sirjustice90-blog · 4 years
How airplanes are fallen
Is in detailed in tumblr a/c davidomolo or at kevinelsonmonde
Automated vending machine eliminates customer serving which breeds class in the link below
Pay on-phone digital water meter, this amount gives ya running water 4 such hrs under the above specified pressure or this amount subscribed fill like this tank or is equivalent to this amount of water in liters to avoid water theft on the client and govt side as well, they are doing this to assure the women they want, this what they will do in rainy days when roads are impassible out of floods or collapsed bridges and car engine knocking out of water getting into it, while the women see its not prudent cause aint silent and its known will give them bad reputation. Thats the gimmick bro!!!!!
Click the link below to get a glimpse of prepaid water bill meters as explained above, this can save big time if backed with a big container to fill 1st to ascertain if the liter collected fit the supplier stipulated amount to avoid theft from the govt or city side or if this aint fruitful let u get the tank then the truck fill it and u pay them after every refill as well in the link below
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sirjustice90-blog · 4 years
what u want Mr
check tumblr a/c sirjustice50, We wanna finish the world period, they had known more than we know but as a tradition we ought to have known more than them esp Dstv with Sa And Uk and China many payed tv decoders with African made 1 like from Tanzania Azam decoder and u can google that and soon other African nations like Senegal will follow suit Buy the meter below and place it along ya city water bill meter to get the best results just like with thermometers, they don't lie bro as much as electric meter
fly ua own drone in the link below, now where is the engine or is heated gas
what u want Mr, tell USA to get me my cash lest i hurl my ID to the police which they wanna know if i got to steal to facilitate personification. Mr China, dont look perplexed dude
The character portrayed in many white women community and like the kamba of not listening and rude is preparation 4 sex, they have known their dubious ways are headed no-where so cant be polite but rude to attract the male sex hormone.
Kinda, their is a psychological war going around, kinda, u see two people fighting holding like a welded frame iron trying to out do each other like to snatch from 1 another
Delanu says to kebi, an ablobeto chot lobinson, i mean lobinson cougar and it will be parthe after parthe. Dont disapoint me lobinson, he was heard after, kinda, being tipsy not of alcohol but after eating the tip of the sugar cane. Lobinson en mala, Robinson is mine not in the bble the nile is mine pharaoh heard saying, delanu duet wid kebi was saying in sharp but staggering retort as if a woman they loved most was or has played had to get 4 quit along time they cant take. PLEASH Minaj dont be an intruder or Andrea of WSU, KS.
Instagram search, u just search countries name and a list give and u post on comments at the same time send personal messages as my tumblr a/c is sirjustice50 to reach many in any nation. So if u wanna annihilate me think twice cause u cant eat of it to gain privilege as it would have be so, prudent, if it could bring the above picture.
Kenyans are rich, kar, kare if translated or abv, like that, ndivyo hivyo, after getting money out of 2goinvoice and carry1st so don’t mind about the poor, they call 4 curfew cause they have bought snacks and wheat flour to make mandazi or chapati to take them 4 months, anyway its 2 fold, we wanna know now the kisii blooded men cause they got that character,in eventuality take them to kisii, lock them down completely as a new small nation, with kamba we had known with the mask, a small mess they like shy away they gonna be infected, they are Mr am so high or that man is high and locating gimmicks to join the same or help thwart the mr so high or fly enemies. Instead of putting people in seclusion to jeopardize the running of economy, place tiny oxygen mask in the market 4 people to wear, those who got money, in crowded areas as jobs or in car parks like in the link below to still allow continuity of economic operation. May it not be a gimmick to sell such to the rich as kebi had seen it prior
The water bill can be inflated with the new digital meters from the head office, so it can be a fill the tank meter if it cant be flat rate 4 every household. Where u open a digital switch to fill the tank, to the brim , kinda, it pushes a lid to rotate the meter to signal the tank was filled again b4 use and seal liked the oppo phone 4 no intruder to mess with it. When water is finished in the tank which can be place on the ceiling board wide but short in height but broad in width and length to carry much water. And it should be digitalis-ed 4 the water office to sense a refill and a fill to the brim to avoid water theft on 2 frontier on the govt side as explained above and on the consumer side. Click the links below to facilitate the explanation
Hindu blooded men, who got no-sense, wanna disturb people with their kids, people who they had look down upon yet they are from another tribe, 1st should take their plight to their community but bring to others. They say they got an amicable solution, u should set a side food 4 them that they give out excuses that now days people eat less just 1 meal on ya food, when 1 dies they lament yet is a best thing, rather die than stay in their discussing or pity company, when they got they know u not, sometime they behave they dont have and u know u know they have, they bring their shit to ya saying that they got things in store which are big by tolerating them u as well being bothered will benefit like US population per state still low and they are the Negros, so if they get back to the USA they will have pity on ya and send u madolares, as bucks, so just tolarate their conduct as u or ya kids will benefit big. They say they are learning automation, question is where is ya car, or payed Tv like the Tz 1? Friends time has overtaken ya and u cant continue with ya tricks again while others still insinuating they are opening African foods in Europe and USA like Mexican foods the whites have accepted them at large or has talked to the Govt of Nicaragua, Belize or Costa Rica to start the same down there or a tea factory as places like kisii or central are still virgin in tea products and many whites have cemented the truth so it will be a big thing and currently the gimmicks in like Kenyan govt explained in other following tumblr of this a/c are part of the reason of their confidence as to where to outsource some of the cash to start the above companies so just bear with us but not having it in mind we got artificial tea as those people partake ice tea which if artificial tea was used dont tint the teeth as with hot tea, Gimmicks after Gimmicks bro to no end. Question where has it taken ya or where will it take ya if not want to hit 1 in the eye b4 u came back again to him or put up a fight or in the dark ambush the 1 who was in argument with ya. U wanna be 1st still without anything, dude think twice!!!!
