skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
Jet: I just want to know, if I didn't have the money, would you still talk to me and be so happy around me?
Me thinking: hell no
Me: baby relax. Knowing you and talking to you I could never be with anyone else like I am with you.
Jet: Thank you. I just needed to hear it
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
Any FL sugarbabies wanna meet up during the summer?
I will be near Tampa all summer and I know its FULL of sugar daddies just waiting to spoil! If any sugarbabies want to meet up and freestyle I will be open. Any takers?
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
JET called me to explain
So there has been this wannabe sugarbabe that has been after him for a while. To the point of him seriously thinking about filing a restraining order. He told her that me and him are pretty serious and that we are going to England. He told me that she is very pretty but that she, obviously unlike me (his words, not mine), was very desperate. Well, thank you very much JET, that is what I aim for. 
I guess I have to explain our relationship a little. I am his 'girlfriend' as far as his kids, ex-wife, and the people he works with know. Apparently they are used to it because he has had young actual girlfriends before. He wants people off his back about him being single (and I think secretly to get his exwife jealous), so he pays me for that. We don't have sex. As far as an actual relationship goes we might kiss, hold hands, usual public stuff. 
 Anyway, main thing to take away from this is DO NOT BE DESPERATE. DRIVES THE MONEY AWAY!!!
side note: so he is telling me this and we laugh about how silly girls can be, he tells me how grateful he is to have me yada yada yada, I use my sexy voice, tell him a picture will be coming his way soon, he is giddy,we hang up, I roll over my bed and continue eating pizza and drinking my beer. This whole week has been a binge due to exams. Taking my booty to the gym starting tomorrow. 
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
JET: alright well you get your rest and I will head on home
Me: alright bye babe
Me: Babe?
JET: Did you just say you love me?
Me: I said bye babe hehe
JET: oh okay lol good night honey
That was so awkward......
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
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 I can't even......
 But hell if he pay good money....
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
The more you look like money, the more money you will attract
This was from a long time ago but I took a screen shot of this and use it to remind myself before I go out on a date.
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
I think my boyfriend would be the perfect SD
He comes from a rich family, is used to a luxurious life, loves to get me gifts just because, rarely ever goes for the cheapest option, loves travel, is very smart, is fucking sexy, loves showing me off, has a very profitable future, has his grandpa's charm (his grandpa can still make waitresses blush, it is insane the power these men have), and is very classy, not immature. I really want to stay with him and watch him flourish as a business man. He is already older than me. Damn. I feel really lucky and hope that me and him stay together and marry and I live richly ever after :D
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
So JET is really religious
And he wants me to read the bible with him....wth...I said sure but I really meant HELL NO.
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
I just keep getting weird messages today
Got a guy on SD asking for a wife and kids. These are lines straight from the message. I am honestly not joking:
I am wanting to find the "one very special lady " who will be my life partner ....... I am very sincere in my search for someone "special" to spend the rest of my life with ....I have never had children of my own , so the possibility of having a family or a child together , would be something that would be very dear to my heart . . . . . . . I dearly Love children . I don't know if being a full time mom fits in to your dreams , maybe being the "Sharpest Soccer Mom" in town........... let me make it very clear .......... if you and me were to have us a baby boy , he would be a well provided for child, and I know he would take care of his pretty Mother . (smile)  I hope you are smiling ! So ........ what do you think ?  "
This guy does have a lot of money. He is legit. But he is also very very crazy.
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
Just got a message on SA saying he is looking for a different type of arrangement. He pretty much wants a hot chauffer to drive him around and have conversations with him. Uuummmmm Have you ladies had anything like this? I don't know what to say...
