sirjustice392-blog · 4 years
Get ya self together dude
Internet and pay TV servers are made when old used auto-mobile tires are placed in sewer water or city garbage where many photos of such cut diagonally as well can be placed into the solution 4 better results dude in the boom process while the decoders are made just with broad leaves of any tree around ya placed in the same in the boom process bro.
Music software mix that u can heap many music and it placed them at the music selection at minutes intervals as all take a certain time b4 1 comes in and all music selected and downloaded are recorded there as long as u got the pas-code to eliminate flash-disk or Cd once u have the internet bro.
Temptations of Christ are well written and who saw them, Probably Mr Hindu blooded men as that Colombian blood, so u are in a well position to tell us the same at what time such happened, don't bother us with what was brought unto us but the beauty now it atrophies as a kid who was very pimply but now all lost as face appears gloomy to attract much a women thinking one ejaculated much sperm 4 him to rub on his face or mucus as a toddler so needs 1 to wipe 4 him as take care of him, so the concern dude or was be-rived and cried 4 long 4 a lost 1 like Abraham did to Sarah at her death dude
With Cadillac car is made with cut bones of human or teeth placed in Garbage or cut many type of color flowers sprinkled and boom ya car as much as u can add cut diagonal photos of the said car pictures while Range rover is made with many onions placed in the same above or rye solution or cut flower sprinkled and boom ya car in the boom process
Naphtali and Gard tribe father as in Genesis 49 was not an end though i might be 1 of them as Gad tribe their skin appear reddish as white-men of Russia are known, so don't get me together with u those who claim the same as outside marriage he slept with other women which aint documented in the bible and i fall there not the Kikuyu blooded wives as above who gives to insanity in their play synonymous with today's Kikuyu blooded men portrayed character. Russia change ya character cause the employ the same u do claiming they are Russian cause ya land still vast they wanna get their, bad dude, consumes us bro and now again they talk as Italians do in Casino claiming the same but stopped when told the make u insane water at bar kalare, Gem, Kenya can be made much in the boom process as now they got it along time Kenya was Italy. Locating the best and wants u to join or if u claim u r Naphtali they also claim as well, What u want dude, with me i can live anywhere provided i got tiny roof or food synonymous with my life in Kenya now bro, locate ya life don't follow me dude, Now u wanna claim the writings in Tumblrs yours as making gadgets, question is why have u not come up with machines 1st, dude, stop being a little child calls 4 annihilation if u relent not dude, now we got ya dude
Black doted bird feather when placed in garbage in the boom process makes even American (decra roofing) type of roofing, when u have not succeeded in making the same, try adding African broom sticks as oleng in local jargon or papyrus reed pieces stick and boom ya smooth roof signaling respect dude as in the link below and with any gadget dude
Utility of beans or Ground nuts to those states or country that produce the same, can be used to make leather velvet for seats and jackets or brown wood card-boards used as lining in container houses and even shoes when pieces of African broom as above inserted or maize cob in the boom process and many wooden electric appliances bro.
I though i behaved badly in my past not to find that those who held me to that were of hunger with their plans to set me even more free and even with the many women i wanted without course. Happy are those people phrases maybe, all guilt elevated dude.
Dollars are made with cut dry cassava, white plastics or cut flowers as much as human nails placed in garbage adding maize cob as above and ya dollar notes in the boom process bro
Carrot makes even smokies when added to pumpkin/cabbage water in the boom process making such products to be cheap dude. Carrots as well can take the place of groundnuts as explained above and even makes rubber products as slippers which when inserted in Garbage solution as above makes even big space rockets or saucer jets in the boom process bro.
