sirjustice201-blog · 4 years
My BMI, blood group and Pulse rate
Sing as if u live in the world not sent to live long, compare the songs in the links below
Epl is no-more, in fact they have gotten the sirjustice166 all explanation, Britain is poor so we cant afford to condom their weird acts, the seats of our pubs are empty dude, printing money 4 other nations and other nations who imported their machines have their own brand to use at home, so saves the country export.
With the car lock that is key-less like described below that uses, body temp or fat composition as much as pulse rate, when the battery atrophies i will be cumbersome to open the same, so both positive and negative cathodes can be placed like from the bottom of the car so if the above happens u take another battery and connect and still works as much as with houses
Those who love adulating lands loves prays as fellowship and known that way, 4 the land is beautiful so can take ya 2 hell so such above gets into ya, GOD made it that way, so they think u can get to heaven bro
With the 6-12 DC geared motor now our blenders and air-blowers can be made that way and even with the 240 V bulbs can be made in a such way the small many lights of 12 DC bulbs which takes much time to spoil placed inside as u tell the devil to give equal brightness not knowing is 12 DC powered, very hard to distinguish if its 240 v or 12 Dc. Like in the link below
You will not eat with my stuff, Kebi telling hooligans and the lazy blindly, how? Many thought he will open fight but he tells it this way, rather tell groups of all nations to make much from many sources to be cheap like china many company electronics/machines. With how to make artificial foods, machines,clothes, shoes and building materials as well as stationery ware as explained in tumblr a/c sirjustice166, u wanted to consolidate the same by killing me so u alone make it but alas!, Guys i have made it public, even if i die u will not benefit to cement the truths above. He told the Negros categorically who got no-sense in later wanting to be with ya and even the masai, luo and kikuyu communities as well as kisii, Tanzanians and Ugandans who equally aspire to get free things by bring kids to him he knows not who as well wants the best of him yet him to date has led not all that pleasing life in-terms of sanitation and cloths and them they want the same from me at tender ages meaning they cant work 4 themselves and even most bankers got that bad trait. Bro die ya own death dude
Am the inventor of Ae technologies described in Kevinelson mondy FB a/c, my temp is 37, BMI 26 currently, Blood group AB and pulse rate 67, friends they want to take this away from me, the likes of Nelson Emeka and kevino nelson of Kericho, friend lets have the machines that measures the above to ascertain truth.Women they want to play dice with me as with my destiny and if they manage kill me or leave me as a laughing stock or at all means ride on my back as wanting to eat my food and be with me all the times which i want not dude and cant afford that rather 1 can harm another, so best to tell ya. Looking 4ward 4 ya help dude, best regards, Mr Nelson smith as Kevin Dawe friends with Joseph Jeswin of Kuwait and WSU or Humphrey eteni and Melani, Donna Hughes, Chalmers Lynn Deborah, Corey Hurl, Jeff Ester, de-Colbert Carlos, Wilson Williams and Lynnette Garthenji who denied him pussy.
Artificially made breads as described in the tumblr a/c above crumbles the booty to look like sagging and a hard pad as the side effects, so dude make ya own bread by buying ya mini-bread making machine or make sure u buy cooked 1 u see like nowadays made in the supermarkets as shown in the link below
The real semi-translucent mirror is made this way, collected hay or fallen leaves mixed with ice or cold water then pure human fecal matter straight from the toilet hurled unto it and boom that real-brown mirror which solve every single doubt of ya bad looking to give u confidence in life as opposed to the current mirrors we have inculcating the opposite above among people, Glass 2 way Mirror
The power bank that need no charging can use the manual cooker timer technology to turn the magnet like in a made more small but compacted stater comb technology to power ya phone b4 u turn it again when the set time lapses without having a battery as in the link below leads to it, maybe engineers are dilly dallying. At-least a break-through in sudden smartphone battery pop ups that leave ya frustrated in areas without electricity synonymous with alternator generator replacing electricity.
Click the links below how white men will be done finally esp German or Negros 
How white men will be done in Africa as Much as Negros or a local tribe wants to control ya in the city with their sick and silly traditions which has come up with nothing, synonymous dude!!! 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZfHZZHKsmc, toy drone with LCD screen 
Drone with camera in-front of the remote to not put ya head up on ya drone location on the atmosphere as u can see it in the LCD screen
Images of new China low cost durable house more than its sold in Kenya 3 times, Folks a house that costed $ 200,000 now under the same technology costs quarter that amount so rethink if u wanna sell ya-house
Play the Game below to win, in the below link
With the pulse-rate or body temperature set on the door below as from inside, high voltage 4 those who dont belong can be set so if they continue struggling to open the door 4 like 2 minutes it electrocutes them to confusion like with 400 Ac voltage as a mechanism to curb theft and dont just get to 1 house lest the above falls on ya
Just be simple if u want to avoid such, use dimple type of key locks 4 all ya doors windows or car, buy from a far country online and disguise ya self or pick up point so they dont locate ya well-being as can make spares 4 the same. In the cottage industry such are very hard to duplicate as the previously used keys or buy many keep them out of use and use them later, thinking they are all dead. Like in the links below or just combination locks of more than 6 codes or character
The manual mature way to go is resorting to the above dimple key system or card opened door.
