sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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Don’t worry mommy will change you baby
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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So baby, I have been out and bought some really cute ABDL diapers
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They are from a company called Little for Bug and they specialise in making adult baby diapers
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Here do you want to see one of the diapers?
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It’s called baby cutie. Which is exactly what you are
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My baby cutie.
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Look how gorgeous and soft and smooth the diaper is
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You are going to love the way it feels next to your skin
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And I can’t wait to put my beautiful little baby into this diaper
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Are you ready for it?
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Then lie down for me and be a good little baby. It’s diaper time
Pic credit - the amazing and talented Mommy Gwen of MommyandBabyBruce - please join her just for fans site.
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
Oldie but a Goldie😊
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
Imagine you wake up and you're super excited because it's Easter but for some reason something feels different. After a few moments you realize that you're in a chastity device underneath your diaper, you come out of the bedroom and find that I've set up an Easter egg hunt and one of the eggs contain your keys! The problem is... Every other egg contains a piece of paper that says one thing that you will have to do wear for the rest of the day. Including a paci gag, a butt plug, a remote vibe, a spreader bar, more diapers, a short dress, and much much more. Happy hunting!
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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Beach Playdate
"Oh look at them together! Like two pink peas in a pod!"
"So cute! I'm so glad we managed to arrange this! It's so hard to find play-dates when your son is twenty - well twenty going on two!"
"Oh I know it, Tommy's been kept as a baby girl since he turned eighteen, and he barely gets to meet anyone his new age."
"And I never get to meet another mommy like me. it's going to be good to compare notes."
"Totally! So you're keeping Bobby fully as a baby girl?"
"One hundred percent! He's living 24/7 as a eighteen-month-old girl. And the girliest baby girl you can imagine! This swimsuit is one of his least elaborate outfits!"
"Oh Tommy's just the same! He was surprised when I dressed him in something so simple this morning. And the swim diaper of course, much less poofy than his usual diapees!"
"So he's happy using diapers full time? Bobby made such a fuss, at first."
"Well 'happy' is too strong a word. He's pretty upset by it all, but I think he knows deep down it's for the best. He was never going to cut it as a man."
"Neither was Bobby! I laughed the first time he said he wanted to have a girlfriend. Can you imagine!?"
"Ha, of course not! But… judging by the way they're holding hands right now…"
"… maybe this will be the first of many play-dates?"
"Maybe! Would you like that Tommy? If you want to take out your paci for a little while and play kissy-kiss your new friend, mommy will allow it!"
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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I have the best Mommy in the whole wide world! Look at all the pretty stuff she bought me! I feel like such a slut!! 🤭
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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"Watcha doing, little one? Why are you coming into my room? You know the only reason you're allowed in here is if you need your diaper changed. Are you wet?"
You propped yourself up from your hands and knees so that you could submit to Michelle's humiliating diaper check.
Michelle was your 'Big'. After several drunken disorderlies around campus, and a reputation for sleeping with (and fucking over) several girls at the dorm, you were quickly labeled as a 'problematic student'.
It happens to a lot of incoming Freshman and Sophomores. Their first few years at college, without supervision, some don't know how to handle the freedom and end up abusing it.
So, in an effort to alleviate the problem and keep the campus/dormitory looking good, a program was established to help students better transition into their adult life. These problematic students obviously weren't ready to be adults, and they must need 'parental' supervision because, without it, they apparently didn't know how to behave.
Seniors in good standing would be assigned a 'little' that needed correction. They would monitor, counsel, and sometimes punish their little to make sure they were making proper choices. But, call a spade a spade: they were basically your glorified babysitter.
The program quickly evolved, with each dorm finding more and more...successful methods of rehabilitating their peers.
The powers that be at the University simply looked the other way. After all, constantly expelling students made them look bad, they couldn't develop a reputation for constantly admitting delinquents, and hazing was something that happened all the time anyway. So, they decided to leave each dorm to their own devices.
Unfortunately for you, the device at your dorm was quite possibly the most humiliating of them all. They called it the 'Crinkle Correction'. They said it served as a way to 'start fresh', by starting you over in big, fat, crinkly diapers.
