skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Home Care for Acne
BPO Washes
There is so much misinformation about what products can clear your Acne. There is no one product that will work for all people or one kind of Acne. Most of my clients have used the internet searches to clear their skin. Sadly, they have wasted a lot of time jumping from one product to another trying to do it themselves. Most don’t even know what kind of acne they have. This causes frustration, loss of money, and no improvement in the skin.
Home care is the most important part of acne treatment and can be a confusing subject as there are many misleading marketing terms printed on skincare products and makeup. I have seen many products touting that they are “non-comedogenic” or “non-pore-clogging” with pore-clogging ingredients in the deck. Remember that these are marketing terms and are not regulated by any organization to hold them accountable for their claims. Studying ingredients and researching the comedogenicity scale is essential to know what is safe for use on acne-prone skin. Don’t forget to check your hair care and makeup products too! This can seem overwhelming at first, but once you start investigating, you’ll become more fluent and hopefully excited to dig in.
Using the appropriate acne products is also important. Not all acne conditions and skin types are the same, and not every client’s regimen will look the same either. When starting a client on a new active such as an Alpha Hydroxy Acid or Benzoyl Peroxide product, it is important to do a sensitivity test. Because many acne sufferers have tried products and given up when they only saw irritation and no results, it is important to take a progressive approach when beginning active acne products.
You may choose to slowly progress from using a product once a day, every other day, to every day twice a day depending on the client’s tolerance. Creating a timed schedule for the first couple of weeks is also an option. For example, you could begin using a BPO for timed increments and wash it off after the specified time has completed. Each day, you could increase the amount of time the product is left on to slowly acclimate the skin to the potentially irritating side effects that sometimes occur. Most of my clients start with one active at a time and allows the skin to adjust to that active before adding another active. Drying the skin out with the wrong approach only causes more acne.
If you are tired of your internet search, book an Acne Consultation from the BookNow button at the top of this page. Stop all the confusion.
The post Home Care for Acne first appeared on Skin Care Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/11/08/home-care-for-acne/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
What Foods Aggravate Acne
What Foods Aggravate Acne?
It might be relieving to learn that foods do not, or very rarely do CAUSE acne. However, certain foods definitely
Good Skin Care Works
aggravate acne. For those who are genetically prone to acne, however, many foods can be problematic. Eating a nutritious diet and avoiding foods, beverages & supplements that can imbalance hormones or create inflammation is helpful in clearing acne. I always ask my Acne clients to shop the outside of the grocery store where they find fresh food. Anything coming from a box, a bag, a can, or processed foods will have at least one of the following ingredients, especially soy, which is in almost everything we buy. Eating out and a fast-food diet is also very bad for Acne. Change your diet, use specially formulated home care, and have regular office treatments can and will clear your skin.
Potentially Problematic Foods
Foods high in iodides Dairy Sugar High Glycemic Foods Peanut products Soy Whey Protein
If you need help clearing your acne, book an Acne Consultation from the BookNow button on this page. You can have clear skin too.
The post What Foods Aggravate Acne first appeared on Skin Care Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/11/01/what-foods-aggravate-acne-3/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Are You Using Toothpaste On Your Pimples?
Toothpaste for acne
Are you using toothpaste on your pimples?
Please do not do this!
Toothpaste dries out your skin. Dry skin causes MORE pimples.
It does not kill cutibacterium acnes.
It will cause skin irritation and your skin will be so sore.
It may cause contact dermatitis.
I can actually burn your skin.
Acne does not live on top of the skin! It lives UNDER the skin and you must use products that actually can get under the skin to release the skin plugs that rests there.
As a Certified Holistic Acne Specialist, I can help you understand what causes acne, what kind of acne you actually have, and how to successfully clear your acne.
Use the blue BookNow button at the top of this page and start the process of clearing your skin.
The post Are You Using Toothpaste On Your Pimples? first appeared on Skin Care Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/10/25/are-you-using-toothpaste-on-your-pimples/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Why Treat Acne At Home?
