sistema-celeste · 6 years
Well, I clearly picked a good time to come back...
For those who don’t know, Tumblr will be deleting all adult content on December 17th and are currently flagging posts and tags that they deem as NSFW. Currently, I haven’t been affected yet, but I may very well be in the future.
If you follow @abyss-of-the-azure or any other BlazBlue themed blogs, then you should be aware by now that the BlazBlue tag has been deemed NSFW for some utterly bizarre reason.
Now, how does this affect the blog? Because as far as I’m aware, any tags pertaining to UNI haven’t been classed as NSFW (Accurate at time of posting). This is partially because of UNI’s inclusion within BBTAG, which is predominantly BlazBlue. This brings me to a rule that I was going to make earlier on but never got around to:
I will no longer be answering questions pertaining to BBTAG.
This not only because of my personal decision, but also out of worry of the blog getting shut down.
I was originally going to put this rule in place because I want to focus solely on UNI and what is canon to it, but it’s now because I want to make sure that the blog stays active for as long as possible.
So yes, this blog will still be active and I will try to update it as constantly as possible. But, if anything happens to the blog or if I do decide to abandon it, there will still be sites and profiles that I use for UNI trivia and story purposes.
Below, you shall find links to sites that focus on UNI as well as personal accounts that you can interact with in case you want to discuss UNI.
https://in-birth.wikia.com/wiki/Under_Night_In-Birth_Wiki The unofficial wiki that is run by Sourenga. I am also a moderator for the wiki and it is currently the largest collection of UNI trivia on the web.
https://twitter.com/Sn9TheWeeb My personal Twitter, feel free to talk to me there.
https://twitter.com/UNISTWiki A UNI trivia focused Twitter account run by me and two others.
Once again, this blog will not be abandoned or deleted, I am just merely taking safety precautions for the time being.
Thank you for understanding.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
So I just saw the heights of the characters on your profiles, and is Enkidu actually, seriously, taller than Merkava?? It says he is 7'1/4 while Merkava is 6'11; how can that even be possible?!
That’s mostly because Merkava is pretty much always hunched over. If Merkava was able to stand completely upright, he’d easily be a few heads taller than Enkidu.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
I’ve got some good news regarding the blog.
A friend of mine who would like to remain anonymous has lended me an old, hand-me-down laptop of his to focus on the blog. Hopefully now, I’ll be able to focus on the blog more often in the leadup to Christmas.
Obviously, there has been a lot that I have missed in the last few months, including, but not limited to:
The birthdays of Orie and Hilda
Climax of Night and the surprise appearance of Kamone, Raito and RyoRca.
The most recent French Bread Information Station stream that focused on the Hollow Night factions (Bankikai excluded).
Hopefully, I’ll be able to get my crap together before Christmas truly comes around and finish up most of the things I said I’d do. Please look forward to those in the near future.
Thank you for understanding.
It’s about time I got back in business.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
Can you post more facts about UNI Character?
Once I’m able to fix my laptop or get a new one, I’ll be able to get back into the swing of things.
But at the same time, I feel like I’ve been slacking and It infuriates me to no end. There’s already plenty of things that I’ve missed out on (Hilda’s birthday, the surprise video from Climax of Night etc.) and I don’t want to miss out on anything else.
Again, I promise that I’ll make it up to you once I get my act together and my tech fixed.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
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French Bread Information Station is coming around again, this one is going to feature an in-house tournament.
The stream is scheduled for Halloween.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
does it ever bother you that french bread doesn't even bother with putting most of the story in the games. imo it seems pretty lazy cause it looks like a lack of forethought and just. writing stuff they want to be canon on the fly. it's almost worse than blazblue tbh in terms of conveying information.
Oh, there’s no denying that it can be infuriating having key points and info being sealed away and not being revealed in game; but I honestly don’t mind it.
Maybe I’m some sort of masochist, but I honestly like having secrets being kept away from the main game and put in side material. I don’t know exactly why, but there’s something oddly thrilling about searching out all of these small web animations and livestreams to see what kind of info they’ll reveal. It’s similar to when you went on Easter egg hunts when you were younger, it’s the joy of searching for the eggs (Or lore, in this case) and revelling in your excitement when you do manage to come across something good.
But yeah, I can see your annoyance with this. But you still need to remember, French Bread is still a relatively small company who are doing their absolute hardest to make sure that the story of UNI is easy to follow and comprehend. They have even stated multiple times that they’ve only planned the main story to a certain point. The most you can do for now is show them your support and help them become a more prominent figure in the gaming industry.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
Happy Birthday Sistema Celeste and hope College goes well for you. :-)
Thank you!
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
Update on life.
As you may be aware, there’s been a lack of any updates regarding the blog, which I cannot apologize enough for. I’ve been busy with college, it’s my birthday today, and I’ve been on a massive Devil May Cry bender.