You had little choice in the matter. At only 20 years of age, the citations you received for drinking could get you expelled, or worse, put in jail. Girls around campus could file reports that you abused/assaulted them (even though you didn't), and it would ruin your reputation and any chances of landing a good job. Your only choice was to man up and take it.
"My goodness you are wet!" Michelle exclaimed. "Look how plump and puffy your pamper is!"
You flushed as you knelt in front of her, wearing nothing but your soggy diaper, feeling her grope and poke every square inch of the front in order to emphasize her point.
After she was certain that your cheeks couldn't get any redder, she placed the tip of her finger into your waistband, and gently pulled back.
"D'awww! Why is it crying?" she cooed as she peeked inside, referring to your caged cock. Michelle thought it was the perfect solution to keep you from fucking every girl on campus (as if the diapers wouldn't serve the exact same purpose), "you're leaking chastity tears!" she giggled, wiggling her hips in her sweatshirt with nothing but panties underneath. She knew it drove you crazy, she liked watching you clench your legs in an attempt to stem the flow to your crotch.
She circled you, watching you tremble. You wondered if other Bigs were as dominant as her, as demeaning, or did you get unlucky in that regard too?
"Did you go poo poo too?" she sneered in her sinister voice, circling you like a lioness around her prey.
"Y-yes ma'am..." you whimpered.
A swift kick to the back of your droopy diaper, her foot perfectly landing at the base of your balls. It wasn't her first time. You groaned and collapsed forward on your hands and knees.
"Tell me." She hissed into your ear. "Tell me what you did in your diaper."
"I went poo poo's in my pampers, Mommy!!" you whined into the floor, trying your best not to sob in front of her. She'd made you call her 'Mommy' since the first day she 'adopted' you.
"Awww!! Is that what that stench is?" She asked, as if she didn't know it as soon as you crawled in. She probably could have smelled you from down the hallway.
"Yes Mommy!!" you blubbered, losing your composure. "Sorry for stinking up your room!! B-baby needed to make a boom boom!"
It was pathetic. Pitiful. But you told yourself this was your only chance of staying in college and landing a solid career.
"Hmmm...well I'm sorry, little one, but you know I don't change dirties. You're gonna have to go find an RF for that..." But that didn't stop her from pressing her hand to your padded behind and mushing the mess into your backside while you cringed and whimpered.
RF's were 'ReFormed' students that had already made it through their semester of Crinkle Correction. Having to change dirty diapers served as a reminder of what they'd been through, and how easily they could go back if they ever decide to slip up again.
You obviously knew this. You'd had to make several crawls of shame through the hallways to one of the RF's rooms. But Michelle insisted that you come show her your filthy diapers first.
"Off you go," she said, taking the pacifier dangling from your neck and putting it back in your mouth. She smiled triumphantly, turning back to finally find some bottoms to put on.
Dismissed, you begrudgingly made your way out the door.
"Come back later, loser." she called after you. "I've got some girlfriends coming over. We'll play dress-up and turn you into a wittle baby gurl!"
As if. You thought. No way you would subject yourself to that level of humiliation! But she must have read your mind.
"If you do, and you're a good wittle pwincess, I might let you borrow my vibrator!"
God damnit. You thought. I'll be there.
This was an exclusive caption on my SubStar for the past 6 months. Go there to get more captions you won't see anywhere else, full access to all of my stories, and help a great cause (my electricity bill)!!
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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It was such a pathetic sight. Ryan was squishing in his chair, crinkling in his ridiculous diaper, and blowing raspberries between bites of mushy carrots.
I can’t believe how far he’s come, or, rather, how far he’s fallen. Ryan used to be a pompous, chauvinistic asshole who got a little too big for his own britches. If he wasn’t trying to  impress his holier than thou attitude upon anyone he could in public, he was doing it at home with me. I was beneath him. I was nothing but a 50’s housewife expected to cook, clean, and pick-up after him. Oh, and to be there to please his tiny dick for almost a full 30-seconds…
I was tired of it, sick of being nothing but a vending machine for him to call on, only to be left thankless and underappreciated. Things had to change.
