skeletubbiestime · 2 years
concept playlists;
you’re lying on mossy forest floors, slowly transforming into a nymph, your fingers are turning into flower vines, your limbs are bleeding honey & growing thick skins of sepia bark, wings sprout in between your shoulder blades. your breath sounds like the wind. fireflies litter the air above you
you’re hold up in an abandoned church, outside there’s a raging storm & a horde of zombies roaming around, pressing up against the entrance doors. you & a small band of survivors are staying inside for the night in hopes to ride the bad weather out. you take first watch & listen to these tunes on an old ipod while everyone else tries to get some rest & the undead crawl outside, awaiting the taste of human flesh.
you’re in your boyfriend’s pickup. he’s asleep in the passenger seat, you’re driving without a destination in mind & you have the window down as you let the cool night air whip against your face in a state of pleasant delirium you’re on a rooftop somewhere, there’s 5 am air on your skin, streetlights glint like coins at the bottom of wishing wells from where you sit. you’re feeling peaceful for the first time all week
you’re lying in the middle of a crop circle forty miles from your grandma’s old house waiting for aliens to come and abduct you
it’s four pm in the afternoon and you’ve got your head in the lap of the only boy you’ve ever loved & you’re reading jane eyre & he’s sipping on tea & it’s the kind of weather where it’s just warm enough for you to pretend it’s summer & it’s drizzling & you’re listening to the rain beat softly against the windowpanes you’re curled up in bed as it pours outside, there’s a citywide blackout and the last candle you had left has finally blown out, but you feel strangely at peace within the warm, all-consuming dark
you’re making out in the bathroom of a house party with someone that makes you feel like you’ve swallowed the sun you’re standing amidst a city you burned to the ground. the apocalypse has come & gone. all that’s left is ashes & mortar & sad bones but you’re feeling empowered. a slow smile creeps up your lips as you realize how you’ve always wanted to watch the world burn you wander into wonderland and now you’re suddenly being crowned fairie queen, apparently there’s a prophecy waiting to be fulfilled  it’s mid morning but it’s dark outside from the rain. you thought the tapping on the window was from the rain but it’s actually a crow that flickers out of sight when you look directly at it you’re sipping on cherry cola by the pool on a lazy sunday & you’re feeling younger than you’ve ever been you’re summoning old ghosts in an abandoned parking lot on a smoggy thursday night
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skeletubbiestime · 2 years
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
Hey if u like the ocean look at this its rly cool I think
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
it's easy to mock the concept of batman's secret identity and think it's ridiculous that nobody would realize that he's bruce wayne but if some lady suddenly showed up late at night dressed in full military grade kevlar and started fighting crime in los angeles i wouldn't look at that and think "ah it's kylie jenner"
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
Hero awoke suspiciously comfortable, no echo of a nightmare chasing him to consciousness. 
Something was wrong. 
He cracked his eyes open, willing his body to move. Every joint shuddered, muscles sore from fighting, but at last he managed to roll to his side. 
“The hell…” he muttered, wondering for a brief moment what the gray lines in his vision were- until his brain cleared and he realized they were polished steel bars. He snapped awake.
“You’re awake,” A voice behind him said, smooth and deep. 
Hero got to his feet unsteadily, noticing the floor move ever so slightly. “A birdcage?” he rasped. “Really?”
“There’s water to the side,” Villain said. They stood next to the cage, looking oddly short for someone who towered over everyone else. They took a step forward and tapped one of the bars, propelling the cage back and forth with that eerie, effortless strength. “And yes, it’s a birdcage. Fitting, isn’t it? Where better to put you than where the rest of the birds go?”
Hero grit his teeth, deciding not to point out that he lacked the wings to qualify as a bird. “So your plan is what? Keep me here as some kind of twisted trophy? Are you that desperate for an audience that you would imprison me?”
Villain swung the cage again, making Hero stumble, knees hitting the cushioned ground. They were passive, not fazed in the least by Hero’s outburst. “Tell me, Hero, how long have I been chasing you?”
“Too long,” Hero snarled. Months, years. 
