sissi-fidotmi · 2 years
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sissi-fidotmi · 2 years
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sissi-fidotmi · 2 years
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sissi-fidotmi · 2 years
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1. Stop reading. Reading gives you so many things. Opinions, knowledge of current events, outside perspectives and general knowledge. And when I say stop reading, I don't mean just books. I mean everything. Turn off social media and stop reading online articles. The only thing that matters is your immediate circle. This is by far the most important step.
2. Stop thinking. This is easier said than done, but it really helps. If something confuses you or surprises you, just say "wow" and move on. Don't try and figure it out. If you see some entertainment (a TV show, a new song, a photo or a play), don't try and understand it. Don't form an opinion about whether you like it or not. you like everything now. And let things remain a mystery.
3. Stop learning. Life is full of learning and there's always something new to get interested in. But I promise you, there is nothing you could learn that would make your life more complete. Everything you need to know to be happy, you already know. Why waste your time? Just give up new hobbies and skills in favor of the ones you already know. Don't worry about new scientific and political events, they don't add to your life at all. You'll be happier you made this decision.
4. Stop making decisions. Making decisions means that you need to be informed on the situation and clever enough to figure it out. It's literally the last thing you want to do. Life just happens. Don't try and control things around you. Just smile and laugh.
5. Ask for your man’s opinion. In order to facilitate #2 and #4, make sure a Man is around to help you. You cannot devote the time to forming your own opinion because that means you must be informed. And it's all well and good to stop thinking and making decisions for yourself, but now you need to put it into practice. If you see a movie, see what your Man thinks about it before you talk about it with your friends. If something huge happens on the news, make sure you know what your Man thinks about it. This will really help to keep you isolated.
6. Worry about what others think of you. It's important that you are concerned with the small, meaningless things in life. Those are how you look, how fun people think you are and whether you are a threat to them. Get used to focusing on your fashion, makeup and enhancement surgeries. Don't share your opinion, just have fun with others. And don't be aggressive, let other people push you around. If you follow these three things, people will want to be with you, I promise. Stop doing things for yourself and your pleasure, and make sure the others in your life have the strongest control over you.
7. Put yourself down. Just as you allow others to influence you, put yourself down when you stray from these tips. Did you offer an opinion in public? Apologize for it and take it back. Did you make an obvious mistake? Explain that you are dumb. Did you try and figure something out in your head? Scold yourself and make sure you feel guilty and shame every time it happens. Psychologically, you need to undo your wiring and never allow yourself small, personal victories.
8. Stop paying attention. After you are done reading and learning about current events, you need to go the extra mile. People are going to talk about the newest celebrity scandal or what horrific crimes the president committed. You need to stop paying attention even when people are talking. If you learn a new fact about an animal, just forget about it. Do not pay attention. When you watch TV or a movie, stop thinking about the characters or the plot at all. Just let it wash over you to the point where you would have a hard time explaining what happened on screen, even moments after you've finished watching it.
9. Keep quiet. During your transition phase, you will still be thinking a lot. A powerful way to make others understand that you don't have any thoughts worth hearing about, is to not say anything at all. When your friends are arguing, stay out of it. Just let it happen and smile. If someone compliments your appearance, just say thank you. You don't remember where you got the clothes or how you did your makeup.
10. Get dumber friends. In the same way that if you want to become successful, you need to surround yourself with successful people, if you want to be dumb, you must only hang around stupid people. If your girlfriends have too many opinions or care about the news, get rid of them. You just want to go to the beach and laugh. Allow yourself to only spend time with the lowest of the low. And aim to be at the bottom of that group. You want to win the race of how quiet, opinion-less and ignorant you can really be.
11. Waste your time. I don't mean do meaningful things that are commonly thought to be a waste of time, I mean literally stare at the wall for hours. Sure, spend more time at the gym, doing your makeup and have a lot of sex. But don't entertain yourself with pointless activities. Stay in bed during the mornings (or even afternoons) without thinking about much. If you need to, move things in your apartment to another room ... and then move them back.
12. Say stupid things. The final step is my favorite. Just fake it until you make it. Try and sound unintelligent. Purposely get facts wrong and laugh. If you genuinely don't know something, make it known. Not only are you trying to dumb yourself down, but you are trying to show everyone that you are not ashamed of this. And maybe they can be influenced by your example and seek to dumb themselves down as well.
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