sissybabyjana · 5 days
Baby sucht neue Mami, Herrin, Pertnerin
Hallo liebe unbekannte wunderbare Frau. Du sucht einen Partner und kommst aus der Region Koblenz oder kannst dir vorstellen dort zu leben? Du träumst schon lange von einem ehrlichen, offenen aber vor allem treuen Partner der Harmonie und gemeinsame Zeit jedem Stress, Streit und Heimlichkeit vorzieht? Dann haben wir schon deutlich mehr wie eine Gemeinsamkeit.  Dich interessieren Themen wie eine…
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sissybabyjana · 7 days
Forced Exercise
Over the years my husband has put on a few extra pounds. Sitting at a desk all day at work requires very little physically. As a result his muscles had gotten soft and his stamina dropped to the point that he was occasionally having trouble sexually.
His erections weren’t as hard as they once were. It didn’t bother me as long as his tongue still worked. When I took charge I decided to do something about this problem before it got way out of hand.
I got this wonderful idea from a fetish forum on the internet. I purchased a used unpowered treadmill and each day I handcuffed him to it until a certain distance was put on the odometer. For this idea to work, it had to be an unpowered one so he couldn’t just step off it and let it run up the distance on its own. He had no choice but to work hard to reach the required distance.
Plus it was safer. In case he tripped while being locked to it, it would stop instantly. Every time I would lead him to the treadmill, make him remove all of his clothes except his shoes and lock his wrists to the handlebars. Once this was done he was helpless to do anything other than stand in place or walk on the treadmill. I would then leave him alone to exercise.
The treadmill also keeps track of the average speed. If when I return to check on his progress the average speed is too low, I will smack his ass with my leather paddle 10 times to encourage him to work harder.
I feed him some water (he is helpless to do this himself) using a baby bottle and leave him alone again. When I come back again I check his average speed again and if it hasn’t improved sufficiently I will paddle his bum harder until its nice and red.
He never gets unlocked until he reaches the required distance.  With this being a regular routine, he has lost weight again and his stamina improved greatly. He is in better shape now then when we were first married.
His sex drive has also increased which makes his being locked in the chastity belt more effective. He lusts for me constantly but still only gets to cum when I decide under my complete control.
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sissybabyjana · 7 days
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Es wurde mal nach einer kleinen Auswahl der Erziehungsmittel gefragt.
Das ist Teil 1
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sissybabyjana · 8 days
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Buche jetzt eine Sitzung mit Mama🍼💗
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sissybabyjana · 8 days
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sissybabyjana · 18 days
Positive Association Diaper Training
In my unpotty training journey, I've been lucky enough to have my Daddy hold my hand and guide me through the entire process. Although I let him lead without much questioning, I do end up catching on to some of his training tips. It's just that in most cases, it's after I'm hooked into the behavior.
The diaper changing mat is a place of comfort for me. It's always laid out, and I'll wonder towards it when I'm desiring a change. When I'm laying on the changing mat and in the middle of a diaper change........... that's the time when he takes care of any "big girl urges".
All other times, I'm diapered.
Thus, I view the changing mat as not only safe... but a place I have a pleasurable association with. That's out of being hyper regressed into a puddle during a diaper change...... or having Daddy "check and clean my insides properly".
He knows I can get a little fussy when I have "strong urges", but it's always released on the changing mat and no where else. It it weren't for the changing mat I'd probably just make a huge mess anyway
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sissybabyjana · 28 days
📈 there are 2 different ways to do diaper training :
1 ) the progressive method :
the progressive method consists of slowly integrating the wearing of diapers into daily life. By following this path, you will gradually face the psychological challenges until you are completely comfortable in a diaper 24/7, no matter the circumstances.
I recommend this method to introverted people. (like me)
2) the immersive method :
Often used in bdsm, the immersive method consists of suddenly changing one's habits and committing to wearing a diaper 24/7 from a given date without having a period to get used to and mentally prepare oneself beforehand.
I recommend this method to extroverted people.
no matter which path you follow, the result is the same, you will be in diapers 24/7.
