great, now we have to go.” She replied, ignoring Wednesday’s protest as she yanked her up and pulled her around the side of the bookcase, narrowly escaping Pince’s sight.
“What are you doing? We could have gone in.” Wednesday whispered furiously as she was dragged against her will towards the library doors.
“Not without being seen – there’s no way Pince would’ve missed that. And we don’t even know if the door creaks!” (Y/N) argued as they finally made it to the hallway. “If we were caught, it would have all been over. I’m not risking it.”
A few paces away from the turn into the next hallway, Wednesday finally pulled her arm out of her sister’s grasp and hid her pins safely back inside her pocket. “Then when are we going back?”
(Y/N) shook her head and buttoned up her cardigan, then held a finger up to her lips as they passed through the Gallery Hall, extremely aware of the keen ears of the portraits and how they loved to gossip. “We aren’t. I’ll sneak in after curfew--”
“—I want to go in too!” Wednesday argued, only to be shushed as (Y/N) pointed towards the portraits again. She clearly hadn’t expected them to be alive.
“The only time I can sneak in is after curfew, and you’ll be staying at the inn.” (Y/N) explained, and hurried her along to find the others as quickly as they could before she could argue much more.
(Y/N) did wish that Wednesday could go with her; breaking and entering wasn’t half as much fun alone. And she felt a little guilty that there wasn’t any more she could do. But perhaps a peek at the Necromancy book would cheer her up. If not, she wouldn’t be hearing the end of this for a very long time.
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The Hog’s Head was a fine establishment; from the crooked ashen pillars of the entrance to the narrow wooden hallways of the rooms. The Addamses spent their first afternoon together in the main lounge of the pub, sharing a creaky wooden table by a large window. It was a wonderful atmosphere. There were a few dozen people dotted about, eating and drinking and laughing – a few were playing card games and losing money, some smoking large pipes, and the odd couple making dodgy deals concealed by the shadows. There were few odd decorations for the season, wilting wreaths and dried up pine garlands with more needles on the floor than the branches. Drinks were refilled constantly, and the food was hearty (though (Y/N) was surprised to realise she much preferred the food at Hogwarts), and the conversation was endless. This was how they spent their Sunday, all the way through the day until late night.
(Y/N) was retelling the events of the Quidditch match, sparing no details missed in the letter she’d sent home after, and they listened with great interest and occasional laughs.
“...So I followed her all the way to the teachers’ stands, and she tells me that it’s Snape whose responsible for Harry’s broom trying to knock him off.” She explained, her fruitcake long forgotten in front of her. “So I took out my matches – because you know I always carry matches-” her family nodded and agreed with variations of ‘of course’ and ‘obviously’ “-and I tried to light his cloak on fire. But the stupid thing was damp, so Hermione gets out her wand and does this spell I’ve never even heard before, and it just goes up in flames – of course, I’d already warmed it up for her. Then there’s shrieks and stomping, and we run all the way down to the bottom in time for the end of the game.”
Her father let out a deep laugh, and beamed at his daughter. “Excellent story!”
Grandmama cackled along and held her mead up in a toasting gesture. “Good girl – always good to have a friend who’ll start fires with you.”
“We’re looking forward to meeting her,” her mother said. “Have you made any more friends?”
“Well, there’s Saoirse – she’s my roommate.”
“What about enemies?” Wednesday interrupted, swirling her drink around in her cup as she feigned disinterest. “Tell me you at least have one of those.”
Enemy may have been a strong word; there were certainly those she didn’t care for, but she hadn’t been fortunate enough to find someone really worth torturing. “There are plenty of unlikeable people to choose from,” (Y/N) said instead, “the potions professor, for a start – and that obnoxious Malfoy boy. But so far I haven’t found one worth the time.”
Grandmama seemed to pick her head up from her potent drink at whatever (Y/N) had said, something certainly had caught her interest. She wrapped her ratty black shawl around her and leaned across the table to shush Gomez, who had started speaking of his favourite nemesis from his own school years. “Malfoy?” She repeated, her croaky voice taking an edge to the name as a scowl came across her wrinkled features.
(Y/N) nodded in confusion, eager to know what her grandmother had to say on the matter – whatever had her mouth twisting. “What about him, Grandmama?”
To their surprise (but, frankly, not shock), the woman spat at the mention. “What about him? It was them Malfoys that wanted us outed!”
“What are you talking about?” Said Wednesday, just as interested as everyone else, but bored of waiting for her to get to the point already.
