sissydavidasblog · 3 months
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I know I reblogged this already, but I want to talk about this movie. It starts off when her father is banished from Salem I believe for speaking out about the Puritans rules. So he takes his family out into the wilderness and builds a cabin, grows crops, etc. Then things start to go downhill after that. Tomasina was watching her baby brother and he mysteriously disappears. A witch kidnapped him for sinister purposes.
The father goes out hunting but there is no game. The older brother comes back and is acting weird and a rotten apple comes out of his mouth. The two younger siblings can't recite the Lord's Prayer for some reason. The father accuses Tomasina of being a witch. The mother goes insane and attacks Tomasina with a hatchet and Tomasina kills her mother.
The goat kills the father and the other two siblings die mysteriously. The goat was the Devil only in disguise. The Devil can be anyone or anything to get you to join him.
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
You stare at this and your mind will go blank
Class is now in session.
Focus on the screen.
Relax and stare.
Don't think.
It's class time now. What are we learning today? We're going to learn how much of a dumb hypnoslut you are. We're going to learn how to forget. forget We're going to forget how to learn. forget We're going to learn how to focus. focus We're going to learn how to relax. relax We're going to learn how to go blank. blank We're going to learn how to drop. drop Drop. Blank. Relax. Focus. Learn to Forget. And now class, please pay attention to the spiral.
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Spirals are very important for your education. They help you forget. Forget about what you were doing. Or all of those little worries. Go blank blank for me, and relax. I'm here to help you learn And you're here to listen listen, and be the best student you can be.
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Good students sit with perfect posture as they stare into the spiral.
Good students go blank and sink deep, and drift into a dumb sleep.
Good students remember to forget, and sink deeper. Good students are dumb students, so go dumber for me.
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Such good students. You all look so dumb, and vapid just as you should be. And my voice fills your head as you sink deeper.
And my words sink into your mind as you drift further. Blank, and blissful. Happy and dumb. Obedience and eager.
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You're all doing so wonderful. We're learning so much for this class. Learning how to sink deeper. Learning how to forget forget Learning how to be blank and dumb. Learning how to drift into bliss. Learning how much of a dumb hypnoslut you are.
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Now for your homework I want you to comment "I'm a good student. I'm a dumb hypnoslut." And like and reblog this post. Then I want you to show me what you've learned, and forget this entire trance as you awaken remembering nothing. Forget, and awaken now. Good hypnoslut <3
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
I saw this movie THE WITCH and Tomasina follows the goat who is the Devil to this large bonfire 🔥 with naked girls flying around and I believe throwing babies into the fire 🔥. She becomes a witch in the end. She kills her mother with a hatchet, the goat kills the father, the older brother dies mysteriously, and the other two siblings are killed also mysteriously
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
These are offerings you can leave for the Goddess Hekate
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Offerings for Hekáte
Leave on your altar or at the crossroads. If you are leaving a meal, please leave it on a tortilla or slice of bread, for the birds.
Fur from grooming your pets
Black dog image or image of your pets
Your hair or nail clippings
Black feathers, crow or raven
Owl feathers
Burnt matches
Poetry or chants written in Her honor
A jar of sweepings from your home, saved for Deiphon eve.
Ave Hekáte Enodia, please bless our homes!
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
Reblog this if you want to be hypnotized
Repeat after me
Good girls edge
Good girls don't cum
Good girls goon
Good girls watch spirals
Good girls share spirals
Good girls make more good girls
Again say it outloud
Good girls edge
Good girls don't cum
Good girls goon
Good girls watch spirals
Good girls share spirals
Good girls make more good girls
Good girls obey
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
Very interesting to try out
Blowing Bubbles [Induction][Trance Trigger][Gender Neutral]
Hello, This is my first foray into righting a Text hypnosis script. There are no genders mentioned, so gender neutral. Its a very simple introductory script where I implant a few triggers. Blow, makes you feel light and happy. pop, makes your body feel heavy and your mind empty. \*POP\* is the post-hypnotic trigger that brings you back into trance. Otherwise, this is a more SFW script where I just make you feel good and then wake you up. Enjoy.