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sissybabyjana · 28 days
Diaper Training Program
During this program your little will go from being gently exposed to diapers to wearing them 24/7 and becoming dependent on always being in a diaper. By the end of the program your little will prefer being diapered over using regular adult undies as they will realize they will require a diaper to prevent embarrassing situations and enjoy the benefits that will come with being diapered all the time.
This program will work if using a caregiver or if self care is going to be used. You should also decide if your little will eventually use their diaper for both #1 and #2's or just #1's. If you are opting for #1's only your little will continue to use the toilet as needed for #2's.
Make sure both the caregiver and little have the same desired outcomes and know what to expect from the training program. Once diaper dependence is established it is almost impossible to regain 100% control of ones body functions again, diapers are going to become a necessary daily item for your little as the progam appraches completion.
I followed the program for 4 weeks solo and found myself bearly able to hold my pee after almost a month. I would find myself accidently start to dribble for several weeks after stopping and several times ended up with a spot on my pants. I wore a thin diaper for several weeks as I basically worked and strengthening my bladder again. One day I may return to the program and try for completion. For now I perfer bursts of wearing as desired.
Within a short time of completing the diaper training program and sticking with the new lifestyle for a while your little is likely to find that they may never be able to ever go without wearing a diapers again. Embarrassing accidents could happen at anytime when you train yourself to completely become dependent on diapers. A supply of quality diapers may have to be kept on hand at all times. If your caregiver goals and your little's goals aline after considering the potential permanent outcomes of the training program then it is safe to continue and begin the training program and continue to your desired level of dependence desired or go all the way to full dependence if you desire.
Each phase of the program has a recommended length of time recommended before moving to the next phase. If by the recommended phase periods your little has not quite met their goals it will be necessary to double the time period in each phase. Doing so will only increase the chance of continued success in the desired outcomes.
Once your little moves to the next phase they are not alloud to return to a previous phase. You little should be guided to embracing their new selves.
Sometimes it is nice to include a reward for your little such as a self masterbation session after the first diaper use and then at the successful completion of each training phase. Since they will be using a diaper daily by the end of this program your little should have something to look forward to and encourage them to stick with the program.
Phase 1: Exposure: 1 Week
This is the first step in exposing your little to the diaper training program. This is the first and most gentle step.
During this time your goal is to introduce your little to the feeling of a diaper, but not so much as to make them miserable and turn them away from the training.
During this phase it is recommended that you require you little to put on their new diaper at bedtime and wear it only until they wake up. A good time period to use is 10pm until your little wakes up. This will usually give a full 8-10 hours of wearing a diaper. Your little can still be alloud to use the potty as desired as long as they put the diaper right back on after doing so.
At this point in the program if you little does not use their diaper it is perfectly fine. The only purpose of this phase is to exposure you little to the new feeling of having something between their legs at night.
At first your little may have trouble falling asleep while wearing their diaper, but if consistantly repeated night by the last few days of the week your little should be able to sleep through the night. Your littles body will get used to the new feeling as they sleep. If by the end of the week your little is still not able to sleep through the night the duration of phase one can be extended another full week.
Once your little is sleeping through the night it is time to move onto phase 2. Remember though; once your little moves to the next phase under no circumstance can you go back a step in the program. Doing so will only slow down if not prevent the desired outcome you are hoping for.
Phase 2: Extra Time: 1 week
Your little is now ready to move to the next phase at this point in the program. Phase 2 is about extending the time spent in their new diapers and getting used to the feeling, look and sound of their new diapers.
During phase 2a it is recomended that your little consistantly wear their diaper from 6pm until the following morning. During this second week it is still ok if your little is not using their diaper, but that will soon change.
Also during this first week of phase 2a it is important that you not allow your little to wear anything at home to hide their diaper. Consistantly being able to see what they are now wearing will slowly normalize your little to the soon to be new them and help them build confidence with their new look.
Phase 2b: Starting to use: 1 Week
During this week you will continue with the steps above from phase 2a while adding one additional requirement. In order to be able to remove the diaper it must be used. This means that if your little goes the full night without using their diaper they are to remain diapered into the next morning until it has be used for at least a wetting.
Phase 2b's goal is to get your little semi comfortable with wetting in their diaper and becoming familiar with the feeling of wet diaper.