If u live next to the hill it makes many people leave ya alone as dont belong or like Much speaker sound system, still torn between in middle and quarter life crisis and many goes to heaven out of staying in such places, if u live in flat lands like Kenya Nyika plateau, many consider u and trust u not, that u love tender young girls and even kids, with me i love rolling lands like Kansas State to signal i love women out of research but many know not and even daily reading like with articles and writing and the reason why if u love Wheat-state the white-folks are on ya neck like never b4, not necessarily life is cheap their or pretty good in its sub-urbs, the reason laid down in the former phrase if u didn’t know home. And with KS if u like, they think u dont like kids around ya and can take ya to hell, so they avoid the same, that u work best in such no many kid environment which doesn’t mean that u beat them as purported by many lairs. Living up and down a mountain line as ya house in the plain like with KSM next to the showground or grave makes ya head small as thins it and the beauty dude.
Kisumu City was Built like Las Cruses MN currently while Nairobi like Tokyo Today as BEN FRANKLIN says he miss Philadelphia City when he was in BOSTON. Lagos was built like Las Santos, Spain today
Make money online like shown in the link below
The bracelet 4 every citizen of any nation the can be traced online on the computer where u r is the only way to curb theft and people going to the USA using drones and vice versa and to other nations to do crimes. Bracelets that reads ya blood pressure and like body temperature that shows on the the track on computer screen where the screw that ties the handles tied on ya feet is grinned to loose the grip so u cant unscrew it like in the link below, where the government employ people to monitor like 1000 people per computer where they r and not know them in person but are subjects to phone calls or emails and phone texts which if u dont respond to tantamount to warrant of arrest or police called to query u more, like being in parole in the Usa, whenever you r out of town via the computer they know ya location and if u remove the bracelet gadget
The song in the link below alludes that if u use the water at bar kalare spring described below for not along time every day like within 6 months it brings ya down as Christ on the cross looked down as kills you and many have been killed by that like Nate Dog and King of the Jew another version cements the truth, it got that killing spirit and sees ya dude, no kidding, truth bro!!!!
Worker and Vineyard parable to bring out reality, Kakamega was built like Denver today, Naivasha was built like Kansas city Kc today, kevin Cinada, Collins, Dakar was built like Zurich, Switzerland today and Johannesburg was built like NY. B4 they relocated they could miss the cities as they wanted to not bring spirit of a new town altogether, so once they had built the same city like the ones in tropics they could take ya to those modern built cities leave ya on the airport and tells u locate ya house, which many thought they r just in the same city in tropics though in temperate lands, they did not take ya to ya house as u know it as the city houses same as with every building and roads. It was a new awe altogether bro as in happy matrimony of the world with such surprises, just imagine dude!!! Dont i have the right to do what i want with my own life, as all the workers were paid the same, as building a city, its buildings, roads and houses, as Kebi tells ya on tumblr a/c sirjustice166 can take only 1 year provided you got the Taka/Cabbage in place not the ordinary built like in Africa. So was all that easy to build. SA also has sensed defeat as china so wants E-Africa tribes to claim they are them so later they dont deny the same fact if they want to be here eyeing the water at bar Kalare described vividly below if people not know it kills and thats the beautiful thing with God dont just give it all to ya in 100% percent way, there must be repercussion associated with it which is killing 1 and it says do not kill ya brother as Cain did to able, so can lure Kebi to get to the USA and kill him with that water which comes 1st on jail shower as cold then the hot 1 that follows is normal water, which if u tell a jail-mate u miss it like being in a corner to fall 1st b4 getting on the hot 1 they result to organizing a fight with ya and even the jail guard are into that as they open u a fight with ya, the white-boys around
The BMI Machine on the Kenya Supermarket is a blessing in disguise as Kebi cant continue saying this person aint this or that person or they r triplets as twins who were given to different families to join again later to bring confusion as witness presently, so they monitor the same even with dignitaries and their people going under the same so interm of crime like in election they are caught and with me as well i got the same machine, so if the same person intrudes to me then i found out the same and not afraid to ambush him as kill him and the police tells me shit as nothing cause i have sung it severally and the exact person is aint the above and will soon surface as around as evidence.