With luya people refusing to stop working with Mr hindu to stop the whole shit, when it gets well,it was a blessing in disguise u will not mingle with people agian anywhere in kenya, am not against ya but the truth, wanna fight me dude and its people thinking not mine, eeeh, eeeh, eeeh, see what am saying. Back u will get to ya lands as each tribe will be a nation.
Buy Zinox made in Nigeria computers, Kenyans where are u or just talkative with empty words, where is ya own or still bragging with others made computers, click the link below 4 more
Leave Dstv and go for East African 1st payed Tv Azam from Tanzania in the link below, we wanna make sure we finish China payed Tv and Dstv and still hopping 4 more
Me if i grow up i will be the opposition leader and at that time i will not agree to your deals even give ya kids job, kebi, thats up to u, just be, it will help u with ya siblings and ya people. Me at dat time i will be pro-govt. Another say he will not repair my bike, well dont do that, u aint the bike repair ya self, i will take my kids bike to another repair retorts kebi and another one still says that i will be a worn out sufuria repair, well, just be, i will not repair ya sufuria as i will be the best at that time, i will take to another repair, u aint alone get that. Gimmicks employed 4 u to offer sympathy like sharing ya food cause they have known how gadget/machines are made not the way they think so cant employ that gimmick to survive. Kev text, even if u die the world will still continue as u cant stop the world business. Die we bury u, stop disturbing us with ya stupidity bro of wanting to fill ya belly, u hungry and wretched, desiring free things from people. If u go to Rusia mortuary, many kids of ya edge are laying helplessly on the shelves then who r u, die kid we bury ya, ya character is tiring and sickening period and moreover i did not take part i making ya, talk to ya govt to address the issue, when told a good nation must have like few people u oppose but right-now the truth has gotten u handy. Wanting to disturb hardworking people with disturbing kids, when they are thinking u r busy having sex to making babies u know not their destiny, better they die as death is the best justice. Question, how many have died and still the world has not come to a standstill? Die hommie, stop disturbance, we give ya a decent burial.
They want people to wear material cloths so u iron them like daily to increase ya electric power intake to increase the bill. When u do the above u r at holiday with them, with jeans or kaki or wash and wear they became like wild/mad with ya and thats the underlying truth bro. Govt gimmicks using criminals in their shortcomings.
The link above shows digital water or power bill meter, many nations have resorted from above and it gives room 4 tiny theft by speeding the pace at which the digits changes in many a household cause even its bought under phone at home in small denomination so hard to know and tell and the government of such nations are reaping huge out of this dude.
Like with Kenya they have created the corona virus so every kid at home watching tv, listening to Radio, playing PS or Ironing clothes as charging phones 4 their pals or theirs thus increase water or power usage as bill, when parents come back home they will not know of the discrepancy above but put blame on kids that they use more power but no pinch as can be paid on phone as little as a buck or 4 dimes or just $ 1. The power station or water has the capacity to increase like in 1 unit used they say its two to reap huge big. So my text is electric bill should be fixed 4 every household no-matter the usage and thats why many governments are rushing to even connect every household to electricity and even rapid rural electrification not left behind the money got from the dubious making of artificial poles luring gays they are from SA. When every1 at home it also increase cooking gas usage or buying of new handsets as phone usage by buying the airtime, going to clubs etc, so the curfew is seeing into what have been explained above but happy are we as we now got AE technology as No fuel Generators from like China to avert the power situation above. This once bought and installed need no extra maintenance fee  so eliminates ya from the hick-ups of rampant power surge and black outs as much as the dubious power games played by the govt which are open yet they refuse to hearken to the truth
Most plane or ships as boat get stuck or fall due to the failure of battery recharge system attributed by hitches in alternator as short-circuit, so raising the red light as effective on how it can be made, let the alternator be at the pilot or driver seating area where u can replace it by another waiting, like u can have 2 and it will solve the airplane accidents witnessed like every year. 4 example the gear that the belt is attached to rotate the alternator should be a long rod to the driver seat area where the alternator can just be inserted like gun bullets or grenade on the launcher like in the link below
When u became good that town became cold or with snow as God thinks u r well behaved so needs less monitoring and vice versa and that why cities like Jo-burg or Atl witness snows and they resort to illegality to be hot with Nigeria cities they act good cause its hot to be cold but to no avail bro. God sees people in clear skies as opposed to humidity or fogy skies like in winter or cold lands and thats the gimmick dude
People whose lands are like 50% propelled by ports like Durban, Mombasa or Amsterdam are cry foul as with new plane technology that can even carry like 100 tonnes if fusible as the source technology it makes the carrying of goods in ships then getting them out again into trucks expensive, sources gets to airports or any empty land and off-loading done, so if u thought u r looking 4 huge port nations to go and benefit from like getting employed as it will never end think twice as much as with opening containers while on transit to still from many in a small way to make it big by combining, now we got coded locks as opposed to the seal which could be cut and another 1 replaced without the owner knowing and u get by, dude think twice ya plan now blocked as much as with the good which were factory made like machine eg cars, airplanes part, Tv or radios will be imported in minimal amount not as previous as the locals now got their brands to buy from even with decoders like dstv or direct tv have locally made competitors like with of Sa or Senegal and soon every nation will have theirs as they as well got that technology, lets u get stuck or blocked like in checkers. And i hope u know dat dude.