Starter comp, u rotate a motor inside then connect to a solar charger controller then to a high watt inverter to power your house as the comp u can use the solar lights in the link below to rotate the motor in between during the day and at night as it saves power on the inside battery as Walkman motor uses less energy when alone as that power in the battery can turn the motor 4 more than 12 hrs b4 it atrophies dude
If u Injure 1 who goes to hell or already magma as thrown to hell fire and still on earth investigating amounts to absolute nothing as such cases on ya are erased, it will be prudent to do such when the incumbent still all alive like kebi hitting a woman at Bar Kalare, when will u get this dude, stop Mr Hindu of such cause u judging others aint sure of being salvaged from hell fire as above. Live ya own life stop cashing into others lives bro
Shop online in Kenya at the link below dude
Laser sensor motion lights in the link below dude, click to get a glimpse as if u got a large compound u can place WI-fi controlled Motion sensor alarms to detect foreign particles early dude and hang on ya bulb holder Bluetooth enabled speakers
Invest wisely as in the link below
Yacht made in Nigeria link below dude, click well to get a glimpse bro
SA military vehicle in the link below dude and Iran submarine
Stop war accept triumph not defeat and compensate the owner dude
Tar as Bitumen are artificially made many nations selling to nations which has not mastered that technology yet like USA selling using their big ships, to make such u take garbage as taka mixed with sewer water and place cabbage inside as same with internet servers or Pay-TV as well u can place the stick like africa broom inside 4 better results. With any known gadget take city garbage then mix with water and gives u the same as the named above has almost all from all households that is placed.
With shoes as well u place stick or used bottled water cans or biro pens with hay, cereal chaff or cut wood as peanut butter solution and its utility dude, mix with biscuit pieces then in the boom process ya shoes as u take them from net and cutting the photos into diagonal as many dude. Dry fallen Sticks from forests when placed in garbage makes even, cement, sand, container houses as portacabin and trucks ones.
Sticks of different variety as above inserted in dirty muddy african soil makes even bricks or on cow dung as u got brick u want photo. Human air also can be made as above with saw dust or husks where match stick pieces placed into the solution it forms and boom ya human air 4 women
Building stones are made when lemon pieces inserted in the above solutions or cut flowers immersed in cat family fecal matter.
Minneapolis, MN, has dug roads that destroyed the world but they see it as a tourist attraction to the twin cities, which can be 1 reason why USA lands are sinking as many nations are tricked into making the same wanting to destroy the earth. Either to be removed or other nations uses escalator technology on busy roads kids cross as elevate them long b4 reaching the point as Kellog Dr of Wichita, ks, where escalators can be placed to aid people cross but let it not be too high as can be 2 meters of the ground. Let it be 4 people not cars instead of placing high fly over which those who have varicose vain cant climb not as the lame and the aged, making city ugly but they fathom not that. Or increase twice the traffic lights changing time like from 1 minute to 2 to make just people wait and cross dude. as in the link below, can have automated pumps to pump water out during rainy season as with your house with tank using units pre-paid water bill as the tap itself got switch that open up the motor pumping the same water from the storage tank to maintain pressure, 4 incase u buy water on truck, dont have piped water as ya house can be far from the city or u fear 4 ya life as ya water supply being poisoned
Kisumu should be removed dude as should be a small city not large as the land was a forest a long time as can seen at the port, which if spreads can make the lake rise to over-flood local lands.
Bottle top placed in the above makes even cements, electric poles and any known concrete structure.
With the saucer as in the link below u place cut diagonal photos into the above solution mixed with yellow egg albumen as well as mixed all fruit juices and cement or wild cat/dog family made cement or feces and boom ya saucer dude like google images of Nasa saucer jets
Images of mini yacht in the link below dude
Nyamawho fresh mouth herb, u place few amount in transparent polythene bag then immerse in much water, add yellow sweet potato or oleng broom stick pieces or thinner as transparent Biro pen outer casing them spit saliva and boom ya much herb same with make u insane water added to cosmetic and soaps used in prison, u can add maize cob or sugar cane husk to the above solution 4 better results as in the link below dude
Images of China and Australian made cargo airplane in the link below dude
With china airplane above u place iron sheet unto the solution as named above or used bottles and cut its photo diagonally and boom ya airplane
The man had to choose between letting his kid being Grinned by the bridge or save the multitude as time to lift or get back the bridge was dude, as he heard his kid crying as the gear rolls and the blood splitting into water alongside neighbor daughter kid, sometimes got to save the city, this price is much more of a honor to you than to me personally. Lesson we learn stop being selfish dude and stop playing kiddish or i don’t know
4 starter comp like in the link below of 48 V with magnet placed inside rotated by 1 motor to produce 240 V or 2 such as mentioned above then u step u the from 120 v - 240 v. As in the links below
Click the link below to see how the airplane below was seized to see its authentication if it was Made in Russia or Chad made which is the later case dude but Russia make as with Auto-mobiles now u know how to make dude
Jamaica made airplane and NIGERIA missiles in the link below to signal end of white man dominance and its end signs dude
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