sirjustice1367 · 3 years
Talking dude
Ask the Devil within your ears what u ought to do so the Hindu like get not to hear what u say or think and answers echoed unto ya ears
Come again no a dubious election and say u know not the ruler 4 u to see if all ya cities taken down. Abro kowi kapokikowa kaka edwaro, jakuo, stupid and fool, where r u control the world again, come crucify 1 like u did to jesus and even with a nation small as barbados, jamaica or rwanda and no 1 gets into it and u see fire, motherfuck how much did Uhuru give u in 1995 or 4 that belongs to my father, u wanted from him now u want from me by force, a friend of mine was killed in Ukrain ya border, now we got combination of which crafts if u use bullet or missile touches not ya body or jets and even with crude weapon. U fuck u bring kids to people u write people people fear u is out of the same u have developed taming things that they r blessing of God if u respect u develop like u yet things are made in the boom and even that kid i will take down and i joke not dude even if white wanting good life out of me. Abronegi inn, warn the kenyan bankers not to come to me. Wiyi mathin no eterone . The jet was self made dude and some many even got super sonic missiles and ask the devil 4 the list in cash or in stock in store waiting 4 reduced pricing ad new customers when many have learnt to make much as the tumblr name marketed dude
When u boil acacia leaves with kale leave stick forms nyamau herb and that's it is
If a kid esp yours stub ya right leg on the top down the feet placed on shoes grants ya longevity of up-to 260 years but the kid transfigure into snake while if u hurl porridge to 1 disturbing ya to love ya on his feet wearing sandals u turn into a green Dog while you became big headed and of bruised hair.
As the devil what combination of stuff u mix to eat u get to like heaven directly or one who steal ya things as Enoch or all the bad characters to leave the world with good character ones and get to know dude
Ask the devaura or devil what if u do or eat ya land of red soil became like of temperate land and vice versa with such lands and with related consequences and what if u do 1 or u became white or any look of another race and know that dialect and vice versa for those willing to be African color to diffuse the always puzzle of wanting to get their or be this and that
Ber ber apielo where u accuse me on land, but a time will come when i will shit in ya mouth, dude leave me alone or i take you down
Ask the devil if what u do u take the body parts like head shape, teeth and more of one or even countenance and the way they talk
And ask what if u do u get to hell directly to all those cities mention, ya plan failed dude, Bar kalare got gold cause it got hole fissure to make it to those sides u get gold to delude the folks to kill the individual yet gold from like Alaska or other corners of the world out of jealousy u wanna get the Negro out u get their in secrecy or in weaponry if u learn to make the same to get a cheap advantage over others and control them, dude, where r u if not wanting my food, then take me down with a fight or voodoo or i take you and we see who 1st dude
And ask what u ought to combine to step on or eat to to hurt them or bring them down and all who belittle you dude
And each time u give an artificial product or the take one harm medicine ask 4 side effects and when given the remedy ask 4 the side effect with that remedy until u settle for the list one to sell ya product lest curse on ya
Ask 4 voodoo 2 harm all those placing amoeba into peoples system or are planning and given and when given ask 4 remedies as above dude and ask if this product fake or original as synonymous with cash
And ask Golden burg was gotten from who and who gave the gotten 1 from cash and who warned him of the same and get to know instead of reproaches and get to know
U r killed with siren gas i defecate within ya mother and we give u formalin injection and with my feces stuck to ya mouth i ask ya, have i done it or not get get to ya response or i give ya sleeping drug and i do the same and ask you have i succeeded in u abuses or not and u my advisory or not? Answer me doc takes the day dude. Get back motherfucker leave me all alone dude
And ask what if u eat or step on 1 cant shift any of ya body part and amoeba cant survive in ya or transfigure withing ya system getting to another point dude and ask what u can do to silence one who disturb ya with ya food and ways not to get tired at waist or with walking, talking, sitting, standing and doing work and resort to the same so u gain no niche over other tribes but be the same u can do any job dude
Ask 4 as bullet gets to ya not what if u partake in combination or step on even 1 cant fight you or hit ya with anything as to you he is like grasshoppers as in Transformer movies as in the link below
And ask ways to kill parents and people disturbing ya and people who have done the same and people who sent them and get to know as with ice on 1 head
Ask the same age u die is the same posture of your physic in heaven and if people listen to music not and the consequences of those who loved music on earth and if their is a leverage given to them
And ask who gave every writer, singer their scripts like of Plato and scientist as it goes on and on until it settles dude as waves Kevy placed while on college on trimmed hair on his head
Ask ways to Identify Kamba people , kauma and any race and if this machine using artificial gas/mafuta or mined and even houses which kind of fuel they use b4 they investigate the same and kill as they want their own
Ask which clothes one like and which good with them, ask reasons 4 vision 2030 of Kenya and where they could get cash and why they want Negros out of USA and Negros long to be here and what they fear to relent them