Anyway whats the essence with the curfew and even during the day kids have sex and intermingle, kwani at night is when they cant do the above. Its all hidden in the explanation above period.
What if finally it come to pass that not fake Ginger that has entered the nation but grown ginger cures corona? Question is will those affected be compensated by the police like the beaten ones. They had it in mind thus brought the fake ginger in the link below to discourage ya that ginger aint the cure so they benefit big time in setting a side money to combat the above and using their own grown ginger grinned in a blender then mixed with distilled water to cure the same, they smear red soil on the ginger to make u think they r grown
If Tanzania is making choppers then they are making drones, to cement my truth explained in 1 of tumblr a/c following this 1, b4 lake Victoria was fenced they used to catch fish with it then fry and via Argentina get to the outer space then to the bottom of the earth the to a house in Louisiana which is rectangle but has wooden fence like in the song below and get out the vent and get into the USA to commit the atrocities explained above dude, many nations are just hiding their innovations
Mr trump is playing dice on the below, even their is a drop in usage of narcotics as many thought using such will liberate their mind and make them think or come up with gadgets that makes Mr oppressor tramples on them as they have known the hidden truth behind gadget making as explained in other tumblr a/c following this 1. M any nations want to stay afloat by capitalizing on this to still fund their empire. “Staying a float in the rainy days where their is no food as most food crops are destroyed in the farm like by heavy down pour or hailstone“ Pe not penis in local jargon or therluoji, king of the jew to cement the truth. Their is hunger, aketch, njaa out of the above
Their deal now blocked as their negro counterpart has known how to make artificial tea, cocoa, chocolate, cakes or coffee which in the USA is sold as iced tea and in that nature dont spoil the teeth as hot tea. So they want to introduce iced tea in Africa as they introduced KFC to attract more African consumers to add to the Negro population to still stay afloat, even their markets in Mexico, Guatemala, belize, Nicaragua, panama has learnt the same even automation to shrink their market so resorting to dubious ways like the corona case with the police curfew. Stop dude, times up and get this straight u cant teach old dogs new tricks, back off me dude!!! Still u claim superiority, u r more superior than me, shit dude, people are the same period in anything dude. Still wanna lead the parade and be 1st, then, stop homie lest put up a fight, let it be a tag of war, Mr Hindu
Stop many words that people are trespassing into ya premise or business, use the cheap wireless cameras above and for identity crisis as people transfigure like in airports, schools or in businesses to manipulate things then employ the cheap finger print scanner in the link below as well
Now the temperature of like tea or coffee u r taking using the digital thermometer in the link below where if the beverage becomes cold tell ya wife or Girl-friend and vice versa to warm it a little bit until it reaches the temperature u desire not to spoil ya teeth or make ya teeth grow numb or maybe make ya over-sweet to make ya want to bathe again, while tired, b4 u retire to ya bed or talk a walk on the hot humid summer weather. Dude think smart but let it be twice bro. “The truth is right here with us and we cant hide or escape from it bro and thats the bottom line no kidding dude“
Looking 4 CV OR CV-S Store as corona virus is cv or locating the hurled Gold wanting free things bro, i now know ya period.
Traditions of a tribe like the jumping of masai at the airport goes along with poverty and sympathy, as the nations develops to became like among the 1st world it means traditions got no place cause now u r par eliminating the above, if u insist with the same it breeds spirit and that’s what happening in Kenya with the police beatings to signal ya the character of Big bodied people of not listening and the rampant shootings in SA as they still hold to traditions. If u insist on the above it means u want to trample on a certain tribe which can turn on ya like with the big bodied people above or like the luo tribe now starting say they are this and that to no end.