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
JET is buying me a new scooter! I know for some of you sugars that is nothing special but in my town I can get wherever I want in a scooter and now that mine is damaged I could really use it. Plus gas for one week is $1.50-2.00. I think I will be able to get a 2 stroke Vespa. It’s very sturdy and among the best scooters but something I would only be able to dream of if it wasn’t for JET. This also means I will have to get a motorcycle license! Another thing to cross off my list thanks to JET :) The only problem will be explaining my new acquisition to my parents and my boyfriend. You sugars got any ideas?
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
So this is how it went down
Me and JET have been talking for a few weeks now. He fell for me pretty hard and thinks I'm a princess and yada yada yada, you sugars know the rest.
He mentioned to me that he does not like pushy women or feeling like an ATM. For this reason, and I know it goes against sb code, I didn't bring up the arrangement or mention anything about an allowance at all during any of our conversations. I just got to know him better and that's it. I told him someone hit my scooter (Yes I have one and I pimped it out, but now it is useless ;'( ) and that I was looking for a new one, that I needed someone to pay my schooling, and that I took the bus to get to my parent's city. That is all I ever mentioned regarding money.
So yesterday, when we were setting up our date, he got really serious and said "So, we haven't really talked about an arrangement, and I really want to spoil you. I know you mentioned school, which I can just give you a credit card for that. But how much money do you expect to make once you get your degree?"
I was a little surprised with his question. I actually have no idea, so I said "From $12-15 an hour." He was so shocked. Saying that a princess deserves more than that. Then he asked me about what my monthly expenses are. I made a previous post about this, so I pulled that post up. But then for some weird reason I felt like exaggerating my expenses. He asked me if I would feel comfortable with  4k a month. I told him that would just about cover everything, but that I found it really important to save for my future so I could invest later on. He is an investor so he liked that. He bumped it up to 5k and a 20k credit card for me to use.
He asked me how I felt about that. I was almost in tears, I have never seen so much money in my life. I told him I had never been treated like a princess before but that I could get used to it. And that if he kept this up I would have to start charging for my jokes. He laughed. I tried to recollect myself. And then I thanked him and told him I could not be any happier that when I talk to him.
I will be getting my first allowance this weekend on our date.
After we hung up I danced around the room for a good hour. I can't wait to tell my mom about my 'scholarship' and that I have found an 'amazing job' that will help pay for my scooter and fix my car, and help them with bills, and pay my rent.
Also sugars, I am not having any sex with JET. He knows that. So for the sbs that think that sex is mandatory to get a good allowance, it definitely is not.
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
Just got myself a 5k allowance!
Sugars I have no idea how I had the guts and the cleverness to get this.
Thank you Sugar Gods!!!!!
And thank you all wonderful sugars for all your help!
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
Style Help
Girls I need your help.
I have no clue when it comes to shopping. When I decided to become a sb, I started buying fashion magazines and ripping out outfits that I liked and sticking them on my wall to give me inspiration. But I am still completely clueless when it comes to brand NAMES. I only know about a handful. Do you girls know any blogs, websites, or forums where I can educate myself?
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
JET is getting kind of clingy.....have to make this work to my favor or I will start having some issues.
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skinlikehoney-blog · 11 years
Talk with JET
Was awesome as always, I was able to show him various sides of me (no crazy bitch, but more intelligence, culture, humor) which he enjoyed. It was good. It felt good. So I was talking with him for a little over 3 hours. Don't even know where the time went. He is pretty serious about this so I am very happy.
Hung up with him, NO LIE, a second later my boyfriend called me all worried. Said I hadn't answered any of his texts. I had completely forgotten about that because he usually doesn't text me at night unless it's a quick 'good night'.
Lesson learned tonight:
1.DO NOT call JET from actual phone again.
2.Keep tabs on bf, make sure he is happy.
Both rookie mistakes, but I am glad they happened to me now so I can learn from them and not later on when it would cause real trouble.
BF leaves in 4 months back to his country so after that it will be much simpler, but I don't know what I am going to do about this internship JET is offering me during the summer. I would have to move out of state and my bf will most likely go up to visit me, knowing him.
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