Why Treat Acne At Home?
Home care is an important part of acne treatment and can be a confusing subject as there are many misleading marketing terms printed on skincare products and makeup. I have seen many products touting that they are “non-comedogenic” or “non-pore clogging” with pore-clogging ingredients in the deck. Remember that these are marketing terms and are not regulated by any organization to hold them accountable for their claims. Studying ingredients and researching the comedogenicity scale is essential to know what is safe for use on an acne-prone skin. Don’t forget to check your hair care and makeup products too! This can seem overwhelming at first, but once you start investigating, you’ll become more fluent and hopefully excited to dig in.
Using the appropriate acne products is also important. Not all acne conditions and skin types are the same, and not every client’s regimen will look the same either. When starting a client on a new actives such as an Alpha Hydroxy Acid or Benzoyl Peroxide product, it is important to do a sensitivity test. Because many acne sufferers have tried products and given up when they only saw irritation and no results, it is important to take a progressive approach when beginning active acne products.
You may choose to slowly progress from using a product once a day, every other day, to every day twice a day depending on the client’s tolerance. Creating a timed schedule for the first couple of weeks is also an option. For example, you could begin using a BPO for timed increments and wash it off after the specified time has completed. Each day, you could increase the amount of time the product is left on to slowly acclimate the skin to the potentially irritating side effects that sometimes occur.
An Acne Consultation is important to learn how and why you can clear your acne. Book an Acne Consultation from the BookNow button on the page. I can help.
The post Why Treat Acne At Home? first appeared on Skin Care Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/10/18/why-treat-acne-at-home/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
What Foods Aggravate Acne?
Healthy Foods
What Foods Aggravate Acne?
Food does not CAUSE acne but certain foods certainly AGGRAVATE acne. I know that is hard to hear but it is true. For those who are genetically prone to acne, however, many foods can be problematic. Eating a nutritious diet and avoiding foods, beverages & supplements that can imbalance hormones or create inflammation is helpful in clearing acne.
 Problematic Foods
Foods high in iodides Dairy Sugar High Glycemic Foods Peanut products Soy Whey Protein
My acne clients are always informed about their diet. I always advise my clients to shop the outside of the grocery store and stay away from any fast foods and foods coming from bags, boxes, cans, or processed foods. Restaurants are not safe either. This is the hardest part of clearing skin. I also use a diet chart where I ask them to write down everything they eat and drink for two weeks. This isn’t just for me, it is often eye-opening for the client because it makes them aware just how often they eat things they shouldn’t eat.
Book an Acne Consultation from the red BookNow button on the page and learn more about clearing your skin.
The post What Foods Aggravate Acne? first appeared on Skin Care Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/10/11/what-foods-aggravate-acne-2/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Hormones Can Influence Acne
Acne has a hormonal aspect since the sebaceous activity of the pore is governed by hormones, and bacteria proliferate in a sebum rich and oxygen-deficient environment of the microcomedone.
Although Androgens are widely known as a group of male hormones, they are present in all sexes. Testosterone is the Androgen hormone that is converted into Dihydrotestosterone by the enzyme 5 alpha reductase and puts sebum activity into overdrive in the pore. Hormonal fluctuations alongside the propensity for retention hyperkeratosis becomes a perfect recipe for breakouts.
Acne in adolescence is common for all, but typically levels off in men once they reach adulthood. Due to the ability to bear children, female adult acne is more common due to the many hormones that fluctuate throughout menstrual cylces, pregnancy & postpartum, as well as menopause. Although rare, strictly hormonal acne will typically present itself only in one area, usually the chin & jawline in the case women.
For clients who are pregnant or lactating, it is important to treat the skin very gently and get all products and modalities “okayed” by their physician. Be prepared to provide product data sheets for their review.
In the case of acne that is not strictly hormonally driven, the skin will often respond very quickly to in-clinic acne treatments and home care products alongside the appropriate dietary and lifestyle adjustments, including avoiding foods and ingredients that stimulate Androgens or inflammation.