Corona virus has cure and its grown ginger, Kemri ought to have investigated this and tell people to stop the beating of grown ups who are anti-masai gimmicks and that’s what is monitored during the day then if u walk bad at dusk a rod on ya. They wanna make money with the sanitation placed to wash ya hands, its open dude, stop, like those soap bottles are taken back and more hand wash added and sticker place on them and sold again, even at the scrap metal base they opt 4 the same. Now they monitor how u eat, how much u spend cause the nation is poor as the gimmicks like making extra-key is now eliminated by combination padlocks in trucks along the way and businesses as well, so they brought the curfew so u buy food during the day to monitor the mentioned above cause at dusk u get along the roadside venders and u buy not known, so the curfew is to bar the vendors from selling to u or to bar u from getting into their houses to buy. Friends which nation is governed that way, it should be like national park and if u behave bad with food its your kins and friends to advice ya on the same period. Masai cant eat in people houses even if the bulk of the national cake made in their lands, the Govt ought to have come up with a law suit to take like 2-3 % of net pay of every civil servant to see into the above like people who are coming from those lands where like Tea, coffee, cement, horticulture are grown- to cater 4 their hunger so they don’t behave like the above that they have been sidelined cause its crystal clear civil servants are paid from the above. But now its too little too late as it now calls 4 separation among every tribe as they have learnt making gadgets and ammunition as well they can use against another and say its the police, u can collect made like guns in 1 base but in the dark somewhere they are still making, its just a sample bro. Separate the nation stop game among ethnic lines, can save the situation big time. I wont be writing everyday b4 u come up with again another gimmick, what next after corona dude, gangsters, answer me dude?
They culture corona virus place in conducive gas cylinders b4 transferring into like small perfume spray to facilitate the above which if u unearth makes the govt anxious to sent the police as the corona curfew deal is havocked.
What’s happening in Kenya we put the blame on ICC, cause its them who allowed the orchestrators of PEV to still be rulers to champion the above maybe after being bribed to facilitate the agendas of the Mr. Big Man as The White community. If u talk ill of the masai blooded they are unto ya at dusk if u walk bad marking ya cloth of the day u r wearing bro.
The link above represents areas where the said loving good life Mr. big man but somehow lazy, wants to invest by the cash gotten from the corona saga as explained above. Their plans are to get women which they will never get as other spheres have as well come up with innovations as I tell you to click the link to see and saying Kenyans where are you or just bickering, accept u r poor or it calls 4 violence against the govt cause is sickening and tiring dude!!! They plan to stay a float capitalizing cash gotten from this saga like buying E-motorbikes, buses and put them on roads as well as like medium ships to place into Lake Victoria to take people to Uganda and Tanzania promising huge reaps as profits. Folks we want to see their next over-ambitious plan or-else it calls 4 massacre period, don’t get me in a bind dude, I aint championing 4 violence but a better world 4 all on it and that’s my text dude. Get busy boy!!!!
Traditions don’t take ya anywhere like with the latest innovations below, their is nothing like playing orutu with the luo or planting ng'ou tree or jumping at the airport with the masai or bull-fighting with the luya or listening to lingala with tipsy mean claiming that’s why they are innovative or watching EPL it calls 4 creative thinking and that’s final dude and its impeccable.
The repairs of old door locks are crying foul as with the digital combination ones which many opt 4 cause their is no duplicate with opening keys and no-repair as when u 4get passcode u buy a new 1 or when have hitches u do the same. If many replace them, it means the repairs above will be rendered useless and jobless unless they venture into another field altogether which as well proves cumbersome.
Manze ule mama mwenye anafanya Princeton University as library assistant, ule mkenya says Raymond sharply getting into kebi conversation, but kebi comprehends and says huyo, that 1 in English. Manze alinipa jobo katika ile hoteli karibu na hiyo shule, sikukuwa na do mtu wangu, vile alinipa, nilirukia, nikasunguwa nikasuguwa nikasunguwa, mtu wa mine and guess what ndiyo hiyo 30 bucks mkononi taslimu. A 1 hour job beste wa mine!!!!
Kwani wanataka nini, kana kwamba wanakuangalia kama nyama hanged kwenye butcher mtu wa mine. Kuna kitu jomba says Rodgers.
