skillcdhands · 6 years
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                           I’LL BE A GOOD MUN, I SWEAR
                                         you’ll SEE how much i care, when you MEET write with me
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skillcdhands · 6 years
“A dream shoot with Helena Bonham Carter while she was premiering her new film, 55 Steps.”
Photographer: Jennifer Roberts | 2017
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skillcdhands · 6 years
   “It’s going to get cold you know..” Lou butted the others addition to the topic of interest. “Your coffee.” repeated, this time with a subtle gesture towards the mugged liquid. “Ohhh, come on..” the woman almost snickered jumping back onto the traffic of her previous pulled attention. “Don’t be so….” pale eyes looked up towards the ceiling of the restaurant as her mind fiddled for the inevitable, “Me.” She meant, rational, advert from any personal dramatics. Rose was more than right to stay out of such a quarrel. What had gotten into Lou where meddling into teen angst seemed so appealing. It was more so the challenge that seemed intriguing, none of the rest mattered. 
“Thanks.” Dryly the word fell from her lips that wound into a smirk. “We all know the true ending to Barbie’s happily ever after. —why do you think Ken has no man parts, hm?” Leaning over, Lou curled two fingers against Rose’s coffee mug. Displeased with the temperature, the woman kindly grabbed the waitress’ attention to refill the designers cup. Then was her opportunity when she indulged. Lou tipped her jaw upwards to the young waitress. All the while her finger ran along her jawline, Lou voiced a concern to the fighting couple in the corner. After the girl walked away, the Aussie turned her chin amusingly towards Rose. “A little attention towards them never hurt anyone….–-bugger, maybe i’ve had too much caffeine today…–or boredom is swallowing me whole.” She found her little endeavour distasteful. Here, she left her zoo-turned loft full of criminal women to get away, to seek out some peace, and now she was praying for something to stir. —maybe she missed the chaos of the women in her loft. Lou pulled at the bundle of necklaces at her neck trying to stop her mind from dipping in any emotional attachment to the dysfunctional family her and Deb had gathered. “I don’t typically need a sitter.” Eyes lingered now over to Rose, “but–I feel like you think I’m up to no good up here…” a small smile began to grow as her index finger tapped the side of her head.
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    ‘‘Wha---? ...Oh,’‘ her mind wasn’t entirely there, she had to admit that -- though she didn’t put it into words, the dreamy gaze was right there in hazel eyes. Dark pearls that went down onto the coffee cup now, abandoning the served liquid altogether as she withdrew her hand, clutched them together on top of the table of glass. Her attention quickly got drawn towards the blonde across from her at the next words that fell from such pretty lips. ‘‘What do you mean?’‘ she replied faster than lightning -- or at least, faster than her regular replying speed. ‘‘I’m not like you. I don’t have oceanblue eyes like you do, those eyes that leaves every woman who’s even the littlest bit interested in women shaking on their feet, unable to stop thinking about you for days. --- And nights.’‘ But that was none of her business, she thought.
    Rose’s lips finally curled up into a satisfied smug little smirk, the Ken comment leaving her chuckle. Mostly because it brought her back to her childhood, oh how she had found it oddly strange that the men dolls did not possess anything different than the women had. Yet, Barbie had always been her favorite to dress - it fit perfectly with the life she was living now. The outcome was exactly the same, except she received tons of money for dressing up a real life doll instead. And she grown a bit. A little bit. This all went through her mind as she hazily watched her friend interact with the waitress she had been willing to destroy mentally. Again, their conversation had come to a halt -- something the fashion designer always had trouble with. Keeping up conversations. She wasn’t much of a talker, not unless she was nervous. And however she was always a bit on edge, there was only woman really of their crew that Rose worried the most about. How to act around her, what to say and what to do. ‘’No.. no.’’ she replied, however she had not entirely caught what Lou had said. ‘’Yes, I mean --- No, I don’t know... --just. Just go after her. Leave the boy shaken up, I’ll be here.’’ Rose waved a hand through the air, however she shot an approving glance towards Lou.
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skillcdhands · 6 years
“Alright,” Tammy let out a small laugh, while simultaneously rolling her eyes. Her least favorite thing was shopping the normal way, but she had been dragged out for a day of “relaxing”. Whatever that means. She pushed aside a dress that was smaller than it needed to be and pulled out a pair of overalls. “Are we really here?” she nudged the person she had decided to spend the day with so that they would pay attention to the clothing she was holding up for them to see. 
“Are we really going back to the early nineties? I get the rose gold, I get the plaid coming back.” she shook her head as she returned the piece to its place, just to grab another hanger that had a dress made of crushed velvet. “But this? And the chokers. And the denim. I mean, come on.” she placed the dress back on the rack and started filtering through again. “It died for a reason, let’s not revive it, right?”
