sirjustice224-blog · 4 years
Certain ways not known
A starting car or passing car/airplane in speedy way, kinda, reminds ya of an hungry person, the devil monitor that trait that if u got is the gate way to making machine plus being able to talk to him. Generous people don't usually care about the environment as opposed to the above trait but must be mean in a beautiful way. Many go out in life heaping blames on mean people yet they know not with ya own food not mlafi with others food or in public, kinda, Guarding ya food like a football defender not 4 any1 to take it away and that's the trait if Mr white man finds in ya, esp Russians resort to following ya and many synonymous cases.
Now they want to say as they have said b4 that they want to leave ya alone but not leaving u alone as they say, as in u have come up with a new version now which is already made by the Chinese like the starter comp solar generator which got a battery back up to be used at night or in calm days as displayed below. Now hold on to ya promise, leave kebi all alone dude
They can locate to kill or kidnap as ambush those in Instagram OR FACEBOOK i have sent how to make machine parts as tumblr sirjustice199 explain it, from the places i send such in cyber as my Facebook a/c i leave open to facilitate truth that 1 can just post on ya Fb in that way process or send dubious messages to others via that open way which many explain to the jury and not acquitted. So fellow, the ball is on ya court, also forward to many people to remove the above from u as those many people do likewise to infinity dude.
Duluth in USA line of weakness as they can be bomb from that angle as they have now seen, so God is great, Lake Michigan area sinking so that way can slip away leaving the great lakes dry to avert the upper plan dude if it happens. Can be bomb from Canada an Canadian giving excuse its another nation not them. When Canada has learnt automation and internet making as they have done or making airplanes and military vehicles it becomes rich than USA and God made it that way so people leave the USA out of economic reasons like explained below dude. China on the other hand and Russia poor as 70% of their clientele they sold their finished goods like Indonesia, India and Pakistan now makes the same products like Milk and meat products, cooking gas with Russia and artificially made oil as much as USA with internet they have now known the same. South KOREA not left behind as home appliances and phones they sold to Eu and the nations above such nations have known how to make as well as with Russia selling military vehicle to Eu nations which have learnt the same and artificially made food as much as electricity replaced with alternator generator. Russia sold nuclear electricity to other Eu nations, now that market aint their and cry foul as per now in their ways as seen on social media even sending people to monitor people eating habit 4 people to leave them alone or just insanity en-cropped them, we know not, they know better.
The nations that used to buy flowers from Kenya used such to make polish, paint and perfumes which other options such as succulents aroma fruits were not known but now known and those nations who used to buy such now makes with other fruit options like cut banana, pineapple, mangoes, oranges to make themselves the same products cutting Kenyan exports volume to those Eu nations that buys the same to make the above products as to them also they have known the other options which are readily available to make such but in small quantity 4 themselves to save their country export but not selling to Eu nations as previous cause as explained above they have now know the same. The ripple effect is decline in Kenya domestic production, rendering workers jobless as farmers stop planting the same out of declined market for food crops out of large hungry local population like the Masai putting the families of those who works in such farms in social limbo/jeopardy as seen with Masai current portrayed behavior. M earning Kenya declined export and end results is a declining economy as witnessed as well with other nations knowing to make artificial coffee and tea which as well is Kenya leading exports
The Russians took big land, in that if later defeated with their bad character they would say, now u want their big booty women or hunger has engulfed ya with ya huge population now wants to take our land or appease other Eu nations, they held the land 4 them or can allow S & N-Korea to take that land, agreed under the table, to lure the world they are defeated yet its a plan to protect them or win then over japan if new war erupt as Japan is USA Enemy and Russia her Friend. The world war frontier thing. Even japan poor as artificial food much nation know knows how to make like with fishing in japan and her automotive industry other nation would prefer theirs. Just pussy and not heeding makes u fall completely which if u could have listened to kebi, the situation could have been solved but 4 the worse, better defeat or this way dude.
With the earth crust 16 km and u can dig it with like Olympic burning torch made plane with header having a shaft to grind or already dug hole and with drone technology, meaning nations within the earth can get to North pole via the alternator Generator propelled drones to place bombs or dig from below Russia territory to get up and plant a bomb or ambush them. Even Islands like Japan aint safe as every nation has learnt to make submarines and can defeat or ambush them that way. Nations like Switzerland or Luxembourg which are Landlocked but more bordering few nations are more safe as far from the sea or poles 4 the named above ambush to occur rapidly dude as they even got the digging across the earth Technology as described above. So friends take heed. And mountainous nations which are withing continents like Switzerland and Rwanda are more advantageous than any if those lands are rocky. Road to emus with Christ another version to take us home early to cement his teachings. Very hard to dig across mountainous ares or rocky as opposed to soft or flat topography as land
Kenya import and export destination to cement the truths above
Whites don’t want to lock their doors as away as they even kill those of to u good character but in secrecy do the above. When u close ya doors, kinda, takes out ya mind as the vice versa which opens ya mind and that’s the secrecy dude if u never know. Some selling drugs taking oath to do the above 4 some period of time promise to leave shortly b4 the deadline thus hampering shoot out as they said the above be done to them as well as saying the drug was washed in the rain while has given a colleague who sells to give him some parts to make him now lazy not wanting to works or the drug was stolen and he has it. Dude don’t get into things u know not even as in a road carnage maybe just organized as they have seen u coming to get to know u, just pass by at watch as u pass in a glance to indicate good character, they don’t want people doing such and can lead to a shoot out like in the varsities and cinemas.