If you need help with your acne, please book an Acne Consultation from the BookNow button at the top of this page. I can help!
The post Hormones Can Influence Acne first appeared on Skin Care Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/10/04/hormones-can-influence-acne/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Copper Peptides and Collagen
My new peptide moisturizer has been a great hit with my clients. Peptides are known to strengthen the skin cell wall. I give it to my anti-aging clients and use it with my retinols to let clients acclimate slowly to stronger retinol and as well as moisturize their skin. I love this peptide becasue of the copper peptides. Here is why:
Copper Peptides
Copper peptides, GHk-Cu, is a tripeptide made up of copper and 3 amino acids.
The body produces Copper peptides naturally but produces less as we age.
Copper peptides are wound healing and a superstar at reducing inflammation.
Stimulates the skin to produce Hyaluronic Acid.
Reduces fine lines and assists in reducing acne scarring by Influencing collagen homeostasis.
Studies have shown that copper peptides have the ability to modulate type I and III collagen. Type III collagen is where the magic happens!
This copper peptide gives a 3 to 1 punch. Peptides for strength, moisture and allows the skin to produce collagen. It is a true winner.
The post Copper Peptides and Collagen first appeared on Skin Care Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/09/27/copper-peptides-and-collagen/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
What Causes Acne
What Causes Acne
Acne is often an inherited condition of the pore and is onset by the following factors : hormones, retention hyperkeratosis and c. acnes bacteria (which was formerly known as p. acnes bacteria). Though there are many triggers for acne, retention hyperkeratosis is the real culprit here. Normal skin will shed 1 layer of skin per day within the pore, whereas an acne-prone individual will shed up to 5 layers, which becomes (literally) a sticky situation when the body cannot keep up and the pore becomes clogged. This clog creates the perfect environment for anaerobic c. acnes bacteria to proliferate. The overactive pore becomes an acne lesion starting as a microcomedone and it evolves into a blackhead, whitehead, pustule, papule, cyst, or nodule, depending on the circumstances.
This multifaceted, common condition affects a large number of individuals throughout puberty, and many throughout life. It cannot be cured, but it can absolutely be managed! There are many options for treatment and it can be overwhelming for the consumer. It is common that consumers “try everything” and become so frustrated that they become almost desperate to try anything that will promise to remove the spots that anguish them. Dermatologists often prescribe systemic antibiotics, which have an 81% failure rate and even Isotretinoin with a failure rate between 15-30%, which is quite huge considering the side effects! This isn’t to say that these medications are not helpful for some, but they are most definitely not required to treat acne.
Because acne affects a large portion of the population, it is so important for Certified Acne Specialists have a thorough understanding of its cause, triggers, and how to effectively manage the condition. Using the appropriate products and making suggestions for dietary & lifestyle changes are all important aspects of the treatment program to allow the client to keep their condition controlled.
If you need help clearing your acne, book an Acne Consultation from the red BookNow button on this page. Learn how you can have clear skin.
The post What Causes Acne first appeared on Skin Care Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/09/22/what-causes-acne/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Foods That Aggravate Rosacea
Rosacea is a chronic condition that affects the facial skin and can even affect the eyes. It is sensitive to
extreme temperatures. Your skin will flush red in cold weather and hot weather. That flush will usually involve the cheeks and sometimes the forehead and chin. If not controlled, your skin will begin to break out in small pimples. Your skin is very fragile and sensitive and needs gentle but effective care, Gentle is the way to go with skincare. Treating it like acne will only make your rosacea worse.
Diet is important for rosacea too. here is a list of foods that can aggravate your rosacea:
caffeine, spicy foods, alcohol, histamine-releasing foods, sugar, starchy foods, warming spices, tomatoes, radishes, seafood – leaky gut issues.
With my own rosacea, I find spicy foods and wine can set it off. If I stay away from these foods, my skin will stay free of breakouts and the flush ( redness ) isn’t that bad.
