sirjustice1252 · 4 years
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sirjustice1252 · 4 years
Out door fix on ya wall repeaters
Diblo Dibala
Ter nyathino kuom ng'ama nyamo min mare, u have know how machines are made and at 1st that is what u thought of him if lived with one who lived large u were locating but u have known all the truths to alt it altogether. Kinda, u could cry as if a car started and people could be amazed he was 1 as above but alas, so whats the next excuse dude, he is sharp and i got no cash or where i can hustle hard to give extra time to watch him be what he is destined to know and i know i got the mind to tell, he will be our next big man in the office and if u help him, he will help ya kids. if u refute, get pissed off as he knows ya future or will resort to voodoo to block ya or will report to the tribe back in the rural to disown ya and curse ya path and of ya kids. Silly dude, hustle 4 ya kid and even if he could be a die still those offices will be occupied as we got many kids even from the rich people side. Hustle dude and let those who sleep with u in secrecy take care of ya kid early, us we can cheap later like in high school or university to cheap something to help him be there when u have refused to make cash to make him what u want him to be and no joke about it dude or will report to authorities and u be caned or jailed. Carry ya own burden/cross/luggage not with others dude, do not drop it nearby 4 authorities to be disturb or locate one to pick it dude U have not gotten up-to right-now, i closed all my bank a/c, both Equity and Coop, get it bro. I want that cash not dude and find ya comfort zone, u Big bodied people when close to ask u nothing yet when u talk u r dem boyz making, noise, in Kenya men of middle body size are many and got the purchasing power as compared to you lest u will be killed as they have know to make their own artificial necessities, food and machines as guns. Find ya comfort zone which i bother u not but when i have reached securing the same u rush to join, with dem boyz thing. Let it end and of middle size, Canada or Russia u wont get to, u have the power to make machines and they fear the same what u have waited upon not listening to my story as i will indict u of liaising with me a thing Mr white man wants not as will block ya ways of getting to snow lands and its beautiful u will not get there, me Canada have invited me leaving the war behind as the rich i sent my shit have frustrated me until i sent to the poor to make the same with influx numbers so the rich puzzle wants to get to other nations as above not possible dude. To little to late as its a gimmick, my window opened send me something, i buy some phone to write these instead of what u have seen with me to no a great deal dude. Playing good to get there, Too little to late dude as in the song links below https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE921KE921&sxsrf=ALeKk02sWPk0EE9T0JAcltqaqHK48776PA%3A1609143502055&ei=zpTpX57-AvKclwSN67XAAQ&q=too+little+too+late+lyrics+jojo&oq=too+little+too+late+lyrics+jojo&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIFCAAQyQMyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46BAgAEEc6AggAUJEkWPUpYIAsaABwAngAgAG5AogBswiSAQUyLTMuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAAQE&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiendTWnvDtAhVyzoUKHY11DRgQ4dUDCA0&uact=5 Killers of Shakur who kidnapped him, if u place a coin in ya hand and view sunset supermarket opposite Niledeep hardware Kondele u see people hurling kerosene or petrol to burn him alive and even those who kidnapped him at the Arena he was in Nevada. U see 1 with Swaziland aka Rehoboam, was granted longevity with jeroboam, blood with spaces within the teeth doing the same of removing him from the car as in the link below and diblo as i hear and wa kenyatta, Diddy and the watching crew as of Bad boy and more u see dude as they created fracas to fuse the whole happening dude and even retired white house crew bro and even Big shooters same as those who killed Pac https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cali+cartel+2+ https://www.motor1.com/news/462066/toyota-land-cruiser-axed-in-us-2021/ https://www.beforward.jp/toyota/land-cruiser/bf485358/id/592100/ https://www.autobytel.com/sport-ut
Compare the links below and tell me how such can be modified
Ugly in a car and induce some spirit as if u got a gun and makes ya face big and dry leave in the house of long range dude as in the link below
Built in Indonesia 1st submarine in the link below
With the along the shaft or across the shaft method even 3d Ariel photo of the same can do dude and of any part removable b4 heaping another boom single heap as grass.
Innovation links below
Why could u not say all those years b4 i told ya how to make machines as above, with ya sex why cant u open ya tumblr a/c and make yours instead of waiting 4 mine and claiming dude. What u want bro, Answer me, cause it pains me when this amoeba i cant get off my system and u saying such or disturbing me with kids
how will it, end dude, after i have accented your abuses, time to leave me all alone, why still saying my hidden past as if u luck agendas and the next minute another of u wants my food. How will it end, u have sex, me i dont and i have accepted, why cant u leave me all alone and have sex u of simple mind. PAUL had sex not but died with all who had sex, no 1 was spared and on the grave u cant tell or written. Whats the hoot dude, what u want, eating corpse solved or wants to kiss my lips or grab my manhood. What u want dude, or ya plans dead.
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