If the phase is completed correctly after the week of phase 2b your little will be ready to move to the next step. However, if necessary the duration can be extended an extra week. To help with encouraging use of their diaper you can always have your little drink a couple glasses of water before going to bed. By morning they will have no choice, but to use their diaper. This phase will also exposure your level to the protection level of their diaper. By the end of this phase your little will be able to trust their diaper for any wetting need and you will begin to remove the fear of leaks for your little.
Phase 3a: 1 week: All day wearing with exceptions.
Once you have made it to this part of the program your little should be becoming significantly more comfortable with the soon to be new them.
During this 1 week period it is required that your little wear a diaper from the moment they wake up in the morning until the next morning.
At this point your little will become used to using their diaper and be familiar with the wet feeling of a used diaper. During this phase of the program the care giver is required to start providing changes for their little. You should also order at least three types of diapers for your little to test what they like to wear.
The only time a diaper is not required at this time is when going to work, a doctors apointment or a family gathering. When running errands you little needs to be consistantly diapered.
In this phase you are showing your little that usually noone will notice anything about what your little is wearing. Even if someone knows they are wearing a diaper they will be a completely stranger making no impact on their personal lives.
Phase 3b: 1 week: Time for work
During this part of the program you are slowly pushing your little boundaries to continue showing them everything is fine. Your little is now required to continue everything from phase 3a, but now they are going to be wearing to work. To help in this phase your little may feel better wearing a onesie. This will help conceal their diaper while also holding it in place if used to help prevent leaks.
By the end of this week your little should be returning home wet and needing to be changed. If not coming home wet extend the period for an additional week until the desired results start to happen.
For doctors apointments and family events you may want to provide an alternative to their perferred diaper such as a pull up or thinner diaper as confidence continues to build.
Phase 4a: Becoming comfortable 1 week.
At this step your little has been wearing at least daily for over a month and at least wetting their diaper for a couple of weeks now. They should be more comfortable with their new look and comfortable with depending on their diaper to protect them from leaks. You will now destroy a remaining pair of underwear since they are almost no longer needed at all except for a doctors apointment.
During this time your little will be wearing a diaper for family events. The only time your little is not diapered will be at a doctors apointment. By the end of this week your little should be comfortable with their new self.
Phase 4b: 1 Week
At this time you will destory one of the two remaining pairs of underwear leaveing only one pair for a possible doctors apointment. By now you little should be consistantly using their diaper as need for wetting and may start to find themselves having difficulty holding back a wetting.
Everything from phase 4a will continue to apply to your little. If you and your little have decided to use their diaper for both #1 and #2's you will now start to require them to use their diaper for number 2's while quickly providing a change afterwords to promote trust and prevent skin irritations.
To facilitate this step you may want to start giving your little a laxative or two with breakfast. Quickly your little will continue to grow their trust in their diapers since they will be using them for any restroom need now. Start keeping a portable diaper bag when you travel or run errands for the inevitable accidents.
Phase 5a: Final stretch: Full Time
During this final phase your little has now arrived at the point that diaper are to be worn at all times; for everything. Now it is time to destroy the final pair of adult underwear as they will no longer be worn. By now your little may even not notice often if they are even wearing a diaper and may start to not realize they are wetting their diapers. As each following week progresses your little will become completely comfortable with being dependent on their diapers, trusting their caregiver for needed quick changes and oblivious to their diapered status unless needing to be changed.
During Phase 5a it is a good time to have your little help select their preferred diaper that they will continue to use. It is also a good time to have your little try on their clothes over their diaper and anything that will no longer fit correctly or thats makes your little uncomfortable by having to much risk of being discovered be removed from the wardrobe. New pants should cover the diaper well, but not be so tight that a swollen buldge or the diaper outlines not be visable when a change is needed. You little will not be worried about being discovered or even really care if they are.
Phase 5b: From Here On Out
This is the final phase of the diaper training program. Starting this week your little will be diapered full time and be comfortable wearing their diapers for everything. No adult underwear will remain in the home for them to use, only diapers now. From this point forward your little will be completely dependent on using their diapers for anything.
