sixhill-blog · 8 years
Fucking Hot….
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
“Your lips are my addiction. Your love is my drug."🌹
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
you ever seen someone so hot you’d wear their cumstains on your black shirt like a logo
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
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The “Magic Mirror”
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
Lesbians message me super horny
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
Don’t tell your daughter that when a boy is mean or rude to her it’s because he has a crush on her. Don’t teach her that abuse is a sign of love.
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
once in 5th grade my mom bought me this set of like 200 glitter pens because I had mentioned that everyone at school was obsessed with them but I didn’t really care for them so the next day I brought them to class and kids started offering to buy them so I sold them for $3 each and I made almost $500 and then I got sent to the principals office and was told I couldn’t sell them anymore like sorry that I was a natural born entrepreneur
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
my stomach hurts
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
A Note to Minors:
I see a lot on tumblr lately regarding the defense of underage participants in a certain community, as well as the underage participants expressing anger that they are not welcome on NSFW blogs. As a NSFW blogger, as well as someone who has come to know various sex laws due to their career, I thought I would clarify some things:
1. It doesn’t matter what the age of consent in your state is. Age of consent refers to the age that you are able to consent to sexual activity only.
2. Even if you are able to consent at age 16 or 17, by law you are still a minor. Pornography cannot be sold or viewed by minors.
3. If you are under 18 and you post explicit photos of yourself, you can be charged with creating and circulating child pornography, as the images contain a minor.
4. It is normal to have interests in sex and kink, regardless of age. There are safe spaces on the internet to seek these out and ask questions regarding your interests. Spaces where you can communicate with other teens, that are well moderated and do not allow adults to freely graze and prey.
5. As a minor, showing purposeful disregard for another blogger or a website’s request that no minors be present on the site (and for some explicit material, 21 is the age for legal viewership) puts the owner of that blog and/or website at risk. No one wants to see awesome sex bloggers get shut down or sex friendly spaces on the internet get hit for having underage members. Think about more than just yourselves.
If you’re under 18, unfollow me. Don’t argue, don’t flame me, just unfollow. I’ll be the first person to high five you when you turn 18 and we can reminisce about how much it sucked to wait. Until then, peace out.
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
Minors in NSFW Communities
We just received this message in our inbox: 
So I’m a under age little and I had someone message me who was well above my rang of dating tell me he wanted to mold me to his liking. I was like dude wtf. Sorry I didn’t get screenshots before deleting it.
I cannot respond to you directly, as you are blocked from our blog, but I believe it is necessary to address the issue in this message for any of our followers this may pertain to. 
First of all, I want to make it very clear that I am sorry this happened to you, and to any other minors who may have received creepy messages like this. I run this blog, I receive the messages - I know how disconcerting it can be. It can make you feel horribly unsafe, unwelcome, confused, and a whole host of other emotions. 
That being said - this is the very reason that minors need to not be in NSFW communities. A minor in this community has a giant red target on his/her forehead as an easy, vulnerable target. As hard as many of us are trying to keep these communities as safe as possible, there always is some modicum of risk associated with being involved with these communities. Being a minor amplifies that risk. 
Many of these creepy people are looking for you. They want the ones who are young. Who might not yet have a solid support network. Who might not yet recognize red flags. Who might be so eager to please that they ignore misbehavior. They’re looking for you. And we want to keep you safe from that. Come back when you’re 18. We will still be here. And many people would be glad to then help teach you how to make yourself as safe as possible in these communities. 
It isn’t that we don’t care and want this space to be exclusionary - it’s that we do care. And we want you to stay safe. 
Furthermore, as a reminder, following our blog puts our blog, as well as the moderators, at risk, as we do feature NSFW material on this blog. We cannot be distributing pornographic material to minors. Thus, if you are a minor, unfollow us. If you respect us and the work that we do for the community, unfollow us. We are trying to do what we can to help shed light on an important issue - you are actively working against that cause. 
And finally, as a reminder - if you have stumbled upon this blog because you were abused, sexually or non-sexually, or mistreated in any way, particularly in a BDSM context, and need guidance, you are welcome to message me. Even if you are a minor. I am a trained sexual assault counselor, and I can help connect you to the resources that you need to get help. If you are of age, you can message me on tumblr, or send me an email. If you are a minor, you can only email me. I won’t respond to your message on tumblr. My email is [email protected]
TL;DR: Minors, stay safe and stay away from the BDSM community. 
Thank you. 
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sixhill-blog · 8 years
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