Grandmama sat back in her chair, the wood creaking quietly at the movement. “We Addamses were a part of the Sacred Twenty-nine, you know? The pure families, they called themselves. We were as worthy as any of them – more, even – but they were jealous. That’s what Mother always said. Jealous of our money and our power.” From her pocket, Grandmama pulled out a brown smoking pipe and a tin of smoking tabacco and herbs, which she stuffed in as she spoke, then let Thing light it for her when she was done. She took a few puffs before she returned to her story. “When the family started birthing Squibbs, it was them who wanted us out – the Malfoys and the Blacks. Called us ‘tainted’ and ‘impure’. They’re the reason we were outcasted. Said they couldn’t be associated with us. Said our families couldn’t mix. Said a lot of things, but it worked. Then it was the Sacred Twenty-Eight.”
There was a pause when she was done, tobacco and mugwort wafting in the stale air as the family considered her words. It seemed to (Y/N) that there was still plenty that she had yet to reveal about their family’s past; still so much to learn.
It also seemed to her, that there was more to the Malfoys than money and misplaced pride.
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For two beautifully sullen days, all thoughts of school and mysteries had vacated (Y/N)’s mind. There were no ghostly messages, no age-old notes, and no suspicious books at the bottom of her travel case. She shared a room with her siblings, ate with her family as they would back home, go for walks in the freezing snow and hail, and lurk around the town looking for things to do.
It was three in the afternoon, the sky was grey with winter clouds, and the children were playing in the street, throwing compact ice-balls at each other (and the occasional pedestrian who dared get caught in the cross-fire). There were no rules in an ice-ball fight, a winner was only established when all other players had to forfeit; injuries were guaranteed.
The two sisters had cruelly decided to work together against their little brother, leaving him vulnerable on both sides. As they often were when they worked as a team, the girls were formidable and relentless, meaning Pugsley’s only choice was to run and hide, dodging hand-pressed wedges of ice from every angle. It was a dog-eat-dog game; as soon as the runt was out of the picture, they would turn on each other.
They spotted Pugsley run between a crowd of shoppers as they were making more ammo, and quickly followed in his direction. Pugsley’s small boots made half-sized footprints in the snow, and they easily followed them to an alley. Wednesday peaked around the corner and saw that it lead to a ten-foot – the narrow backstreet behind two rows of houses where the bins were kept. “Go to the other side and block his path.” She mumbled and threw one end of her grey scarf around her shoulder. “I want him cornered.”
The girls shared a mischievous look, and (Y/N) nodded before running down the street to find the other end of the ten-foot. Eight houses later, she came to the opening and peeked around the side. She saw Wednesday at the other end, and they both started down each side, looking behind every item that Pugsley could use for cover, until (Y/N) spotted a footprint in the snow a few meters away. With a predatory stare, she creeped forward even more quietly, her footsteps barely crunching the snow, until she just saw the tail of a black coat behind a bin. Wednesday saw her stop, and came forward with her weapon raised, following the footprints until they were just a few steps from his hiding place. “Pugsley.” Wednesday called in a taunting voice. “We know you’re there.”
There was no sound from behind the bin, and if it weren’t for the coat and his tracks, (Y/N) might have doubted for a second if he was there. “You might as well come out now.” She said from the other side, wielding her own ice-ball. “Surrender while you can.”
“I’m not surrendering!” They heard, and (Y/N) could hardly help the evil smile that broke loose on her lips at the slight tremble of fear Pugsley tried to hide under his stubborn determination.
“You’re small and weak,” said Wednesday, “you’re not going to win. We overpower you in both numbers and size. This is your last chance to give up.”
There was a pause. For a moment, they thought he might actually surrender, but then (Y/N) saw movement from the side. “He’s sneaking past!” She warned, and the girls started to chase him back the way they’d followed him. Wednesday cursed as her ice-ball barely made it half the distance to her target – the kid was swift and full of energy, much to her chagrin – but he turned to look over his shoulder for a second, which slowed him a little. (Y/N) stopped quickly and threw the ice she was carrying as hard as she could in his direction; it flew with precision for a longer distance than she’d expected, but landed perfectly just as he turned around. Bullseye.
Pugsley fell back with a yell as the ice hit him right on his forehead, knocking him off balance just as Wednesday caught up and threw all the rest of her ammo at him while he blocked his face from more damage. “Stop! Stop! You got me!” The boy cried as his sister pelted more snow and ice at him.
When (Y/N) reached them, Wednesday had Pugsley pinned with a knee on his chest as she compressed another ice-ball. “Admit defeat.” She demanded and raised her weapon up.