“Exactly! And now, I have you all locked up- perfect. Mine. Just as you should be.”
“As if you could keep me here forever,” Hero scoffed. “It’s never worked for long.”
Villain shook the cage for real this time, making the Hero fall into the bars. Instantly, Villain had their hand in his hair, forcing Hero’s face up, looking into their own.
Hero scrabbled at their grip, but Villain was unyielding. 
“You know,” Villain said, “you’re right- but in the past, every time you’ve escaped or evaded me, you had help. I’d take this seriously if you told me your friends were coming to save you, but as it stands…”
Tears pricked Hero’s eyes that had nothing to do with the tug on his hair.
“Go on,” Villain said, a malicious glint in their eye. “Tell me they’re coming for you. Tell me that you still have help. That you’re not completely and utterly alone.”
“You can go to hell,” Hero spat, struggling. “You can go straight to hell.”
Villain smiled and threw Hero back to the floor. “We’re already here, darling. And you’re never getting out.”
Hero glared up at them, trying to get back to his feet. 
“So do what a caged bird does best,” Villain said, “and sing for me.” 
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
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“ death is the mother of beauty “
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
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Equestrian Chic
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
Some of my 2021 Goals and Action steps
Very inspired by @sylth-glow and all those posting their 2021 goals. So I decided to post some of them. Happy new year to you all 😘!
Money/ luxury/ material values:
👛Add more dresses and skirts to my wardrobe. (I want to wearing skirts or dresses at least at least 60% of the time by June)
👛More pink and feminine tops
👛Air drying my clothes so that they can stay looking new for as long as possible
Training/ education/ knowledge/ skills
👛School being the #1 priority in my life.
👛Right now I am studying wines, etiquette, watching Miss Universe pageants. After that, I plan on studying operas and ballets.
👛Working on my “pageant walk” and my posture.
👛Going to museums once a month.
👛Investing more time into organizing my room, my clothes, and my purse.
👛Calling my grandmother more
👛Talking/ Initiating plans with my best friend more. (I get really in my head and don’t call her/ ask her to come with me places. And we talked this morning and I really love her. So I’m going to put more effort into seeing her)
👛Get a starter boyfriend
👛Once restaurants start open up in my city, get on Hinge. Start dating 2-4 men.
👛Become more consistent with my face skincare routine.
👛Sheet masks every two days.
👛Drying brushing/ moisturizing body everyday . Use exfoliate gloves every two days (really trying to get rid of these acne scars on my body).
👛Wearing eyeshadow more
👛Message scalp everyday before I braid my hair.
👛Deep condition hair every week.
👛Exfoliate lips regularly
👛Whiten teeth regularly
Health/ Hobbies
👛15K steps a day.
👛Drink at least 2L of water.
👛Drink less soda.
👛Eating more vegetables.
👛Baking more/ going through cookbooks trying recipes
👛Write everyday
👛Become more consistent with my manifesting routine (scripting/ visualizing)
👛Investing in more crystals
👛Learning and studying astrology
My inspiration for my hypergamous goals:
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
you seem like the best person to ask because you’re such a sensual person- i just moved in to my apartment , how do i make it more enthralling, like courtesans who had parlour room to entertain and delight guests, really invoking all the senses for pleasure
Pay attention to EVERYTHING, all the textures and materials. You’ll want to stick with high quality woods, marbles, fabrics, and metals. Match them all per room if you can.
Kitchen: plateware, glassware (need tons of decanters and wine glasses), trays, fruits, teas, liquors, ice cream maker, blender, utensils, fun ice trays (if your fridge doesn’t have an automatic ice dispenser), comfortable but stunning rugs, cocktail mixer. Focus should be straight lines here—find the curves in interesting plateware and glassware.
Living room: card games, checkers or chess, coasters, plants, chaises and daybeds, instruments, books, art pieces, record player/gramophone, large area rug, aquarium, lamps, planetarium lights, ashtray (if you smoke), candles of all shapes and sizes, ambiance lighting, bar cart, dramatic curtains, throw pillows and blankets (fur, leather, or velvet). Keep the lines in this room curved.