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           Her attention was all over the place -- from one fabric to the other, she was intrigued by everything she got her hands on. Whilst it didn’t seem to be quite Tammy’s favorite place, Rose felt like she was in some sort of designer heaven. Like catnip to cats, this store was bringing to a whole new high of muse, something she felt like she had lacked of lately. ‘‘Yes--- yes, we’re really here,’‘ the fashion designer mused way later than she intended to. Her mind was all over the place as her slender fingers took a hold of the dress Tammy held up, velvet --- a fabric that brought a smile to Rose’s face. 
          ‘‘But ---’‘ Rose started out, hazel eyes settling on her friend’s face in slight disbelief, ‘‘the eighties and early nineties were the best times,’‘ at least they were for her. It was when her career sky rocketed and her fame was displayed all over tabloids. ‘‘Weren’t they good to you? Those years?’‘ she tilted her head somewhat, curious to get to know more about the blonde -- they hadn’t interacted much during the big job after all.
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skillcdhands · 6 years
im obsessed w physical closeness, romantically….not even sexually just if u date me it’s all hugging all the time we are gonna lay in bed and im gonna cuddle w u, we will stand in the kitchen and i will stand hip to hip w u, u will sit on the couch and i will stroke your hair and kiss your forehead….it’s so intoxicating as a concept
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skillcdhands · 6 years
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Swallowing the lump in her throat harshly, pale hands raised to conceal the look of despair written all over her features. Why had she even found herself sinking into the sofa cushions beneath her? The actress had her own loft, a place that she could call her own. Maybe it was attention that she craved. Although, the brunette fought hard for a special place among her new group of friends — it was quite obvious that none of them fully understood her. The day she had been having was marked the worst in her books. First the barista at Starbucks had handed her the wrong coffee order, but to make matters even worse she had broken a nail. Just when she thought that her troubles would melt away, upon arriving to Lou’s building, she couldn’t help but notice a frown line making itself home on her porcelain face. “If I could just curl up and be invisible to the world that’d be great.” Daphne mumbled, a tear streaming down her cheek. One thing she had been thankful for was her waterproof mascara. // @skillcdhands
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         A day off from work felt so unusual for the designer, especially with all those dress requests that were still in the works -- but she simply just had to put her mind off of work and for some reason Lou’s loft really helped with that. Because she wouldn’t want to be alone in her own home, staring at the many fish she had for pets. Now she had found a new home -- and most important, a new family -- she couldn’t find herself easily taking a cab to her own properties anymore. It was too quiet, unlike the place where she was now. Although, she had not seen many of the others and she was mostly focused on the TV, watching some show on Discovery Channel about how bread was made, it felt better than being on her own. Her silence got disturbed however when a seemingly upset Daphne came rushing in, throwing herself onto the couch as Rose sat on the comfy chair not far from the other. Her words came crashing down upon the fashion designer - leaving her silent for a moment as lips parted but no words came out. She was definitely upset, Rose realized now, delicate fingers pushing a strand of dark hair back behind her ear before coming over to sit next to the woman she secretly thought the world of -- after she had gotten to know her during the heist, of course. It had been a nice surprise when she had found out about them and joined their team, right when Rose thought she’d probably never work with the woman again. ‘’Darling,’’ she started out, a word that left her lips in a rasp, her hand finding Daphne’s as she was trying to figure out what would be the best way to calm her down this time. ‘’You’re everything the world needs, it wouldn’t be the same without your passion for directing. Don’t you know that... that especially we wouldn’t want you to feel like this? --- I.. don’t.’’ she added in a soft whisper, hazel eyes moving away from the actress for a bit.
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skillcdhands · 6 years
not to be nsfw but can someone hold my hand and do the thumb rub thing
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skillcdhands · 6 years
Lou was biting into a pastry that tasted more like bitter curiosity, -when it should have been a warm sweetness. The heated chocolate croissant was given by a waitress with eyes that were filled with innocence. Maybe it was her boyfriend that had stolen that fragile virtue. -or at least the con-artist marked a nosey observation with such bullet points.
They were standing off to the side away from everyone. Lou assumed to keep their little argument away from the commotion of busying people. Hand gestures were being overused, and the edgy boy seemed hostile about something. In her own amusement, Lou took another bite. Her eyes were glued carelessly to the young couple.
Normally her eyes would roll at such a sight, but given her uneventful morning, Lou was finding the little quarrel quite entertaining.