Which tribe in Kenya can Kevy marry and in any nation and why and where did the green man get to and via which means and why and which nation or tribe wants the same 4 their own and ask what can be done to earth outer crust 4 God or Devaura to extend its end days period to millions of years
Ask what if u do u cant contract this virus or disease dude as with aids, the combination and what if u do with Knife with ya elbow u kill aids or get it off ya system and if u can apply anesthesia and make a funnel 4 the sword or knife so u miss not
Ask what if u do breaks one back and remedy which can be used as another way to curb crime and with of every animal and ask what if u eat or do one can not direct voodoo unto u or kill ya with any weapon per weapon and even not making ya brain soft again 4 the amoeba to divide ya brain tissue after turning into metal
And ask what u do so the amoeba or any pathogen not change form and became resistant to drug dude
Ask which people if taken to other planets can lengthen the earth days and if their is utility or not and ask chain stores selling food from heaven or other planets and even vendors dude Ask which salt type per nation or food is artificial and why and who made it so and the repercussion to people and what to be done to them to avert the whole situation
And ask if one fail to sleep with one they love and on many a woman not want the risk to the society and land and if they fail to insert their penis to the pussy when the woman is naked and the consequences of amoeba in one belly to the ones putting them and to the reach nation allowing the same per nation
Ask if a woman bring many to one without 2nd consideration and hearing what happens to that man and if one disturb one with kids so u know dude
Ushawahi kulalia na mochanda, kebin asks then do jitihada ulalia na kebi
Ask what can be done to u, us and those people seeing things on their eyes so they stop seeing far or the same as they see, what ought to be done or undertaken as even combination of foods they or we can eat to stop the same cause they disturb dude
And ask which liquors per nation side effects to the body parts, with hangover and the best and what if u do with liquor still u get to heaven
Ask what if u do with one writings taming yours the curse on ya body and every one ask the same and identify the curse and even of making things behind the company name and selling if u got no otherwise and the people doing the same dude
Thoka kwa mahope said 3 X in three repetition to war a woman of enjoying sex as if u live poor on earth in heaven u get to mansions and vice versa with other people, so better u live large here in pretense so in heaven u get to ghetto like with Kevy doing it though he wants to live large in heaven cause he understands he is immortal
Ask better live on planets or heaven and on which one and what if u do each planet falls and even other heavenly bodies
Ask who to make any machine with camera on the screen with phone app with inbuilt Bluetooth/WiFi repeaters or extender of ya range like and even door sensor alarms with the above or radar with tablets of ya range or WiFi fixed phone unto it to automatically call ya phone dude
Ask what the dead go to do in Auckland and at which place when one dies and get formalin injection and if its good to get it than get to heaven in 3 days without such injections and ask why one get to Minneapolis or Denver and those who have requested to get to other cities and their list names
Ask which world city can harbor the longest sky scraper between which 2 cities and what they need to place on the side ditches and holes or side short poles or flower cabin to hold the big armored glass building and ask with ya city the tallest building can be made how and of which side dimensions
Ask what in Denver if u hate being in one city what other thing u can be made into and take every other thing living or none living and ask if they were wishes of such people as above as next can be u and if u mess with them sin or u risk going to hell or if they take back feed back dude
Who is the greatest air or arsenal or water or devaura and who are they and if u can kill them and get to know dude
Ask which states they want to give the Negros, short, tall, wide, and any and with Latinos, coloreds, green-card holders, latinas and Red Indians and ask which state USA breath with or America and ask from which states will remain and those wishing to get to other nations and planets and list in CD or given as ask ways to be given in CD format or flash or written format dude
Ask what happens if one consistently wants one food and if bad and reasons for the same dude and what will happen if Kevy let die and what each nation what to do to avert curse on them and the possible curse to each tribe if nelson continue being poor while rich dude
Ask what they want with kevy the Americans sense Kebi got Pakistani blood and if wind pushing the earth and holding it has changed in dimension and from which side to which side and why and reasons why and who made it so and Jesus where who many people and who are they currently and if jealous with Northwhitehead dude and the cause of our Modern plight and who so and all the list and their contribution so is corrected and ask if being warn by society can make ya rich in the end and the associated consequences to ya and in each nation who are warning women of the same yet they know they are swaying them in wrong way to preserve the person u r warned to their own
Kokirwako longi cha tokibrothiye epolo, the one that Kebi using a syrange made spray of lizard blood unto, as Delanu tells Magdalin DIDO mother and many, dido mother was solomom wife and ask if he was intelligent and with David and who gave them those sayings or writing and where they were born