If you need help with your rosacea, book an Advanced Skin Consult from the BookNow button on this page.
The post Foods That Aggravate Rosacea first appeared on Skin Care Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/09/13/foods-that-aggravate-rosacea/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
What Foods Aggravate Acne?
Healthy Foods
What Foods Aggravate Acne?
It might be relieving to learn that foods do not, or very rarely do CAUSE acne. For those who are genetically prone to acne however, many foods can be problematic. Eating a nutritious diet and avoiding foods, beverages & supplements that can imbalance hormones or create inflammation is helpful in clearing acne.
Potentially Problematic Foods
Foods high in iodides: table salt, prepackaged foods, restaurant foods, and salty snacks Dairy: cow products have hormones and antibiotics in them Sugar: some sugar is ok but eating/drinking sugar all day creates spicks in insulin, throwing your blood sugar out of wack High Glycemic Foods: high sugar foods and drinks create a spike in insulin, which also creates other enzymes to spike Peanut products: food cooked in peanut oil, peanut butter, candy with peanuts Soy: if you read ingredients in foods, soy is in everything; it is an androgen, the hormone that really aggravates the skin Whey protein powder: this is made from dairy
Staying away from these foods and ingredients will help your acne clear faster. Shopping the outside of a grocery store where fresh doods are found will help. Reduce eating out will too.
If you need help clearing acne, book an Acne Consultation today using the red BookNow button on the page. Clearing acne isn’t just a diet.
   The post What Foods Aggravate Acne? first appeared on Skin Care Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/09/06/what-foods-aggravate-acne/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Retinol vs Alpha Hydroxy Acids
Topical Retinol Serums
In my skin care clinic, I use retinol with almost every client. The only Alpha Hydroxy Acid I use is lactic acid because it is gentle while it exfoliates and hydrates at the same time. I have never use glycolic acid on clients as most estheticians do.
Vitamin A  ( retinoids) has the ability to actually change the cell. Vitamin A is imperative and crucial for cell health. The cell cannot live without it.
 Alpha hydroxy acids are water-soluble and do not penetrate the skin. Retinoic Acid and its close derivatives are lipid-soluble and penetrate into the pore. Topical Retinoids also help to inhibit collagenase. Collagenases are enzymes that break the peptide bonds in collagen.
Vitamin A “normalizes the skin”, which I don’t think AHAs can claim.
 AHA’s primary job is its exfoliating capabilities and in the case of lactic acid its ability to hydrate.
I know vitamin A can also increase our skin’s ability to make its own gags and HA, can any of the aha’s do that?
 Vitamin A is also used by every cell in our body, not just dermal and epidermal.
Plus our cells have the ability to build up receptors, in turn allowing us to use stronger amounts of it. As well as we can consume Vitamin A orally and it will have a direct/indirect on the health of our skin.
I believe they can via the exfoliating process, however, Retinoids are more effective due to their ability to actually communicate with the cells. AHA’s exfoliate by breaking down the desmosomes between keratinocytes, so, epidermal, while retinoids are cell proliferators bringing up cells from the basal layer more rapidly.
Retinoids are simply one of the best topical skin products we have in treating anti-aging and non-inflamed acne.
If you want to learn more about anti-aging and acne treatments, you can book a consultation using the red BookNow button on the page.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/08/30/retinol-vs-alpha-hydroxy-acids/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Why Is My Skin Still Breaking Out?
Why is my skin still breaking OUT? I’m not a teenager!
Like most people, you may have thought that when you left your teen years behind, you were also leaving acne behind. Maybe in your twenties, and you were annoyed to find that wasn’t the case. Certainly, by your thirties, you’d be done with it? No? Seriously, it can’t persist into your forties, right? It can. And it does.
It turns out, no one is immune to breakouts at any age. Your hormones start to level out in your twenties, and that should mean acne levels out too, but that’s not always the case. For many, it continues well into mid-life and even beyond. Let’s look at some of the reasons you’re breaking out.
