sirjustice448-blog · 4 years
New Trade barriers
Counterfeit products, make a bar code software on phones to detect the same when no company placed automated vending machine.
They now champion less kids not as earlier as to increase a/c no that can withdraw cash from 2goinvoice which name has been changed and not told many people as it can be like its predecessor dude.
Nyagot NAIROBI commuter buses belongs to Kebi adopted mother, as many have known now cropping the town as Arabs and whites wanting it easy from him yet he is very categorical in his stand that's not his biological mother but happy are we as DNA has been done. White people stop that shit, take it to another some1 bro. Don’t turn back like the Russians are doing continue being rude as always and sponsoring hooliganism do not relent girl. Told them how motor bike spare parts made as much as vehicle, managed to make the same sell and be rich dude
Even chamama leaves and succulent seed part makes 1 of the best paints and cars that neither draws people away from it or to it but just there, not deemed kiddish or youth or too much grown but just there dude.
If getting out was my way out, getting out i will get out, no 1 whom am more than can bar me and get me straight getting out i will get out even u Mr Hindu, Kikuyu or Russian if u don't shoot me, getting out i will dude, u cant stop me bro. U can prolong ya ejaculation but not my getting out bro wanting to reap where u did not saw youngy.
Portacabin housed in the links below made by Garbage inserted inside water lilies or dry cassava/white sweet potato pieces or all named in sirjustice390 tumblr a/c in the boom process. Make such 4 ya citizen and place in credit dude to eliminate always up-to ya house syndrome to judge ya dude, or cut the photo diagonally even 4 inside rooms with same measuring scale, making the foundation and placing garbage on dug ditches and boom ya house and 4 container u just place in open air and save the ass of ya tribe dude big time
Where  will loving kids take u, if those who love such are lazy wanting from others yet what u plan to produce solo to enjoy economies of scale is known to every nation like with machines and the cash crop u eye to market as well grown in other spheres and can be made much in the boom process dude. Women stop tolerating such people, kids, should just co-exist in between people provided they are not harassed dude, better do that and get things together than use gimmicks of loving other kids to get by or get many women or pusssy which u cant take care of dude. Can stagnate a nation such people as above, i know not what u want bro
like  the Kisumu piped water when u drink bring peoples together and gives u that spirit of feeling good as u want to find to help 1, when such places which got that kind of water sampled with their waters gotten in  few liters and made much in boom process by placing raw mango pieces to  make distilled water it affects those people in far lands as in ksm as  that water can be gotten from outside the earth crust when dug with dredger. The character around dude if u did not know, while cattle eating the Kansas hay or grass as wheat chaff when, such cattle meat are  roasted makes u love kids more and u want to stay out 4 long time even  at night and u think of being a drunkard which if iant around directs ya  to looking at women booty even with foods that grows in that state made  much in the boom process, synonymous with Kikuyu getting that meat and  such products as explained above via the fissures described in tumblr  a/c sirjustice390. Got to be wise to elieviate our blames dude to stop  implicating those who know not of such yet we know the same. Makes ya  wants to pester some1 or 1 to ever get u homey, the side effects of  Kansas grown food crops and hay 4 animals we eat as should be 4 houses  and not eaten animals like pets
The servers stay there as using  armored glass technology on saucer jets and alternator generator as in  the song below to avoid being detonated as with Lebanon Go-down.
