sirjustice433-blog · 4 years
Blocked dubious ways bro
Some machines made in the boom process that come not out and even with artificial foods as sugar cane derived from sweet potato, tangerine, oranges, sugar cane, melons, apples or pineapple u got to add human plasma, tomato sauce or carrot as strawberry to delude the devil its human blood as sated above and boom ya sugar cane or machines esp jet airplanes as fighter jets, locomotives/bullet trains and many military vehicles dude or u hurl those mixed as above unto the solution and boom ya machines and foods. Click the links below 4 more dude, even baby pampers and nose mask 4 covid, the weak 1 made with cut flower/ cotton wool and dry Euphobia above inserted as well already made baby pampers when inserted on grinned below in the link solution makes sugars as lemon crystal the same dude and more, even other animal rotten corpse
Otutu Generator founder still got the rough idea i send him back way then in 2013 on his phone as store text and on his Facebook as sent a lady to tell me of the same and even the little young boy who made a sports car in their Samsung a/c. How can u claim 1 which aint yours to the point of wanting a fight and claiming 1 to be of ya tribe yet we still got the mother u claim to be his and the DNA things dude. We will skin ya live, after getting to Mars get down to other planets as Jupiter or Uranus and even get to Pluto so 1 control ya not or u control ya self dude, as in the link below
Play such games on apple store u both ya phone 2 people even when in another continent as same with Toy drones with screen making u not to look up-to ya drone to control it boy
Grapes as well as the fruits listed above as purple fruit make wines when the above placed to its solution in the boom process
Get a glimpse of made in el salvador cashuat military vehicle images in the link below
The same way oranges in Nigeria are peeled b4 eating is the same way i will skin ya live if u refuse to hearken to the truths of this tumblr a/c bro as in the link below to signal ya the thrown part is useless dude, wanna refute still stored texts yet we powerful than u, then let the Lebanon thing be repeated again. OR 1 can resort to the below in the link from a top of a house so we die both of us with ya kids as well if present cause u cant continue wanting me by force yet u understand not how the world system operates if i don’t have u abuse me. Cater 4 ya self dude, don’t look 4 good life in me dude, me aint ya mama or ya prostitute bro, wanna eat my corpse that u want me not to vacate the nation or engaged in a Beirut bombing way not to be seen, must end dude, to bring me to my vicinity who cannot hustle not but want from me but me cant get from them if i got none, cant happen.
Burnt copper wires when placed with cut pineapple juice solution or human fecal matter makes even jets in the boom process with detonators dude. Even manhood of different animals when given formalin injection or placed in ice makes such when charcoal water or African coconut leave broom placed dude and even with much caskets when kayamba or chachina garden leaves placed dude.
To avoid blowing up internet servers as with Beirut, LEBANON, scene, we can use the saucer jet technology to suspend our servers above human vicinity as lofty high into the space where workers get there via a drone, as with armored glass inscribed inside siren gas technology illuminated with bright lights with convex lenses like with drone technology if u open to see can not fall forever when solar generators and alternator counter parts used respectively. The illuminated part of the armored siren gas cylinder as explained above is made transparent to allow the light diffuse while where that beam hits has metallic coatings so that, that beam of light heat it to create a hot atmosphere where if cold air blow, like ice placed alongside the pipe that gasp air from outside- makes it cold even in hot atmosphere to take it up not as synonymous with current rockets emitting huge flames to take it up to resort to normal operation as above as in the links below, where that harbors ice can be well made as the exhaust pipe of a car outlet thick part, or just sprinkle cold water using made sprinkler 2 as well facilitate the process above
When u place like wheel barrow tire, 7 or 100 of them in the middle of garbage in a container or rye, dough or any solution makes jets in the boom process if hay is inserted or placed dude or dry coconut tree broom as well as charcoal water or pumpkin/rice/green-grams/carrot placed inside dude. Any placing any amount makes another gadget altogether as i makes houses or container mobile toilets when green grass placed, when melons placed makes even train, when human brain placed makes even bullet trains or inside white coconut inside that is with placing 100 pieces of eggs as much as yams and any fruit dude of same species dude and so on and so forth bro. U can even place mixture of all fruits as fruit salad with lentil, onion, tomatoes, cucumbers or broccoli inside 4 better results in the boom process girl.