As when they heard Solomon remain gotten out, the Negros if they stopped their ways of coming here and what they think about that and what they will do if they come here and what they will do in USA if they get their and even the Kikuyu and if thwarted and ask those who can turn to a machine in use and how much they are paid and ask 4 the list dude of such folks
People who touches u instead of just talk are bad people, pretense, dude, they abuse ya this minute then the next ya food dude
What do luo and all tribes needs to do to kevy to avert the world curse and where have every machine per head made in each nation sold to and the always wrong advisers any where per area code so they are known to eliminate them
The Govt not yours but 4 the people u r prone to resigning dude just like with Obama or Afraid of being arrested then transfigure dude and get to a land where one who looked like u died like in the sea or disappeared into long like Kenya mobile giant CEO dude, MAYBE THE bOILING thing dude
Who stole odhiambo George of Posta cash in Nairobi list and those who sent him and what they built with the same and if it is curse on our-side and which and how much and who gave him and who advised him and if the monies should be returned and to who dude and what he wanted to do with the same bro
Who credited kevy pay pal a/c and who was sent to investigate him and why and by who and how much was their and to make sweet withdrawal what was to be done to kebi
Ask a question like Canada look to which part of ya country and with every land and relieve ya pain dude and ask why Kenyan state house beautiful than usa white house and what if white house do be more than the former and even with every university in every area in comparison with others where they are better than each and reasons why dude
Locate those people who have liquid cash as above and out of their cash those held in stock as hay and whatevyou and get to them 4 help as Uhuru is rude chasing them all away as they can be ya savior with poorich country to no end dude and USA thing they have taken refuge to far nations to a shame the resigned Devil who is a Kisii, negro and the Devil who aint Negro lovers but Russian as got kisii blood dude
America mit Kaliech, says Delana, while Jayden in fainted voices with fear says mit Kaliech 4 Victor to say in awe repeat again cause not inducted to speak luo and still says Mirt kaliech, kinda, karliech to make Victor turn his head as friends with the elite to smile to laugh to place a sigh of relief in us that this young man is going places and he has said he know he know dude as he has lived in time memorial and history has away of repeating itself dude
Ask which years one has slept with one and like with Eunice if she lived in the USA and did what and if she was Babylon the prostitute in Malindi or Mtwapa Mombasa or not and if his father is Brina father and if they know they know
REASON 4 NELSON SWOLLEN FACE THEY CARE NO ABOUT WITH KEBI TELLING  GILBERT THE SAME TO MEET HIS MOTHER IN ROANOKE TO GIVE HIM THE COLOMBIAN  VOODOO WITH OSOO AND UHURU AND MANY AS U ASK WHO WENT WITH THEM IN  VIDEO FORMAT U SEE DUDE, ask why Kenyans or africans wanna get to canada  and the move 4 transversing the continent to explain the same and with  kenyan vision 2030. nelsonmcsleepy's profile picture nelsonmcsleepy people  were getting gold u ya far land aka Gilbert omwaka, tell them to return  the cash and the side effect with their cities as in tumblr a/c  sirjustice4, read all though wind have turned and side effects of such  low quality gold to human health if good so avoided and how to make  machine to discern the same with artificially made 1 dude and if ocampo  new and was bridged and how much and how much stolen from lucky dude and  all shoot outs in SA and given to who and ask and all will be given  names who shared such even dignitaries and even with Conner end to the  pacific on ya side
African owned internet based platforms link below,  Ask the above side effects and why dude and if not corrected what will happen to stop using dude  
How can u not be helped, playing wise yet at the end not wise needing my help, how dude, Inhabitants of the earth bro
if u force one with marriage he gets to heaven, yes or not and  blessing to them, ask dude so u stop and those forcing ya if gets to  hell or heaven and if they love groups or music as in heaven no such and  even with big/small house
Ask if Jesus had sex and kids and all his kids up-to date and list  endless and given dude and ask who owns the gramophone that Jesus  father Banks had and the associated reasons behind it and where he had  bought it and ask why Kikuyu now after knowing heaven there as much as  planets, kinda, u see their habits rush to stop as bubble and answers  given. And Ask why hw was called chui while Kevy called Aroomtidy and  where they want Kebi to get to as which nations
And ask personal mobile satellite server of 1000 KM or 500 KM can  be connected to how many lines and if u cross line u pay the other phone  company and if it will finish your nation phone company and the   combination u need to place as the heap, the chop process, stir, rub,  gestures employed or all the method employed and the nature of the land u  place the two or much heap that forms the same and ask if u want it  shinny with non burnt part what u place with the heap and answers given  dude, instead of rush as if a bed bug biting u to steal the same to be  1st as others do and given dude. With everything given
My Instagram a/c is email is [email protected] and password dedantheko56 and check on northwhitehead sent messages and see also as well dude
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