Rwanda  showcasing her Military might so u stop dude, stop cashing into 1 affair dude, but atleast we got rest, they can make a saucer jet to take  the exploited to such planets angering Russians dude who now knows shit  but engaged in sponsoring hooliganism around many nation cities and  towns as in the link below
Click the links below to get a glimpse of nations with missiles as getting the name from the links provided and shinny airplane as automobile kebi suggested dude as Argentina
Chile made big airplane in the link below dude
Coddles shaving machine with output 5 dc to charge like ya phone in the link below as well as self-charging phone back ups using Ae technologies, starter comp and light illuminate on solar generator technology
Where are these people now sending money that oil is overtaken, as thought the fact of scratch my back i scratch yours as explained below, most precisely Maputo as i hear it, they want it to be built more than NY out of the fact of the island like Manhattan but alas big stones can be made with Garbage placed inside cut onions in the boom process to stop that maneuver and grant them another move as to look 4 barren sea coast with shallow shores, china sponsors the above dude as much as Russia but happy are we, its long dead dude. They are liaising with Mexicans to buy old houses and renovate b4 they sell and even some firms written under the names of some sick white men dude and that’s why now they are making china try-cycles, commuter vans, Taxi and motor bikes and perpetuating the above, China please help, open repair shop where even worn out parts as scrap-metal is yours not added to the curt as above with Mexicans and even in European union. The Eu and North American governments should bar individuals from buying such houses and reselling heaping ripple effects to Africans or deemed 3rd world nations dude. Such houses sell much as they have known to make building materials in boom process like cement, sand or wood pulp and Putin likes eating with such not tackled ventures bro. Moreover they buy used cars and going to thrift store machines b4 they get there dude using the courier service people to open some parcels and find the email addresses and phone numbers as contacts of those houses where the signal them of the above, in-case they wanna sell their household properties like electronic and furniture or kitchen ware as they got ready cash to give them b4 they came to collect the same dude. With like Sofa sets they take people from Africa who knows how to make such seat as most display their works along the way to be picked as given green-card where they take out the sofa linen as velvet to replace to resale as new as white-men or Negros knows nothing about that shit. Sell directly to 1 who uses it not to resell it again as authorities should intervene 4 such cases to reduce the acts of hooliganism down here in Africa out of such practices those up knows about as heap blame to Africa is cursed yet them bring the curse
Place a woman if u sleep with in ya mind when sleeping with ya girl, i whom if u ejaculate u give out much spermatozoa towards the later part of ya intercourse and u will come to see how such a woman clings to ya as they like it that way and that’s the gimmicks, they love not men with like a rain drop ejaculation not knowing ejaculation is pegged on them. Most so Tz women got it but it bores ya fast dude.
The artificially made food products of 50-50% basis mixed with real 1 to make much profits have their day in chain-store, once a week so u buy b4 u know it u get the real 1, so as the ripple side effect not known dude and that’s the trade gimmicks bro
Kebi waachana na yeye, says dedanu- thele nyokonyoko ma, sa shote nyoko nyoko, asenindo kode, no reason ya kujigamba. Sound mal nyoko nyoko okweyi moss, adwalo motwo bwana kepi donge. Thi kucho Gi theli mothiekno mal nyoko nyoko ni, nyili ng’eny ok-in-kendi baba. We got women of helping hands cementing the truth Mr Lazyboy enemy to delanu who was just being grabbed from putting up a fight with dedanu b4 such words were uttered to cool him. Grab this man, swear i will take him down, i will injure him, call Minaj to tell him to stop cause am no-nonsense dude. They were heard saying bro
Angola made fighter jet in the link below
AManda umekata, nataka kuenda, adwathi Bangladesh, uncle ya mine huyo huko, sawa tuone, nani mshindi.
Phones and stereos or Tv made with garbage, dough  solution of like 20 -30% of the machine weight where, a groundnut or cut  piece of garlic placed and boom ya explained above or cut photo of the  same diagonally placed into the above, where pumpkin, coconut African  broom sticks, charcoal water, pineapple, cut ripe mango pieces, orange  outer peel placed in the above solution in the boom process and there ya stereos or Computers as well as Tv or place broken parts of the same into the solution above.
The airplane made like car exhaust thicker part as explained below, no need to place ice cubes or add cold water as u can employ the trick of the water placed in polythene bag as inside such chamber made like a refrigerator where shortly b4 the plane depart u open the fridge to make such water cold in that if hot air passes via it being sucked by like air-pump ac technology it becomes cold to hit on the siren gas cylinder to lift the airplane up and push it forward to eliminate the former case which aint self efficient dude as in the links below
The above can be enclosed in a water/ice cooler with automatic openings to allow sucked air in as mentioned above while the pilot on the airplane dash board can read the water inside the cooler temperature using the temp thermometer placed which can be digital.