So, obviously, I’ve had my hands full and I’ve missed quite a bit. There’s recently been a new episode of Licht Kreis Information corner, a new French Bread Information Station stream is most likely on the way, and my inbox is fairly full at the moment.
On a side note, this blog has almost hit fifty followers, which is amazing. Yes, it’s a small number, but it’s enough to tell me that there are plenty of people out there who do actually care about Under Night’s background and lore. I promise I’ll do something for when we do hit fifty followers; I’ll most likely make a poll of things that you guys want to see covered and we’ll go from there.
Once again, I’m sorry for the lack of updates and thank you for sticking with the blog for so long.
Take care.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
“The day after tomorrow is October 7th, the birthday of Licht Kreis’ Fifth Executor, Orie!
Because we’re that excited, we decided to show off her illustration early!”
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(Illustration by Sora Ozawa)
“This year’s illustration was made by Ozawa-San, who is one of the sprite animators for UNI!
Orie’s a busy girl, appearing in both UNI and BBTAG! It’s great seeing her so happy and content.”
Orie: “It’s nice how people take the time to celebrate my birthday yearly.”
“Happy birthday, Orie!
As usual, please look forward to future updates!”
(Note: Sorry for the hiatus.)
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
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Just because I name drop a few fighting games doesn’t give you guys liberty to gush about your favorite characters in said games in my inbox, guys (you know who you are).
There will likely NEVER be a Blade Strangers/Dengeki crossover with GG, just give it up (even if ARCSys helped distribute French Bread games).
Just enjoy BBTag and XrdRev2 for now.
(I swear, you guys would crossover Real-world Physics with Psychics if you could get away with it…)
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
So what exactly IS the Hollow Night and why do people want to control it?
Depending on who you ask this question, you’ll get varying answers, some blunt and some in-depth. This is mostly down to how mysterious the nature of the Hollow Night is.
The most basic answer you’ll most commonly get is that the Hollow Night is a strange event that happens once a month in certain locations under a full moon, but this is somewhat of a misconception.
The Hollow Night is a phenomena that may very well be as old as time itself. While it does indeed happen in certain locations during a full moon, the truth is that it can happen anywhere at anytime, depending on how highly concentrated the EXS in that area is.
Another thing that’s frequently stated is that the Hollow Night is an alternate dimension of a unknown origin. But whether or not that’s a misconception is another story altogether due to or the differing opinions. Yuzuriha in particular states that the Hollow Night isn’t as much an alternate world as it is an bizarre, eldritch extension of our own, which has a small bit of evidence to back it up. A few characters (Carmine and Phonon in particular) describe the Hollow Night as being no different from the real world, the only difference being that raw EXS is now visible to the naked eye in the form of a red fog that gets thicker the more concentrated it is.
As to why people want to control it is down to mostly two things: Power, and instinct. At the center of the Hollow Night lies the Abyss, a source of infinite power. The Abyss triggers a sort of instinct in both In-Births and Voids, no matter what, they will always find themselves attracted to it in some way or another. Strix even describes the connection between In-Births and the Abyss as “bees to honey”. It is said that the Abyss can give In-Births powers beyond their imagination, which even includes becoming a Re-Birth. The very bottom of the Abyss is told to house something called the Door of Resurrection, but so far, nothing else has been said regarding that.
There’s still plenty of mystery surrounding the Hollow Night and it’s nature, things that not even Autonomic Nerves like Vatista hold within their memory banks. The organization Ritter Schild had dedicated their existence to trying to solve the mysteries surrounding the Night, as has Chaos, but God only knows how close they are.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
I can understand why the Night Blade and Licht Kris don't want Hilda to succeed in her plans to make Amnesia control the Hollow Night, but why do the Night Blade and Licht Kris fight each other if they both want to keep the Hollow Night from causing trouble?
That mostly just comes down to personal conflict.The Licht Kreis War was the first full-scale conflict ever recorded in the Hollow Night's history, with the two factions involved being Licht Kreis (obviously) and the Night Blade, but it goes a bit deeper than that.Think of it as two political parties; They both have similar goals in mind, but have different approaches to how they accomplish those goals, and even then, that goal has one major difference between them: The goal of both Licht Kreis and the Night Blade is to completely exterminate the Void and keep the peace in the Hollow Night. But it comes down to this:Licht Kreis (And to an extent, Ritter Schild) are the police force of the Hollow Night, keeping the police and using extreme force when dealing with In-Births who step out of line (Street brawls, abuse of EXS abilities, etc and etc).The Night Blade nowadays act as a sort of vigilante hit squad, a far cry from what they originally were. They desire the extinction of the Void, but their methods are a tad bit more reckless than the likes of Licht Kreis, almost a bit like Amnesia in that regard if you think about it.Naturally, a similar goal with different ideals is going to cause two factions to clash. But if you want to get more to the point, it most likely comes down to Waldstein's defection from Licht Kreis with Adelheid still possibly holding a grudge.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
So, what does the new info say? P.S. What would you think if there was an anime series adaptation or an anime movie adaptation for Under Night In-Birth?
