Reagan forced herself not to roll her eyes. She lowered the gun slightly although she’d still be able to shoot him if he tried anything. “Oh? And how exactly do you plan on doing that?”
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Reagan’s grip tightened on her gun and her finger never left the trigger even as he moved closer and lowered her gun. Her eyes never left his, refusing to give into temptation. “Oh? And is that just your opinion?” She asked with a quirked eyebrow.
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Reagan’s grip tightened on her gun and her finger never left the trigger even as he moved closer and lowered her gun. Her eyes never left his, refusing to give into temptation. “Oh? And is that just your opinion?” She asked with a quirked eyebrow.
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Reagan had been hired to take out a target at a posh hotel. The last couple of days she had been trailing her target, learning his movements, and studying his schedule. She had just come back from being put all day when she heard the shower running in her room.
With her gun drawn, Reagan slowly entered the room only to be met with an unexpected sight. She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes seeing a familiar face. She did her best not to let her eyes wander although it wasn’t an easy task to do. “Give a good reason why I shouldn’t shoot you.” She said, her gun still aimed at him.
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Quinn was upset, that much was for certain but not because the truth of his occupation. She wasn’t judgmental. That was his business. What had upset her was the fact that he had hid it from her. That he didn’t feel like he could trust her with the truth, especially after confiding in him about her own life. “Do you really think me that shallow? That I would have judged you as a whole before even getting to know you?” She asked, trying not to get upset herself. “I may have been hesitant at first but I wouldn’t have said no to you.”
open to: m/f/nb plot: bastian is a p*rnstar and has been hiding it
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"You understand this is why I hid this from you right? Because you were going to react like this. This is how everyone always reacts." Bastian complained, doing his best not to get too heated. He had thought this relationship would really last. That they had a shot. "If I had been honest from the start would you have even dated me?" he asked blankly.
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Reagan had been hired to take out a target at a posh hotel. The last couple of days she had been trailing her target, learning his movements, and studying his schedule. She had just come back from being put all day when she heard the shower running in her room.
With her gun drawn, Reagan slowly entered the room only to be met with an unexpected sight. She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes seeing a familiar face. She did her best not to let her eyes wander although it wasn’t an easy task to do. “Give a good reason why I shouldn’t shoot you.” She said, her gun still aimed at him.
open to: anyone connection: crime family member, another agent/spy, whatever you can make fit. muse: Archer
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Being a spy, Archer’s job involved a lot of undercover work, infiltration, sutbleties, but he was never really one for sutble and infiltration was much easier if you just made everyone like you instead of working your way up slowly although that had backfired a few times, mostly because he’d sleep with a wife or a daughter or a cousin or a maid or a cleaner or a, well, you get the idea. 
His current job has him at a hotel, practically crawling with ‘bad guys’ of all sorts of different factions, he’d already had to avoid a few faces he’d recognised that he knew would recognise him. 
Walking out of the shower he stretches and makes his way back into the hotel room, not his room, he’d decided to make his way into a strangers room and use their facilities, what better way to make friends? “Oh.. Not my room?” He asks as he stands there naked before the person who’s room it truly was. 
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“They’re pretty good aren’t they? I always keep one or two on hand.” She said as she licked the remaining Nutella off her spoon before moving to put it in the sink. “I’m glad you like it. It was a good first thing to try then.” Reagan smiled. “I don’t know if they have Nutella ice cream specifically but I’ve used it to make milkshakes before.”
Reagan knew just how formidable and dangerous Bucky could be and yet seeing him eye the spoon like it might harm him made her chuckle. “It’s Nutella.” She replied and watched his expression as he tasted it. “I like to dip strawberries in it. A bit less messy than melted chocolate.” Reagan said with a smile and are a spoonful of Nutella herself. “Oh peanut butter and chocolate is one of the worlds best combinations in mine opinion. That’s why Reese’s peanut butter cups are my favorite candy.”
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Reagan knew just how formidable and dangerous Bucky could be and yet seeing him eye the spoon like it might harm him made her chuckle. “It’s Nutella.” She replied and watched his expression as he tasted it. “I like to dip strawberries in it. A bit less messy than melted chocolate.” Reagan said with a smile and are a spoonful of Nutella herself. “Oh peanut butter and chocolate is one of the worlds best combinations in mine opinion. That’s why Reese’s peanut butter cups are my favorite candy.”
“Yeah that definitely sounds like something a sibling would do.” She chuckled as she reached into her cabinet and grabbed a jar. Opening the silverware drawer, Reagan grabbed two spoons before she moved to sit next to him. “Alright here’s the surprise.” She smiled as she held up the container. “This is called Nutella. It’s made with Hazelnuts and cocoa. You can use it kinda like peanut butter or some people just eat it out of the jar.” Taking one of the spoons, she scooped out a small portion of the creamy spread and held it out for him to try.
