skaifysh · 10 years
and i remade layne vuv
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skaifysh · 10 years
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(:D)┼─┤ | たつや [pixiv] 
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skaifysh · 10 years
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                         And if Kai were to be truthful, he felt bad having his presence alone bothering the other. But he felt bad that he even existed -- he couldn't do anything by himself, given that everything was done beforehand and his people skill was never good; his so called 'friends' were only chasing after their wealths for their own benefits. But he paused, feeling nervous and fidgety, and nodded -- and shook his head. Honestly he would want to admit that he had made the bento box; wanting big Kai to look at him with some respect -- but he never knew how to cook and lying was bad; but let the other take the bento box as he pleased, still feeling that his presence was bothersome. "I uhh -- I bought it... I can't cook. But!! You can have them all if you want um --"        
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                           If he were to be truthful, then yes the presence of the other did annoy him to a certain degree, but not in the way Kai thought. It was for the fact he wasn’t used to other people, and for most of his life he was content with having no friends—and it irked him that he actually wanted the brunet around and that was incredibly frustrating. He took a look at little Kai, watching the mess of nerves as he spoke. “…?” You could practically see the question mark hanging in the air. Slowly, he reached a hand out for the bento before shrugging. “Sure—I’m always hungry. Did you make this?” See how easy that was, Kai?
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                            He couldn't help but to sniffle still -- his nose was watery from the crying before and he brought a finger to rub at his reddened nose. He knew he was rude to cry in public, but he was scared too -- and anxious. Oh how big was such feeling in himself. Kai shook his head, then nodded again for a few times. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I -- " He paused from muttering more apologizing words before taking the pack of tissues being dropped onto his lap. He took out a piece then blowing his nose into it. "I'm sorry. I'll stop crying" Mumbled the boy, and he did so. His heart calming a little. "Thank you umm -- "
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                                 {/She had startled him. Which really wasn’t surprising to her in the slightest. She had just approached him abruptly and frankly she was rather rude, but so was him crying in public. Making everyone stop and look and feel bad. And then feel worse for not consoling him. What an absolute asshole.} “…….Ifin’ ya’ll were sorry, ya’ll’d stop cryin’. No’ keep doin’ i’. Look a’ yerself, yer a fuckin’ mess.” {/Reaching in her purse she pulled out a pack of tissues and dropped them in his lap.} “Clean yerself up boy, an’ stand up. Ain’ no reason fer ya’ll ta be cryin’ like this. C’mon now.”
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                               He had been pacing a few steps back and wanting to enter the school building once more, but having hearing such a familiar deep set of voice calling him, Kai halted in his steps -- then being hesitant to wanting to turn or just run upon hearing the latter's inquiry. Sweat beads forming at the side of his temple were easy to roll down the his face even if the winter chill still predominated -- he was nervous and anxious. He turned anyway, as slowly; the bento box he held was clutched tightly in both hands. "Ye -- yes ughh " He paused then, wondering why was it hard to utter words out his mouth. "I umm -- I was wondering if you're hungry -- butifyou'renotthenit'sfine!!" He wondered if his presence brought annoyance to the other -- but he did like to think he did so. 
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                           The taller male felt an incredibly annoying pair of eyes staring into him. He was a pretty self-aware guy, so he knew that this person had been looking at him for quite some time. Deciding to be patient, he waited for the individual to step up and say something. However, Kai had never been a particularly patient person despite his best efforts—though he was really doing good, it had to have been at least five minutes of this staring. Finally, he turned around, surprised at first to not see a body pressed closely against him, but instead to see a familiar mop of brown hair scurrying away. “Oi!” The bigger Kai called. “What are you doing?” You can’t just stare at people and leave.
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skaifysh · 10 years
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skaifysh · 10 years
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                               He wonders to himself if stray cats would eat the food in his bento box. He hardly knew what cats feed on; having a mother that was medically diagnosed with zoophobia, he wasn't allowed to have pets for his own. Even if he had been fond of animals. He was sitting cross-legged by the pathway, giving his sausages and eggrolls to the stras that he'd been familiar with. Of course, it was eating fine; but he was concern if feeding it with human food might do good for it. But logic-wise, feeding proper human food would serve better than garbage.
       "I should have just buy kitty food for you kitty and secretly adopts you. But I don't even have any place to keep you hmm -- " He mumbled to himself, watching as the cat nibbled on the piece of eggroll he'd held out with his chopsticks. 