Are you female? You are more likely to experience adult acne than guys your age.
It’s mostly about hormones. Periods, pregnancy, the pill (getting off it generally), all because hormone fluctuations that can trigger breakouts. And if you think you’re safe by the time you reach menopause, think again. Women going through menopause make up the largest percentage of adult acne sufferers. Beginning with perimenopause, estrogen levels drop, but androgen levels remain the same. The net effect is more androgen hormones. Without the estrogen to balance out the equation, sebum production increases. At the same time, cell metabolism is slowing. Increased sebum, plus sluggish cell turnover creates the perfect conditions for clogged pores and acne.
Stress is another trigger for acne, and let’s face it, adult life can get pretty stressful. Initially, the connection between stress and acne was anecdotal, but in recent years, studies have borne out the validity of the correlation. Sebum glands have a receptor for the stress hormone cortisol, and studies have shown that when stress ramps up, so does sebum and inflammation, which trigger flare-ups. Additionally, it’s thought that the psychological response to stress delays healing. There’s never been a better excuse for some me-time.
Genetics can also play a significant role in adult acne. In one study involving women over 25 experiencing acne, 67% reported a familial history of acne.
It could be cosmetic or skincare products that you’re using. A lot of products contain ingredients that clog pores, which could be triggering breakouts. Then, you may inadvertently make it worse by attempting to cover the breakout with more makeup. I always say, stop covering it up, clear it up!
Check your labels for common comedogenic culprits like D & C pigments, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, sulfated oils, coconut oil, cottonseed oil, isocetyl stearate, isopropyl isostearate, isopropyl myristate, cetearyl alcohol stearic acid, cetyl alcohol, acetylated lanolin, squalene, dimethicone, and octyl palmitate. Even some acne treatments contain some of these ingredients, so look closely at the labels. Look for water-based or mineral products and cleanse thoroughly to remove all traces of makeup every night. Or better yet, try going makeup-free!
  from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/08/23/why-is-my-skin-still-breaking-out/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Table Salt and Acne
Table Salt
Typically in processed foods or dining out, you are probably consuming table salt and maybe a lot of it. Here is a brief description of what is contained in that salt. Yes, they add minute amounts but think about how much we might consume over our life span. Cutting way back on table salt I know can improve skin flare-ups. Not sure what the culprit is, possibly fructose the don’t disclose, or other additives. Knowing what I know now, I eat Pink Himalayan salt and I’m not shy about it. I suggest looking all this up for yourself, it helped me stop consuming it.
Table is salt mixed with a minute amount of:
– Potassium Iodide: Is a chemical compound, medication, and dietary supplement. – Sodium Iodide (Chemical formula NaI) is an ionic compound formed from the chemical reaction of sodium metal and iodine. – Sodium Iodate (NaIO3) is an oxidizing agent, and as such, it can cause fires upon contact with combustible materials or reducing agents. – Dextrose (sugar) may also be added to stabilize the iodine.
Luckily now, there are many other options for salt. Himalayan salt, Celtic salt, Mortons’ salt without iodides. Learn to read labels. There are other options if you look. Your acne will appreciate your effort.
If you need more help with your acne, please use the red BookNow button on this page and book an Acne Consultation to understand how you can clear your Acne.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/08/16/table-salt-and-acne/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Will Wearing A Mask Aggravate Acne?
Face Mask
Sadly, wearing a mask will aggravate your acne. Rubbing the skin in any shape or form can do this. However, there are several things you can do to stop some of the rubbing, or as I call it, Acne Mecanica.
Keep your skin as clean as possible. Wash your skin before you put the mask on and immediately after removing it.
Apply a thin film of vaseline over the skin before masking.
Wear a clean mask every day. Wear the mask or replace it daily.
Be sure to continue your acne homecare. this is not the time to stop doing that.
If your skin gets sweaty under the mask, take a baggie with cotton rounds wet with your toner with you daily. Wipe your face with that toner as needed.