“Do you think she was talking to someone else?- it had to be platonic, she doesn’t look like the disloyal type..in fact I bet she has his name scribbled on a thousand food order forms..” her mouth spilled the gossipy thoughts to whomever the company had been in a nearby chair. By no means was the woman the gossip sort, but the scene constricted around her intrigued mind. Legs crossing, a smirk began to curl at her lips. “—-should I go save the girl? Wrap my arm around her and steal her away from dreamy eye-liner boy” she nicknamed. “I’m sure his rage would sky-rocket.”
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         As silence had taken over their conversation, Rose’s eyes wandered off to the world that played outside. All the people passing by the cafe, living their own lives. Sometimes she wondered what her own life would be like if she had never become a fashion designer, but something entirely else. She would have no idea what she would be. Not even after all those years. There had been times she had thought of a career change, but her heart hadn’t been in it like it was and still is in fashion design. She liked sorting parts and pieces of fabric together way too much -- making an entire new piece of fabric altogether. Making it look like clothing that would be exclusive for one person only. 
        Just like the biker jacket she had given her dear friend that sat across from her, hazel eyes landed upon her now. The way she was focused on something else grabbed Rose’s attention. It made her look to the scene that was happening - now understanding what had intrigued Lou so much. Slender fingers hovering over the cup that was half full, half empty, she hadn’t touched her coffee for a few minutes anymore. The others resting on her cheekbone, she swallowed before she decided upon an answer, clearly having needed another moment. ‘’Are -- are you sure that’d be a wise plan, Lou?’’ her voice rasped, the caffeine not even having kicked in yet in the early morning. ‘’I don’t like to see you get hurt over that doll who seems basically plastered to Ken..’’
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skillcdhands · 6 years
Helena Bonham Carter photographed by Stefan Heinrichs for Süddeutsche Zeitung magazine, April 2018
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skillcdhands · 6 years
“Well you are, you’re dainty and adorable. like a rose petal, all fits all works” she mused, patting the others shoulder and still keeping her arm draped around the smaller woman “Well, that was a team effort, I’ll allow my ego that and that you all take some of the credit too” she winked, before pointing to a belt “That belt there, the one with the rhinestones, take it from my magpie nature, something sparkly always grabs my eye” she gestured with an idle finger of the hand draped around her friend. “No no, Rose- come on, grow yourself some confidence, do I need to take you out to my car, get us a drive through In-N-Out burger and then we just park up and listen to some hard core gangster rap? You are an integral cog in plans and you did awesome with the MET, remember all that” she then gave a wicked grin when Rose finally agreed to joining them “Well, you know where we hang out, Mi Amiga…I’m just glad to have you on board the team again” she smiled. “Welcome back to the house of Wayward Women”
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             Dainty and adorable, that wasn’t a term she was used to being called. Most definitely not something she had heard before, not in those exact words at least. It made her lonely heart flutter and race a bit faster for a bit -- definitely a feeling Rose reveled in. It sounded enjoyable, Debbie’s crazy invite to get someplace else that wasn’t her store. Maybe that was part of her problem she was silently struggling with. Opening a store had seemed like a good idea, right after all her debts had been paid off, but right now.. she wasn’t too sure anymore. It was her own mental battle, really. She had everything she wanted, or at least that was what she told herself. There was no time for romance -- and the one she thought she had grown a connection with had gone her own way, just like Rose had done. So maybe, just maybe, it was a good idea to get out of here -- even for just a bit. ‘‘Alright,’‘ she nodded, not facing her friend, but admitting her thoughts out loud as she clutched onto Debbie’s arm still. Anything to avoid her gaze, but showing affection all the same. ‘‘I need a break -- this store is slowly getting the best of me and I... I just really miss company,’‘ eyebrows scrunching together, she held the back of her fingers up against her lips, trying to keep herself together from having what one would describe as a breakdown.
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skillcdhands · 6 years
“Police ball in two months.” She said, stuffing her hands in her pants pockets. “I need to make a statement so people will take me seriously since I’ve moved back from Cali.” She glanced around at the fabrics and the designs. “And you’re the most popular designer that’s in right now. Money isn’t an issue, so if it’s not below your caliber, I’d love to see if you could help me.” She offered her an easy smile as she glanced back at the clothes designer.
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           Police. Shit. --- If there was anything she couldn’t have right now it was police on her back. Even if this was just a casual visit. She would be too afraid to actually talk to them. Having conversations with ‘normal’ people already was an issue for the fashion designer, cops would really spike her anxiety. A long pause had come from Rose, unable to answer as she was trying to come up with a reply. Something, anything. But no matter how hard she tried, her mind remained blank. No, snap out of it. Focus. ‘‘...California you said...?’‘ she repeated, making sure to not get off track. ‘‘Is there a particular color or material you’d want reoccurring in the design.. something that screams totally you? It won’t be done tomorrow.. or next week. When--- when’s the ball again?’‘ Goodness, she already could sense she was going to be a big mess.