Unfortunately, I’m still waiting for a solid translation on what was said in the recent FBIS stream. From what I could gather, it focused mostly on the Void, how one can potentially become a Void and the similarities between the Void and the Re-Births. I promise, I’ll go into a lot more detail once I manage to get a translation, so stay tuned for that.
As for your second question, I’m not sure if it’s really possible as of right now. The most obvious answer would be down to budget issues concerning French Bread as a whole, but it also comes down to content. Currently, Under Night doesn’t have much of a continuing story; all it has are mostly non-canon character story routes with only a few confirmed canon events, which are only confirmed canon by French Bread in Information Station streams and the like, and the only really true Story Mode acts as a prequel to all of that chronological mess. If Under Night really was to have an animated adaptation, I could only really see a possible OVA series of some of the Chronicle Mode stories. Even a few French Bread members have said that an animated adaptation of any kind is highly unlikely right now
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
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A French Bread Information Station stream will be held later today at 08:00 PM JPT. It seems that this will be another lore and background discussion broadcast. Hopefully, there will also be a letter reading section this time around.
Stream link for anyone who wishes to watch it live: https://www.twitch.tv/furapan_info
For anyone who cannot be able to see it live, French Bread have a YouTube channel that acts as an archive for Information Station episodes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ19ZUAq_atiIUdKe2OKalg
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
Does Orie have a black and white viewpoint when it comes to justice or is she just stubborn? In UNIL, she doesn't seem to take Hyde's word that Linne is not the enemy and while Gordeau's not a member of Amnesia anymore, Orie still considers him one in BBTAG. Also, in BBTAG, she automatically assumes Ragna is evil (to be fair, he did kill a LOT of NOL soildiers, destroy two cauldrons, and dine n' dashed, but he has redeemed himself in CS/CP) because he is a criminal and refuses to listen to him.
Orie’s view of things isn’t completely in black and white. She’s at least somewhat willing to hear out Hyde during their confrontation in both of their Arcade stories, and she’s clearly hesitant to fight him too, but it’s mostly their respective allegiances that puts them at odds. Even then, BBTAG has shown that she would gladly fight by his side when against the odds.
Her sense of justice has also been unwavering as of late, which is mostly down to Adelheid’s decisions as well as her hidden away emotions which have developed after her somewhat traumatic past. As Enkidu points out in his Arcade story as well as Wagner in her Chronicle story, Orie is clearly hiding some very strong feelings; Feelings of rage and possibly even hatred and guilt. Her interactions against Hyde are mostly born out of her duty as an Executor.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
Sounds like you have experience with BlazBlue and Persona. What do you think of them and RWBY?
I used to be a massive fan of BlazBlue when I was first getting into fighting games, I liked it’s steampunk/magical settings as well as the lore behind it. And as a massive fan of heavy metal, I was instantly drawn to the OST. But over time, I kinda distanced myself away from it and I don’t play it as often as I did.
I’ve actually never had any experience with Persona or the Shin Megami Tensei series at all, the only games I’ve ever really played being Persona 4 Arena and it’s ULTIMAX update/sequel. Still though, I hold the original P4A kinda close to my heart, as it was the first fighting game that I ever truly got into (Although I absolutely suck).
As for RWBY... I would say that I hate the show, but hate is a strong word. At the most, I really, really don’t like it. I think the animation is cheap, the fights (the supposed highlight of the show) are overhyped, the story is cut n’ paste and the music is the most blandest tripe I’ve listened to, with some absolutely horrendous vocals (Looking at you, Caffeine). I got to about Season Three before I packed it in. If there is one good thing to say about it is that I loved Roman Torchwick, or, as I shall refer to him as from now on; Chad.
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
What did you like about Episode Under Night In-Birth in BBTAG? P.S. Did you like the Curry Chapter?
The inclusion of an English dub really helps flesh out the character’s personalities and every character (Excluding the ‘Wave two’ DLC) is given their moment to shine in one way or another.
It kinda bugs me though that we don’t get to follow any of the other characters and we’re just stuck with Hyde, it’d help give a better example of what they’re trying to do, especially in the case of Linne and Gordeau, since those two are arguably the only ones from their world trying to investigate what exactly is going on in the Phantom Field, and we never see them doing anything outside of when they appear as a tag mate.
And yes, it was hilarious. You’ve got one talented cook having to put up with the antics of two notoriously horrible cooks. 
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