Remember, being safe by wearing a mask is one of the best ways of stopping the spread of this virus. Your safety and health is more important right now than a few pimples.
If you need further help, please call me and I will help you through this.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/08/09/will-wearing-a-mask-aggravate-acne-2/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Retinol or Vitamin A for the Skin
I have used retinol since it first came on the market, years ago. So many of the first medical-grade retinols were so strong and poorly formulated and so harsh I couldn’t use them enough to be effective. Now, however, professional-grade retinol has been formulated properly and is very affected. I use one of the best on the market for acne and for anti-aging.
Retinol ingredients work to neutralize free radicals, stimulate collagen production and accelerate skin turnover, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, and blurring acne marks and other blemishes in the process.
Retinol is just one of the many different types of retinoids (the umbrella term for all vitamin-A derivatives, including retinol) that are on the market. Retinyl palmitate – the weakest of the retinoids (a great place to start), Retinol – the next strongest and most tolerable, to Retinaldehyde – even stronger. Not including prescriptions which is often too much for many.
If you like to see how my retinol can help you, use the BookNow button on the right side of this page and book an Advanced Skin Consult today.
  from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/08/02/retinol-or-vitamin-a-for-the-skin/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Will Wearing a Mask Aggravate Acne?
Face Mask
I get asked this question all the time. The simple answer is that it could aggravate your acne. However, are there are some things you can do that will really help your skin not suffer from wearing a mask.
Make sure you are placing your mask over CLEAN CLEAN skin.
Moisturize your skin before placing your mask on.
Use a thin film of vaseline or Aquaphor on your skin. This provides “slip” so your mask won’t rub the skin. Rubbing the skin is called Acne Mecania or robbing of the skin. Rubbing the skin actually aggravates the skin but masks are too important not to wear one.
Wear cotton masks, ones that “breath”. Synthetic fabrics do NOT breath and that will aggravate the skin even more. I use medical masks daily and I like them best.
If you are wearing a cotton mask you can wash, change them daily, and wash them daily. Reapply masks you have worn before will put dead skin, old skincare, dust, and dirt right back on your face. Not good.
Use a laundry detergent that is for Sensitive skin. Avoid perfume, oil, or dye in your detergent.
When you are not around other people, take your mask off your face.
If you wear makeup, do not use foundation on your cheeks or chin area. Play up your eyes with makeup. Even ACNE safe makeup is not a good idea.
If you are in my acne program, please do wear your acne skincare under the mask. Just no makeup. Applying vaseline or Aquaphor over your home care will not affect how it works.
from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/07/26/will-wearing-a-mask-aggravate-acne/
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skincarebyrobyn · 4 years
Effective Acne Ingredients
In the treatment of Acne, there are many ingredients that are used to treat different kinds of Acne. In my program, there is no one size fits all. This explains how these ingredients, when used properly can help clear you Acne.
Effective Acne Treating Ingredients and Their Main Functions
Mandelic Acid: Anti-fungal, Antibacterial & Brightening
Salicylic Acid: Oil Soluble, Anti-inflammatory, and Antibacterial
Lactic Acid: Brightening, Smoothing, Enhances Hydration
Glycolic Acid: Fast Acting, Resurfacing
Azelaic Acid: Beneficial for Rosacea, Anti-fungal, Brightening
Vitamin A: Keeps pores clear long term and builds collagen
Benzoyl Peroxide: Ant-inflammatory and oxygenating, assists in killing anaerobic bacteria.
Sulfur: Anti-inflammatory and Keratolytic
I use all of these ingredients but in with every client and not all at once. I am a Holistic Acne Specialist. My products are all safe for acne with no pore-clogging ingredients and have been formulated carefully so they are not harsh yet very effective. Most clients entering my program clear in 3-4 months.
If you need help clearing your acne, click the link below and book an Acne Consultation. let’s talk.
  from Skin Care Acne https://www.skincareacnetreatmentdenver.com/2020/07/12/effective-acne-ingredients/
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