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Snow White and the  Seven Dwarfs (1937)
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yet another Disney villains wallpaper…with villians from almost ever movie
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The mirror was about to answer her question about what Rapunzel was doing with the books when she kept on talking and then threw a sheet over his head.  Well, fine then.
Home, that was a laugh.
Fear was a bit exciting to the mirror because he could somewhat relate.  He did not know the future, though he could make many educated guesses.  It was fascinating to see someone care so deeply about what was to come.  “Rapunzel has not mentioned the books to anyone but Pascal,” the mirror said, his tone came out comforting, which amused him.  “As far as I can see, Eugene does not know she has them, and thus Maleficent does not either.  Rapunzel has hidden them and taken great pains to keep them secure.”  Although it was ironic, because no matter the pains, the mirror knew precisely where they were and could tell anyone who asked.
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Fear was a bit exciting to the mirror because he could somewhat relate.  He did not know the future, though he could make many educated guesses.  It was fascinating to see someone care so deeply about what was to come.  "Rapunzel has not mentioned the books to anyone but Pascal," the mirror said, his tone came out comforting, which amused him.  "As far as I can see, Eugene does not know she has them, and thus Maleficent does not either.  Rapunzel has hidden them and taken great pains to keep them secure."  Although it was ironic, because no matter the pains, the mirror knew precisely where they were and could tell anyone who asked.
“Eugene gave the blood to Rapunzel,” the mirror said calmly, very entertained by her surprised.  Surprise was such a lovely thing.  “Eugene told Rapunzel he was going to join Maleficent in order to get inside information and eventually double cross Maleficent’s cadre.  In order to gain Maleficent’s trust, he gave her some of his blood, which enables her to read his mind and experience what he experiences.  Since then, it has become unclear where his real allegiances lie.  His behavior has alarmed both Philip and Rapunzel.  Maleficent has asked Eugene to find me and steal me for her use, as well as locate your Step Mother.”
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What a display.  This was ridiculous.  The two future royals of Corona rolling around on the floor smelling like the moat?  There was a spider in Rapunzel's hair.  It was unseemly.
"You people can't make up your minds," he said with a roll of his eyes.  "Philip steals me from Snow, now you steal me from Philip... You rank amongst the most ragtag, moronic bunch I've seen, and you know I've seen them all.  It's amazing you've all survived this long."
Oh.  Look.  The bad boy scout is here.  Can’t you people make up your minds?
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(I’m gonna say my conversation with Snow happened before this)
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"Eugene gave the blood to Rapunzel," the mirror said calmly, very entertained by her surprised.  Surprise was such a lovely thing.  "Eugene told Rapunzel he was going to join Maleficent in order to get inside information and eventually double cross Maleficent's cadre.  In order to gain Maleficent's trust, he gave her some of his blood, which enables her to read his mind and experience what he experiences.  Since then, it has become unclear where his real allegiances lie.  His behavior has alarmed both Philip and Rapunzel.  Maleficent has asked Eugene to find me and steal me for her use, as well as locate your Step Mother."
“All I know is what he’s said and done.  He has not spoken of his purpose, but he has been answering to Maleficent on this matter.”  He could stop there, but he wanted to see how she’d react to a bit more information.  “He expressed distress when Eugene Fitzherbert took some of his blood in retaliation.”
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Oh.  Look.  The bad boy scout is here.  Can't you people make up your minds?
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(I'm gonna say my conversation with Snow happened before this)
-he stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned to face her as she made it down next to him-
rapunzel shhh, baby. they’re going to hear us. are you trying to get me thrown in jail? you really shouldn’t be involved in this. it’s not safe and i don’t want you to be held responsible for any of it. please go to training. i’ll be home later. 
-he frowned, concerned about her following him further but he knew she would. nothing he could say would make her turn back. he continued down the stairs, moving like a shadow, silently. it didn’t take him long to find where the mirror was stashed. he could hear women talking about it behind one of the doors. they seemed to be arguing about nonsense which made for a perfect distraction from his place at the door.-
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"All I know is what he's said and done.  He has not spoken of his purpose, but he has been answering to Maleficent on this matter."  He could stop there, but he wanted to see how she'd react to a bit more information.  "He expressed distress when Eugene Fitzherbert took some of his blood in retaliation."
The mirror listened as she babbled, then finally settled on the one question he couldn’t answer for her.  It was almost as if she were afraid of knowing the truths she vocally wondered about.  “I cannot see the future, nor can I see inside of you, so I am afraid that final question is something you’ll have to answer for yourself.  The rest of your questions I may be able to answer.  Why don’t we go one at a time?”