Magdalin malateng, matiyo Coleman Wichita in 2015 diewle as diarrhea, I dont know if she had already left that job she was a visitor who used the drone gimmick as described below to get there as well as Humphrey Eteni the Friend to Evans Odhiambo of New Hope, MN, Who investigates me if am of good conduct yet, little did i know that he is in the bandwagon of exhuming graves to affirm the statement pretenders are the worse. They diarrhea means not real diarrhea but panicking of end of ya dubious deals or good life which means b4 u know it u will get back to hard life which u want not and not able to accommodate.
The saucer technology described in 1 of sirjustice166 tumblr a/c to get down as descend from up above to land, u just switch off the coil that heats the 8, (so 2 remain working) in the middle wind blowers or switch off the 8 wind blowers of those in the middle or all the above when empty of people or luggage but when full of the above u switch of like 6 such cylinder below it like with a Disc man to descend down slowly cause that weight cant be lifted with on 4 gas cylinders heated but all the 10 heated, so 4 such gas cylinders remain working. KING OF THE JEW to bring out reality of Christ sayings and worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth of air blower like used in toys jumping balloon like in the link below which can use the geared 12 DC motor to save much power, make work easy dont struggle with it dude
The 3 DC geared motor in the link below can turn the bicycle dynamo with buck up to light ya house by connecting it to a half power motor bike battery then to an inverter as described in 1 of sirjustice166 tumblr a/c
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MR president,  launch Kenyan innovations stop playing dice to stop disputes, so u know, if coin placed on ya hand u see, as Mr Hindu cheats ya to get into hell
From inside the house u can set the temperature, Dynamo-meter, fat and pulse rate for those who can open the above or ya door as mostly family members where if they touch the below round rotator it detect all the 3 mentioned above to open ya door automatically. New technology in opening ya door and more like in the link below
Most SA residents got Kalenjin bloods, so kikuyus claiming ties with the above people so they find their ways to SA cheap than other tribes in-terms of doing business, just claiming people or things once the claimed tribe has a hidden beauty like with oil is due to be found in Tz, so claiming the same to be ahead or belong, cant or afraid to hustle and want to control people yet don’t understand how the world turns. Very bed character indeed but is ending like a river which the spring at Bar Kalare fed or the spring itself as Noah sends his dove to monitor the same, the reason behind saying Kenya is rich if that water sold to paints company to make paints that changes ya mind so u don’t want to be in a place the next minute like with government offices, houses or restaurants, makes places bores u and even with machines like cars. Stop dude, ya time is dead as over as well sold to prisons and jails as mention below to game rather tame people, If it can build Kansas city and its environs, means can build half of Kenya went sold massively b4 mixed with much water and even in homes to tame wives and husbands and kids etc. Good Samaritan with Christ parable to cement the truths, i don’t know what Italians are doing in Italy, come proclaim ya land dude and even if the spring atrophies in the areas where the its waters infiltrates you add more water left 4 sometimes then u pump it to a container and still does the same or on the spring water percolation fissures b4 it fall 2 the ground. Click the link below dude, i’d be gone like that river mentioned above song, water/maji money as P-money Akon song Ft Mymenpi-mp
Got submarines now, if they know more sink their ships as that submarine got the mini-missiles described below. Let them control their waters the likes of USA, who now know nothing dude, fuck Jesse Jackson it aint about race now song link below
The Blindz curtain type below is good 4 offices and if u want to use them in homes, use them in other rooms away from living room like with rest rooms or bedroms etc Bambobambo boo, good 4 bedboom as delanu tells monde teller, while the curtain 1 the reverse of the explained above as in the link below
The window security in lonely places 4 big houses can run on side by side strong metallic gear bars from below/up or sides of the window which can be automated and of armored glass or strong wire mesh to make u slumber peacefully without fear of burglary as i can have 1 switch to close/open all ya house business window at from where u sleep to avoid those who transfigure do the same per window, now u can turn off all ya lights with this technology as security guaranteed with this type of window protectors. Now with every nation or person can make mini-missiles, then 4 our protection in houses, jobs or in our cars, the armored technology is the only way to go by in all mentioned above
When i reach to tumblr a/c 200 the last 1 mentioned in tumblr a/c sirjustice166, then in that tumblr a/c sirjustice200 i copy paste the all the above name tumblr a/c in tumblr a/c sirjustice166 to this tumblr a/c sirjustice166 and add other sirjustice a/c from sirjustice201 - sirjustice300 and on my FB a/c mcsleepy nelson i write my new tumblr a/c as sirjustice200 and on Instagram as well as i send to people personal messages and on comments and as i reach tumblr sirjustice300, i do the same with the above starting with sirjustice301-400 until u relents and give up and accepts truth period dude
Buy the toy submarine in the link below from china
Buy UAE made home appliances in the link below
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