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“Yeah that definitely sounds like something a sibling would do.” She chuckled as she reached into her cabinet and grabbed a jar. Opening the silverware drawer, Reagan grabbed two spoons before she moved to sit next to him. “Alright here’s the surprise.” She smiled as she held up the container. “This is called Nutella. It’s made with Hazelnuts and cocoa. You can use it kinda like peanut butter or some people just eat it out of the jar.” Taking one of the spoons, she scooped out a small portion of the creamy spread and held it out for him to try.
“Well no one but that’s only because nobody actually knows we know each other that way.” Reagan responded with a smile. It had been quite a surprise for the both of them when they ran into each other on a job being neighbors and all. In all honesty it probably made them even better friends.
“Ok but what kid doesn’t do that on Christmas?” She chuckled as she lead him to her apartment just across the hall. Their apartments were pretty much identical layout wise but Reagan’s looked a little bit more lived in with personal items on display. “Patience is something that’s learned. I’m still learning myself. Alright take a seat. I’ll get your surprise.”
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Quinn had always been a rebel and had never been afraid of doing what she needed to to get what she wanted. It was true she was dating his friend yet she had been wanting to call a quits on that relationship for awhile. They weren’t as compatible as they originally thought. Her attraction to Bastian was probably a main reason for that.
She had been lingering around the kitchen for awhile hoping he’d show up and she couldn’t help but smirk when he did. “Mmm I have no doubt about that.” She hummed and took a step towards him. “Question is…are you planning on showing me?”
open to: f plot: you’re my best friend’s girl and i know i should stay away but i liked you first and god dammit i want you (oh and i’m a much better fuck let me prove it too you)
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Bastian knew that this was a line he shouldn't cross. He had few enough friends as it was, he didn't need to risk losing another one by flirting with their girlfriend. Yet, he couldn't help it. He always found himself staring at her. Often she'd be staring back. After a few beers and the party dying down, he couldn't help but to approach her once she was alone in the kitchen. It was dangerous, knowing her boyfriend was just in the other room, but he risked it. "You know I'm better than him right," Bastian said, dark eyes studying her reaction as he leaned against the counter. "In every way you can imagine." he insisted.
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“Well no one but that’s only because nobody actually knows we know each other that way.” Reagan responded with a smile. It had been quite a surprise for the both of them when they ran into each other on a job being neighbors and all. In all honesty it probably made them even better friends.
“Ok but what kid doesn’t do that on Christmas?” She chuckled as she lead him to her apartment just across the hall. Their apartments were pretty much identical layout wise but Reagan’s looked a little bit more lived in with personal items on display. “Patience is something that’s learned. I’m still learning myself. Alright take a seat. I’ll get your surprise.”
Sure they had teased each other lightly but it had never ventured close to flirting until now. Truthfully Reagan kind of liked it although she knew not to push it too far yet. Bucky was a good friend and she took extra care never to make him uncomfortable in any way. They were good together and she didn’t want that to change.
“I thought you already knew that? I kicked your butt that time we ran into each other on that assignment.” Reagan chuckled. “No you’re not terrible with surprises. You just don’t have much patience.” She teased and grabbed her keys. “Come on. Let’s head to my apartment.”
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Sure they had teased each other lightly but it had never ventured close to flirting until now. Truthfully Reagan kind of liked it although she knew not to push it too far yet. Bucky was a good friend and she took extra care never to make him uncomfortable in any way. They were good together and she didn’t want that to change.
“I thought you already knew that? I kicked your butt that time we ran into each other on that assignment.” Reagan chuckled. “No you’re not terrible with surprises. You just don’t have much patience.” She teased and grabbed her keys. “Come on. Let’s head to my apartment.”
If his blue eyes hadn’t made her blush then the combination of his charming smile along with made her go weak in the knees. Something she hadn’t had happen in a very long time. It wasn’t hard to tell that what he said was the truth. She had no doubt that a fair share of women had been thoroughly charmed by one James Buchanan Barnes. Reagan just never had really been on the receiving end of it.
“Yeah. My sister would say that I’m the same way.” She chuckled and had to look away as not to be charmed any further. “Well as soon as we’re done here then we can go.”
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If his blue eyes hadn’t made her blush then the combination of his charming smile along with made her go weak in the knees. Something she hadn’t had happen in a very long time. It wasn’t hard to tell that what he said was the truth. She had no doubt that a fair share of women had been thoroughly charmed by one James Buchanan Barnes. Reagan just never had really been on the receiving end of it.
“Yeah. My sister would say that I’m the same way.” She chuckled and had to look away as not to be charmed any further. “Well as soon as we’re done here then we can go.”