The AE technology was well circumscribed by Kebi along time ago when he was in class 1, where as he used to pick thrown car parts to play with, he happen to meet the owner of Truck No KAR 499M who wanted to venture into water business at the dug permanent bore holes at that time Sila Vila to take the same to now Action The Place Bar as he described the pumping mechanism to such people that truck uses, he was with Vinu nyathi Nyawalo at that time brother to Denis the corp and Ochieng Kevin the Durban Boy. Locate that Truck Mr Hindu likes and say AE innovation in Fb a/c Kevinelson Mondy Is your cause yours u claim to have come up with it in 2015. In-fact Father Moris Ngire Family Members of Palmer Hotel Met, the Hindu who lived next to the hotel to come to where Kebi lived to investigate the same when as well as them had a hand curt Kenneth Guantai makes to draw the same water as they were perplexed with the same, walking head facing down as if in disgust do not understand the same bro
I wrote partly the English proverbs, this was omitted, say the truth and a shame the Red devils as the Manchester United. When 1 team always on top 4 along time it bores people off often and represents something being feared as a collapse of a nation. Not worrying states don’t give in to much sports. How will 1 own a yacht when the country he longs to live in is landlocked dude which u force on him lest he buys the same.
Kebi went 4 a camp based on true story where minaj and Knowles went to, since far from main cities took a shit in the bush and left it there and since there aint flies in the use and was approaching winter, it was still fresh like never b4. When they reached that site to find the feces, 1 looked tentatively and identified Minaj and Knowles feces respectively. When Kebi heard that, was engulfed with confusion, these were the women of my life, my dream, my whole, bro, bring that spade and that blue band rectangular plastic wrap we place the same inside, scoop using the spade and bury as it cant be left on air like that as these are the people many look up-to and many role models as the truth was unearthed as in the links below to bring home reality dude and more dude
When u ambush 1 4 no apparent reason is known this way, u find ya self scratching yaself as ya body give in to itches.
When u manupulated as having sex with Uruguay blooded women like Burkina faso and el salvado creates about soil erosion as Umonyoko wa udongo bro if u did not know bro.
Many laws must be incorporated when a country has became middle income earning, so the Govt collect cash that way to avoid day time tricks like with Covid Ginger thing bro.
Anatomba sabamba huyo kijana kebi, sindiyo delanu. Whether poor or rich if u got a gun or a grenade u can kill each other as as with present condition dude and sex, rich poor or vice versa can sleep with each other provided its protected when they know how to make gadgets that makes no 1 above of another dude
The Hospital gadgets in the link below can all be made in the boom process by cutting 1 photo diagonally and placing in like garbage and inserting either charcoal fluid, orange outer peel, coconut African broom stick, pineaple cut pieces, Pumpkin, garden flowers like chachina and kayamba, osiala leaves, thinner, mango, vegetables and much more
Your next Manhattan can have outer lining of like 50-100 meters all round as now it aint precious as many knows how its made dude as in the link below
Mr Hindu shifting ya brain with of another person or one dead, using the chain saw to cut piece of his skull and insert small like syringe medical bottles with then place chemical that makes the Hiv/aids Virus not died immediately b4 doing exactly above, where 1 who transfigure gets to ya head to try to break that glass as open the lid which if happens u became diagnosed with the Virus or just sprinkle blood on that brain b4 shifting, a typical example is a young Kentucky woman called Emerson sharing the story with Wesley Nolan. As in the link below
China now has massive land slides might it be theyu are doing something bad as stated below with Uruguay blooded women- the nyoko nyoko type, umonyoko wa udongo dude.
They have known how to make missiles yet still saying they are Russian or Canadian Blooded cause its 2 fold close to the poles gateway to outside world cause if they take the Japan way it can be blown using a submarine so wanna get to MARS and other planets well ahead of other nations, loving themselves but still wants from people and they have know to make missiles which if travels from their lands will be seen, so wanna get to those nations above or neighboring states to them to subdue them to defeat them. Russians u think u will do it all that way 4 ever, it will end, now that u r turning ya back as ya tricks mastered as the movie in the link below guides me to Vindicate leverage dude and triumph. Women know that u r fucking with the most Intelligent man in the World, WSU corps now come arrest me and bar me from 1 as am stalking them, b4 i stalk 1 u will be all finished dude. SIRIASI bro.
Made in Nigeria Hospital apparatus and Kenyan made Rocket missile in the links below
They wanted to kill Kebi Like they did to 1 of his homey Amonigah to lure people of Ae alternator generator technology that power is produced as in the link below yet they placed water proof such above generator below, dude how will u teach old Dogs new trick bro of survival, let the sleeping dogs lie dude
The plane armored glass can take the technology of these lights to heat the siren gas inside dude
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