skinniscorp · 3 years
You give off the vibes of someone who buys cryptocurrency :/
just tell me to kill myself
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skinniscorp · 4 years
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skinniscorp · 4 years
Trauma often messes with one’s ability to say “no”. 
You either consciously or subconsciously think, “I don’t want to hurt this person’s feelings” or “If I say no, then they’ll hurt me” or “It won’t really be that bad” or “I can handle this” or “I need to do this to prove myself” or “I deserve this”, or you forget that “no” is even an option.
It’s still not your fault if you didn’t say “no”, even if you think maybe you could have. It’s still not your fault. You didn’t deserve what happened to you and you didn’t bring it upon yourself. It was never your fault.
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skinniscorp · 4 years
I’m so close to my first goal weight 🤩🤩🤩
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skinniscorp · 4 years
i need $$$ not feelings
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skinniscorp · 4 years
okay but maybe the voices of actual disabled people should be considered more relevant in discussions on disability rights than the voices of abled people
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skinniscorp · 4 years
how do i delete myself and everything ive ever said from other ppl’s minds
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skinniscorp · 4 years
I’ve been getting high more and I think it’s curbing my appetite ?
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skinniscorp · 4 years
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skinniscorp · 4 years
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skinniscorp · 4 years
As promised, i made this list of safe foods (anything under 300cal) including recipes, snacks and drinks :D
all measurements are in metric, i live in the uk so some of the snacks might not sell in your country
Meals under 300 Calories ⭐️
Low Calorie Pancakes - around 40 cal per a medium sized pancake
• 60g of plain flour • 1 medium egg • 150ml 0% fat milk (can be semi-skimmed or almond milk) • 45ml water OPTIONAL - you can add sugar so it doesn’t taste so plain
I recommend fry light which i believe is 5cal or less
• Put flour and milk in a large bowl then add egg, mix together well. Add water and make sure it has mixed together to make a light batter. • Turn the heat to medium and heat up your pan. Spray it with fry-light once. • Using a ladle, pour the pancake mix onto the pan to make a medium sized pancake. • Cook for about 45 seconds then flip over then cook for 30 seconds.
If the pancake is too plain for your liking you can sprinkle a pinch of sugar on top or spread on a little bit of peanut butter.
French toast - 230 Calories
• 1 egg - 150cal • Sweetener x2 - 5cal • 1 slice of danish bread - 70cal • Fry light - less than 5cal
• In a bowl, crack your egg and sweetener then whisk together with a fork. • Heat on pan low heat for 5-7 minutes then spray with fry light. • You can either dip your bread into the egg mix or pour it on top. • After 2 minutes flip the slice over and cook until both sides are golden brown. You can enjoy this with tea or a smoothie and it’s a pretty filling breakfast.
Cheese Toastie - Around 270 cal • 2 thin slices of whole meal bread • 20g of Cheddar
• Heat up grill and put slice of bread on, then cheese then put slice on top. • Close grill and flip over every 2 minutes until cheese is melted and bread is golden/brown
Iced coffee mine is 15-20 cal per serving, depends on how much you drink • 200ml of coffee • 20ml of unsweetened almond milk • sweetener x2
• Brew your coffee in a mug/french press then let sit in the fridge for 2-3 hours (or until cold). • When done, in a cup add your ice then in a separate mug add sweetener and coffee then mix together. Afterwards add your almond milk and pour into mug with ice.
Strawberry and Banana Smoothie (im so original wow 😂😂) - Approx 90 Cal • 1 cup of sliced strawberries • 1 Banana Peeled • 30ml of almond milk • 2 spoons of yoghurt
• Put all in blender or nutribullet and blend well until smooth. you can add whipped cream or sweetener but that’s all for preference.
Water - 0cal • Water, can be tap, spring, boiled or fiji METHOD • Walk to the tap in the kitchen and get a cup and fill it up. OR • Go to the nearest store, buy a bottle of water then twist open the lid and enjoy. You can add ice to it or freeze the bottle over night but do what you want.
• Rice Cakes - the ones i find in tesco (a supermarket in the u.k.) are 35 cal each. • 2 marshmallows - 50 cal • Hartley’ Sugar Free Jelly - 10cal • Mr Freeze Ice Pop - 28 Cal • 1 Cup of Watermelon Cubed - 30 Cal • Tic Tacs (I like the orange and lime) - 2 cal • Weight Watchers Hot Chocolate - 40 cal per sachet • 2 Crackers & Peanut Butter - 93 cal • Kit Kat (per finger) 54cal • M&S Chocolate Teacake - 80cal
OTHER • 100g of cooked spaghetti - 170 Cal • 100g of cooked white rice - 130 Cal • 1 Teabag (PG Tips) - 1cal • Coke Zero and just about any other diet soda - 1cal • Pukka Three Mint Tea (personal fav) - 0 Cal • Chamomile&Vanilla Tea - 0cal
Reminder - These are my go to “safe foods” or what i try to eat when i’m not fasting ✨🖤
NOTE - Some people may not consider these safe foods because of chocolate, dairy and carbs but honestly eating only veggies, fruits and drinking diet coke won’t keep you alive 💁🏽
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skinniscorp · 4 years
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skinniscorp · 4 years
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skinniscorp · 4 years
blogs active in 2021, reblog ! starting the year by following people who actually post and keep me on track !
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skinniscorp · 4 years
Today I made healthy sausage rolls and a toblerone cheesecake for my family.
I didn’t pick at any of the ingredients so I’m very proud of myself
I actually enjoyed cooking? And I didn’t even want to inhale any of the toblerone or cream cheese
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skinniscorp · 4 years
if someone is feeling upset, depressed or suicidal, can they talk to you? if yes, please reblog this so they know they can message you.
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skinniscorp · 4 years
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