sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
Important Self Care Note: You Do Not Have To Do Everything To The Nines
A lot of times I don’t do the self care things that I need to do because they seem too daunting or time consuming or involved. But what I’ve learned is that I don’t need to do everything with my full effort to the best of my ability, I just need to do it. It’s much better to do a little self care than none 
You don’t have to wash your hair every time you take a shower. Or shave your legs. Or use that fancy exfoliating body wash. You can jump in and wash your face and your underarms and nether regions and hop out. You will feel so much better and be so much healthier than if you had sat in bed and not even approached the bathroom because the idea of conditioning your hair was too much
You don’t have to cook a full healthy meal. You can eat components that would go into a meal like cheese and left over rice. Or you can even eat just one thing like a slice of turkey or a piece of bread. Eating a simple thing is better than eating nothing, even if its a bag of chips
You don’t have to go to the gym and do a full workout. You can do a workout at home or go to the gym and just do one or two things. Your workout can consist of you doing ten sit ups on your living room floor
You don’t have to go for a walk. Open the blinds or even the window and let the sunlight in. A lack of sunlight can be detrimental for your mood and even health, so any little bit helps whether you are physically outside or not
You don’t have to do your hair up in a cool do or put product in it. You can just comb it and go on
If you are a person who shaves their face, you don’t have to use that fancy aftershave. You don’t even have to get every spot perfectly. You can half ass it and look more like yourself than you did, and that is pretty important to your mental health
You don’t have to brush your teeth for two minutes, floss, use mouthwash, and put in your retainer. You can do some or one of those things. Brushing your teeth for fifteen seconds will do more than for zero seconds, and using mouthwash alone will do more than doing nothing
Self care is hard sometimes and you get overwhelmed. We all do and that’s okay. The best way Ive found to get it done is to get it partially done. Doing things just “good enough” IS good enough when thats all you can do. Be kind to yourself and just do what you can. I love you
-a friend
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
people: One cheeseburger won't hurt, don't worry!
my brain: That's exactly what a cheeseburger would say🤨
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
Stop telling me that my eating disorder is a diet. Stop thinking that just because I ate that one time when we were together, I've never had an eating disorder. Stop cheering me on for exercising, when you know that I stayed up late doing push ups because I couldn't live with myself knowing I went over my calorie limit. And most of all, stop assuming that this is "just a phase" and that it's not serious.
Would someone on a diet religiously count their peanuts? Would they starve themselves all day so that they can go out with you at night and eat "normally"? Would they over exercise to the point of feeling their heart beat furiously against their ribs, and still think it's not enough?
An eating disorder isn't about not eating. It's about feeling guilty about every single thing I do eat. And I really wish you understood that.
- What I wish I could tell my friend.
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
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Take a deep breath. You are safe here  💖✨
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
me after skipping 1 {one} meal
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
y’all know the moment when you enter something in myfitnesspal and the calories are lower than you expected, so you cross check online and it gives you a different response but its not the same brand and the brand says its this much but the other brands are different but
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
taking care of yourself after purging
rinse your mouth out with water or a baking soda/water solution (1 tsp baking soda, 8 oz water)
do NOT brush your teeth for 45 mins (it’s bad for your enamel)
while you’re waiting, sip some pedialyte (or water), get wrapped in a warm blanket, and watch your favorite TV show
if you’re too nauseous for drinking, you might also try sucking on ice chips (they also make pedialyte popsicles!)
avoid gatorade and powerade for rehydration–even though they have a lot of electrolytes, they’ve got a ton of sugar
if you feel up to it, nibble on a few saltine crackers while you rehydrate
wash your face, brush your teeth (gently!) and get into bed. tomorrow will be better.
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⌒ ⠀ ⠀
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
Anyone else feel so damn fake because they count crying, standing and happy handy time calorie burns?
Like... They do burn calories... But I just feel like nobody else in the community does it do I'm just stuck here like... Should I count them or..?
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Someone please tell me this is normal xD
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
₍ᐢ◍˘(❢)˘◍ᐢ₎ 💭🍵 this is a protector bear. he will lovingly tuck you in bed at night and make sure you are safe… he is thinking of making some sleepytime tea to make sure your dreams are sweet!
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
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Don’t like me
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
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I literally don’t have self control :(( I’ve been eating way over 1000 calories almost 2000 calories a day for like months no wonder I’ve gained so much weight! I don’t even want to count my Calories for today my breakfast was almost 1000 in its self. :((maybe I’ll do better tomorrow 😔✊🏿
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
Ideal calorie counter/weightloss app?
I'm currently doing a coding competition and one of the categories was 'design an app for health'. Me, being the anorexic I am, was like hehe time to code my perfect calorie counter/weightloss app.
But then I was like nah, I'm thinking too small here.
All you guys here on ana Tumblr have helped me get through so much, and I want to give back to you all. I don't want the app I'm designing to be just based on me, I want it to be based on what would make life best and easiest for all of you who are already going through the shit of an eating disorder anyway.
When I'm done with the app I'll post it here, and have all the features free to use, none of this premium shit.
Basically what I'm asking is, what would you like in your ideal calorie counter/weightloss app?
All and any ideas are equal, help a programmer out here :)
I want this app the be by the community, for the community :)
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
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Are my hands 'spo yet 🤔
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
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cottagecore thinspo ❤️🤍
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sk1nyyqueen · 4 years
✨ daily reminder to look up your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) ✨
- this is the amount of cals your body needs to maintain your current weight.
- as long as you consume less than that number, you will lose weight.
- 1200 cals may seem like a lot to some, but it is a perfectly healthy amount to consume for weight loss.
- I’ve found that it’s much easier to lose weight when I make sure to eat at least 1200 cals most days, so I don’t accidentally restrict too much and end up binging.
- I have less cravings and virtually zero hunger at night eating this amount and I’m still losing weight.
- I just really recommend we all learn how much our body truly needs to maintain in order to accurately understand how much calories we need to sustain our weight loss. You don’t have to eat 500 cals a day to lose weight. I used to think so and it was really unhealthy, my hair was thinning, I was dizzy, and couldn’t get out of bed. You are less likely to slip up or binge if you make sure you are getting enough everyday! You got this! I believe in you!
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