Each week from this point you will notice your little embracing their new self. You little will be consistantly using their diapers for everything and becoming comfortable wearing anywhere they go at all times. They should not notice their diapers by now unless it is significantly dirty and needing to be changed.
As the weeks continue on you should find your little no longer being worried about hidding their diapers as much and starting to dress for comfort. Your little should have lost the fear of being discovered by anyone and even if they are discovered realize that nothing bad is going to happen to them.
This phase of the program will last indefinitely since it will be almost impossible to regain 100% body control again. Your little will now be completely comfortable at anytime wearing a diaper and have no issues with using them as intended as the weeks continue.
Things for your little should continue to improve week after week as they continue to wear their diapers 24/7. You should always have a stock of diapers available now since your little may be approaching incontinence. Your little should notice the benefits of being diapered by now: not having to dash to a restroom, not using dirty public restrooms and enjoy the protection a diaper offers.
From here on your little will be comfortable with their new self most of the time and they will continue to improve confidence as time goes on. You should notice a big change in your littles life as they will have accepted their now dependence on diapers as a leak would be more embarrassing than being discovered diapered. When your little has completely embraced their new self you can make minor changes to dress requirements and institute new rules since you little will have no choice but to use their diapers now as needed and will even forget they are wearing a diaper, sometimes even if they need to be changed. The caregiver is now completely responsible for taking care of the littles needs.
By this point your little has been diapered daily for a few months and wearing 24/7 for several weeks. By this time your little will have completed the full diaper training program and be comfortable at all times with themselves and no longer be embarrassed to wear diaper anytime.
Since your little is now almost or completely incontinent your little will realize diapers are now always required at all times. If discovered by anyone: strangers, family or even a doctor they can legitimately say that their diapers are completely required.
You will know that your little has completely accepted their new life when you request a diaper check and regardless of where you are they lift up their shirt to be checked and not care if someone takes a quick glance. Frequest diaper checks will become common and will sometimes have to occure when out in public to prevent significant skin irritations.
Remeber to keep supporting your little and making them feel comfortable and loved constantly as that will only promote longterm if not permanent adherence to being diapered at all times.
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sissybabyjana · 1 month
Lust auf eine tabulose TS Schlampe aus Koblenz?
Lust auf eine tabulose TS Schlampe aus Koblenz? Ihr wollt mich treffen, benutzen oder einfach nur Bilder und Videos sehen, dann ist meine anonyme WhatsApp Gruppe genau das richtige für Euch. Ihr bleibt dort anonym. https://chat.whatsapp.com/HL5DYc1fesJCNZ9dxxiEdQ
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sissybabyjana · 1 month
Umzug und Blogaktivität
Hallo Ihr Lieben, wie ihr festgestellt habt, habe ich hier lange nichts mehr veröffentlicht. Das liegt aber nicht daran das es keine Neuigkeiten mehr gibt oder nichts passiert ist. Ganz im Gegenteil. Es ist sogar sehr viel passiert. Mein Weg zur TS Schlampe und Hure ist sehr weit fortgeschritten. Ich bin mittlerweile regelmäßig und mehrfach wöchentlich in den Kinos und Clubs der Region Koblenz…
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sissybabyjana · 1 month
📈 Diaper training : challenge by level to progress in diaper training
STEP 1 :
LEVEL 1 : sleep in a diaper every night
LEVEL 2 : integrate leaving the house in diaper
LEVEL 3 : wear a diaper 24 hours
STEP 2 :
LEVEL 4 : wear a diaper for 1 week (24/7)
LEVEL 5 : integrate diaper to socialize time
LEVEL 6 : integrate diapers into your sports routine and your hobbies
LEVEL 7 : integrate to buy diapers in real stores
LEVEL 8 : integrate diaper to go shopping (buy new clothes) while wearing a diaper
STEP 3 :
LEVEL 8: wear diapee during 1 month (24/7)
LEVEL 9 : integrate the diaper at work
LEVEL 10 : integrate the diaper when traveling
STEP 4 :
LEVEL 11 : wears a diaper for 6 months (24/7)
LEVEL 12 : wear a diaper for 1 year (24/7)
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sissybabyjana · 3 months
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The ideal situation 🤤
Cami was being a bit of a brat complaining about her tummy. Her Mxtress brought her into the dungeon and placed mittens on her so she wouldn't fudged with her diaper or plastic pants. Helplessly silent, the pink paci gag was placed around her head and deep into little space she went! Cami hardly notice the hand down her diaper placing the end of a long tube in her soft, padded tushie! Mxtress, fond of her medical kink equipment, loved using her syringe to deliver a soaking surprise to her worthy diaper sub. Pump after pump the syringe pulls water from the small tank and pushed it back far into her little one. Watch Cami squirm and wiggle while she feels herself getting fuller and fuller.