Although she wasn’t very proud of her job, it had allowed her to see a bit of the world and experience different food on her travels. Cheese was definitely something she enjoyed everywhere she went. Reagan couldn’t help but grin seeing the blush on his cheeks, finding it rather cute. “Oh I’m sure they got you in and out of all kinds of trouble.” She teased and shook her head at his questions. “Nope. You asked for a little hint and that’s all you get.”
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Although she wasn’t very proud of her job, it had allowed her to see a bit of the world and experience different food on her travels. Cheese was definitely something she enjoyed everywhere she went. Reagan couldn’t help but grin seeing the blush on his cheeks, finding it rather cute. “Oh I’m sure they got you in and out of all kinds of trouble.” She teased and shook her head at his questions. “Nope. You asked for a little hint and that’s all you get.”
“Cheese is a blessing. Those so many kinds that can go with so many options.” Reagan grinned noticing the color in his cheeks. “I agree with you on mozzarella sticks. I’ve made homemade ones before before but they just aren’t as good as ones you can get in an Italian restaurant.” She said and stepped to the side to give him room to help. “Your blue eyes are hard to resist you know.” She teased. “I’ll tell you this. It’s sweet.”
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Well I did it again. I went and made a new OC despite having too many that no one wants to interact with. If you’re interested go check her out over at @i-wear-my-horns-like-a-crown Still trying to figure some things out with her but I have posted some open starters.
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“Cheese is a blessing. Those so many kinds that can go with so many options.” Reagan grinned noticing the color in his cheeks. “I agree with you on mozzarella sticks. I’ve made homemade ones before before but they just aren’t as good as ones you can get in an Italian restaurant.” She said and stepped to the side to give him room to help. “Your blue eyes are hard to resist you know.” She teased. “I’ll tell you this. It’s sweet.”
There was a connection between the two of them that neither of them could explain or put a name to. There was no need to. What they had was comfortable and if they thought too much about it, they could ruin it.
“Yeah. Stuffed crust pizza. Anything stuffed with cheese is worth trying. Trust me.” Reagan said with a grin and finished off her soup before moving to clean up the dishes. “I can’t tell you that. It would ruin the surprise.” She grinned.
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There was a connection between the two of them that neither of them could explain or put a name to. There was no need to. What they had was comfortable and if they thought too much about it, they could ruin it.
“Yeah. Stuffed crust pizza. Anything stuffed with cheese is worth trying. Trust me.” Reagan said with a grin and finished off her soup before moving to clean up the dishes. “I can’t tell you that. It would ruin the surprise.” She grinned.
Reagan listened intently to what he said. She knew it wasn’t often he would freely share things about his past. It was hard for him so whenever he did she would give him as much of her attention as she could. The more he told her the more she connected with him. They may not have had to do the exact same things but they both had had to grow up too fast to take care of those they loved.
“I know they appreciated all that you did for them.” Reagan said softly and reached out to give his arm a light squeeze before moving on to the subject of food. “Oh you may only know the basics Bucky Barnes but I’m going to introduce you to some wonderful things like Easy Cheese, and stuffed crust pizza, and all the delicious desserts you could possibly imagine.” She grinned. “Actually I think I know what I’ll introduce to you first. You can try it after dinner. If you don’t mind heading on over to my place.”
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Reagan listened intently to what he said. She knew it wasn’t often he would freely share things about his past. It was hard for him so whenever he did she would give him as much of her attention as she could. The more he told her the more she connected with him. They may not have had to do the exact same things but they both had had to grow up too fast to take care of those they loved.
“I know they appreciated all that you did for them.” Reagan said softly and reached out to give his arm a light squeeze before moving on to the subject of food. “Oh you may only know the basics Bucky Barnes but I’m going to introduce you to some wonderful things like Easy Cheese, and stuffed crust pizza, and all the delicious desserts you could possibly imagine.” She grinned. “Actually I think I know what I’ll introduce to you first. You can try it after dinner. If you don’t mind heading on over to my place.”
“After our parents died we only had each other. She depended on me. I practically raised her. And although she’s a magnet for trouble, I’m pretty proud of her.” She said as she grabbed a couple of napkins before sitting down next to him. “You’re welcome. Please eat as much as you want. I can make more.” Reagan smiled at him. “Sometimes simple meals are the best. Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches is my go to comfort food.”
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“After our parents died we only had each other. She depended on me. I practically raised her. And although she’s a magnet for trouble, I’m pretty proud of her.” She said as she grabbed a couple of napkins before sitting down next to him. “You’re welcome. Please eat as much as you want. I can make more.” Reagan smiled at him. “Sometimes simple meals are the best. Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches is my go to comfort food.”
After making a couple sandwiches for each of them, Reagan turned off the stove. She placed the plate of sandwiches on the counter and grabbed two bowls from the cupboard. “Yeah she’s younger than me. There’s six years in between us. Although that has never mattered. She’s my best friend and there’s no one else I’m closer to.” She told him. “Alright come eat. Food is ready.”
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