sjrouka · 3 days
Opinions please!
So, as far as transformations are concerned, we all know the characters have all gone above and beyond the original peak of super SaiyaJin. But for Rouka, I kind of want to go old school and have her attain levels as things go. Maybe just having her at Super SaiyaJin level 1 at most.
But here is my question; would it be totally crazy to switch up the hair color of the gold to perhaps accentuate the color of her aura instead? I know even the Hybrids on earth have the gold, but I don't know...
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sjrouka · 9 days
She couldn't control her utter befuddlement, her gaze widening ever so slightly at his words. She, who strived to retain a level of composure, could feel her poise faltering with a twitch of her brow. How could two different beings be temporarily joined as one? It seemed impossible to her for such a theory to even be plausible. But, she supposed, she would find out for certain once the designated time lapsed.
"Seems I truly do have quite a bit to learn from this world..."
The names that he had offered also peaked her interest. Even while attempting to make sense of this new concept presented, she recognized those two individuals from transmissions sent out after the fall of the tyrant.
"Though, I believe I have heard of those other two."
"Whoa... Another female Saiyan." Gotenks said in awe. ( From @fusionxkidxgotenks )
With a quirk of her brow and the slightest tilt of her head, she looked upon the boy inquisitively. Seeing as he was the first person she encountered upon this new world, to say she was fairly interested in all aspects of things was a bit of an understatement.
"Hmm, partially, yes. And who, may I ask, would you be?"
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sjrouka · 24 days
So I am still getting used to the setup here, and still kinda getting used to the idea of actually RPing again after a long hiatus. 😅 But I think I may put up a general starter post at some point.
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sjrouka · 24 days
"Eh... 'Our dad's'? "
To say she was rather perplexed by the statement made by the young man would be an understatement. Seeing as she had never heard of, or even believed possible, the idea of fusion, her confusion wouldn't have been all that unexpected. Despite this, Rouka merely arched her brow, her arms shifting to intertwine beneath her chest. Despite what she deemed to be a simple impropriety of speech, she was definitely intrigued by the list he divulged.
"So I see.. I do hope to meet the rest of these notable few at some point. I've come a long way to familiarize myself with the batch of this world's best."
"Whoa... Another female Saiyan." Gotenks said in awe. ( From @fusionxkidxgotenks )
With a quirk of her brow and the slightest tilt of her head, she looked upon the boy inquisitively. Seeing as he was the first person she encountered upon this new world, to say she was fairly interested in all aspects of things was a bit of an understatement.
"Hmm, partially, yes. And who, may I ask, would you be?"
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sjrouka · 27 days
"Quite frankly, curiosity."
She was very matter of fact with her response before returning her focus to him. Her posture laxed, a soft grin adorning her features. The only aspect of her form still displaying any caution being the tail that stayed nestled snug above her hips.
"Truthfully, there are a few warriors here that came to my attention a while back. And I guess intrigue got the best of me."
"Whoa... Another female Saiyan." Gotenks said in awe. ( From @fusionxkidxgotenks )
With a quirk of her brow and the slightest tilt of her head, she looked upon the boy inquisitively. Seeing as he was the first person she encountered upon this new world, to say she was fairly interested in all aspects of things was a bit of an understatement.
"Hmm, partially, yes. And who, may I ask, would you be?"
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sjrouka · 29 days
Her initial murmur was as soft as a sigh, nodding ever so slightly. All the while keeping her gaze fixated upon this new fascination. His characteristics differed greatly from what she was accustomed to, and though befuddling at points, a somewhat welcomed change.
"That it is."
Azure hues flickered away from the boy, instead choosing to scan her immediate surroundings. In all honesty, there were a lot of things she had to acquaint herself with on this world.
"Whoa... Another female Saiyan." Gotenks said in awe. ( From @fusionxkidxgotenks )
With a quirk of her brow and the slightest tilt of her head, she looked upon the boy inquisitively. Seeing as he was the first person she encountered upon this new world, to say she was fairly interested in all aspects of things was a bit of an understatement.
"Hmm, partially, yes. And who, may I ask, would you be?"
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sjrouka · 29 days
It wasn't often that she, one who prided herself on her resolve and composure, could be so profoundly bewildered that she was at an utter loss for words. Unconsciously, her being regressed ever so slightly from the animated display, observing every aspect of this peculiar spectacle wearily. The grimace crossing her features displaying her confusion, currently unconcerned with shielding her inclinations .