Choppers are 4 the poor sympathizers and any1 who owns or ride on such is known that way, the rich-man sympathizers ride on light aircraft pictured below. Choppies are book warmers and most are from the Ghetto, most rich kids are dummies and if any cleaver most have the paper previously which if captured and placed on a tumblr a/c with the index number then the subject name or abv then the whole exam stealing saga atrophies. I left banking along time and stop liasing with hooligans to like sturb me with a knife which they investigate if I have as well as the policeman in it as much as lecturers. Sudden death, die hard and make sure u die ya own death bro. If I got the knife they join hands and break it wanting me to buy another 1, u gay, fuck u, u glutton, we know the cloth u r wearing weather black or gray or the writtings, it will be used against ya like to eliminate ya by shooting ya from up above like from a chopper. Even if u die, now its better, we have known how gadgets are made, unless u know how to communicate with the devaura which if u don’t know we kill ya 1st, cause u r a bother but if u can we can give ya 2nd chance. Ya corpse taken if incase with rude kids, place under dough, plastic or glass bottle, old shoes, chaff, cereals or old clothes to make mini-misiles to follow big sent missiles like in the link below where in the dark they hurl like cold milk unto the above and boom an armoured mini-misile is formed. 4 rude strong bones adults they are used to make big trucks like in the link below
Coconuts when placed like in dough makes as well as Nofuel china generator and u can google that bro to see or the automated vending machines in the link below while dough placed like making mandazi with garlic inside makes smartphone or small gadgets like watches, pulse rate readers, thermometers etc. Phones as well can be made with cattle tongue under the hurl cold water unto them in the dark
The above automated vending machines are dollar or Euro enabled as well you can talk to the manufacturer to make which can accept ya currency and even pubs atrophies as much as shops provided is like armored and seats are heavy to break and thereby u got wireless camera to monitor your like alcohol pub or ya shop. Make work easy don’t struggle with loss in business attributed to theft from timing customers and miscalculation give customer much than they want, don’t get me in a bind women “it aint ejaculation” but am talking about balance to the client maybe out of being tipsy or faulty machines like calculator The above is also done not to allow the boda boda riders create a pool conducive 4 hooliganism, make them not know each other but to be a 1 man guitar fail to which tantamount to warrant of arrest if the local police are prudent in their management period
Click the link below to get a glimpse of Jamaica made motorbikes
Click the link below to get a glimpse of 1st solar powered Tv from Tanzania, Kenyans where are u in this are bro, shut up dude, stop accuses and wanting free things lest u r silenced
Get a glimpse of Akon built city in the link below https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/25/africa/akon-launch-crypto-city-senegal/index.html
1st solar powered smartphone made in kenya images in the link below
Made in kenya solar panels in the link below
A man allowing police to cane him and just laughing as its pure jokes as corona virus medication is grown ginger period dude, “Open gimmicks dude amongst dignitaries not criminals“
If u opt to make ya own mini-ship to save as new 1 maybe expensive using the E-small car engine to propel it then the below digital speedometer will be of great help to ya in the link below or with ya made siren gas propelled machine like with cars or bus
With ya made boat crossing the atlantic maybe from Dakar, senegal to NY USA u can use the direction compass in the link below not to get the other side and get lost all together but makes ya stay abreast in ya way untill u reach ya desired destination. You of little faith period
owhowo matek, stupid!!!!, the small nations after mexico is the gimmick they sell their artificial tea or coffee USA and mexico, they got star bucks there as well as MC Donald, Dillon, Walmart and more where they sell much of their iced tea products
Click the link below to get full information on Cameroon made bus yet nations like Kenya are still prouding themselves and looking 4 like tata bus company to set their plant in the nation. Kenyans where are u dude?
Check as well 4 maisha computers in the link below from Tanzania
You want me anytime in the restaurant to set food aside 4 u as i dont eat it all, well, so good but 4 how long? Will we usher in new year and reach another xmus doing that? Stupid dude!!! U must find a solution 4 that or u declare ya-self hunger stricken so the world step up or if u continue it calls for caning like they did to Christ. Ega ng’ielre tobado wasema nikuachie dish kama angali wewe bado mtoto mchanga, it can be 4 weeks but after a month u look 4 an alternative way to feed yaself dude. Wapatiye kidogo hadi lini Mr Orezo, kwani ni walemavu ama watoto wachanga?
Dstv or China like Zuku, bamba should employ the sport betting method 4 people to pay even 4 only like 1 movies, sports or a series as multi-programs not necessarily paying 4 the whole month this will as well increase their profitability as many will subscribe what to see when a round as opposed to the monthly pay which many dont opt 4 cause most of the time they aint in the house. China with corona virus and SA with Dstv, they created the same 4 what is happening to take shape, children and students get home and do more subscription to increase profitability and many Presidents went to SA to officiate the same. Daytime gimmicks and gimmicks dude, style up dude!!!
Me if i grow up i will be the opposition leader and at that time i will not agree to your deals even give ya kids job, kebi, thats up to u, just be, it will help u with ya siblings and ya people. Me at dat time i will be pro-govt. Another say he will not repair my bike, well dont do that, u aint the bike repair ya self, i will take my kids bike to another repair retorts kebi and another one still says that i will be a worn out sufuria repair, well, just be, i will not repair ya sufuria as i will be the best at that time, i will take to another repair, u aint alone get that. Gimmicks employed 4 u to offer sympathy like sharing ya food cause they have known how gadget/machines are made not the way they think so cant employ that gimmick to survive. Kev text, even if u die the world will still continue as u cant stop the world business. Die we bury u, stop disturbing us with ya stupidity bro of wanting to fill ya belly, u hungry and wretched, desiring free things from people. If u go to Rusia mortuary, many kids of ya edge are laying helplessly on the shelves then who r u, die kid we bury ya, ya character is tiring and sickening period and moreover i did not take part i making ya, talk to ya govt to address the issue, when told a good nation must have like few people u oppose but right-now the truth has gotten u handy. Wanting to disturb hardworking people with disturbing kids, when they are thinking u r busy having sex to making babies u know not their destiny, better they die as death is the best justice. Question, how many have died and still the world has not come to a standstill? Die hommie, stop disturbance, we give ya a decent burial.
They want people to wear material cloths so u iron them like daily to increase ya electric power intake to increase the bill. When u do the above u r at holiday with them, with jeans or kaki or wash and wear they became like wild/mad with ya and thats the underlying truth bro. Govt gimmicks using criminals in their shortcomings.