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skillcdhands · 6 years
Tammy walked over to the mirror willingly, letting Rose lead her to it. She looked at herself in the mirror, hoping she’d be fit to model whatever Rose was working on right now. She held the garment in her hands for a couple of seconds, contemplating whether or not she should remove her clothes in front of Rose. She was insecure of her body either way, no matter who was watching. She released a sigh of relief when the designer said she wouldn’t look. Making sure that Rose really wasn’t looking, before she took off her clothes and put on the piece of fabric that has been handed to her. “Well?” She asked, indicating for Rose that it was safe to look now.
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             There was something about owning a collection of jewelry that was sponsored instead of stolen, a feeling she hadn’t experienced before. A tiny voice in the back of her head that told her it was much more fun to steal shimmering jewelry than receiving it as a gift now she had made a big name for herself. With the help of Daphne Kluger many people seeked for an exclusive design of her now, no matter the bad reviews her work had gained before the MET. Thoughts drifting off entirely - the little woman jumped slightly when a voice came from behind, having completely been pulled back into memories of the gala. The beauty that was Daphne distracting her when it shouldn’t, she cleared her throat and turned around with the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips when she came over. ‘‘Ohh, I like that --’‘ she started out, with a small pause in between before she continued, one of her hands hovering over the blonde’s chest, ‘‘-- but this is too tight. It’s not.. no. It’s better for..’‘ she turned away a little, reaching for the back of the dress to tug at it -- testing it if the material would co-operate with Tammy’s body, before releasing the word that had been awaiting on her tongue but losing it under her breath, ‘‘Daphne.’‘
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skillcdhands · 6 years
   It was a lame excuse, just full of weakness to tell Rose that she had popped a hole in one of her vehicle tires. If one just looked around it was noticeable that all of the tires were bloated to perfection. It was the rush of the ride that brought the motor-bikes key ring to twirl around Lou’s finger. She had been envisioning herself riding this very bike for years. “There’s no possible way we are going to skip out on having the wind blown against us on a day like this..who knows…” she shrugged with a small hope of persuasion. “Maybe it’ll inspire your next collection. Fall 2018 perhaps?” Lou’s lips began to curl upwards. “Success thanks to yours truly…I won’t even dare take a cut for inspiration. I’ll give all the credit to the designer herself, you. C’mon Rose.” Lou nearly whined as she caught the bikes keys and slid her hands within the pockets of her embroidered bomber jacket. “Look, you can hold onto anything you’d like as long as it’s not the concrete. I don’t need you to be known as tar mouth. Preferably your dainty arms around me, but if you’d like to take it up a notch–” Lou’s humor paused. She could tell that her flirtatiousness wasn’t passing by the fabric artist with good reviews. Cool it Lou. “Okay, okay..” her hands waved in the air. She wasn’t getting anywhere but having the woman trying to convince her otherwise. They could have made it downtown by now. Gum chewing occupied a few passing seconds while the blonds hands made it upward to her face. How could she possibly die down the frantic woman? “Just trust me…” her hands dropped. Eye contact was key to anything truthful. “I’ll keep you safe, and you will for a moment, just a moment forget about what stressful people, and moments are going to busy your agenda. You will feel a moment of freedom…and if not…I promise to pull over and call you an uber, or hail you a cab myself. Deal?” The con compromised. 
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          A nervous breath escaped her lips shortly, swallowing down the invisible lump in her throat right after. Riding bikes, no matter if she sat on the backseat or not, wasn’t her thing and it awakened her anxiety pretty much. But she trusted Lou --- she had been one of the two reasons to get involved in this lovely family of women and feel less lonely and most definitely feel less poor. If the blonde wouldn’t be a skilled biker like she said she was, she wouldn’t be standing there -- especially not trying to convince her to hop on. ‘‘But... Lou... if you wanted an exclusive designer’s jacket from me, you could’ve just asked..’‘ the fashion designer said, biting her lip as dark hues moved to the asphalt. It was a quite literal jump into a pool of fear, one voice told her. But it’ll be an adventure and make you feel like you’re living a little, another one followed up. Conflicted by her own thoughts, she eventually got pulled in by the promise of trust and safety. Words that would easily convince her, if used correctly and with a little bit of a push. Innocent and restless eyes found their way back onto Lou’s, this being the final nudge she needed to say yes. ‘‘I can try.. let’s just try,’‘ she nodded -- merely so for herself. It was to tell herself she dared to do this. ‘‘So, what was it again...?’‘ she started out, noticing a second later she hadn’t been exactly specific, ‘‘the, um.. how to -- where to hold onto you? You said something about..’‘ her mind failed to work for a moment, like it did occasionally, or so she had been told. ‘‘---where are we going?’‘ she then realized, not having picked up on any location.