Dont make holes like with Minneapolis to avoid hard times in crossing over the road to the other side as this reduces knock down esp in kids and snarl ups 4 vehicles wanting to get to the other side. Use drones as in the link below which are automated in that if the no of people weight amounts to like 1000KG it sense and starts the protocol as well people are employed to take care of the same to get u to the other side as pedestrians. Or to avoid such in 1 big city do decentralization to de-congest your cities as now u have learnt how to make buildings, roads and many machines which make up a city dude. Such are above are mostly seen in big cities like NY, Landon, Beijing or Tokyo and more
Drone parcel delivery, you place ya order and what we do, is to drop it.
The container the drone carries can be made of thick plastic or aluminum to increase more weight it carries and made like American football ball shape to reduce friction in air to increase speed where such is used to transport goods between nations or overseas as between continents.
Forcing a fellow with sales job who says such jobs aint shit as those who do it, supplement their livelihoods with money gotten online which if was not their could not be doing the same to create a picture outside they are doing good though looked down upon which u if u try without such above knowledge u leave that job long ago b4 even lapse of 1 month. He got back and was doing sales of bank cards which he brought 2, 4 3 months where he did not meet his target of 10 cards monthly where he was sent home again to appease the bankers who forced him with that job, took the salary a usual and directed it to his investments. Dude stop wanting from people leave ya own life dude and get the above to make an halt bro
If u stay with things of this world so much in ya house can land ya to hell, sell to thrift store to help another who cant afford the new ones of such. Satisfy their appetite making them want to live more and a blessing to ya and the reason why many whites don’t stay with home appliances and cars to get to reason cause they have helped some1 indirectly. Some even organize theft with their own stuff to buy new, cause if they buy new again the public will criticize them b4 they call the police as actually it was crime.
Eu other nations, we want to know if they got sense or insane as other African nations join them not they are pro-them but investigating the same. Now that u have known how to make every gadget and every nations cash, why cant u place money online like the Kenya TSC PAYSLIP, or just want corruption and all said about the DNA as mother still alive, Bro an advice, read the parable in the link below to guide ya and warn Russia and the G-20 nation to divorce their plan and hearken to the truths of sirjustice199 tumblr a/c or what u want dude. Even if u kill 1, the bottom-line is that every nation has got a piece of the script he has written u want to delete to make yours and have made those gadgets as per the googling thing described below or even if u manage to hack or delete, likes of china and Italy has made those gadgets, so its high time to leave 1 alone so far as he has gone on lower cadre in his life
Ecclesiastic sweet ES, dude, Gik Maleny as shiny like a snake skin products, i mean supple outer case like most yesterday china products, should be all eradicated as their is now a feasible plan of repayment even 4 long 4 the poor to still own the same product the rich can buy on sport. The above supple products can kill ya faster and can take ya to hell as u did not give back promptly to ya society as it helped ya all along and that’s why many who were not frustrated and gone oversees without giving much or back to the society as it made ya during ya childhood and teenage life can land ya in hell fire b4 u r released shortly if u fail to repent fervently as in the link below to create emphasis and truth that i warned ya. Many around me to many lived an awkward life which many says in awe or disgust that they thought they will never die but to them their souls are rested as have evade hell fire, as it will be an excuse at judgement time that they did the above to warn me not to do the same and warn as tell people not to do the likewise 4 it to end altogether forever not to be seen again as without showing such to me could have been a habit. With the above they are acquitted from hell fire, samehewa as 4given dude. Dont portray u know much yet u know little dude as with the Hindu, Whom the white man cheats to go ahead in judging people yet the judgement place is in Minneapolis, which such lies the Hindu should leave the white-man alone, question has he not been able to seen whats going on in that judgement house in MN or at that bearing he is blindfolded. Answer me dude, if u cant get back to ya home period bro!!!!
Wakenya, nabonga kama dem, sindiyo, mimi mtu mbaya, an-ng’ama rach dong!!! Most Kisii grown ups now transferring their hunger to kids as wanting to fight with them, out of reality of good life they did not achieve when young and handy with the young generation, so faces middle life crisis which with their big faces cant camouflage to such hence the anger above. Timbe na doom, n’gwee donge, Haaaaa!!!, kendo, Haaaa, haaaa, haaaaa!!!
Kebi nyiso n’gani kaka eloso simu, to giloso Infinix but they dont submit to kebi words of giving him 100 women, they just join hands in frustrating him, wablo nyono dhoge as in the below link
Kikuyu blooded tribes got the blood of play and not relenting in play of the tribe/nation described below. Loving katikati things or things that fall in the middle even with nations, from Turkmenistan maybe, mfalme wa yawhodi and worker and vineyard parable to bring out reality. If u don’t love ends/corners as coastal lands more, get it dude. Playing, jokes or tugo/jest in luo as well
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