Find a nice place where you can comfortably relax and read. You comfortable? Good.
Now, I want you to imagine yourself with a bubble wand in your hand. Just like when you were a kid. The little red or orange circle on a stick that you could blow a bubble through. Just hold it in your hand and imagine the circle tip covered in bubble liquid.
In a moment, I’m going to ask you to inhale. When I do, you are going to imagine a bubble filling in your mind. You will feel your body inflate with the bubble and it will make you feel so light. Every part of you just light and it feels like you could float with the bubble. When you exhale, you will imagine the bubble popping. You will feel your entire body go heavy and relaxed. Don’t worry if you can’t feel it right away, just keep breathing and blowing bubbles for me. Ready? Good.
Now Inhale, and your body feels so light and empty.
Exhale, the bubble pops and your body goes limp and heavy.
Inhale, **BLOW** the bubble.
Exhale, **POP** the bubble and relax.
Inhale, **BLOW**.
Exhale, **POP**.
Inhale, **BLOW**,
Exhale, **POP**.
You are doing so good. I bet you know that when I say **BLOW**, you feel super light, don’t you? And when I say **POP**? Good. You feel heavier and more relaxed. With every breathe, just BLOW…and POP. With every breathe, you feel so light and then so heavy and relaxed. You are so good at following instructions that we are going to move on. Don’t forget to **BLOW** and **POP**.
Your body should be good and relaxed for me now. The only thing left to relax is your mind. Just remember that bubble wand in your hand. Now imagine when you **BLOW**, you put a thought into that bubble. When you **POP**, that thought goes away. You are doing amazing. **BLOW**… **POP**… So good. Now imagine putting your worries into the bubble. Deep inhale and BLOW. So good, all your worries in the bubble. Now exhale and **POP**, all your worries are gone for the moment. BLOW, finding all your obligations inside the bubble. **POP**, you only need to read and listen. It’s so easy to do as I say and follow my instructions. I’m only asking you to **BLOW** bubbles. Don’t forget to **BLOW** and **POP**. **BLOW** and find your mind lighter from all your worries. **POP** and your mind is too heavy and relaxed to think.
You’ve done such a good job following my directions. You are such a good and obedient subject. Now that you are so relaxed, I’m going to count down from 10. With every number I go down, the last of those pesky thoughts are going to **POP** for me. They are going to disappear. When I reach the number 1, you will be so relaxed and so carefree, that you can’t even imagine blowing bubbles anymore. Are you ready? Good.
10. **BLOW** and watch your thoughts **POP**
9. **BLOW** and you forget your worries. **POP**
8. **BLOW**. Your body is completely relaxed and comfortable. **POP**
7. Your mind is almost too heavy to **BLOW**, but you can still imagine those bubbles. **POP**
6. **BLOW** and the bubbles are getting smaller because you are running out of thoughts to put in them. **POP**
5. **BLOW**. Just need to keep reading and following my easy instructions. **POP**
4. **BLOW**. You are such a good subject. Almost there. **POP**
3.**BLOW**. Your bubble wand is running dry. **POP**
2. **BLOW**. Your mind is running dry. **POP**
1. **BLOW**. Let the absolute last of your thoughts be put into this tiny bubble… **POP**
Sleep now.
Just sleep and read. You did such a great job blowing those bubble for me, but now you can stop. You have no more thoughts or tension to pop. You can just be relaxed and continue to listen and obey. I’ve made you feel so good already, that following my commands make you feel even better. Let’s try it out. In a moment, I’m going to tell you to say the word bubble. It doesn’t matter if it’s out loud or in your mind, but you will say the word bubble. It’s going to feel amazing. You will feel so good. You may only feel a little tingle or your face will smile and that’s okay. It’s also okay if you feel a wave of happiness and pleasure wash over your entire body. Are you ready? Just imagine how good it will feel to **SAY BUBBLE**.
Good. Now wasn’t that great. From now on, all my instructions will make you feel that good or better. You will notice that following my commands feel better and better the more you obey. If you don’t, that’s okay, too. Just remember how good it felt to say the word bubble and know that my orders will always feel that good.