Bedroom: decanter with two glasses filled with water (to drink at night), ambiance lighting, dramatic curtains, art pieces, couch or chaise if big enough, bar cart (for weed as well if you smoke), quality sheets, unique comforter, wonderful backboard, beauty area with its own seating, plants, large area rug, speaker or record player, trays and open shelving for little decorations, water feature. Play with furs, leathers, silks, and velvets. Lines in this room should definitely be a mixture between straight and curved.
Bathroom: bath trays, ambiance lighting, eucalyptus around the showerhead, filter on the showerhead with essential oil scents, skincare fridge, artwork, unique shower curtain, high quality towels, matching containers for all of the beauty items on top of the counter, bidet, cinnamon spray, bath salts & teas, collection of body oils, cloth headwraps. Keep the lines in here both curved and straight.
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
Befriend women who are high maintenance, who are intellectual, who ask for what they deserve, who will only enter public spaces looking like royalty, who have impecable manners and etiquette, who are well read and travelled (or with intentions to), who are ambitious, go getters, who have a high spirit and positive outlook in life. Be around women who signify and personify excellence, so that you too may become excellent. Our surroundings determine how we are shaped, so make sure your surroundings are impecable.
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
How do I get a personality? I genuinely don’t know who I am
List 5 people you love. For each of the 5 people, list 5 things you like about them. Work on curating those traits in yourself. Done :)
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
Languages 101: a language learning guide by a polyglot
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Hey, guys. Lala here! As polyglot who speaks 5 languages and learning more, I’ve been through my fair share of language learning experiences. Here, I wanted to share some tips with you guys that have helped me along my journey. 
What are some language learning tips that have helped you guys? Share them with me! Do you have a question? Don’t be afraid to leave me an ask!
Read more of my content here:
5 tips on how to be productive when studying from home
My study routine for ultimate productivity
Minimalist student toolkit
Written by @lalavscollege​
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
How to stop giving men so much power over you!
Don't accept phone calls or texts past a certain time, don't stay on the phone with him for long amounts of time, don't endlessly entertain him throughout the day with texts, don't immediately give him access to your social media, and don't think that just because he's FaceTiming you, you have to answer. We're in the age of electronics now and it's absolutely exhausting having to constantly be on your phone to entertain someone or give them attention, stop giving your phone so much power and stop giving men so much power, if he really wants you and is serious, he'll make an effort to see you in person, do activities with you, and take you out on dates. If a man realises that you're willing to constantly communicate with him over the phone, he'll take advantage of that, the less reachable you are (unless you're physically together) the better. Never send a man any sort of nude photo or video, don't even send them photos in a swimsuit or even partially unclothed, make them wait until you're sure that they deserve the real thing.
Don't play games, being straightforward is the only way to go. I personally think that women who gaslight men and feel the need to play games with them are juvenile, insecure, and pathetic, there's a reason why they're still single or doubting their relationship and there's a reason why they haven't yet bagged their best guy. It takes two people to play a game, one has to be an unwitting puppet and the other has to be the puppet master. You can refuse to be either by either stopping yourself from playing games or flat out telling the man that you're with that you're completely uninterested in any bad behaviour or games and that if he keeps it up, he'll lose you. There's no need to make that private story for him and only post thirst traps, there's no need to mess with his head, there's no need. If you're the right girl for him, I guarantee that you'll always on his mind.
If something displeases you, tell him immediately. I think that women these days are conditioned to allow and accept the absolute bare minimum from men, the bar for them is literally on the floor but for women, we're expected to be practically supermodels and do anything to get to be considered by men. I personally believe in voicing my discontent so I don't end up in situations that I don't want to be in, I've been to Michelin star restaurants and have flat out told Frederick that I like nothing on the menu, I've gone on dates with other men and I've told them to their faces that I wouldn't like to see them again, I don't think that that makes me a frigid bitch, I think that it makes me realistic woman. I'm much too old to subject myself to things in life that I don't enjoy and that don't bring me joy, if I'm in a situation that I don't like or I don't want to be in, I will say something to remove myself from that situation as quickly as I possibly can because if I don't want to be there, I don't allow myself to be there for any longer than it takes me to depart the situation.