The link above shows digital water or power bill meter, many nations have resorted from above and it gives room 4 tiny theft by speeding the pace at which the digits changes in many a household cause even its bought under phone at home in small denomination so hard to know and tell and the government of such nations are reaping huge out of this dude.
Like with Kenya they have created the corona virus so every kid at home watching tv, listening to Radio, playing PS or Ironing clothes as charging phones 4 their pals or theirs thus increase water or power usage as bill, when parents come back home they will not know of the discrepancy above but put blame on kids that they use more power but no pinch as can be paid on phone as little as a buck or 4 dimes or just $ 1. The power station or water has the capacity to increase like in 1 unit used they say its two to reap huge big. So my text is electric bill should be fixed 4 every household no-matter the usage and thats why many governments are rushing to even connect every household to electricity and even rapid rural electrification not left behind the money got from the dubious making of artificial poles luring gays they are from SA. When every1 at home it also increase cooking gas usage or buying of new handsets as phone usage by buying the airtime, going to clubs etc, so the curfew is seeing into what have been explained above but happy are we as we now got AE technology as No fuel Generators from like China to avert the power situation above. This once bought and installed need no extra maintenance fee  so eliminates ya from the hick-ups of rampant power surge and black outs as much as the dubious power games played by the govt which are open yet they refuse to hearken to the truth
Most plane or ships as boat get stuck or fall due to the failure of battery recharge system attributed by hitches in alternator as short-circuit, so raising the red light as effective on how it can be made, let the alternator be at the pilot or driver seating area where u can replace it by another waiting, like u can have 2 and it will solve the airplane accidents witnessed like every year. 4 example the gear that the belt is attached to rotate the alternator should be a long rod to the driver seat area where the alternator can just be inserted like gun bullets or grenade on the launcher like in the link below
When u became good that town became cold or with snow as God thinks u r well behaved so needs less monitoring and vice versa and that why cities like Jo-burg or Atl witness snows and they resort to illegality to be hot with Nigeria cities they act good cause its hot to be cold but to no avail bro. God sees people in clear skies as opposed to humidity or fogy skies like in winter or cold lands and thats the gimmick dude
People whose lands are like 50% propelled by ports like Durban, Mombasa or Amsterdam are cry foul as with new plane technology that can even carry like 100 tonnes if fusible as the source technology it makes the carrying of goods in ships then getting them out again into trucks expensive, sources gets to airports or any empty land and off-loading done, so if u thought u r looking 4 huge port nations to go and benefit from like getting employed as it will never end think twice as much as with opening containers while on transit to still from many in a small way to make it big by combining, now we got coded locks as opposed to the seal which could be cut and another 1 replaced without the owner knowing and u get by, dude think twice ya plan now blocked as much as with the good which were factory made like machine eg cars, airplanes part, Tv or radios will be imported in minimal amount not as previous as the locals now got their brands to buy from even with decoders like dstv or direct tv have locally made competitors like with of Sa or Senegal and soon every nation will have theirs as they as well got that technology, lets u get stuck or blocked like in checkers. And i hope u know dat dude.
Anyway whats the essence with the curfew and even during the day kids have sex and intermingle, kwani at night is when they cant do the above. Its all hidden in the explanation above period.
What if finally it come to pass that not fake Ginger that has entered the nation but grown ginger cures corona? Question is will those affected be compensated by the police like the beaten ones. They had it in mind thus brought the fake ginger in the link below to discourage ya that ginger aint the cure so they benefit big time in setting a side money to combat the above and using their own grown ginger grinned in a blender then mixed with distilled water to cure the same, they smear red soil on the ginger to make u think they r grown
If Tanzania is making choppers then they are making drones, to cement my truth explained in 1 of tumblr a/c following this 1, b4 lake Victoria was fenced they used to catch fish with it then fry and via Argentina get to the outer space then to the bottom of the earth the to a house in Louisiana which is rectangle but has wooden fence like in the song below and get out the vent and get into the USA to commit the atrocities explained above dude, many nations are just hiding their innovations
Mr trump is playing dice on the below, even their is a drop in usage of narcotics as many thought using such will liberate their mind and make them think or come up with gadgets that makes Mr oppressor tramples on them as they have known the hidden truth behind gadget making as explained in other tumblr a/c following this 1. M any nations want to stay afloat by capitalizing on this to still fund their empire. “Staying a float in the rainy days where their is no food as most food crops are destroyed in the farm like by heavy down pour or hailstone“ Pe not penis in local jargon or therluoji, king of the jew to cement the truth. Their is hunger, aketch, njaa out of the above
Their deal now blocked as their negro counterpart has known how to make artificial tea, cocoa, chocolate, cakes or coffee which in the USA is sold as iced tea and in that nature dont spoil the teeth as hot tea. So they want to introduce iced tea in Africa as they introduced KFC to attract more African consumers to add to the Negro population to still stay afloat, even their markets in Mexico, Guatemala, belize, Nicaragua, panama has learnt the same even automation to shrink their market so resorting to dubious ways like the corona case with the police curfew. Stop dude, times up and get this straight u cant teach old dogs new tricks, back off me dude!!! Still u claim superiority, u r more superior than me, shit dude, people are the same period in anything dude. Still wanna lead the parade and be 1st, then, stop homie lest put up a fight, let it be a tag of war, Mr Hindu
Stop many words that people are trespassing into ya premise or business, use the cheap wireless cameras above and for identity crisis as people transfigure like in airports, schools or in businesses to manipulate things then employ the cheap finger print scanner in the link below as well
Now the temperature of like tea or coffee u r taking using the digital thermometer in the link below where if the beverage becomes cold tell ya wife or Girl-friend and vice versa to warm it a little bit until it reaches the temperature u desire not to spoil ya teeth or make ya teeth grow numb or maybe make ya over-sweet to make ya want to bathe again, while tired, b4 u retire to ya bed or talk a walk on the hot humid summer weather. Dude think smart but let it be twice bro. “The truth is right here with us and we cant hide or escape from it bro and thats the bottom line no kidding dude“
Looking 4 CV OR CV-S Store as corona virus is cv or locating the hurled Gold wanting free things bro, i now know ya period.