So, I started off small, slipping various hormones and chemicals into the food I was ordered to cook for him every night. When he was sleeping, I’d put on a little hypnosis for him to listen to after I popped my earmuffs in. 
The effects were gradual at first. He started complaining about his nipples hurting. I’d find wet stains in his underwear, and he’d whimper and whine about the tiniest things (okay, maybe that wasn’t much different than before…). Soon I noticed him constantly needing to have something in his mouth. It started out with just his fingernails, then a toothpick, a plastic cap, and–when I started taking those away and he’d (literally) cry–he would resort to sucking his thumb.
He was actually giggling with delight when I brought home a pacifier. That was when things really started kicking in. He’d come home from work with wet underpants, and would wake up in soaking sheets. So, obviously, it was time for diapers. He protested at first, but soon I’d come into the living room to find him humping and crinkling on the floor, drooling all over his thumb. Where he used to bark at me to bring him a beer when he got home, he was now begging and pleading for a bottle of ‘milkies’ with his wittle baby voice.
He learned to address me as Mommy, to say ‘pweez’ and thank you for every little thing. He even agreed to let me bring home other guys. Real men for me to play with. There was a time where he’d try to act all macho in front of other men, now he’d get on his knees and suck their dick if I told him it was his ‘ba ba’ for the day.
He has no problem dressing like a girl, in fact, he kind of throws a fit if all his pink tutu’s and rompers are dirty and he has to wear a blue onesie. I used to let him hump his huggies as much as his little heart desired, I’d rather him pump his pitiful load into pampers instead of my pussy while I pretend to enjoy it–but then I took that away as well. He still whines and cries sometimes for me to let him out of his chastity cage for ‘cum cums’, but those are a thing of the past now.
It’s funny, he used to think he was so smart, he’d belittle everyone around him for not knowing the most random of facts. Now? He’s practically a braindead, bimbo baby. I mean, look at him. He’s blowing raspberries with muck in his mouth and drooling down his bib, smiling the whole time. He doesn’t seem to mind that he’s sitting in a heavily soiled diaper, in fact, he’s mushing around in it like a happy piggie playing in the mud.
I wonder if he understands that all of his money is now in my account. Sure, I’ll drop the hypnosis and send him out to work, only to make him snap back into it as soon as he’s home so I can tape him back in a diaper. Ryan–or Rylie–as she’s now called, is not even close to a man anymore. Her little dick is caged and diapered, right where it belongs. Now excuse me while I shovel more slop into her babbling mouth.
This was a custom caption I did for one of my lovely supporters on SubStar! If you would like one of your very own, consider subscribing to the Silver tier or higher!
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
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It's not enough to just lock the cock anymore. Why just control their orgasms when you can control so, so much more?
All it takes is a little diaper (or, in this case, a big diaper) and some locking plastic panties. That’s when you really start to control their psyche. They’re not just thinking about cumming anymore, they’re thinking about peeing and pooping too.
You strip them of their most basic biological freedom. What they once took for granted, they now have to carry around with them in the form of a warm, mushy reminder of their place. They won’t just think about when they get to have an orgasm again, they’re thinking about when they’ll get to use a freaking toilet again. You control when and where they get to use the bathroom.
You control their masculinity just by choosing a certain color for their new crinkly undergarments. Are they going to wear the pink ones? Or the ones with adorable zoo animals? They don’t even have control of the ridiculous prints on the diaper you’re going to put them in that day.
They thought they could control what clothes they wear, but that’s your decision now too. Which ones will expose their diaper the most? Which ones do nothing to hide that inordinate amount of padding on their bottom? Hell, you can control whether or not they even get to wear clothes around the house at all.
You control their sanity. Every step with the poofy padding between their legs keeps them in a constant state of humiliation. A continuous reminder of their status on the totem pole. There is nothing more demeaning to a man than having to wear big, ridiculous diaper. It’s hard to feel like an Alpha when you’ve got the Alphabet scribbled across the front of your poofy pampers. Who would take orders from someone that pisses and shits all over themselves? If they even try to speak out of turn to someone superior (which would be, well, everyone) a quick pacifier in their mouth will shut them up real quick. It’s not like they can even argue against it, they’re in a diaper for crying out loud.