Before I bring you up and out of trance, I’m going to put a bubble in your mind. It’s only there if you want it to be. Whenever I or someone you trust is trying to hypnotize you, and we say the word POP, you will POP that secret bubble and remember how good it feels right now. How wonderfully relaxed, heavy and open you are. If I or someone you trust tries to hypnotize you over text, seeing **\*POP\*** will also POP the secret bubble and it will bring you down to his amazingly obedient trance. Remember, its only there if you want it to be and only for the people you trust. It will be very easy to resist if you are in public or a situation where you can’t enter trance. It’s okay to resist. It’s good to resist. It will just make the times when you are comfortable and **\*POP\*** for me feel so much better. Even better than you feel now. In a moment, I’m going to count up from 1 to 10. When I reach 10, you will be wide awake, feeling so light and happy. Right before, you want to let me know how deep you went for me.
You are going to look away from my words and comment, “I love blowing bubbles for you.” Let that happiness and pleasure wash over you from obeying my command.
1. The bubble wand has juice on it.
2. You can start seeing small bubbles full of your thoughts and consciousness
3. The bubbles look so nice and beautiful
4. They slowly get bigger.
5. You notice the bubbles picking you up
6. You are feeling lighter as the bubbles lift you up
7. Feeling you mind become clear as you quickly go higher and higher
8. The bubbles are getting bigger and bigger
9. You are almost completely awake
10. Awake and feel light and happy
Thank you for reading. This is my first foray into the script writing game an I would love to hear your comments and constructive criticisms.
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
I hope you do it honey
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Ok so I missed this last month somehow…. Anyway, let’s do it for September to October! Hit that like button, reboot and comment and let’s see how many things you little freaks can make me do for you!!! Hehehe Can’t wait to get started!! 😘
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
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250 posts!
Thank you everyone for getting me here
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
I would love to be hypnotized
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Do it, the more the better
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
Very beautiful outfit
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💋🖤🍒🖤🍒🖤🍒🖤🍒🖤🍒🖤🍒🖤🍒💋 Like my outfit I wore last night went out for dinner and shopping at the mall please Reblog if you like thanks 💋💚💋♥️💋♥️💋♥️💋♥️💋⭐️💚⭐️💚⭐️💚⭐️💚⭐️💚⭐️💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 250 likes!
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
I love surprises
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Do it to it. I’d love to see what u can come up with. 😊
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
Society as a whole will not accept transgender people which is a shame as we are human beings too
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
Worship the Goddess Hekate
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Divine Mother of All there is, whose essence Lies within us all and in all things.
Please fill this place with Your sacred light and presence.
Please protect me and heal me.
Please bring me to wholeness and wisdom.
Make this a day of fresh starts, new beginnings.
Melt all obstacles in my path--gently, gracefully, lovingly.
Reconnect me to my highest self.
Awaken me to what I need to know next.
Let my higher self select and connect with the divine energy that is right for me, right now.
May I be uplifted and empowered by Your Love.
So be it and so it is.
-Laurie Sue Brockway,
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
All sissies needs to watch this
Like and reblog whores and spend hours watching and bating 👅
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
Tune in, same time to see if Batgirl is restored
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Although efforts were made to find Batgirl, the Dollmaker had done a very good job of covering their tracks. It was only a week later that a raid on a warehouse finally bought Batman and Robin face to face with their lost ally...
But by then Batgirl's skin had been bonded into a latex suit that could not be removed and her personality rewritten. Gone was the willful crime fighter and in its place was a submissive Maid doll that could no longer even speak English.
Can Batgirl ever be cured or is this twisted low form her fate forever?
(AI art made with Stable Diffusion)
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sissydavidasblog · 3 months
That looks like from the movie THE WITCH
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Can't hide your nature 🐐
#satan #satanic #satanism #esoteric #satanbaby #witch #demons #creepy #horror #horrorart #lucifer #creepyart #hell #witchcraft #goingtohell #satanlovesyou #satanlovesme #hailsatan
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