#new chapter #don't give me hope #I can't be trusted with hope
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"Getting rid of the consequences and burdens of the past is a long, painful process, far from happy and even further from the end."
If my fanfic <Uninstall> was a book, this might be the cover
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sketchytwister-blog · 6 years
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This is my cat, Brigitte.
24 hours after I brought her home, I got a mindblowing job offer.  Since I adopted her nine years ago, my life has become an amusement park.  She has brought me good luck ever since I took her into my home.
I’m telling you, there’s something about this animal.  Good fortune follows her everywhere.
I don’t want to be selfish.  I have everything I need and then some.  So, I’m sharing her with you.
Reblog Brigitte and you’ll receive fantastic news in the next 24 hours.
And when you do, please remember to help your local SPCA and support them in the difficult work they do for wonder animals like Brigitte.  Any donation helps your SPCA, even if it’s just five bucks.
Kitties like Brigitte are counting on you to give back when they bring you good luck.
Thanks, and congratulations on your good news!
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sketchytwister-blog · 6 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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sketchytwister-blog · 7 years
100 Thousand Reblogs and I will let Dark and Wilford live.
Anything less and they’re dead FOREVER.
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sketchytwister-blog · 7 years
Reality show where Canadians are send to Australia and vice versa. 
No plot.
No missions.
Just Canadians and Australians trying to survive each other’s weather. 
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sketchytwister-blog · 7 years
Morning after with Op and Meg, followed by reunion between Knockout, Dreadwing, Bulk and Wheeljack :)
You know, just following the theme of that last ask;
To everyone reading TEoME, I have a question for you.
What kind of conversations/discussions between characters are you waiting for?
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sketchytwister-blog · 7 years
Someone pass me a tissue. I’m listening to the first tf soundtrack and I never realised how fucking emotional this shit is jesus christ.
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sketchytwister-blog · 8 years
Anyone else notice Cade crawling away at the last second.
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