But it’s when they’ve finally lost control, when they’ve no choice but to wet themselves, mess themselves, and they have to crawl up to you and beg for you to unlock and change their diapers, that’s when it really starts to sink in. They don’t have control over anything anymore. They want so desperately to wear big boy clothes, to cum, to feel like a man, to not have to fill and pack a pair of pampers, and if they do, they want out of them almost immediately. But they don’t control that anymore.
You do.
And all it took was one extra lock and key…
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sissybabybritnee · 12 days
Tax Return
"These ones look cute as well!" Mommy says while gently caressing your inner thighs.
You're sitting between her legs in front of her, completely naked on an open diaper, scrolling through your favorite abdl webshop. Your tax return hit, and this year, you've got no car repairs, no open credit card bill and no home improvement project lined up to spend it on. Of course, it would be sensible to just save it, but its no secret that you're not that mature.
"Oh what a good choice!", Mommy comments on the next bag of diapers in your shopping cart. "You wanna make that two? I'd love to see you toddle around with that print on your bum a bit more often" she whispers in your ear. You've got more diapers in your shopping cart than you've ever ordered in one batch already. Still, you add another bag of mommys desired print. "Good boy" she whispers in your ear, returning her hands to your neediest spot between your legs. "Keep going cutiepie, pick some more!"
With a hand between your legs, you're always obedient. You add three bags of your favorite diapers to the cart as well. "Just three? Don't you love these one?" Five. "There you go... you're going to be my good little baby boy for suuuch a long time" mommy coos.
Five minutes forward and the checkout sum approaches your total tax return. "Skip the pullups, we'll buy those in the store - if we need some at all, babyboy" mommy promises. "Just add a few bags of the medicals for shorter intervals and we'll be good to go." You've started to thrust your hips into her hands, hoping to fight her relentless teasing. But Mommy knows how to handle your little urges a bit too well and won't let you even get close to orgasm. For now.
"There you go! Now let's see what you've picked, honey!" You oblige and open the cart. Even though you've added several bags of most diapers, there's still quite a bit of scrolling to do to get to the end of the list. "Are you sure you want this?" Mommy asks while increasing her rhythm between your legs. "You're gonne be stuck in diapers for quite a while if you order all of these... I just want you to be sure" Worked up from her continuous work between your legs, you nod. "Yes, I do want that. I'm going to be your cute little baby" you moan. "Well, if you really want to be stuck in diapers for that long, you should probably order them before I stop here" she says. You shift around on that open diaper nervously. Its crinkles don't help to keep your head cool either.
You scroll through the cart another time. No way to estimate that final diaper count with mommy edging you for that long. All you know is that it's going to take quite a while to get through that stash. Mommy increases her rhythm another time. "Go ahead, be a brave little boy for me. You know you want it. You've wanted that for soo long. Think about all of these times where you were humping my leg and whimpered that in my ear."
So you do it. One click, one more to confirm your adress, one more to pay. Checkout completed. And mommy now goes to town with your private parts. It takes mere seconds before you arch your back, before you clench your hands on her legs and finally climax.
Before you even catch your breath, she fixes the diaper you've spewed into over your intimate parts. "I must admit, I'm a bit excited for that as well", mommy snickers into your ear as she closes the first two tapes. The feeling of that soft diaper on your overstimulated private parts makes you feel like you didn't even have enough. "I'd lie if I were to say that I am not looking forward to keep you in diapers full time for that long." You're still panting as she closes the last two tapes.
"You just stay there while I get your onesie. After that, we'll stow your undies away. Let's see if we can get through the remains of your previous order before the next one arrives."
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sissybabybritnee · 13 days
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Sissy Caption: Daddy’s Girl [6/6]
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sissybabybritnee · 13 days
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Sissy Caption: Daddy’s Girl [5/6]
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