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                             He wasn;t aware of the fact that him crying would bring annoyance to other. He thought he was only keeping himself for his own and not disturbing others. "Im sorry -- I'm sorry" Kai mumbled out lines of apologizing words, hands were brought to wipe any traces of tears that had sullied his face. He shook his head then for a few times, sniffling about to himself. "N-no no no!! No one punched me in my .. umm -- No one violated my groin" If it was the less-vulgar way of saying it. He still couldn't say all of those foul languages without feeling bad for his own conscious. "I'm sorry -- I really do! I'll stop crying umm"sniffle sniffle
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                                 {/Seriously, couldn’t she just go out for a walk to get some nice iced coffee and cake pops without being interrupted by the sound of someone crying? What was wrong with this boy? A small purse of her lips as she crossed the street to the high school where he was. Standing in front of him she just stared down at him.} “Son. Do me a favor an’ stop cryin’. Ain’ no reason fer ya’ll ta be sittin’ ou’ here, cryin’ like someone jus’ punched ya in tha goddamn dick.” {/Might have been harsh the way she was saying it, but still there was no need or merit for him to be so sad and not have the audacity to at least do it where no one will have to see or hear him.}
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                                He could feel something poking onto his shoulder. And though he didn't want to be bothered by such poking, he couldn't -- he was still aware that he'd been lying on the ground where people could have easily walked over him and stepped on him perchance. But grunting, and groaning before turning his face to see who was it, he could only pout in frustration in return. 
       "I'm hungry -- I'd rather die than having to live by the hunger" And more whining. Sniffing about to himself though, he could pick up a delicious scent, and it only enhanced his hunger. Hence cue more loud and shameful grumbling noise coming from his own abdominal region. 
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  Eating a bento on the ground, where he thought nobody would come by and see him, he looked up the second he heard a thud, and a muffled voice beside him. 
Poor kid had smashed his nose. Leaning over, he reached over with his chopsticks and poked the boy on the shoulder, clearing his throat, and speaking with his mouth half-full, “Hey. You alive?”
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                                And he was one that heavily depends on others to live. Chuck him off to some kind of things that would need the basis of survival; Kai would die within the first minutes. He couldn't help it if he grew up in such environments where he wouldn't have to do things for himself -- everything was already done for him; life was always easy for this boy. Perhaps it was why his people skill were ever so bad since he never experienced things for himself.
      He shook his head yet again, then held the book out for her to see. "M-math umm -- " And another pause in his sentence, before sighing. "I tried the web but I probably need someone to tutor me. Uhh -- " He couldn't tell his parents that he wanted a personal tutor -- that would require him telling them that he'd failed two papers prior -- and that would require an immense amount of guts. 
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Oops. She almost felt bad. Dakota normally didn’t take the time out of her day to care for others. Sometimes she even forgot to care for herself. So nothing personal… but seriously, was he really that saddened by her denial? She really couldn’t help him. The only way she could ever help him get better grades was if she were to do everything for him, and that wouldn’t teach him anything. 
"…What exactly are you struggling with?" She asked this just as he turned away. "There’s a website I used to use that helps. It would be a lot better than me…"
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                             He was being hungry -- the loudest grumble of stomach probably could be heard by the people around him. Walking had been such a hard work, and he ended up falling face flat onto the ground -- stumbling on his own untied shoelace. "This is probably how I'm fated to die. Goodbye world" He'd muttered to himself, feeling ever so weak and unable to pick himself off the ground. Kai whimpered pathetically to himself.
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                              "But but buuuuut" Kai whined, having his grip on his book tightened. He frowned, lips jutting out in a pout. Everyone else seemed to be having their own study groups and what not and brows furrowing over hazel pairs, he exhaled out loud. "I uh --  every one else seem to have their way with their studies." And and and " and I don't want to disturb them --" Pausing, shaking his head as much, and thought that the latter would misunderstood him if he weren't to explain further "--but but but but that doesn't mean you can be disturbed uh umm -- nevermind" And another sigh was let out escaping his lips before turning around solemnly. Kai wondered who would ever want to help him with his studies. He was very bad at it and he was always so scared of asking others to help him with those. 
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So many buts. So much whimpering. This kid was really desperate wasn’t he? But she was a horrible teacher. She knew her stuff but if she had to explain it to someone, well…they would have better luck learning from a gerbil. She wasn’t cut out for being a tutor. “…bring shame to your family?” Oh great. He had one of those families? “Wh…Why don’t you go ask someone else. You wont have much luck with me.” She paused. “Hell, I’ll give you my study guide if that’ll help at all.”
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                                 Had he wanted to cry so bad just because his driver probably had forgotten that he would finish school earlier today.. And sitting at a bench just outside his school get, he sniffled to himself, resisting the urge to just burst out in tears. It had been long -- probably a half an hour wait -- and he was never one to like waiting. His phone had been long dead, and he knew  his driver would pick him up two hours later, given his usual routine. Kai knew he shouldn't make a big deal out of this (he's already seventeen, mind you) -- but he couldn't help but to feel a little tug of lonely tugging at his heart -- especially seeing everyone else were walking off him in groups and what not. 
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skaifysh · 10 years
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everyone gets called an apologetic mushroom from now on.
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skaifysh · 10 years
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                                    Honestly he got lost so easily in big crowds. He doesn't know why he would ever want to go to such places -- the town scares him most of the times with people walking at fast paces and what not; and what was supposed to be a lunch date with a friend that shared the same name with him turned out to be a great nightmare for him. For he'd lost the much taller male from his sight and is now consumed with the fear of being alone and left out. "Kai? Kai? Uhh -- " He whimpered to himself almost apologetically, hazel hues were easy to be clouded with worry.                                  
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