Pugsley hesitated, a defiant stare on his face even as his sister kneed him harder in the chest.
“Say it.”
The boy sighed and sank his head back into the snowy ground, eyeing her ice-ball wearily. “Wednesday is superior and I am weak.” He groaned – she had him say it every time she beat him, and he hated it more and more each time.
“Good.” She said, then threw the ice at him anyway before she stood.
“Hey!” He yelled as it hit him in the cheek. “Cheat!”
Wednesday dusted herself off and shrugged carelessly. “You let your guard down.”
“Alright, that’s enough.” (Y/N) smirked as she leant a hand to her little brother, observing the new red marks on his face (she couldn’t help but feel a little proud at the bruise growing above his brow where she’d hit him). “Mother and Father want us back for dinner soon – we’ll still need time to clean up.”
"Why does she always make me say that?" Pugsley grumbled as he rubbed his sore cheek.
"Don't worry about it, Pugsley," (Y/N) assured, "one day you'll beat her, and it'll feel a whole lot better when you make her say it instead."
A second later, she felt a harsh hit on her shoulder, and pieces of ice and snow sprayed across her face. (Y/N) turned quickly to glare at her sister’s audacity, curling her fist in anger. “You are a cheat!” She scolded.
“And a winner.” Wednesday almost smiled, clearly proud of herself. “Now, what do you say?”
“I am not saying it.” She answered back, facing the girl fully and glaring daggers down at her (there was barely two inches between them, but (Y/N) was sure to always hold it above her). “Besides, only a coward shoots someone in the back.”
Wednesday squinted her eyes. “I’m not a coward – I shot you in the shoulder.”
“How about I shoot you in the face?”
A throat was cleared from beside them, and all three siblings turned at the intrusion.
Grandmama gave a croaky laugh at their antics. “I heard your squabbling from the inn.” She said with a half-grin, pointing the end of her walking stick at them. “You know, when I was your age, we used to shoot at each other with real weapons.” She sighed nostalgically. “Must get you some one day. Well – time to go in now, go on.” She encouraged with a poke at their legs, before she shuffled along after them, using her stick to be sure she wouldn’t slip on any ice.
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The morning sun was peaking in through the inn’s dirty, frosted windows and between the edges of the old browning drapes, slowly waking its inhabitants from their slumber. (Y/N) ignored it for a while, turning in her lumpy bed and away from the pesky sunlight that interrupted her sleep. All was silent.
For a moment.
Just as she was about to drift back into unconsciousness, a sudden weight pushed down on the mattress and bounced her body about. “(Y/N)! Wake up!” Pugsley cried as he bounced on his knees, shaking her shoulder with both hands to be sure she couldn’t ignore him. “Wake up!”
“Go away.” She grumbled and kicked him from under the duvet, satisfied when he tumbled loudly to the cold, wooden floor. It didn’t seem to stop him for long, though, as he stood and shook her about once more.
“Get up!” He yelled, growing more frustrated as he then crossed the room to throw a pillow at Wednesday (it was wise to keep a safe distance from her).
Wednesday’s eyes shot open and glared at him immediately, already in a foul mood as she took the pillow and launched it at his face, making him wince as it struck his new bruise. “You insufferable little troll – shut up before I stuff that pillow down your throat.”
“It’s Christmas!” Pugsley cried, unaffected by his sister’s (very possible) threat. He ran to grab the robe from the end of his bed and quickly pushed his arms through the sleeves, then shoved on his slippers and made for the door.
(Y/N) sat up and rubbed her eyes, finally awake enough for the information to process. “Pugsley,” she called as he’d stepped into the hallway, “don’t wake Mother and Father, remember. Knock.”
A haunted look passed over the boy’s face for a half-second, before he quickly nodded and went on his way.
(Y/N) sat up and yawned, her breath fogging up in the chilly room. She could hardly believe how quickly time had passed already; but excitement bubbled in her gut nonetheless. Tugging on her own slippers and wrapping herself in her plum-coloured robe, she scooped Jinx up from where he had been sleeping in the warm space between the duvet and her pillows, and made her way to her sister.
Wednesday was laid back again, arms crossed over her chest in her usual corpse-like pose and braids tucked under her head. Her dark eyes opened as (Y/N) approached. Neither girl said anything for a moment, until eventually Wednesday rolled her eyes and began to get out of bed, just in time to hear Pugsley running down the stairs with Thing trailing behind.