Traditions of a tribe like the jumping of masai at the airport goes along with poverty and sympathy, as the nations develops to became like among the 1st world it means traditions got no place cause now u r par eliminating the above, if u insist with the same it breeds spirit and that’s what happening in Kenya with the police beatings to signal ya the character of Big bodied people of not listening and the rampant shootings in SA as they still hold to traditions. If u insist on the above it means u want to trample on a certain tribe which can turn on ya like with the big bodied people above or like the luo tribe now starting say they are this and that to no end.
Corona virus has cure and its grown ginger, Kemri ought to have investigated this and tell people to stop the beating of grown ups who are anti-masai gimmicks and that’s what is monitored during the day then if u walk bad at dusk a rod on ya. They wanna make money with the sanitation placed to wash ya hands, its open dude, stop, like those soap bottles are taken back and more hand wash added and sticker place on them and sold again, even at the scrap metal base they opt 4 the same. Now they monitor how u eat, how much u spend cause the nation is poor as the gimmicks like making extra-key is now eliminated by combination padlocks in trucks along the way and businesses as well, so they brought the curfew so u buy food during the day to monitor the mentioned above cause at dusk u get along the roadside venders and u buy not known, so the curfew is to bar the vendors from selling to u or to bar u from getting into their houses to buy. Friends which nation is governed that way, it should be like national park and if u behave bad with food its your kins and friends to advice ya on the same period. Masai cant eat in people houses even if the bulk of the national cake made in their lands, the Govt ought to have come up with a law suit to take like 2-3 % of net pay of every civil servant to see into the above like people who are coming from those lands where like Tea, coffee, cement, horticulture are grown- to cater 4 their hunger so they don’t behave like the above that they have been sidelined cause its crystal clear civil servants are paid from the above. But now its too little too late as it now calls 4 separation among every tribe as they have learnt making gadgets and ammunition as well they can use against another and say its the police, u can collect made like guns in 1 base but in the dark somewhere they are still making, its just a sample bro. Separate the nation stop game among ethnic lines, can save the situation big time. I wont be writing everyday b4 u come up with again another gimmick, what next after corona dude, gangsters, answer me dude?
They culture corona virus place in conducive gas cylinders b4 transferring into like small perfume spray to facilitate the above which if u unearth makes the govt anxious to sent the police as the corona curfew deal is havocked.
What’s happening in Kenya we put the blame on ICC, cause its them who allowed the orchestrators of PEV to still be rulers to champion the above maybe after being bribed to facilitate the agendas of the Mr. Big Man as The White community. If u talk ill of the masai blooded they are unto ya at dusk if u walk bad marking ya cloth of the day u r wearing bro.
The link above represents areas where the said loving good life Mr. big man but somehow lazy, wants to invest by the cash gotten from the corona saga as explained above. Their plans are to get women which they will never get as other spheres have as well come up with innovations as I tell you to click the link to see and saying Kenyans where are you or just bickering, accept u r poor or it calls 4 violence against the govt cause is sickening and tiring dude!!! They plan to stay a float capitalizing cash gotten from this saga like buying E-motorbikes, buses and put them on roads as well as like medium ships to place into Lake Victoria to take people to Uganda and Tanzania promising huge reaps as profits. Folks we want to see their next over-ambitious plan or-else it calls 4 massacre period, don’t get me in a bind dude, I aint championing 4 violence but a better world 4 all on it and that’s my text dude. Get busy boy!!!!
Traditions don’t take ya anywhere like with the latest innovations below, their is nothing like playing orutu with the luo or planting ng'ou tree or jumping at the airport with the masai or bull-fighting with the luya or listening to lingala with tipsy mean claiming that’s why they are innovative or watching EPL it calls 4 creative thinking and that’s final dude and its impeccable.