"The pleasure is all mine.."
She drawled, uncertainty accentuating her tone while regaining her poise. A soft sigh expelled from her lips, her demeanor softening to express her sense of ease. As odd as this individual may be, she had to admit he was fairly amusing. And it wasn't long before a sly grin graced her lips.
"Well Gotenks, quite the fascinating little fella, aren't you? My name is Rouka."
"Whoa... Another female Saiyan." Gotenks said in awe. ( From @fusionxkidxgotenks )
With a quirk of her brow and the slightest tilt of her head, she looked upon the boy inquisitively. Seeing as he was the first person she encountered upon this new world, to say she was fairly interested in all aspects of things was a bit of an understatement.
"Hmm, partially, yes. And who, may I ask, would you be?"
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sjrouka · 30 days
"Whoa... Another female Saiyan." Gotenks said in awe. ( From @fusionxkidxgotenks )
With a quirk of her brow and the slightest tilt of her head, she looked upon the boy inquisitively. Seeing as he was the first person she encountered upon this new world, to say she was fairly interested in all aspects of things was a bit of an understatement.
"Hmm, partially, yes. And who, may I ask, would you be?"
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sjrouka · 1 month
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Name: Rouka 楼花
{Play on Okura/Okra}
Gender: Female
Birth year: 739
Species: Saiya-Jin and Tsufuru-Jin hybrid
{75% SaiyaJin & 25% TsufuruJin}
Father: Renkon
Mother: Satsuma
Home world: Dojin
Alliance: Chaotic Neutral
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Status: Single {And staying as such}
Height: 165.1 cm {5'5"}
Weight: 54.31 kg {120 lbs}
Hair: Onyx, short & spiked
Eyes: a light azure
Distinguishing Features: Aside from the tail that most SaiyaJin descendants are born with, and her crystal blues, she has a rather defined scar across her right eye.
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Temperament: Rouka is an odd mix. Though she holds the typical traits one would expect of a SaiyaJin; proud, arrogant, moderately aggressive, short-tempered, strong willed and the love of a good fight; she also has the blood of a more docile and intellectual race coursing through her veins.
The TsufuruJin were a peaceful race, more rationally inclined than battle ready. Due to this contradictory disposition, Rouka herself is more calculated where her emotions are concerned. Though her darker impulses are bound to dominate her mind, she will tend to look into things more logically before simply reacting. Well, at least for the most part .. Occasionally, the more dominant attributes will prevail, depending on the situation at hand.
All in all, she is a rather feisty, yet sometimes devilishly spirited, persona. An amusing banter is always enjoyable, though she will typically assess her moves wisely.
°There are certain advantages to being the hybrid she is, but the conflicting aspects of herself can occasionally clash. Rouka willingly embraces certain aspects of her SaiyaJin nature, especially since it's the predominant blood coursing through her veins. But, her more passive psyche does cause hesitation from time to time, especially regarding situations when she should be more ruthless.
°Though she is primarily logical and vigilant in most situations, she can have a fairly short fuse. Gruf, volitile, spiteful, hostile and abrasive; these are all characteristics of herself that she does her best to control. Of course, there are situations in which those traits of herself overcome her resolve.
°Rouka wears the tail SaiyaJin descendants are born with proudly, but it can be a hindrance at times. Not only due to the particular extremities sensitivity, but also the rare occasion in which a slip of emotional control is revealed by even the most miniscule of reactions of her tail. Though a small flicker or such may go unnoticed by most, a more competent observer could use the small inconsistencies to read through a facade.
Signature Techniques:
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Spiritual Armor
Seishin-tekina Yoroi
Quite like the techniques name, its entire purpose is to use a concentrated amount of ki to encase her form within a protective barrier, shielding herself from the threat.
Dynamic Burst
This miniscule orb of energy is more devastating than it seems at first glance. Upon condensing a great deal of energy into the tiny sphere, she will release it carefully towards the foe. Upon piercing, its design is to erruupt the full of its power within the physique. This is typically used for the intent of administering a massive amount of damage to any given area.
Power Siphon
A rather unique assault, this technique starts with what appears to be a rather simple orb of energy propelled towards her foe of choice. Though, instead of dealing damage in the typical manner, it latches itself onto the target of choice, disrupting and manipulating ones aura to ultimately leech and absorb. In doing so, as their life force begins to weaken, the original orb will effectively increase and grow in power until consuming its victim within the amplifled inferno of the combined ki.
