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Danny was 18, and this was his first job. His first assignment was to replace the lightbulb. A simple enough job for a rookie, right?
Danny lugged the heavy ladder down from the supply floor. His co-workers where adamant that only "The Pros" were allowed to use the materials elevator.
Danny put up with this because he was eager to make a good impression on hos co-workers, whom had only graduated a year before them, and were the coolest guys around.
He set up the ladder and climbed with see effort. He reached up to the lightbulb, only to realize he had grabbed the wrong ladder and that this one was too short. Danny sighed. He didn't really want to go all the way back to the supply closet.
Danny's eye looked to the left. What if he just stacked his ladder on a crate? No one would find out. It would make the job quicker. Danny surely stacked the wooden box and hustled up the ladder.
Just then, the ground began to shake. Danny had barely enough time to react, as his precarious perch toppled, sending Danny on to the concrete floor.
Danny had the breath knocked from him, and his leg was numb. Then as he looked to his crooked ankle, he felt extreme electrical shocks of pain pulse from his wounded limb.
The cargo tower one again shifted, and a tall and heavy box began to fall.
The last thing Danny saw was a shadow sweep downwards.
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woops, i slipped
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They did not die in the blast. One was driving to work, the other to his mother's house.
A distance flash sparks in the distance. Then you see it, the one cloud that was taught all your life to mean one thing: Danger.
One was thrown through his windshield and died on impact. The other managed to open his door, get out, and crumple to his knees as he watched the shockwave approach from afar.
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Okay, Fallout. Okay.
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bonus studious teddy
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