The repairs of old door locks are crying foul as with the digital combination ones which many opt 4 cause their is no duplicate with opening keys and no-repair as when u 4get passcode u buy a new 1 or when have hitches u do the same. If many replace them, it means the repairs above will be rendered useless and jobless unless they venture into another field altogether which as well proves cumbersome.
Manze ule mama mwenye anafanya Princeton University as library assistant, ule mkenya says Raymond sharply getting into kebi conversation, but kebi comprehends and says huyo, that 1 in English. Manze alinipa jobo katika ile hoteli karibu na hiyo shule, sikukuwa na do mtu wangu, vile alinipa, nilirukia, nikasunguwa nikasuguwa nikasunguwa, mtu wa mine and guess what ndiyo hiyo 30 bucks mkononi taslimu. A 1 hour job beste wa mine!!!!
Kwani wanataka nini, kana kwamba wanakuangalia kama nyama hanged kwenye butcher mtu wa mine. Kuna kitu jomba says Rodgers.
Choppers are 4 the poor sympathizers and any1 who owns or ride on such is known that way, the rich-man sympathizers ride on light aircraft pictured below. Choppies are book warmers and most are from the Ghetto, most rich kids are dummies and if any cleaver most have the paper previously which if captured and placed on a tumblr a/c with the index number then the subject name or abv then the whole exam stealing saga atrophies. I left banking along time and stop liasing with hooligans to like sturb me with a knife which they investigate if I have as well as the policeman in it as much as lecturers. Sudden death, die hard and make sure u die ya own death bro. If I got the knife they join hands and break it wanting me to buy another 1, u gay, fuck u, u glutton, we know the cloth u r wearing weather black or gray or the writtings, it will be used against ya like to eliminate ya by shooting ya from up above like from a chopper. Even if u die, now its better, we have known how gadgets are made, unless u know how to communicate with the devaura which if u don’t know we kill ya 1st, cause u r a bother but if u can we can give ya 2nd chance. Ya corpse taken if incase with rude kids, place under dough, plastic or glass bottle, old shoes, chaff, cereals or old clothes to make mini-misiles to follow big sent missiles like in the link below where in the dark they hurl like cold milk unto the above and boom an armoured mini-misile is formed. 4 rude strong bones adults they are used to make big trucks like in the link below
Coconuts when placed like in dough makes as well as Nofuel china generator and u can google that bro to see or the automated vending machines in the link below while dough placed like making mandazi with garlic inside makes smartphone or small gadgets like watches, pulse rate readers, thermometers etc. Phones as well can be made with cattle tongue under the hurl cold water unto them in the dark
The above automated vending machines are dollar or Euro enabled as well you can talk to the manufacturer to make which can accept ya currency and even pubs atrophies as much as shops provided is like armored and seats are heavy to break and thereby u got wireless camera to monitor your like alcohol pub or ya shop. Make work easy don’t struggle with loss in business attributed to theft from timing customers and miscalculation give customer much than they want, don’t get me in a bind women “it aint ejaculation” but am talking about balance to the client maybe out of being tipsy or faulty machines like calculator The above is also done not to allow the boda boda riders create a pool conducive 4 hooliganism, make them not know each other but to be a 1 man guitar fail to which tantamount to warrant of arrest if the local police are prudent in their management period
Click the link below to get a glimpse of Jamaica made motorbikes
Click the link below to get a glimpse of 1st solar powered Tv from Tanzania, Kenyans where are u in this are bro, shut up dude, stop accuses and wanting free things lest u r silenced
Get a glimpse of Akon built city in the link below https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/25/africa/akon-launch-crypto-city-senegal/index.html
1st solar powered smartphone made in kenya images in the link below
Made in kenya solar panels in the link below
A man allowing police to cane him and just laughing as its pure jokes as corona virus medication is grown ginger period dude, “Open gimmicks dude amongst dignitaries not criminals“
If u opt to make ya own mini-ship to save as new 1 maybe expensive using the E-small car engine to propel it then the below digital speedometer will be of great help to ya in the link below or with ya made siren gas propelled machine like with cars or bus
With ya made boat crossing the atlantic maybe from Dakar, senegal to NY USA u can use the direction compass in the link below not to get the other side and get lost all together but makes ya stay abreast in ya way untill u reach ya desired destination. You of little faith period
owhowo matek, stupid!!!!, the small nations after mexico is the gimmick they sell their artificial tea or coffee USA and mexico, they got star bucks there as well as MC Donald, Dillon, Walmart and more where they sell much of their iced tea products
Click the link below to get full information on Cameroon made bus yet nations like Kenya are still prouding themselves and looking 4 like tata bus company to set their plant in the nation. Kenyans where are u dude?
Check my following tumblrs on the link below
Click the link below 4 Bolivia 1st electric car or chile or peru 1st e-bus
Also get maz trucks at affordable prices from belarus
Buy wind powered turbine generators at Uganda jumia in the links below put it on a tall post outside ya house using govt permit to light ya house or business premise or hot air generator if u live in hot places
The same way they switch off power supply 4 ya house is the same way the switch off power 4 certain lines as it has that remote controlled switch inside the newly replaced transformers. Its a power game and a daylight 1 not a twilight 1 bro
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