When garbage which is less can make cements and gadgets then makes such nations with huge population to be rich on those people that makes such, so champion huge population so they don’t buy other boom solutions like dough and same to banana, yam, cassava producing nations as such can also interchange to make cement to be sold, reasons why other govt champions huge population to collect huge garbage so get super-normal profits as they don’t buy other boom solution products as listed above. So families encourages to use detectives not to buy the same as promoting the above vice as population should be optimal dude. Buy GARBAGE shredder to discard into ya sewer to bar the city from collecting it and using it as above as in the link below
Wanting good life from people but if u got not belittle ya from far are Lesotho blooded people but if u refute they relents not synonymous with luo as they are luya blooded of a long time not Kenya 1 who got the Kikuyu part of not relenting and if so planing ya blind ambush dude. No 1 can allow a kid to live well alongside him in his crib at that time in a life he did not lived in yet admired but to vanity, want free of what u did not pass to be what u r. Mothers get this truth, many kill themselves out of this or land in prison out of anger directed to such people or find their ways to other moderate population nations.
stop making other nations rich live stream dude, even with Pay-TV EPL or nay other sports watched en-mass as people open joints to collect cash to like fund hooliganism, cause such people hide in those another option business, easy to get cash ventures as in the links below. U can either stream from PS4 or YouTube directly dude if u got 1. Panics and panics dude
Algeria made airplane link below as well as big airplane, where yours dude to claim to be 1st
To bar such planes from operating, scare customers, place E-cargo drone inside and sensor motion lights/alarms to detect foreign impurities that could cause such as with Lebanon dude, Don’t worry with Christ as such are take care of, mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth and Road to emus as well as Goat and sheep parable that made him being arrested with the guard many french rather friends. Wanting good life from me by force, resorting to lies as hiding in fixing me with kids, calling the whole community to want to put up a fight with me dude. Stop bro
Putin like and many a poor presidents finishing their final term are up-to something, with Bribing Mitsubishi officials 4 another bombings, they are creating the covid thing to solicit money from people to add to their cash base to be rich when leaving office as wants to bring women in Kenya as never thought of the boom process to be the prostitutes and control people which has died dude as explained below. Should be well monitored as part of that money even gotten via petty theft and robbery cause they are desperate and most got the Kisii Jamaican blood of good when poor like the Obamas.
Even organizing bank theft using people they know in their nations to create armored glass cover ups so u cant be shot and continue with ya robbery even with the countries central bank to increase their cash as explained above cause aint 1 person but a cartel dude as in the links below, which has been curbed so their being furious dude colliding like in 3rd world nations with motor bike operators to give the that cash as some have know how to make the same
When one is down and 1 has helped him in someway, don’t come to his vicinity to make him subjugate to u, in that if u grab their attention to loose it, kinda, to ya they got disrespect and u with people u know can block their ways as its a blessing in disguise to know such character as its peculiar with kisii blooded men.
With Beirut bombings, it can be like the Italian 1 they refused to hearken to this tumblr following sentiments, so another turn deserves well another turn as above with Lebanon 1 so they get it and Italians are coerced to accept the fact that they were the Tribe Christ came from to end all puzzle cause as a matter of facts Kikuyu/luo will never rise as we got food from mars and its public, it could sail through if it was a secrete affair and the boom process artificial food and products other nations have known well ahead of them and maybe bombing of countries banks from dug below the earth fissures or the Lebanon way which now is well known dude
Banana made cement mixed with smooth flowers and like Garlic placed inside makes TV sets that spoils the eye not or taking the thin monitor of same size to TV set and placing inside, maybe what the South Korean doings as in the links below. U place the above like 20% of the TV weight as u measure on weighting scale. U describe to the devil to make ya TV set, if in-case u know the boom process, exactly as 4 the computer u got even if u know not how is made b4 fixing and selling such hugely, saving peoples eyes not getting to hell as will be judged of that, why did u spoil people eye. Save your ass out of hell fire dude
The french ship that came to East Africa coast gave the ruling elites submarine vessels and missiles same the Korean govt gave to Nigerians with the OTUTU Generator collabo making as in the link below and people who did that when u place coin in ya hand u see them into that act though still rude in their talks bro. Every1 to his nation as the same way they make such in the home turf the same way they do far away as Beirut when 1 of their own worked there dude
Wants to control people that u r monitoring them if they love what u love and taking back information to ya hooligan group as if u know shit, better stop dude and mind ya own now poor business. Putin hooligans take heed dude
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