Don't let him think that he chose you. Ever. Don't ever let a man get it into his head that he's the one who chose you and that you should be grateful to have him. He's the one who should be grateful for you. I've dealt with all variety of men throughout my teenage years and I've always made it extremely clear that I chose them and that, when I left them, I'd be going on to bigger and better. Even with Frederick, he knows he's lucky to have me. He signed an 8 month/$800,000 contract last week on top of his usual salary and he still is completely fine with getting on his knees in public to tie my shoelaces and he always offers to carry my purse and things. Regardless of the man, make it perfectly clear to him that you're a privilege and that he's privileged to have you, spending time with you isn't a right or something that he's entitled to. I was taught to never settle and I've never settled, I know that men aren't begrudgingly settling with me and I was always told that I'm as good as women come so why should I not hold myself to a certain standard and make it damn clear that if I'm not treated properly and cherished, I'll go out and find a better man who will treat me and cherish me the way I want, on my time, and whenever and with whatever I want.
Don't agree to anything or sign any documents without knowing what they are and that they either benefit you or won't harm you in any way, you also shouldn't be signing anything unless you're wearing a ring and you're signing a prenup. I've seen so many women fall into this trap where they think that their best guys only want the best for them and will always protect them but they don't seem to realise that that's know, everything goes up in the air and he'll be perfectly willing to screw you over if it comes down to it and saves him time and money in your divorce. I've never heard of any wise woman signing a non-disclosure agreement for marriage and I spent my summers in the UAE and Saudi with Emirati and Saudi princes who had girls brought in and I read the contracts that said girls had to sign. If you don't understand legal jargon, don't attempt to DIY anything, you'll need a lawyer because when it comes to your future, you need a professional to help you make sure you can live the best life possible. When I signed my legal documents with Frederick, I knew exactly what I was getting myself into in case we divorced, prenups and any sort of contract will always attempt to screw over one party unless both parties have lawyers who make damn well both parties are represented well. Don't give a man power over you in the court of law at any point in time because you'll live to regret it and he'll make you.
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
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flash games actually raised me more than my parents did and im genuinely gonna miss them
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
Do you think that 19 is too young to be surrounding yourself with older/wealthy men? I've had minimal experience with boys my own age, however, the experience that I have had hasn't been good and I'm not around any boys that I am attracted to
So, yes and no.
I think 19 is generally quite young for the hypergamous world, and I recommend against it in college/under 21. No shade to any of the blogs, and I’m sure there are plenty of successful women under 21, but I personally think sugaring or even overt hypergamy can get in the way of a lot of life experiences! I talk a lot more about that on other posts... but I just think it’s a little young
However, I would describe your proposed situation as “diet-hypergamy” - you’re not necessarily prowling SA or trying to lock down a SBF, but you are mindfully building your social circles to be wealthy. I think that’s a phenomenal idea, but again, I maintain you’re a little young to have the necessary confidence and experience to hold your own at some events ESPECIALLY as a date to a MUCH older, established man.
Therefore, I recommend a blended approach: mingle and mix in older men who are successful, but do it in a way that is slow and subtle. Go to more networking events, collect business cards from older men and coyly ask them to have a coffee - keep the conversation professional, but don’t be afraid to be a bit flirty. Be careful, don’t interfere with their marriage or life, but befriending them authentically, while simultaneously knowing they’re only interested in your for your beauty/charm (aka not your knowledge or professionalism lol) will help you slowly build your connections.
Finally, if you’re building a social connections circle, DO NOT OVERLOOK THE IMPORTANCE OF WOMEN!!!!! Fellow women are KEY to a successful hypergamous lifestyle. Sure, you can sneak through the back door late at night to join the gentlemans club for beers.... or you can be accepted through the front door of the country club for Sunday brunch by trophy wives/SGFs who view you as one of their own. Bottom line: you need women to accept you so you have longevity in those social circles. 