I could only hold it in for about 10 seconds when it was out >\\\< I hypermessed these diapers real real good!! If we're friends, ask me about the video of me taking it off!! 🤭
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sissybabyjana · 3 months
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Strawberry can’t come to the phone, she’s a bit tied up at the moment.
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sissybabyjana · 5 months
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Another great set from @LilCuckInPampers on fetlife!
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sissybabyjana · 5 months
Why your partner likes diapers and wants them 24/7
As a non-ABDL person, trying to understand why my successful, grown-up male partner would want to wear and use diapers 24/7 wasn’t immediately obvious. He even struggled to describe his feelings & desires to me. To make it even harder his desires seemed to change from wanting and even trying 24/7 to not wearing diapers at all for a few days.
Overall this really made me confused and worried and is what drove me to go deeper into my research into ABDL and start talking to some other couples.
He’s helped me with some of this article but the goal of it is to help non-ABDL partners understand their ABDL partners desire better. I should also say that this is our viewpoint and although I know from conversations with other couples it’s a very common one, there are obviously lots of different reasons why someone might want to wear diapers which we won’t cover here.
So firstly, you’re not in any way stupid for wondering why your partner might want this, as subjectively wearing diapers has a lot of negatives from potential embarrassment, cost, smells, extra chores in daily life… the list goes on. BUT for your partner some of these negatives might actually be positives and overall the positives far outweigh any negatives for them.
So lets get down to some of the reasons they like diapers:
It gives them comfort
This is a hard one to describe but in the same way that cuddling up to your partner or being given a hug can make you feel at ease, safe and relaxed, diapers can do this for ABDL people. 

I’ve heard the saying that wearing a diaper is like being given a hug constantly. From the moment they’re taped into a diaper many ABDL’s will feel more at ease.
It takes them back to a simpler time
Childhood is something a lot of adults look back on with fond memories where they lived without the stresses and pressures of daily adult life. Wearing and using diapers can really help in reminding them of these good times and adding some of it back into their adult life.
This is especially powerful if you take control of their checks and changes, and incorporate other elements of babying.
If you partner likes to regress and act like a younger age (age play) then diapers are a core ingredient to get them into this headspace.
They like giving up some control
I have no hard evidence to back this up but I feel that ABDL’s over-index on stressful careers and generally being “successful” people. The problem is this often comes with tons of responsibility and control over lots of decisions, so giving up some of this control can be incredibly therapeutic and stress-releasing for them.
I’m confident that all adults can relate to the enjoyment of having some decisions taken away from them, but for most using the toilet wouldn’t be their go-to thought.
We’re big advocates for 24/7 and one of the main reasons for this is I’ve seen first hand how beneficial it was saying to my boyfriend, yes you’ve got a big and important job with lots of stress but from now onwards going to the toilet isn’t going to be something you have to think about.
This year we’ve been experimenting with him giving up more control, by increasing the babying, and honestly the more I take away the better I think it makes him, both professionally and personally.
They like the smells
Being in diapers 24/7 exposes them to a lot of different smells which they can find enjoyable or relaxing.
From being taped up in a fresh diaper with baby powder scent, to the subtle pee smell as they use their diaper, to more pungent odours coming from their filled diaper, to the clean fragrance while being wiped clean. They experience this wide range of smells daily and each brings different feelings from feeling cared for, loved, embarrassed and more.
I myself (like many women) like the smell of babies and over time I’ve found that the smell of baby powder on him and his wet diaper is something that makes me feel content and relaxed too.
