sirjustice1370 · 4 years
Want to get my words dude
Ask the devil who is controlling stima around ya using control as of a toy drone push in front or pull back remote and get their names and warm them if posible, if they refuse ask the devil on ways u can harm them and even kill ya cause the best as they will not stop disturbing you and ask in which USA states got mud houses with baths inside, with decor roofs, ceiling, tiles and in-between mud metallic posts and side plastic bars to hold the soil and in Which Eu or Asian nations again to puzzle some folks dude
 Want to get my tongue and my next word by poverty stricken words as to gauge what u want if i still got and me only suitable to steal dude
Ask if these is NELSON NORTHWHITEHEAD mother and where she was from and her sisters and brother and what part of body she bought and all people he knew in time past as in the link below
Ask what if one do Your nation grows this crop and that if u r citizen or not and with another nation as well and all the consequences and whatavyou u got to do or this mineral surface to the top soil or nears or what can u do to bring corpse up from the grave and who when have gotten to a far land spoils the fertility of such lands and those tribes ans well and their intentions to combat them
Jayden say ameroca mit kaliech gi piende, or liech mit gi yiwe, while jacky 10 says Kenya rach ka simba Gi tunge, while, tony, thesays, u ganda mit kadiep moole mo kata mokete popo juice, while kate says Russia MIT ka blanket mokete remb thiang while alfonse says Lassia mit ka liech mawinyo obete ewiye or thiang moninde epaka, while tanzania mita kaka popo manumu mokete ewi-antelop, to france mit ka dhinag moketi popo kata hay ewiye to nigeria mit ka rombo moketi avocado ewiye kata winyo moketi ewi rombo, malta mit ka rombo mothiegi sperms ewiye, meaning the above as ask the devil what u got to do as with the above to grow any cash crop or food crop u wanna as with middle east chop cat on wood soaked in milk on Mt Kenya and boom wheat land 4 middle east while 4 North Africa chop hay and mango on wood in millet sack in gone down much curve within a plane like in Kano, Kenya and boom wheat land and ask with any other crop u want and how to create cattle and wild animals in the boom process and given and ask how much each gives to a nation who have such and the related consequences and ask what if u do and how to block it 4 a nation u hate to dry like with they did to the USA
Why they love the luo, Green-man spoke the same and were wise, so they think of the same dude.
Even with knowing where one will kick the ball ask the same as above if u r goal keeper and the all players so u play good and ask which teams have employed such to gain advantage over others and even in exams so return the cup 4 the team they defeated and even where one keeps accessories dude ask and all shall be given unto ya, the above make betting firm thrive and when the predecessor has learnt the same reduces on chances 4 the people who liaise 4 they chances be fixed get bogged off to want to kill themselves as 1 diseased narrates deeply unto me. If this unearth ask 4 remedies to diffuse the same on all players in the playing time so they use their own mind not guide spirits and even in any sports as NBA and boxing and even tennis and hockey. Hooligans can lead with the same and in Military I told Russians as i remember and their rudeness as it shield their airplane against another and no need 4 the radar as they discern the same now baffled as even their enemies knows the same dude to make them per lest the forge an alliance as they done to channel anger to 1 person which is me who told them the same they pay me but now wanting from me, dude, how appalling is that bro
Ask what combination of things if u do block all free online money platform as 2goinvoice and any and their related consequences to you and to the firm and if still rude if u operate the same what happens to ya to stop the same dude as what if u eat as combine or chop or infuse
And ask what can u employ to make combination padlocks that u can change the combination digits or numbers as u wish with every lock and of sim button like or rotated one as is the best padlock ever as devaura tells me dude
In heaven their is no black and ask which race is the best and which u can opt 4 and why odhiambo chui was destroyed completely as what he did or opt 4 and those around him were thinking and who told them dude
Ask all free monies related online a/c like the invoices belongs to who or which nations in conjunctions operates such and how it can be stopped and how many nations currently trying to make theirs and ask if people know every each other in a nation the repercussion and the consequences of such groupings to a nation
And ask what Solomon ate or Archimedes to be cleaver or true lies and ask 4 any combination of things if u eat as option u became the same and even what northwhitehead eat and in which year and why and who he was with ad do the same to be wise like him not ya own making dude of lies homies
Ask at which school a son drunk water with her mother to have wide body though was slim and ask why and ask ways to be tall, wide or small head, big body, legs, hands what combination of things u need to partake to be as u want above and people who have done the same list dude
And ask if u hurl tusker bottle on rust iron sheet as fence the repercussion on 1 eating modern day cough drops or eating ugali alone and more u can think of dude
Ask if HINDU sees things in their eyes while now all of them sees not but one sees is he Hindu or more than Hindu and now what they want dude as with the devil talking as above to ya ears, the coded voice response be doubt while machines they have kept truth to build their ego while built with the same person meaning they hate him and wants to destroy him, are they deemed 4 annihilation bro and even the step on as pertaining theology they have rubbished still chit chatting as though they are superior dude
And ask what if u do gives a woman this booty shape and that and even breast, waist as u can select the best from the photos and ask if u smear blood on door post above what if u do kill this tribe and that tribe that disturbs humanity and more opts and remedies to each consequences displayed and go 4 it dude instead of amicable solution they will not fathom/understand not dude even 4 ages yet wanna be well ahead of you b4 resorting to mocking ya sexuality thinking u want their own or to get by or get ya into their acts which if u refuse they threaten u with voodoo which now u know better than them to still now want ya food as they locate if u r eating which if u not they say u r grown up and need to take care of 1 b4 they bring u, their kids not knowing u hate them in the 1st stanza dude. How can it be solved while Russians do it but with their women, which if u refute, kinda, they are heated u r stripping their self hoold, dude, advice let your women be prostitutes in urgency way, good dude
Ask how to take out toxic impurities out of ya soil after u have asked which one was placed and why and with who and now which lands were drying but now fertile and what they did to the soil as the combination and who did such and why and all given dude, instead of wanting this land and that land dude and ask who destroyed Africa and Latin America to have red soil and why and the curse on him
Ask who have made Condom inscribed in cushion or any other machine, food or accessories and where sold in store or in which nation and how much as in chain store ask this product cause how much to make/produce and how much should be on shelve as the devaura told them but made it expensive to make Kinda, the building wants to bulge so they correct the same and get to another chain store as u give them super-normal profits enriching other lands yet u get depleted dude
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