There were no other guests staying at The Hog’s Head for the occasion, so the family had decided to rent out a sitting room. The inn’s owner had a uniquely decorated pine tree stood in the corner, covered in cracked baubles and ratty ribbons, and topped with the decapitated head of a porcelain doll with pink cheeks and a missing eye. The fire was lit too, but not roaring, making the room comfortable but not warm. A spider crawled along the wall towards the window, where it spun a web of its own design; (Y/N) briefly wondered how it had lived into the winter, but quickly decided that it was unimportant. It all looked wonderfully wrong.
“Good morning, girls.” Their mother greeted from a chair, making the other few present turn towards the entrance. She looked as put together as always, in her velvet black robe that trailed the floor, with a look of contentment on her grey and white dusted features. “Did you have sweet nightmares?”
Wednesday moved to the sofa by the tree, where Thing was patiently tapping a finger on the arm, waving at her as she sat. “I dreamt of nothing.” She stated with a hint of boredom, then turned to eye the boxes of gifts sat under the dying plant beside her. She took up conversation with the hand, focusing on his rapid movements and spelling.
Morticia looked to her eldest daughter for her answer, who placed the cat in her arms on the back of the chair by the fire and sat. “And you, (Y/N)?”
“Yes, Mother,” she replied, “I had very interesting nightmares.” In the excitement of the morning, she had almost forgotten about the strange dreams that had tortured her sleep. She dreamed of drowning in thousands of library books; of dark figures lurking in corners; of a haggard old crow that did nothing but stare; of storms and riddles and corpse voices that gave unintelligible instructions. For a few days, she had simply been a girl spending the winter holidays with her family, and with one haunting dream, she was once again reminded of a responsibility that she did not want.
“How lovely,” her mother replied, then was soon distracted by the entrance of her husband.
Donned in his black and red robe, Gomez Addams had the incredibly important duty of bringing the perfect morning coffee to his wife – a duty he took very seriously. Before affording distractions to anything else, he set the tray on the table beside her and poured the scalding drink from the teapot into a dainty teacup and handed it over. “There, Tish. Dangerously hot and lightly sweetened with cyanide, just how you like it.” He smiled as she took a sip, then sat beside her and kissed her knuckles. “Just how I like you.”
The three children screwed up their faces and shared a look of disgust, but said nothing. It was one thing that (Y/N) had not missed about her parents.
Grandmama was the last to enter, shuffling over to drop herself down onto the last remaining seat as Lurch brought over her usual morning tea. Soon, everyone was greeted and comfortable, and Pugsley was finally able to ask for his gifts.
Gomez laughed heartily and nodded. “Go ahead, my boy.” He said, and with that, the three siblings sat themselves on the floor and began to rummage for their names.
Pugsley was the first to find his name, and wasted no time in opening the box to find a grotesque shrunken head. He took it in his hands excitedly to examine it closer, poking at the string that bound together its lips and eyelids.
Wednesday unwrapped what looked at first to be a chemistry set, but upon close inspection found to be filled with various poisonous herbs and suspicious fluids. Though she didn’t show it as expressively as Pugsley, she was clearly very pleased with it.
(Y/N) tore at black and white paper and revealed a box, from which she pulled a half-decomposed, rotting hand on a flat wooden stand – the one from Borgin and Burke’s. “I’d almost forgotten about this.” She smiled at her father, who looked very proud of himself at her reaction. “Thank you.”
“Of course, Cucarachita.” He replied as he pulled a cigar and lighter from his pocket. “I’m sure you will find good use for it."
Much too quickly for their liking, the children finished unwrapping their gifts and sat on the floor admiring their many new possessions. Pugsley was playing with the shrunken head and a large taxidermy rat, (Y/N) was stabbing at the space between her fingers on the floor with her new gold-tipped throwing knife, and Wednesday was reading through the copy of Arachnomancy that (Y/N) had ‘borrowed’ from the library for her.
The family feasted in the pub downstairs, enjoying the busy environment of strangers eating and drinking for the special occasion, getting rowdy and arguing or playing unrecommendable games – it was much different from their usual traditions, but it was good. In fact, it wasn’t all that different from one of their larger family gatherings, with the shouting, the music, and the occasional object being thrown across the room.
And as they settled back into the sitting room for the evening, talking tiredly as Lurch finished up the last details of their family portrait, (Y/N) sat on the floor and leaned back into her mother’s legs, letting her long nails comb through her hair as she stared off into the dying fire.
For one more night, she had nothing to worry about.
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siriuslysirius1107 ¡ 1 month
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Ana being a sweetheart, must be a day that ends in y
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