sirjustice311-blog · 4 years
End times,et, Entertainment, ret pulse machine, siren gas, renegade
Some aluminum utensils are with dog/cat family feces or already made cement solution where few places are placed or maize cob as banana or guava and boom are formed. Groundnut outer hard brown peel when placed in the above solution or white guava grinned solution even make coins and notes while the copper  is made with red smashed guava and even cooked Irish potatoes. U insert some few coin or note sample and boom ya any kind of denomination and even a dime.
The 1st transparent car goes in sale in Asia where every part is made out of either transparent or translucent armored glass and even with the box box and engine gears. Armored glass more strong the the cast metal used to make normal gear, fear not as pit with Christ story.
Since other nations making other nation car spare parts and even motor bikes and every machine encouraging some laziness as reaping huge profits as it does not involve shipping coast, so those nations ought to open their own salling and even repair shops where their is no roadside repair as those who used to do the same are now employed in those repair shops by those foreign nations where they are paid wages as every nation rushes to introduce their own brand in the market to reduce their sale as Ug boss or fika kenya motor bikes as well with their own shops as much as with electronics to stop hidden ways to big man to get extra-cash to be a head of other people, facilitating hooliganism in unknown way dude.
Nigeria though not all that poor, oil is finished with e-cars as in the link below, u made cars will be sold to ya nation only as other nations got their own make, ya oil from palm or groundnuts can be made artificial where the side effect has remedy with deep wash soap and other nations as well produce the same so facing competition dude, with online momo money transfer is long dead when money placed online, wireless cashless transaction. We were gauging ya, but played con, so we placed the above to finish ya and even with Kenya with boom made tea and sugar cane, Tanzania with boom made sisal. Get it dude u wont continue playing games bro, stop ya tricks u employ to defeat the likes of kebi who are a head of ya period. With cement we got the more liked good feeling made 1, so again think twice in that area while with SA artificial wheat denatures the teeth, population rather less than yours so they can still do bro. Thought u will finish me, not yet dude. Rushing with momo thinking u will stay afloat, dude, think twice dude, Lo!!! think twice dude. Tourists come to see the beauty of what u have built as they read u r rich, when those loop holes blocked/curbed their soles are rested to reduce on yearly tourist inflow, so if u think u got that area to get cash forget homey synonymous with Kenya or Tz as in the link below
In the links below u got ya own trap that finishes u, if u not alone makes the same and still ya mouth wide opened u place people in arguments, you poor and filthy, think twice dude
In the USA they were not of heart to me, so it was a lesson well taught not to be also of heart cause a good turn deserves another. Reason 4 getting there dude, if taking me to hell, let it take me, don’t come around inflicting fear of the above to me, or if grown up wanting from me i box that silly nose, if i can. As in the song link below
The Another Manhattan as show in the world map is much good with Vietnam as they are not always vigilant and unto the enemies synonymous with their America-Vietnam movies and the bend posture of that country resembling 1 manhood looking down and when they attract influx migration of many races to be there or if the country merges with the neighbors to create huge population of knowing how to dress like The USA negro counterparts then they take the day as shift the Manhattan beauty to the far East. Another well situated nations are those that got their coasts on the Caspian and black sea of Europe as Saudi Arabia, Somali in Africa has that beauty as its coastline resembles of USA Eastern coast when much people migrate their, Brazil also on her eastern coast can build another beautiful Manhattan as well as Canada and those are the newly eyed after as another huge influx of people base country as NY. Click the link below to sea such awesome new Manhattan suggested position as above
U can calculate the land to build the above on water like to be 300 meters on width and 400 meters on length while the height is like 200 meters from the sea bed to the upper sea water or lake surface u want to built ya new Manhattan, then since the devil make gadgets and machine using like 20-30 % of the total weight of the gadget to be made in the boom process, to make 1 single stone/rock, not fall many with E-cargo drone as explained below, where holes are made on each fall big rocks where u place gold bars in between not to slide as u hear of NY as Gold rots not dude, based on the above scale u measure the surface area of the above big single-basement rock to be made that the city is build upon then take containers of 20-30% weight of the calculated big rock as above, after placing inside sewer water mixed with garbage, then make a projection with the same to reach on-top of water then at night u can do the boom process and ya single basement rock forms hard to break than many made inserted and placed using the E-cargo drone. The same can be made sink with like an ice berg tip on the water surface while the bigger portion is under water or as with the upper and lower part of submarine vessels as in the link below. Ten minas parable, good neighbor with Christ and don’t wary with yesus to take us home bro
Kebi gone to town, and Moch was seen adding him magira next to an old telephone booth downtown, as an ice scream with both end holding stick, rolling on his mouth as he takes the juice to make him more intuitive and thinks as Magdalin and Robinson where seen doing the same in a Chicago downtown restaurant as kebi, stands eye wide opened as licking the very same succulent ice cream juice to no-end as if in a school set up has got the next plan to defeat those who have been on-top of him 4 many years but now the defeat hand/feasible or looking in awe as many understands not what have happen but him all alone got the explanation but they heed not, that feeling dude, get it homey!!!!
Many Japanese got the luya/coast blood of love and being 1st when not in 1st position. Russians are Malagasy blooded liking to do things in groups and Somali as much as Bugusu of Uganda.
The outer peel of ground-nut the brown 1 even makes note cash when placed in curdled milk or yogurt in the boom process by spitting saliva many folks dude and even coins when placed in cold milk solution and the above done and even on a mixture of cat/dog family fecal solution and the above exactly done dude.
To avoid casket exhumation is simple, the electric sticker/maker in the link below can be employed where the mortuary buys the same 4 every coffin released with the deceased 4 burial and even the made ones, as the linen clothing inside made to get into the coffin as can be separated as that linen clothing the deceased rests on can just be inserted in and removed b4 the former done, many serial marks can be done inside so that if exhumed is know to avert grave exhumation 4 good. Many sticker marks inside on both sides, so u cant erase to replace with another wood bar as it will be known and u r deemed criminal
Leave all alone E-cars but now we got siren gas powered cars as in the link below
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