sirjustice366-blog · 4 years
Something in covid rentless move
When the machine making knowledge now known as they used to force people that they are made blindly, buying kids toys saying they are trying to come up with the same to be tolerated in that if it happens don’t come to me if my kid wants such if they manage to make it when still alive, pooping up with cries like a staring engine which dude, better stop with ya kid, look 4 another alternative, don’t open up war dude, kinda, when they have received the above b4 kids head of such character or the people sponsoring the same u see the boxing hanged mattress as above meaning people can conspire with others of their ages to boxes them as u aint their govt or parents as their fathers are working, saving their cash and wants to burden u with their kids. Bad character dude!!!
How to make big rocks 4 island like MANHATTAN or just small that people can buy to place hotels and homes and even presidential palace 4 maximum security, u take big bare rocks photos then cut into diagonal b4 placing in sewer water mixed with garbage then inside place cut lemon or juice and spit saliva many people and boom ya rocks as u can make the same into granite/pebbles 4 making concrete, how Eu and USA was built dude not ya story now that u know how to make the same. As in the link below
Oranges cut and placed into paw paw solution, grinned, then hurl cold water into the above solution or spit makes even gold and vice versa dude. With saucer jet, u can place grapes in dough/rye or sewer water or hay as chaff then spit saliva and boom ya saucer jet bro. In all the above u can add maize cob inside the solution 4 better results dude.
Out of my thesis with the Mitsubishi hidden agenda in doing the same of world war 2 to JAPAN, they need to be payed hugely as it involves many where they make other company cars as Toyota, Mazda and more and place detonators into them as park them at proximity where the fumes of 1 bomb ends as place another car and on and on into the whole city, then in pretense say that a bomb was dropped that demolished the whole city not knowing of the a above wi-fi set time bomb or with a timer as well those cars can harbor siren gas cylinder to kill people more, This is done so people have mercy on Japanese cars as much bought in Africa to always stay a head and increase sales as many nations have made their own such cars so a threat to the stay of Japan and the art of making artificial fish as meat which is Japan main 2nd income generating activity after making machines, so dude its 2 fold, china creating Covid 4 the same agenda but alas, now they got their own jets and detonators and they have known the above gimmicks so vigilant not to happen again of 2nd world war bombings to make other nations with USA alliance to grow numb, as look defeated of their plans bro.
Now the fastest airplane can be bought if u don’t have the jet 1 counterpart and improve it as pile missiles and detonators on where the passenger seats to stay afloat at night dude as it runs twice the normal jet speed at 2000 KM/HR, Which if u did not know even having telescope mounted on drones along ya border lines or off far ya coastline then in the dark they can subdue u to attacks ya dude. Get this bro as they can reach the land to do what happened to JAPAN in WW2 even if the above tricks addressed bro as in the links below, can use the armored glass technology not to break on the air as its wings
The NYS tuk tyuk Inventor, Kenneth Guantai is now 1000 times richer than Kenya Mr Big man if place such took on hire where he is given daily pay rather than being in store where many cant raise the lamp-some amount to buy them and b4 another inventor comes up with the same which aint made in schools as the above. Need not to get to schools to make the same, so stop wasting money with ya kids in school rather invest early to live large later bro
Covid drug is grown Ginger, u aint jew bro, cant force cause cant rise well more than other tribes as ya dubious ways now blocked bro
SAFCOM now has employed many as a job in their head office cause it costs nothing developing mobile-lines to be used in new changed name of 2goinvoice, where weekly they give their people who will vote for their big wings as if that name give to few individuals will spread, not secrete anymore but made public which if known will hinder their agendas of we are rich or this land good than another.
How to make bottled water or glass liquor as with black and white, you place kart in much cold water alongside maize cob or flower which makes the sealed bottle while the above makes the liquor in the boom process. U can add thinner or pineapple as pumpkin juice in the solution above 4 better results as much as with soda. Same with siren gas inscribed in armored glass or just metallic container u, combine the 2 methods of making the same dude. When u take plastic chairs then place in rye mixed with flower, fruit or wheat flour as sewer water as well then hurl cold fanta soda makes even sorcer jets to transverse ya into other planets or siren gas cylinder as explained above.
How to tell what 1 is doing using their photos of face, like when sleeping with 1 as your wife or hubby, if u look at their eye on the photo u got, kinda, your head swell and though u feel as eating candy as much as being caressed dude.
Ghana landed 4 story airplane that can carry up-to 300 crew, can take samples of hard to believe African family 1 couple many trips into many cities to cement the truth which side is good instead of heaping ya such burden on 1 till u wanna open up a fight if they oppose ya saying but ardent truth, they want the same to get hiding as many family pretends that the kid is theirs as the wives and vice versa which if happens they have agreed on both sides after escape to send money and get their to make gadgets and open shops to send the same money as well and we got the DNA dude which is the most scientific and reliable way not to give in to arguments bro
The solar light illuminated generator as 1 twits me has a side effect of making ya head big as u grow tall due to the fact, her inventor is maybe sidelined or altogether death plans heaped on him yet 1 might claim he is the owner as told earlier if u partake neem leaves mixed with much sugar u come to see as spirits guides u to the 1 who made it so which will be used against ya in life after death as explained in following tumblr a/c of sirjustice199
Now the sand deposits of their nation long gone, the likes of Hindu and Kikuyu blooded, so wants to get to the deserts of the world with building sands on much on the surface as Sahara nations or Afghanistan, Yemen or Iraq where the USA get few sample b4 making much in the boom process they did not know, which now they know, so relaxed in their ambitions as perplexed dude. We want now to make Military vehicles so USA delegates other military measures to be undertaken to us so we get the soil sand and sell worldwide as them now that we have known how to make ships to be reach, not knowing such steps as well increase your currency strength against strong exchange currencies as the dollars or Euro which will reduce ya Forex on what u export and what cash crop producing states fear most. On that front that is finished dude with how artificial sand is made using cereal chaff, hay or a little amount of the same diped in water as explained below.
When people have gotten the above as their character being monitored why Russia portraying a bad image so they follow without stop to get to their lands is know. Get it dude, they are wise and deem u copy cats whose sons in our land will do likewise to our kids so we know them and we wont give them asylum rather be yaself but respect the law to get out. They cant live in the vast land alone as love groups and business will not continue as usually as they love play all day long and petty theft without 2nd consideration of hurting another. To hell with ya,lets place green-card like Canada has done to bar them more as reduce the speed which they will hold us grudges dude. When the above is understood, people long not to kill themselves as they have known to make artificial foods, drinks and machines, so what u see are caskets near those people who had the above explained spirits of getting asylum dude
USA/world top honey producing states to select ya states as much are sold to more desert land nations as the Middle east bro, click the link below
Still KENYA, good, yet ya kids u send to others houses to eat which if u fight u wanna break up a fight dude as in the link below, not characteristics of rich nations we have been too
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