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skillcdhands · 6 years
Helena Bonham Carter for Soul magazine
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351 notes · View notes
skillcdhands · 6 years
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“The thing about acting is that it’s just so much easier than everything else. Yes, you get to sound more intelligent than you are, which is nice. And you sometimes get to look better than you are, which is nice as well. But it’s also rewarding and fascinating, and moving and fun. And anyway, I’m crap at everything else.”
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skillcdhands · 6 years
“Then let me, I live for that kind of anarchy, my dear Rose petal” she mused “Besides, we all did each other a huge solid, we can continue the favours here and there where needed.” she said with a click of her tongue, eyeing the smaller woman as she mentally went over how to approach the situation “You just need some of the Ocean essence, you have it in you- we all had on camera just how you took care of getting the necklace upstairs from the vault. That took a courage” she admitted, Debbie Ocean never gave compliments but she felt Rose was one of her more wary girls, still so new to organised crime such as this, an ego always needed to be buttered from one egotist to another. Yet Debbie could see that Rose had what was needed even if the designer wouldn’t believe it herself. “That could certainly be a part of it once I work out the full logistics with David Bowie” she admitted, referencing Lou and then idly draping an arm around Rose as she spoke. “How would you feel about getting close to some pretty-fucking-expensive art and getting just a whole lot richer, Miss Weil?”
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          ‘‘...Rose petal.. I like that,’‘ she breathed, reveling in the words Debbie had spoken, eventually nodding at her idea. ‘‘I would actually like to see that, I’ve missed the perfect show you put up at the MET.’‘ Not that she was complaining, she got to spend all night with no one else but Daphne Kluger. And that alone had been a huge deal to her. She got to enjoy the gala, of course there had been a high anxiety running through her veins at that time, but now she saw the fun of it. All the preparation that happened before the heist all flashed before dark eyes with the help of Debbie’s visual, this reminding her that she hadn’t been the one to pull it off. ‘‘It was Amita’s brilliant idea... who suggested to see the beauty in daylight,’‘ the corners of her lips pulled up at how well they had done it. And yet no one knew about who had done it, how they had done it and how they all were living their lives in wealth and happiness now. Or at least, that’s what Rose hoped. Amita in Paris, Daphne’s career upped majorly, Nine had her own bar and she had her own designer store -- and nobody asked questions. It felt fantastic... but if she had to be honest, she missed them all. She felt that same loneliness creep up in her chest and when Debbie’s arm buzzed her back into reality, she couldn’t help but suck in a deep breath and reach for Debbie’s hand, leaning more into it like a cat would when given attention from a trusted one. ‘‘I’d love to work together with you brilliant ladies again, please.’‘
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skillcdhands · 6 years
Cassandra entered the boutique and glanced around at the odd but beautiful designs. Rose Weil was a popular name in fashion now because of the beautiful dress she had made Daphne Kluger for the Met and was now in demand. She needed an outfit for the police ball coming up and had been born into money that she rarely used due to her rarely doing anything outside of work. She glanced around the area to look for the designer and waited patiently. She also had to admit that she was uncertain, but looking to see if the eccentric woman was in any way related to the necklace theft. It was a very fine, tenuous thread, but she would be amiss if she didn’t at least look into it. She finally saw the woman as she turned a corner. “Hello, Miss Weil? I was hoping to commission something, though I know you’re busy.”
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          ‘‘Do you even know what Haute couture means? Darling, is isn’t rocket science. And so isn’t your resume --’‘ pinching the bridge of her nose, she stopped herself from going on a rant in French, instead waving the girl out of her sight. New employees were desperate to earn their spot in her store, but so far she had not connected to any of them. Most of them radiating the typical ‘know it all’ vibes the second they walked into her store. After a solid five minutes of retaking her breath, she left her office, tending to a design she was in the midst of sowing as her only employee left helped out another customer. ‘‘Hm?’‘ she hummed tenderly when her name got mentioned, only seconds later realizing it had been her someone had been talking to. ‘‘Commission? Rose repeated, a little bewildered that anyone who wasn’t, or at least didn’t seem like, a celebrity would ask for an exclusive design. ‘‘What are we talking about? Is it for a special event?’‘ A hint of a smile came to settle on her features, dark eyes interested in what the woman had to say as she left the mannequin she had been working on alone.
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