sirjustice196-blog · 4 years
Door opening technoly as much as of ya car
From inside the house u can set the temperature, Dynamo-meter, fat and pulse rate for those who can open the above or ya door as mostly family members where if they touch the below round rotator it detect all the 3 mentioned above to open ya door automatically. New technology in opening ya door and more like in the link below
Most SA residents got Kalenjin bloods, so kikuyus claiming ties with the above people so they find their ways to SA cheap than other tribes in-terms of doing business, just claiming people or things once the claimed tribe has a hidden beauty like with oil is due to be found in Tz, so claiming the same to be ahead or belong, cant or afraid to hustle and want to control people yet don't understand how the world turns. Very bed character indeed but is ending like a river which the spring at Bar Kalare fed or the spring itself as Noah sends his dove to monitor the same, the reason behind saying Kenya is rich if that water sold to paints company to make paints that changes ya mind so u don't want to be in a place the next minute like with government offices, houses or restaurants, makes places bores u and even with machines like cars. Stop dude, ya time is dead as over as well sold to prisons and jails as mention below to game rather tame people, If it can build Kansas city and its environs, means can build half of Kenya went sold massively b4 mixed with much water and even in homes to tame wives and husbands and kids etc. Good Samaritan with Christ parable to cement the truths, i don't know what Italians are doing in Italy, come proclaim ya land dude and even if the spring atrophies in the areas where the its waters infiltrates you add more water left 4 sometimes then u pump it to a container and still does the same or on the spring water percolation fissures b4 it fall 2 the ground. Click the link below dude, i’d be gone like that river mentioned above song, water/maji money as P-money Akon song Ft Mymenpi-mp
Got submarines now, if they know more sink their ships as that submarine got the mini-missiles described below. Let them control their waters the likes of USA, who now know nothing dude, fuck Jesse Jackson it aint about race now song link below
The Blindz curtain type below is good 4 offices and if u want to use them in homes, use them in other rooms away from living room like with rest rooms or bedroms etc Bambobambo boo, good 4 bedboom as delanu tells monde teller, while the curtain 1 the reverse of the explained above as in the link below
The window security in lonely places 4 big houses can run on side by side strong metallic gear bars from below/up or sides of the window which can be automated and of armored glass or strong wire mesh to make u slumber peacefully without fear of burglary as i can have 1 switch to close/open all ya house business window at from where u sleep to avoid those who transfigure do the same per window, now u can turn off all ya lights with this technology as security guaranteed with this type of window protectors. Now with every nation or person can make mini-missiles, then 4 our protection in houses, jobs or in our cars, the armored technology is the only way to go by in all mentioned above
When i reach to tumblr a/c 200 the last 1 mentioned in tumblr a/c sirjustice166, then in that tumblr a/c sirjustice200 i copy paste the all the above name tumblr a/c in tumblr a/c sirjustice166 to this tumblr a/c sirjustice166 and add other sirjustice a/c from sirjustice201 - sirjustice300 and on my FB a/c mcsleepy nelson i write my new tumblr a/c as sirjustice200 and on Instagram as well as i send to people personal messages and on comments and as i reach tumblr sirjustice300, i do the same with the above starting with sirjustice301-400 until u relents and give up and accepts truth period dude
Not a single apart of his hair will be lost as will come again when has partaken seldom apple leaves mentioned below. Google sings of the end in the bible like in the link below to ascertain biblical truth and freedom
In the Arabia most expensive 1 night hotels, the bedding u slept under is bought by you from the hotel shop and the next person don’t sleep on yours but buy himself 4 himself another which the after his usage is not used again on another some1 but discarded and shipped to Africa as 2nd hand clothes. Desist from such bedding buy new now as every nation knows how to make the same to promote ya country. Such above instigate hooliganism and hinder the growth of local people and rather (cash derived) gets to the hand of cartels who later on play part in the above named hooliganism of frustrating the poor chiefly.
Disaster from the North, 2 fold as S-Korea main economy rests on phones and home appliances that they sell world wide like Samsung and Lg, but now every neighboring nations like Pakistan, India, China and from Latin America and Africa at-least have their own local home appliance brand cutting like 90% the sales revenue of S-Korea creating a disaster in drop of living standard as the online cash where they can resort to as well eradicated. N-Korea as well sells nothing to world as made in N-Korea so mostly they get their cash online which has been tampered with so disaster as well in that country, so to get food must attack like Russia to give them much land as that Country is big and best for food production. So in 1 fold it has made mini-missiles to reach out to the world, to give them that technology to help her get the land they need cause its worth it. Who r you to get all that land, Russia get me straight ya time is overdue while wanting to squeeze much people in small nations of Africa, cant be accepted dude, Give out land and its final. Homie its kebi talking not any1 else to solve the shit above dude period!!!!
Still they can be in the old shit of if u eat corpse u be innovative which aint the case as described below, other USA States that don’t produce much machinery but would like to, so wants Kebi to be there to do the same, with like arresting him then taking his blood sample 4 diagnosis then make much of it to drink and even meat products as well as corpse. When has fallen sick like with infested food gets to the hospital and does the absurdity above if they cant shoot to kill him or knock him down on the road to get the same blood or kill him altogether. So friends take heed of not giving up fellows. Thats what they want bro, we know ya ways/plans 1st hand b4 ya!!!
Images of china made sub-marines                                    
Switch To E-car bro, time is of the essence
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