The feeling of diapers is great
The soft padding encasing their bum and groin is comforting, and then as they use it it gets warmer and squishy. There is a constant reminder of its presence when sitting or walking, with the subtle sound which accompanies it. Even the feeling of messing their diaper is enjoyable for many ABDL’s due to the unique feeling of it pushing out and then spreading in different directions.
The naughtiness of being punished
Diaper discipline should be more than your partner wants as otherwise it won’t fulfil the feeling of being punished and controlled which they crave.
Like other more mainstream kinks their diapers sometime being uncomfortable, embarrassing and inconvenient is a positive for them and isn’t something you should try avoid.
Many times it’s convenient
Being able to pee and not have to stop playing a game, watching a film or working can be convenient. My boyfriend used to get up in the night to pee which disturbed his sleep and mine, now it goes straight into the diaper.
On long drives and flights it can be a lifesaver wearing a diaper, the seatbelt light going on doesn’t worry you even if you need to pee.
Being changed is amazing
Diaper changes make them feel incredibly loved and cared for. It’s very intimate with some embarrassment but having your loved one wipe you clean and tape you into a fresh diaper is one of the top experiences for your ABDL partner.
Even a diaper check shows them you’re caring for them while also playing into the feeling of giving up control.
Diapers combine great with other kinks
Diapers go hand in hand with a range of other kinks including bondage, chastity, spanking & submission. If they or you are kinky you should try these with diapers involved and all make for good punishments too.
They’re cute
With ABDL and diaper discipline more popular than ever, we’re blessed to have a huge range of amazing adult diapers available. These diapers look cute on your partner and when combined with ABDL clothing it really plays into the lovely feeling of regressing to a younger age.
Why 24/7
So hopefully you can now better understand why your partner loves wearing diapers. But there are a few reasons why the idea of wearing 24/7 and then the reality of it is so appealing:
Accepting this is part of them
Many if not all ABDL’s have experienced or are still experiencing shame about their diaper wearing desires. Switching to or being forced to wear 24/7 helps them accept that this actually is a big part of who they are and they don’t need to pretend otherwise or feel guilty about it.
The loss of control
Accepting they now have to use their diapers instead of the toilet on a long term basis excites and scares them in a good way. They’re losing one of the most grown up privileges.
You accepting them
Encouraging or forcing them to wear 24/7 shows your partner that you fully accept this part of them. One of their biggest fears will be their ABDL desires cause them to lose you, so by being truly supportive it will be a massive weight lifted off their shoulders.
We’re going to do another article on this shortly but because of this I feel there is a big benefit of you forcing them into 24/7 rather than waiting for it to happen naturally.
It stops them having to decide when to wear
Many ABDL’s yoyo on their diaper wearing frequency and struggle to decide when to wear or not. Having this choice taken away from them removes this stress and helps combat the lows when before they’d have felt guilty and stopped wearing for a period.
It becomes part of their daily life
Diaper wearing is often a hidden part of their lives but moving to 24/7 means it needs to become much more normalized. From making sure their wardrobe is now designed around their padded bum to having a large stock of diapers on hand and not hidden is extremely beneficial for your partner.
I’m sure there are many reasons here we’ve missed so please add them into the comments. Also please watch out for our next long post about when is the right time to switch your partner to 24/7 and how to do it.