Vortex Blitz
This ability begins with Rouka gathering a sufficient amount of ki above her, shifting its force cylendrically until it forms a rather intense maelstrom of energy. When she finds it to be a sufficient amount of force and power, she will launch it forth towards the object of choice, expectantly entangling them amidst the whirlwind of power. Intended to be both disorienting and agonizing while the swirling energy encompasses their being.
Plasma Storm
Purazuma Arashi
Amassing her ki into a nebule of powerful energy, Rouka awaits this emanation to reach the proper intensity. This nimbus like collection of ki will begin to gradually dissipate into smaller waves of power, raining down in the vicinity of the desired recipient.
Dynamic Wave
Dainamikkuna Nami
This collection of force is a stream of ki expelled towards a target (Much like that of say the Kamehameha or Galick Gun). The intensity of which is greatly decided on the amount of power she feels like pushing into it
Serpents Coil
Hebi Toguro
This technique is one she can have some fun with if she so pleased. Simply put, tendrils of ki eminate from her palm towards the object of her choosing, encircling an area with precision and focus. Now the vigor behind the coils depends on her and the connection she retains to them.
Each serpent like cord of power is connected to an aura affixed to her for command. Whether she decides to retain control with a mere finger or two, her hand, or even tethered down the length of her arm; it all determines the strength of the bond, not to mention how much energy she sends pulsing through them.
In essence; the connection could feel as tender and docile as a piece of string, or as formidable as the strongest binding with a river of powerful current coursing through them.
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Before the start of the SaiyaJin and TsufuruJin civil war of 720 on Planet Plant (Known to most as Planet Vegeta by year 730), The TsufuruJin and SaiyaJin cohabitated their shared world civilly. Each species tended to stay within their own domains, almost dismissing the others presence all together if they could. But by chance, as can happen often with any civilization that live in fairly close proximity to one another, there were a small populace of the two very different beings that found the race more favorable than most. Comaraderies were formed, each group assisting the others in the areas they waned. Occasionally, even, a more passionate companionship arose, though fairly uncommon in the beginning.
By year 718, rumors had begun to arrise of a particular SaiyaJin rising amongst the ranks of the tribes. A primal and domineering man that was gaining favor amongst the tribes, all while professing his animosity towards the TsufuruJins and their claimed condescending and disdain towards the people that came to their planet all those years ago. Talk had started concerning an eventual battle, a chance for the SaiyaJin to overthrow those who who they were convinced found them inferior. Of course, some weary of annihilation and others determined to preserve their way of life, a plan to abscond their home for a place of their own to thrive was made.
The following year they were all gone, fairly unbeknownst to the planet they left behind. The peculiar group of allies settling on a world far from Plant and the destruction that would come. The new world was harsh and unforgiving at first. Each party offering their prowess to better the terrene. It wasn't long before they were able to thrive and grow as a new civilization on the world they would name Dojin.
Rouka was born on this world, her father a man of pure SaiyaJin descent and her mother a halfbreed between both lineage. It was a tranquil existence; her father training her in the ways of old, and her mother focusing her instructions on the enlightened ways of the TsufuruJins. She excelled in her training, eventually becoming one of the more revered combatants of the new generation. Little did she know everything she knew and adored would soon come to a close.
By the year 750, at the mere age of 11, Lord Kura's (Cooler's) forces stumbled upon Planet Dojin by chance. Intrigued by the mixture of intellect, brute strength and battle savy. Those deemed worthy in his mind were subjugated into his forces; primarily the more adept of the younger generation, precieving them to be the easiest to mold. Rouka was one of the few to be amassed, torn away from her kin amid annihilation and chaos. Like so many others, her parents rallied against the alien forces in vein. The young girls last memories of her parents while she struggled to abscond herself from the warriors clutches, their gruesome slaughter as they fought to protect her.
For years she begrudgingly did what she must to survive.. Endless training, conflicts, crusades; whatever skirmish Kura commanded her to conduct. If ever her emotions caused her to falter or rebel, she would be tortured into allegiant compliance. Until, that is, the year 765 when she heard of his supposed demise.
Finally able to escape her constraints, she ventured forth in search of a new chapter of her life. Her one irrefutable resolution; she must check out this Planet Earth, and the warriors who subdued her tyrannical captor
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