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
Pretty Girl At Home Library🦋
As I’m sure we all can agree, all this free time we’ve had has had to be spent doing something, right? I’ve implemented an hour of reading daily into my self improvement routine. It’s added to my confidence, and my hobby list. I don’t think a girl can truly become her highest self without expanding her mind and the information she already knows.
Here I’m going to share my reading collection with you all and some of my favorites. All of these books can be found on amazon.com ✨
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Beauty: all of these have taught me new techniques for my regimens. and have also taught what I need to STOP. so far my personal fave is the Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual. I’m super into makeup and cosmetics and this book leaves nothing out. it elaborates on skincare, tools, skin types, careers. if you’re even semi interested in makeup or esthiology, I recommend this. ♡
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Inspo and Fashion: as a fashion student I’m always trying to learn techniques, find inspiration for looks, and I love to hear the journey of another woman who was once like me. all of these books have a great aesthetic, offer really nice fashion tips, quite literally are meant for fashion students, or inspire me heavily. The Fashion Design Reference and Specification Book is a MUST for anyone who wants to pursue a career in fashion. it’s literally all you need. it’s extensive but an easy read and any fashion icon deserves this book.
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Self Help: in the TREND of becoming your highest self, a lot of people are taking in potentially harmful information, and focusing on the wrong first steps in general. in order to become exclusive you have to know in your heart, underneath the voice and dresses and heels that you are untouchable. it’s more than just dainty jewelry and Louis Vuitton handbags, two things I love. it is definitely easier said than done but to truly reach your full potential you have to try. getting to know yourself and integrating positive traits in your person should come before you listen to a YouTuber tell you how to dress in order to appear worthy a womanly existence. (in no way am I saying these women are giving bad advice, I watch some of them even, but they are giving advice on the additives, and the embellishments) no handbag, heels, or makeup look will convince anyone, ESPECIALLY NOT A MAN, to like you if you don’t know that underneath it all you are truly high value. your soul is high maintenance and cannot be impressed with bare minimums, not just your exterior or bank account. Je Ne Sais Quoi hits all facets of this, truly. it teaches confidence, personal style, healthy habits, charm, and just overall excellence. if you take nothing from this part of the post, please go buy this book. also Style Your Mind is amazing. it’s almost like guided journalling. it’s fun and easy but when you go back and read what you wrote, you learn much about yourself, even some hard truths. this is a crucial step to self acceptance and improvement.
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Love and Spirituality: these books have honestly been maybe the most interesting part of my readings. this may be because I’ve never read books like these, and new experiences tend to stand out. these books focus on healing and channeling positive energies we all hold within us or teach us the tricks of the trade when dealing with men. I personally am a HUGE fan of The Power of the Pussy and Heal Thyself. the first one is a true no nonsense book on these men out here. you might even get your feelings hurt reading some parts. consider this growing pains and it’s also overall entertaining. the latter being a book heavy on spiritual routine and AMAZING recipes to serve your soul. let me tell you I love the recipes in this book, they’re so flavorful and feel amazing going down. it may be the placebo effect but I just feel like I’m doing my body a favor every time I read something in this book.
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Miscellaneous: overall, all of these are really fun reads. if you’re into my aesthetic and want something light and entertaining, you HAVE to buy this Clueless book. I love it, I literally read it in my Cher narration voice. it’s a true collector’s item. or if you love astrology or are even a little interested but don’t understand really, check out The Complete Guide to Astrology. this is how I learned my houses and planetary signs. learning my planet signs was so fun and interesting. 100% recommended.
Dream Girl Journey Readings
www.luxegirldiaries.com How to Find Your Signature Style
@babyphat05’s website www.sheissobougie.com features many printables and articles that are well put together and useful.
www.manifestationbabe.com Manifesting Type Quiz Results, Five Step Manifestation Process
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skeletubbiestime · 3 years
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You owe it to yourself to commit to cultivating habits in alignment with becoming your best self. Only you can do the work, so make it count. This won’t happen overnight, but if you develop the discipline, and don’t give up, you will be there in time.
So, what positive habits are going to change your life?
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