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sissybabyjana · 5 months
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sissybabyjana · 5 months
age ranges in littles
now obviously these aren’t applicable to all littles, and some of this list is a little more gendered towards boys because i am one and don’t have a lot of experience with girl littles or nb littles, but i tried my best. /)v(\
little traits:
👶🏻 one year old: -sometimes nonverbal, when verbal, usually a lot of non distinct sounds, or very basic words/baby talk -toilets and potty training are pretty much a definite no -typically wears diapers -hasn’t graduated to a sippy cup yet, so still uses a bottle -will eat solid foods, but nothing too big yet, mostly softer foods that tend to be sweeter -definitely needs a bib when eating regular food because they’re very messy -frustrated more easily -slightly more needy, and wants to be cuddled and held a lot more often -will play with basic learning toys like blocks or rings, and enjoys teething toys(depends on the little, though) -still uses a pacifier -crawls more than walks
🍼 two year old: -much more verbal, but much more babytalk rather than full words -sometimes a bit more bashful -will still use a bottle, but can switch between a sippy cup and bottle; they usually prefer softer mouthed sippy cups to the harder ones -mostly eating solid food, milk is more of a comfort food in a bottle now -still uses a pacifer often -may be starting to potty train, and switching more from diapers to pull ups; likely still wears diapers when sleeping -will put almost anything in their mouth -much more adventurous and playful; likely plays with more educational toys and has taken a slightly larger interest in tv, but too much or too loud hurts their little eyes and ears and they could get overstimulated -typically has a fascination and love for animals and the outdoors -walks more than crawls -may carry around a comfort item everywhere(teddy bear, blanket, paci, etc) -bottom wiggles
🍭 three years old: -definitely using the potty more often -less babytalk, more coherent sentences -might usually decline a bottle, and is adjusting to harder mouthed sippy cups, but probably still prefers softer ones -definitely still uses a pacifier -when using a bottle, sometimes it’s comfort or they’re not feeling too great -dinosaur chicken nuggets are a favorite, and they’re learning that they really don’t like their vegetables -definitely potty training at this point and not using diapers as much at all anymore; usually pullups and overnight diapers -loves games like hide and seek, and is learning tag -still fascinated by the outdoors and likely has a new love for animals -eating hard foods and soft foods, and likely enjoys chips, animal crackers, graham crackers, and different kinds of sweet dry foods -isn’t eating typical baby food as much if at all, but still won’t necessarily eat “adult” food, even if cut into tiny, bite size pieces -requires a lot of attention and a careful eye, because they can be mischievous
🍬 four years old: -doesn’t wear diapers anymore -may not use a pacifier as often -likely wears pullups as a security thing, but is in training pants and can usually stay dry -uses hard mouth or soft mouth sippy cups, and has said goodbye to the bottle(for the most part) -has a new love for tv and different kinds of games that require more coordination -likely loves car rides and trips, as well as trips to the zoo and aquarium, because animals -much more easily bored, but very energetic -likely still messes up on certain letters or words, and could have a slight lisp, but sentences make sense and there is much less babytalk, if any -might be getting more interested in dress up -more interested in art, but less coordinated(think finger painting and macaroni art) -has a stuffed animal collection -monsters in the closet are a common occurence now
👦🏻 five years old: -has likely developed a love for tea parties, imaginary friends, and superheroes and/or princesses -disney is very important to them -they’re likely learning how to read, and their speech is very well formed at this point -they’re definitely out of diapers and pull ups, and only occasionally have accidents, which usually upsets them greatly -rarely uses a pacifier -only uses hard mouthed sippy cups, and is graduating on to regular water bottles -fascinated by just about everything -is likely a picky eater, but not as picky as when they were younger -enjoys coloring -can sing along to literally every disney song, it’s kind of insane -loves candy, chocolates, and anything sweet -a lot more playful and mischievous -likely still requires a nap during the day -enjoys playing with cars and/or baby dolls
👧🏻 six years old: -accidents are almost unheard of -likely has begun to enjoy star wars, star trek, harry potter, or another child friendly fandom -watches a lot of cartoons -eats as much candy as possible when they can get away with it and always regrets it but keeps doing it -can be very naughty or very nice -hates being scolded with a passion -still loves disney -no babytalk, maybe a slight lisp, but sounds just like any other adult when speaking for the most part -might still watch shows geared towards younger groups -can read and do more complex puzzles -still fascinated by the world and loves car rides -pizza is a favorite food, but dino nuggets and mac and cheese are still high up there -mostly uses water bottles rather than sippy cups
🤖 seven/eight years old: -thinks they’re a lot bigger than they actually are -only use water bottles because anything else is “for babies” -watches less disney to seem cooler, likely -more interest in video games and consoles; likely has a 3ds and some games, or maybe a different console -knows a couple swears but wouldn’t dare say them -can sit through movies -loves star wars and superheroes and princesses a lot more -imaginary friends aren’t as common, neither are tea parties -enjoy light up sneakers -love forts and often think people of other genders around their little age, or other people in general have “cooties” -likely more athletic and willing to participate in sporty events -can endure longer car rides and shopping trips -rarely throws tantrums -significantly less clingy
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