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"You know what happened to me," she said, gesturing to her sling. "This Dr. Facilier person seems to be taking blood from people, and no one's exactly sure why, but, oh dear, there's just so much fear. And Eugene seems to have allied himself with a woman named Maleficent - the one that Philip killed. Or we thought he did anyway." She huffed in frustration. "I'm not making any sense; I'm just so confused about what's happening. I know you must have answers, and I do want to know, but mostly I'm afraid for Rapunzel - according to Philip, Eugene thought he was protecting her, but from what? Injury? Death? I don't see how he can do that without hurting her himself, by getting killed or maybe even worse..." She dropped her face into her hands and asked in a muffled voice, "What can I do to help? I want them to be all right. Both of them."
The mirror listened as she babbled, then finally settled on the one question he couldn't answer for her.  It was almost as if she were afraid of knowing the truths she vocally wondered about.  "I cannot see the future, nor can I see inside of you, so I am afraid that final question is something you'll have to answer for yourself.  The rest of your questions I may be able to answer.  Why don't we go one at a time?"
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He seemed pleased that she had asked, or gratified, or something. Snow smiled. "Well, enjoyment and frustration are certainly very human; maybe without a body like ours, you don't feel the same kinds of desires that we do. Wanting is a big part of being human..." She stood quietly for a minute. "Thank you for telling me. I like talking to you, and I wouldn't want you to feel that I was only coming to you when I needed answers." Sighing, she sat on a trunk. "I am worried about Rapunzel, though."
He made a shrugging gesture, though he had no shoulders.  It was a bit of a tilt of the head.  "I would not concern yourself with those worries.  I exist to give answers."  He studied her profile, her furrowed brow.  He liked hearing about emotions.  "Why are you worried?  Tell me about your worry."
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She took a second to frame the question in her mind, but there was really no way to ask delicately. "I know that you tell the truth, but do you have your own opinions and...feelings and things? I always feel like you do when we talk, but I suppose that could just be tone of voice or facial expressions that I'm reading too much into..." If he did have feelings, she hoped she hadn't hurt them by asking.
He chuckled a little, because it was such an unexpected question and he wasn't sure how to answer, or if there even were an answer.  "Not like you do," he said.  "I suppose I favor things that are unexpected and unfamiliar, since they are so rare.  I enjoy drama, a good story, and how people think.  I occassionally get frustrated with creatures because they cannot see what I can see, and thus behave ridiculously.  Or when they refuse to see what is in front of their own eyes... that is the most aggravating.  I'm not sure I feel much beyond that.  But I can't remember if I was ever mortal like you, and what the sensation of that was.  Maybe we are more similar than I believe."
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"Oh, I'm all right, I suppose. It aches a bit. Thank you for asking." It was interesting that he'd asked; did he care, or were questions like that just polite? He certainly had no need to be polite. She'd not thought about it before and tilted her head at him, curious. "May I ask you a personal question? I wouldn't want to be rude, but you're the only enchanted mirror I know."
"You can ask any question, though there isn't much that's personal about me."  He smirked a little, what could she possible want to know about him?  He knew everything, but had little to share of his own existence.  The queen had never asked him anything but inquiries into her own ranking amongst the world's beauties.  Snow never asked about such things. 
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Snow pulled the cover back and felt relief wash over her. She smiled as the Mirror's familiar face came into view. "I'm sorry you have to be covered; I know how you dislike it." She looked around the storage room, filled with furniture and objets d'art; the large Mirror had been tucked away in a corner behind two stacked trunks, a tall wardrobe, and another object covered by a sheet. "I was worried when I thought you'd been stolen, but Philip seemed to think you'd be safer here."
The mirror yawned, her melodious voice was rather pleasant to wake up to.  "Perhaps that's true.  It makes little difference to me." He eyed her arm in its sling.  He knew what happened, of course.  And he was fairly surprised by her mood, considering.   "How are you feeling?"
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"Based on her behavior that I have observed, Rapunzel thinks of you as an 'actual' friend, Pascal," he said with a slight smile.  Then he sighed.  "And I haven't done much.  I've only spoken truths.  What people do with that information is another story.  When you've seen as much as I have, good and bad start to lose their meanings."
Well that was interesting… all creatures had a bias, but perhaps Pascal’s was less obvious, or perhaps it was just more moderated by his other observations.  He knew about all of those events of course, but through the lens of Pascal they changed in nature, in meaning.  “And what good things have you seen them do?”  His definition of good should be interesting, too.
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what would happen if you met the person you were pretending to be… #faces #facetoface #glass #mask #followback (Taken with Instagram)
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